1 Ronald S. Kravitz (CA State Bar No. 129704) Edward S. Zusman (CA State Bar No. 154366) 2 LINER YANKELEVITZ SUNSHINE & REGENSTREIF 601 Montgomery Street, Suite 900 3 San Francisco, CA 941 11 Tel: 415-438-4321; Fax: 415-434-4689 4 Peter S. Myers (CA State Bar No. 115113) 5 Kevin Urbatsch (CA State Bar No.168380) THE MYERS LAW FIRM 6 260 California Street, Suite 801 San Francisco, CA 941 1 1 7 Tel: 415-951-8100; Fax: 415-951-9700 8 Steven Ross (Pro Hac Vice) LAW OFFICES OF STEVEN ROSS 9 1886 Beach Avenue, Suite 1 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 10 Tel: 904-249-8799; Fax: 904-247-2322 11 Attorneys for Plaintiffs CHRISTINE CHANG, JAMES HUFFMAN AND JOSEPH DOLLIVER 12 13 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 14 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 15 SAN JOSE 16 ) MasterFile No. C-99-20743-RMW 17 JOINDER IN DEFENDANTS McKESSON 1 CORPORATION AND McKESSON 18 IN RE McKESSONHBOC, INC. 1 INFORMATION SOLUTION INC.’S SECURITIES LITIGATION ) REQUEST TO STAY THE ACTION 19 1 PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION OF ) CHANG 20 1 1 Date: June7,2002 21 1 Time: 9:OO a.m. 1 Ctm.: 6‘h, 4‘h Floor 22 This Document Relates To 1 Judge: The Hon. Ronald M. Whyte C-02-0685 RMW (Adams) ) 23 ) Defendants. ) 24 25 26 Ill 27 Ill 28 Ill JOINDER IN DEFENDANT McKESSON’S REQUEST TO STAY ACTION Case No. C99-20743 RMW 1 1 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 2 Plaintiffs Chstine Chang, James Huffman,and Joseph Dolliver herebyjoin in 3 Defendants McKesson HBOC, Inc.’s and McKesson Information Solutions,Inc.’s 4 (“McKesson”) request to stay the Adams’ action pending the final resolution of Christine CImng, 5 et a1 v. McKesson HBOC, Inc., et al. USDC Northern District ofCaliforni?. Case No. C 90- 6 20030 RMW. 7 8 9 DATED:May 28,2002 Respectfully submitted, 10 LINER YANKELEVITZ SUNSHINE & REGENSTREIF 11 12 13 onald S. Kravitz Attorneys for Plaintiffs 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JOINDER IN DEFENDANT McKESSON’S REQUEST TO STAY ACTION Case No. C49-20743 RMW 2 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 I am employed in the San Francisco, State of California, over agethe of eighteeY.1 yexrs, and not a party to this action. My business address isLiner Yankelevitz Sunshine & Regenstreif L:,P, 601 California Street, gth Floor, SanFrancisco, California 941 11. On May 28, 2002, I served the within document: JOINDER IN DEFENDANTS McKESSON CORPORATION AND McKESSON INFORMATION SOLUTION INC.'S REQUEST TO STAY THE ACTION PENDING FINAL RESOLUTION OF CHANG in this action, by placing truea copy thereof enclosed in asealed envelope as follows: 6 [XI by transmitting via facsimile the document(s)listed above to the fax number(s) set forth be ow 7 on this date between thehours of 8:OO a.m. and 6:OO p.m. The facsimile transmission was reported as complete and without error by the transmitting facsimile machice. 