KMR,l Aitkin County 2D 8t16t21 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMISS1ONER.S VOUCHERS ENTRTES Page 1 Print List in Order By: 2 1 - Fund (Page Break by Fund) Page Break By: 2 1 - Page Break by Fund 2 - Department ftotals by Dept) 2 - Page Break by Dept 3 - Vendor Number 4 - Vendor Name Explode Dist. Formulas?: N Paid on Behalf Of Name on Audit List?: N Type of Audit List: D D - Detailed Audit List S - Condensed Audit List Save Report Options?: N E .IIITIGN^TID KMRl Aitkin County tI rm*rcnrgYfrDrr$ 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMTSSTONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRTES 1 General Fund Page 2 Vendor Name BBt Warrant Description lnvoice # AccounUFormula Description 1 099 No. AccounUFormula Accr Amount Service Dates Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name DEPT Commissioners 86222 Aitkin lndependentAge - 01 -001 -000-0000-6230 't62.26 JULY 13 SYNOPSIS 84881 'l Printing, Publishing & Adv 86222 Aitkin lndependentAge 't62.26 1 Transactions 9048 Napstad/Brian 01 -001 -000-0000-6330 1 ,615.60 115121-Bl9l21 Mileage Transportationff ravel/Parking N 9048 Napstad/Brian 1,515.60 I Transactions 6097 Verizon Wireless 01 -001 -000-0000-6250 35.01 NrEMr MrFr (1545) 9885251345 Telephone N 07to2t2021 08101t2021 01 -001 -000-0000-6250 35.01 MARCOTTE MtFt (2245) 98855661 39 Telephone N 07t05t2021 08t04t2021 01 -001 -000-0000-6250 33.37 WEDEL - CELL PHONE 9885622481 Telephone N 0710712021 08106t2021 6097 Verizon Wireless 103.39 3 Transactions 1 DEPT Total 1,881 .25 Commissioners 3 Vendors 5 Transactions Copyrig ht 20 1 0-2021 I ntegrated Fi nancial Systems KMRl Aitkin County 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMTSSTONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRTES 1 General Fund Page 3 Vendor Name Bp! Warrant Description lnvoice # AccounUFormula Description 1099 No. AccounUFormula Accr Amount Service Dates Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 12 DEPT Court Administration 2810 Lanson/Shari S 01 -012-000-0000-6232 1,647.15 Legal Fees Attorney Services o5to1t2021 07t29t2021 2810 Larson/Shari S 1,647.15 I Transactions 9046 Lofiler Companies, lnc. 0 1 -0 1 2-000-0000-6250 27.20 Aug phone bill lN-80010460387 Telephone N o8to1t2021 08t3w2021 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 27.20 1 Transactions 12 DEPT Total: 1,674.35 CourtAdministration 2 Vendors 2 Transactions Copyright 201 0-2021 lntegrated Financial Systems m m lrrrginrtrn KMRl Aitkin County tiil rtr'lrncrusYmms 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMTSSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRTES 1 General Fund Page 4 Vendor Name Bp! Warrant Description lnvoice # AccounUFormula Description 1 099 No. AccounUFormula Accr Amount Service Dates Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 40 DEPT Auditor 9561 Amazon Business 01 -040-000-0000-6625 27.93 WRELESSKEYBOARD,MOUSE,PEN lGDK-G4QL-4X7D Capital - Office & Other Equipment N 9561 Amazon Business 27.93 1 Transactions 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 01 -040-000-0000-6250 32.64 Aug phone bill lN-80010460387 Telephone N o8t01t2021 08R0t2021 0 1 -040-02 1 -0000-6250 27.20 Aug phone bill lN-80010460387 Telephone N 08t01t2021 08t30t2021 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 59.84 2 Transactions 86290 Mn Counties lnformation Systems 01 -040-000-0000-6231 4,977.00 CTYPAYQTR PAYROLL2O2l 2056 Services, Labor, Contracts N 86290 Mn Counties lnformation Systems 4,977.00 't Transactions 9014 PAPER STORM 01 -040-021 -0000-6231 