18 BETTER THEATRES SECTION OF April 16, 1927 "Reflecting the Most Glorious Period in Architectural F antasy"- • Grauman's new Chinese theatre as viewed from Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles. The house is heing erected at a cost of $2,000,- 000. It will seat 2,200 on one floor. • , 1 rauman s • Something Di -Daring-.and, Apparently Charming VERITABLE crown jewel in H oll y­ Fronting on famed H ollywood boulevard lamps casting iridescent rays. An ornate A wood's diadem of magnifi cent and novel at Orchid avenue in the very heart of the and dainty pagoda garden house forms the architecture, Grauman's Chinese theatre, cinema capital of the world, all the mys­ box office. hailed as th e mos t ornate playhouse yet to tery of the Orient is suggested by its low­ The massive but delicately fabricated be dedicated to Thespi s, is co mpleted, ering minarets of burnished copper frown­ front of the theatre, reaching gel feet above ready to be elaborately furnished fo r a in g in si lent grandeur on one of the the forecourt, like a titanic pagoda shrine spectacular opening ea rly in May. bl1 siest thorough fa res of the universe. of the Chinese dynasties before the time The palatial edifice is a monument to the A solid facade of maso nry, 40 feet hi gh, of King Solomon, enhances the illusion genius of Sid Grauman, nationall y famed surmounted by four ornate obelisks, pre­ created in the court of entering another as an artifice r of magnificent playhouses sents the effect of a huge gate of entrance worId. as well as the pee rl ess impresario of the between the terminal pi ers of a great Ori­ The bronze square-cut pagoda roof, aged picture play prologue. It represents the ental garden, which opens to the view as to the color of green jade, is underlaid by realization of Grauman's dream of years a gigantic elliptical forecourt with 40-foot two immense octagonal piers of coral red to erect a theatre magnificent enough to wall s, planted with full grown cocoa palms enriched at their lofty summits by great provide a gorgeous setting for the greatest and rare tropical trees, after the custom wrought iron masks. Underneath the roof motion pictures, . dramas or operas to be of the Chin ese in bringing forestry and and deep set between the piers is a mam­ created in decades to come. woodland life into the hearts of their moth stone dragon modeled in relief on * * * cities. a slab 30 feet square. Reflecting the most glorious period in * * * Immediately in front of the dragon a architectural fantasy, the early Chinese Chinese vines and verdure droop from bronze statue of striking beauty symbol­ dynasties, and authentic in structural de­ the summit of the towering walls and hang izes the human genius of poetry and drama, tail, Grauman's Chinese theatre will be un­ from bronze baskets, while beneath on while a surrounding aura of golden flames veiled to the world with Cecil De Mille's opposite sides of the forecourt two colos­ suggests the ever-burning fires of dramatic pre-eminent screen opus, "The King of sal fountain bowls, 10 feet high, fashioned fancy and creation. Kings," presaged by Sid Grauman's su­ to represent stone flowers catch the s{}ray Directly beneath the statue is the en­ preme creation as a prologue spectacle, as from bronze gargoyles high above, to be trance to the main foyer of the theatre the initial attraction. illuminated at night by gorgeous jeweled (Continued on page 39) April 16, 1927 EXHIBITORS HERALD 19 GRA AN"S • 1- n e s e THEATRE Is an innovation in theatre design and construc­ tion. It is now nearing completion in Los An· geles. Detail of foyer of Grauman's Chinese theatre. Huge red lacquer columns Fantastic Chinese d~coration s have been and colorful Chinese decorations make up the embellishments of the walls. worked out in the stone for decorative The latest Grauman playhouse will have a scating capacity of 2,000 . wall efT ects as shown above. • • • A huge elliptical forecourt set with rare tropical trees forms the entrauce to Grauman's new Chinese theatre. Throughout, the thea· tre is resplendent in motifs of the early Chinese dynasties. April 16, 1927 EXHIBITORS HERALD tre is a color symphony, based on the one. 1 A Description dominating color of all Chinese art, red, interpreted in ruby, crimson, pale scarlet 0/ Grauman's and coral lacquer, with complementary hues to provide contrasting values and accents, • and bronze, gold, stone, and silver in their tnese natural huges as principal embellishments. * * * Chinese artistry has been combed through- eatre out the world in selecting the furnishings (Continued