8 [XI by Mail; I am readily familiar with thefirm's practice of collection and processing 9 correspondence for mailing with the U.S. Postal Service. Under that practice it would be deposited with theU.S. Postal Service on that same day with postagethereon fully prepaid in 10 the ordinary course of business.I am aware that on motion of the party served, service by mail is presumed invalid if thepostal cancellation dateor postage meter date on theenve1o:)e 11 is more than oneday after date of depositfor mailing containedin this affidavit. 12 by Federal Express, or other express service carrier providingfor overnight delivery, by 0 depositing the document in a box or other facility regularly maintained by the expressservi;e 13 carrier, in an envelope or packagedesignated by the express service carrier with deliveryfezs paid or provided for, addressed to the person onwhom it is to be served,at the address;es) 14 set forth below. 15 0 by causing the document(s) listed above to be personally delivered to the address(es) set forth below. 16 I See Attached Service List 17 18 I declare under penaltyof perjury under the laws of the United Statesand the Statecf ~ California that the above is true and correct. I declare that I am employed in the office of arnembe:. of ~ 19 ! the bar of this court at whose direction the service was made. ! 20 Executed on May 28,2002, at San Francisco, California. 21 1 22 A-&"h Kelly Horakl 23 24 25 26 27 28 0090017/001/ 109126~1 1 SERVICE LIST 2 Co-Lead Counsel for Plaintiff 3 Leonard Barrack Gerald J. Rodos 4 M. Richard Komins BARRACK, RODOS & BACINE 5 3300 Two CommerceSquare 2001 Market Street 6 Philadelphia, PA 19 103 Tel: 21 5-963-0600 7 Fax: 215-963-0838 8 Stephen R. Basser BARRACK RODOS & BACINE 9 402 West Broadway, Ste. 850 San Diego, CA 92101 10 Max W. Berger 11 Daniel L. Berger Rochelle Feder Hansen 12 BERNSTEIN, LITOWITZ BERGER& GROSSMAN LLP 1285 Avenueof the Americas 13 33'd Floor New York, NY 100 19 14 Tel: 212-554-1400 Fax: 212-554-1444 15 Alan Schulman 16 BERNSTEIN, LITOWITZ BERGER& GROSSMAN LLP 12730 HighBluff Drive, Ste. 100 17 San Diego, CA 92130 18 COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF JACOBS 19 Lawrence A. Callaghan SEVERSON & WERSON 20 One Embarcader Center, Ste. 2600 San Francisco, CA 941 11 21 Tel: 415-389-3344 Fax: 415-956-0439 22 COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF RICHARDA. COHEN 23 Daniel C. Girard 24 GIRARD & GREEN LLP 160 SansomeStreet, Ste. 300 25 San Francisco, CA 94104 26 27 28 0090017/001/ 109126vl 1 COUNSEL FOR PLAINTIFF ALBERT ADAMS 2 Brian McTigue Bruce F. Finaldi 3 THE McTIGUE LAW FIRM 55 13 Connecticut Avenue, Ste.220 4 Washington, D.C. 2001 5 Tel: 202-364-6900Tel: 5 Fax:202-364-9960 6 Ellen M. Doyle MALAKOFF DOYLE & FINBERG, P.C. 7 437 Grant Street, Ste.200 Pittsburg, PA 15219 8 412-281-8400Tel: Fax: 41 2-28 1-3262 9 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANTS McKESSON HBOC, INC. 10 James E. Lyons 11 Timothy A. Miller SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM, LLP 12 4 Embarcadero Center, Ste.3800 San Francisco,CA 941 1 1 13 Tel: 4 15-984-6400 Fax: 415-984-2698 14 Jonathan J. Lemer 15 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM, LLP 4 Times Square 16 New York, NY 10036 Tel: 212-735-3000 17 Fax: 212-735-2000 18 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP 19 Marshall B. Grossman Michael L. Cypers 20 Gwyn Quillen ALSCHULER, GROSSMAN, STEIN& MANLLP 