88.40 PAPER SHREDDING 8/5 16984 Services, Labor, Contracts N 90{4 PAPER STORM 88.40 I Transactions 86235 The Office Shop lnc 01 -040-000-0000-6405 17.53 RED GEL PENS 1099528-0 Office Supplies N 01 -040-000-0000-6405 63.71 POCKET FILE FOLDERS 1 099528-1 Office Supplies N 01 -040-000-0000-6405 9"70 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1099655-1 Office Supplies N 86235 The Office Shop lnc 90.94 3 Transactions 40 DEPT Total: 5,244.11 Auditor 5 Vendors 8 Transactions Copyright 201 0-2021 I ntegrated Financial Systems mtx$ssrEt KMRl Aitkin Gounty ttl pnuncnr$fnrs 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMTSSTONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 1 General Fund Page 5 Vendor Name EBt Warrant Description lnvoice # AccounVFormula Description 1 099 No. AccounUFormula Accr Amount Service Dates Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 42 DEPT Treasurer 607 GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES - 01 -042-000-0000-6405 157.90 URGENT stamp / seal emboss 0329039 Office Supplies N 607 GOVERNMENT FORMS & SUPPLIES 157.90 I Transac{ions 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 01 -042-000-0000-6250 16.32 Aug phone bill rN-8001 0460387 Telephone N o8to1t202'l o8t30t2021 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 16.32 I Transactions 14330 US Bank 01 -042-000-0000-6231 117.53 Ricoh MP 5054SP Copier 450126537 Services, Labor, Contracts N 14330 US Bank 117.53 1 Transactions 42 DEPTTOTAI 291.75 Treasurer 3 Vendors 3 Transactions Copyri g ht 20 1 0-2021 I ntegrated F inancial Systems ffi I?!I IIITSGNATED KMRl Aitkin County tsil nxrr'rcursrsrurs 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMTSSIONER,S VOUCHERS ENTRTES 1 General Fund Page 6 Name Vendor EBt Warrant Description lnvoice # AccounUFormula Description 1 099 No. AccounVFormula Accr Amount Service Dates Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 43 DEPT Assessor 9561 Amazon Business 01 -043-000-0000-6405 19.99 WRELESS MOUSE - SP IDCL-Q\ /6Y-QC91 Office Suppties N 9561 Amazon Business 19.99 1 Transactions 10452 AT&T Mobility 01 -043-000-0000-6250 317.53 WRELESS PHONE AND IPADS 287298660812 Telephone N 06t26t2021 07t25t2021 10452 AT&T Mobility 317.53 1 Transactions 4641 Holiday Credit Office 01 -043-000-0000-651 1 546.92 JULY FUEL & CARWASH 1400000147443 Gas And Oil N 07to|t2021 07131t2021 4641 Holiday Gredit Office 546.92 I Transactions 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 01 -043-000-0000-6250 65.29 Aug phone bill lN-8001 0460387 Telephone N 08t01t2021 08t30t2021 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 65.29 1 Transactions 9686 MAAP 01 -043-000-0000-6208 55.00 MAAP VIRTUAL WORKSHOP 2021 CO Training/Education N 01 -043-000-0000-6240 't0.00 MAAP MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL CATHY Dues & License Renewal N 9686 MAAP 65.00 2 Transactions 6097 Verizon Wireless 01 -043-000-0000-6250 35.01 MIFI CARD 9885305591 Telephone N 07t02t2021 08t01t2021 6097 Verizon Wireless 35.01 { Transactions 43 DEPT Total: 1,049.74 Assessor 6 Vendors 7 Transactions Copyrig ht 201 0-2021 I nteg rated Financial Systems ffi tll t$rFcn^rrD KMRl Aitkin County lil rrrru.ls[snTrfls 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMTSSTONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRTES 1 General Fund PageT Vendor Name Bpt Warrant Description lnvoice # AccounUFormula Description '1099 No. AccounUFormula Accr Amount Service Dates Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 4 DEPT Central Services 783 Canon Financial