from page 18) of the theatre. The carpets and rugs of the foye rs were woven in China after de­ through intricately wrought lacquered signs prepared to harmoni ze with the thea­ doors. This spacious vestibule is flanked tre itself. The auditorium carpet produces on four corners by gigantic red lacquer " a n effect of flame like radiance with a columns four feet in diameter, reaching complimentary jade green tone. The length 30 feet to the ceiling. The amazing effect of the repeat in the design is the largest created by these gorgeous pillars i.s mag­ that ever has been woven, being .12 feet nified by the walls themselves, v-.:hlch en­ in diameter. The chairs were made from compass the great foyer with a faIry world a special design to insure th e maximum in with gardens, cities, and iridescent human com fort and artistry, and are upholstered figures and animals, the master work of the in red with fanci [ul fl ower designs on the painters' artistry. sea t backs. * * * The flanking vestibules of the foyer, or The fir eproo [ curtain of the stage simu­ rather its extension on each side, present lates the twin doors of an immense lac­ an amazing reversal of the main vestibule. quered cahi net, painted to depict a fantastic Here the ceilings are of the same gorgeous and mimic worl d o f gilded and romantic red lacquer as the columns paneled and Chinese fancy again st a peacock blue back­ decorated with silver flowers above plain g round. walls of bright gold which transforms into The stage is one of the largest in the old gold through the radiance shed by a world, of size and structure capable of marvelous ceiling chandelier. presenting the greatest dramas, operatic The main auditorium, which seats 2,200 productions or extravaganzas that may be on one floor, gives the impression of enter­ developed in the next decade. It dimen­ ing a gigantic shrine of the time of the sions are 150 feet wide, 71 feet high and Five Emperors or the dynasty of Hsia, 46 feet deep, four times the size of the when the world was very young. The mas­ a ve rage of Los Angeles leading playhouses. sive effect is created through two rows of * * * colossal stone columns on each side of the . The stage fl oor is ingeniously built in auditorium, octagonal in shape and seven secti ons, making it possible to drop a por­ feet in diameter, reaching the lofty ceiling. ti on or the entire stage to a 20-foot pit These columns with the side walls form beneath for di sappea ring or appearing sets great corriders as side entrances to the of any magnitude. The entire scenes can seats, producing the effect when first en­ be Ii fted in tact to the vast stage loft, and tered of gazing into interminable space, one sid e of the stage is open, permitting with the colossal pillars opposed by the a mammoth scene to be shunted completely towering walls, ornamented with silvered set up, on or off the stage at any time. arborescence on deep red in titanic propor- • A II th e pow er and lighting used on the tlOns. stage is developed by its own powerplant The infinite detail of the great auditorium and an auxiliary dynamo system makes the and the massive but delicately wrought entire theatre independent of outside elec­ scale in which it has been executed pro­ tricity. It has its own heating and ventilat­ duces an awe-inspiring effect. The center ing plant of the most modern type. doily of the ceiling, 60 feet in diameter, is In designing and building the theatre, entwined with immense silver dragons in Sid Grauman has spared neither expense relief bordered with a circle of giant gold nor time in utilizing every development of medallions. modern genius to enhance the comfort and Extending to the side walls are a myriad conveni ence of guests. The retiring rooms of panels each presenting some fanciful are models o f their kind, the ladies' room scene of Chinese antiquity, with emperors, being solidly paneled with full length generals and domestic animals and birds wall mirrors, each with a gold receptacle incorporated in ingenious detail to hold the fo r powder and toilet artides. attention. * * * * * * The finest and most compl ete moti on pic­ From the center is suspended a. gigantic ture machinery in the country is to be chandelier of bronze in the form of a co­ in stall ed in the projec ti on room, which lossal round lantern', giving an effect of electri cal engin eers have pronounced a consummate grandeur by its extreme sim­ model of its kind. plicity, its only ornaments being rows of incandescent bulbs giving the effect of huge crystal strands.
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