21 2049 Century Park East, 39th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067 22 Tel: 3 10-55 1-9 100 Fax: 3 10-552-6077 23 Stan G. Roman 24 Tarcy Clements KFUEG, KELLER, SLOAN, REILLEY & ROMAN LLP 25 114 Sansome Street,7th Floor San Francisco,CA 941 04 26 Tel: 41 5-249-8330 Fax: 415-249-8333 27 28 0090017/001/ 109126~1 2 1 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT BEAR STEARNS & CO. 2 Paul H. Dawes Alon Stabinsky 3 LATHAM & WATKINS LLP 135 CommonwealthDrive 4 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Tel: 650-328-4600Tel: 5 Fax: 650-463-2600 6 Dennis J. Block Jonathan M. Hoff 7 CADWALADER, WICKERSHAM & TAFT 100 Maiden Lane 8 New York, NY 10038 Tel:2 12-504-6000 9 Fax: 212-504-6666 10 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT ALBERT J. BERGONZI 11 Dorothy Yates Kirkley Julie Schwartz 12 Penn Payne KIRKLEY & PAYNE LLP 13 999 Peachtree St., N.E. Atlanta, GA 30309 14 Tel: 404-892-878 1 Fax: 404-892-3662 15 Paul A. Renne 16 Charles Schaible COOLEY GODWARD LLP 17 One Maritime Plaza, 20thFloor San Francisco, CA 94111 18 Tel: 415-693-2000 Fax: 41 5-95 1-3669 19 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANTS BITTERMAN, FRIEDMAN, PIETRUSKI, POTTRUCK, 20 REICHARDT, SEELENFREUND, SHAW& WATERMAN 21 Melvin R. Goldman Paul T. Friedman 22 MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP , 425 Market Street 23 San Francisco, CA 94105-2482 Tel: 4 15-268-7000 24 Fax: 415-268-7522 I , 25 26 I ,I 27 28 309001 7/001/ 109126vl 3 1 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANTS ECKERT, INCARNATI, IRBY, JACOBS, MAYO, NAPIER AND WEGMILLER 2 Samuel R. Miller 3 James Goldberg FOLGER, LEVIN & KAHN 4 Embarcadero CenterWest 275 Battery Street, 23rd Floor 5 San Francisco, CA 941 11 Tel: 415-986-2800 6 Fax: 41 5-986-2827 7 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT JAY GILBERTSON 8 John A. Reding Grace A. Carter 9 Maria Graesser PAUL HASTINGS JANOFSKY & WALKER LLP 10 Twenty-Ninth Floor 345 California Street 11 San Francisco,CA 941 04 Tel: 415-835-1600 12 Fax: 415-217-5333 13 John Parker Eric Jon Taylor 14 PAUL HASTINGS JANOFSKY & WALKER LLP 600 Peachtree Street, NE, 24th Floor 15 Atlanta, GA 30308-2222 Tel: 404-8 15-2400 16 Fax: 404-8 15-2424 17 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT RICHARD HAWKINS 18 William F. Alderman OFUUCK, HERRINGTON & SUTCLIFFE 19 Old Federal ReserveBank Building 400 Sansome Street 20 San Francisco, CA 941 11 Tel: 415-392-1 122 21 Fax: 415-773-5759 22 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT JAY LAPINE 23 Ben Suter KEESAL, YOUNG & LOGAN 24 Four Embarcadero Center, Ste. 1500 San Francisco, CA 941 11 25 Tel: 415-398-6000 Fax: 415-981-0136 26 27 28 0090017/001/ 109126~1 4 8 1 Tony G. Rogers Kimberly L. Myers 2 ROGERS & HARDIN 2700 International Tower, PeachtreeTower 3 229 Peachtree Street, NW Atlanta, GA 30303-1601 4 Tel: 404-522-4700 Fax: 404-525-2224 5 COUNSEL FOR DEFENDANT MARKA. PULIDO 6 Mark J. Stein 7 David B. Hennes Gregory B. Lare 8 FRIED, FRANK, HARRIS, SHRWER &JACOBSON One New York Plaza 9 New York, NY 10004-1980 Tel: 212-859-8000 10 Fax: 212-859-4000 11 James T.
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