Services, lnc 01 -044-000-0000-6231 248.78 JULY CANON RENT 27021992 Services, Labor, Contracts N 07101t2021 0713112021 783 Canon Financial Services, lnc 248.78 I Transactions 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 01 -044-000-0000-6250 27.20 Aug phone bill lN-80010460387 Telephone N o8to1t2021 08t30t2021 9046 Loffler Companies, Inc. 27.20 'l Transactions 3334 MC|T 01 -044-000-0000-6231 236.00 EDP #1 COVEMGE INCREASE 5940 Services, Labor, Contracts N 3334 MC|T 235.00 1 Transactions 89081 North Ambulance Brainerd 01 -044-000-0000-6841 2.925.OO JULY 2021 AMBULANCE 7t2021 Ambulance Appropriations N 89081 North Ambulance Brainerd 2,925.00 I Transactions 44 DEPTTotal 3,436.98 Central Services 4 Vendors 4 Transactions Copyri g ht 201 0-2021 I ntegrated F inancial Systems KMRl Aitkin Gounty 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMM|SS|ONER,S VOUCHERS ENTRTES I General Fund Page 8 Vendor Name BBt Wanant Description lnvoice # AccounUForm ula Description 1099 No. AccounVFormula Accr Amount Service Dates Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 45 DEPT Motor Pool 50 Aitkin Body Shop, lnc 01 -045-000-0000-6302 1,838.98 Motor Pool Car Repairs #61 13233 Car Maintenance N 07t26t2021 50 Aitkin Body Shop, lnc 1,838.98 'l Transactions 45 DEPT ToIaI: 1,838.98 Motor Pool I Vendors I Transactions Copyright 201 0-2021 lntegrated Financial Systems ffi TlI IHTECNAICD KMRl Aitkin Gounty Eil rrnncnr$YsTEfis 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMISSIONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES 1 General Fund Page 9 Vendor Name Bp! Warrant Description lnvoice # AccounVFormula Description 1 099 No. AccounUFormula Accr Amount Service Dates Paid On Bhf # On Behalf of Name 49 DEPT lnformation Technologies 9561 Amazon Business 01 -049-000-0000-6402 39.32 SSKALUMINUM M.2 NVME SSD ENCL 16VG-799P-TCTP Computer/Technology Supplies N 01 -049-000-0000-6402 45.64 QTY = 2 / GE 6-OUTLET SURGE PR lLCT-F79F-CKR3 Computer/Technology Supplies N 9561 Amazon Business 84.96 2 Transactions 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 01 -049-000-0000-6250 32.64 Aug phone bill lN-8001 0460387 Telephone N 08t01t2021 08t30t2021 9046 Loffler Companies, lnc. 32.64 1 Transactions 3195 MCCC LOCKBOX 01 -049-000-0000-6208 385.00 LINKEDIN LEARNINGI YEAR LICENS 21071'14 Training/Education N 3195 MCCC LOCKBOX 385.00 1 Transactions 86290 Mn Gounties lnformation Systems 01 -049-000-0000-6231 7,960.00 CTYTMQTR3s PROPERry T M 2021 2056 Programming, Services, Contracts 01 -049-000-0000-6231 17 ,401.00 CTYTMQTR65 PROPERry TAX 2021 2056 Programming, Services, Contracts 01 -049-000-0000-6231 50.00- CTYTAXADJ3s PROPERry TAX 2019 2056 Programming, Services, Contracts 01 -049-000-0000-6231 621.00 2021 PRESTO ANNUAL SUPPORT 2067 Programming, Services, Contracts 01 -049-000-0000-6231 1,277.00 CTYHOSTMNT-3RD QTR 2021 2078 Programming, Services, Contracts 01 -049-000-0000-6231 2,550.00 CTYHOSTLV2-3RD QTR 202.I 2078 Programming, Services, Contracts 01 -049-000-0000-6231 859.00 CTYHOSTRES-3RD QTR 2021 2078 Programming, Services, Contracts 86290 Mn Counties lnformation Systems 30,618.00 7 Transactions 49 DEPT Total: 31,120.60 lnformationTechnologies 4 Vendors 1 1 Transactions Copyrig ht 201 0-2021 I nteg rated Fi nancial Systems ?:r lttrEdnArErt KMRl Aitkin Gounty lil nxmrcuustrt$itf 8116121 2:16PM Audit List for Board COMMTSSTONER'S VOUCHERS ENTRIES I General Fund Page 10 Vendor Name Bpt Warrant Description lnvoice # AccounUFormulaDescription 1099 No.
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