Iona Baseball Career Records

Iona Baseball Career Records

Iona College Athletics Record Book Updated Through 2020 Season IONA BASEBALL CAREER RECORDS GAMES PLAYED BATTING AVERAGE # Player Years GP # Player Years AVG 1.) Joe Torres 2011-14 197 1.) Neil Murphy 1990-93 .370 1.)HITS Chris Burke 2009-12 226 2.) Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 192 2.) Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 .362 2.)# Rob Player Fortner-Villanova 2001-04Years 220 H 3.) Chris Burke 2009-12 188 3.) Wil Pikolycky 1998-00 .356 3.) John Penatello 1995-98 208 4.) Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 187 4.) John Penatello 1995-98 .353 4.) Joe Torres 2011-14 203 Kyran Connelly 1994-98 187 5.) Liam O’Keefe 1997-98 .349 5.) Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 201 6.) Greg Toher 1996-99 185 6.) Bill Maguire 1986-87 .347 6.) Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 193 7.) Matt Callahan 2003-06 182 7.) Matt Guiliano 1991-94 .344 Kyran Connelly 1994-98 193 8.) Fran Kinsey 2016-19 181 8.) Derek Wachter 1989-91 .339 8.) Fran Kinsey 2016-19 185 John Penatello 1995-98 181 9.) Marcelo Alcoba 1992-95 .334 9.) Manny Pizarro 1998-01 185 9.) Vinny DeMaria 2013-16 180 10.) Manny Pizarro 1998-01 .332 10.) Matt Callahan 2003-06 184 Matt Kriss 2010-13 180 11.) Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 .330 11.) Matt Kriss 2010-13 180 11.) Jimmy Guiliano 2012-15 179 12.) Jason Kalle 1996-00 .329 12.) Rob Babbini 1987-90 178 12.) Tyler Bruno 2014-18 178 Kyran Connelly 1994-98 .329 13.) Chris Lombardo 1998-02 177 13.) Joe Smith 2011-14 175 14.) Chris Burke 2009-12 .328 Allie Abbatiello 2005-08 175 14.) Chris Lombardo 1998-02 174 Rob Babbini 1987-90 .328 15.) Wil Pikolycky 1998-00 175 15.) Brian Merkle 1995-98 173 16.) Dean DeGaetano 1989-92 .326 16.) Matt Guiliano 1991-94 174 16.) Matt Byrne 2013-17 171 Dave Filipkowski 1992-96 .325 17.) Jimmy Guiliano 2012-15 171 17.) Allie Abatiello 2005-08 169 18.) Jose Zapata 1997-00 .323 18.) Greg Toher 1996-99 170 18.) Pat Polese 1993-96 165 19.) Matt Passerelle 1998-00 .317 19.) Brian Merkle 1995-98 164 19.) Andrew Wernicki 2006-09 164 20.) George Phillips 1987-91 .314 20.) Matt Byrne 2013-17 163 Mike Perrone 2001-04 164 unter Sibley 21.) Marcelo Alcoba 1992-95 161 Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 164 22.) Luke Lambo 2000-03 .312 22.) James Beck 2009-12 159 21.) Franco H Miele 1997-992019-20 .312 .313 23.) George Phillips 1987-91 154 23,.) Jon Budesa 2015-19 162 Jerry DeFabbia 1989-91 .312 24.) Mike Perrone 2001-04 153 24.)22.) Manny Chris Griffin Pizarro 1998-012008-11 160 163 Travis Garcia 2001-03 153 25.) Steve Sallustio 2001-04 157 AT BATS RUNS SCORED DOUBLES # Player Years AB # Player Years R # Player Years 2B 1.) Joe Torres 2011-14 755 1.) John Penatello 1995-98 190 1.) Sam Tolisano 1983-86 49 2.) Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 690 2.) Kyran Connelly 1994-98 153 2.) Marcelo Alcoba 1992-95 48 3.) Chris Burke 2009-12 689 3.) Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 149 3.) Chris Burke 2009-12 47 4.) Fran Kinsey 2016-19 672 4.) Joe Torres 2011-14 139 4.) Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 46 5.) Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 666 5.) Chris Burke 2009-12 137 5.) Wil Pikolycky 1998-00 44 6.) Matt Callahan 2003-06 649 6.) Matt Guiliano 1991-94 133 6.) James Beck 2009-12 43 7.) Jimmy Guiliano 2012-15 638 7.) Marcelo Alcoba 1992-95 127 George Phillips 1987-91 43 8.) Matt Kriss 2010-13 610 8.) Greg Toher 1996-99 124 8.) Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 42 Chris Lombardo 1998-02 610 9.) Fran Kinsey 2016-19 121 Manny Pizarro 1998-01 42 10.) Vinny DeMaria 2013-16 609 10.) Manny Pizarro 1998-01 119 Derek Wachter 1989-91 42 11.) Greg Toher 1996-99 602 11.) Wil Pikolycky 1998-00 117 11.) Brian Merkle 1995-98 41 12.) Allie Abbatiello 2005-08 595 Dave Filipkowski 1992-96 117 12.) Mike Chiaravalloti 2009-12 37 13.) John Penatello 1995-98 590 13.) Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 113 Kyran Connelly 1994-98 37 14.) Kyran Connelly 1994-98 587 14.) Rob Babbini 1987-90 112 Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 37 15.) Manny Pizarro 1998-01 557 15.) Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 111 15.) Greg Toher 1996-99 36 Matt Byrne 2013-17 557 16.) Brian Merkle 1995-98 107 16.) Fran Kinsey 2016-19 35 17.) Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 555 Travis Garcia 2001-03 107 Joe Torres 2011-14 35 18.) Joe Smith 2011-14 547 18.) Neil Murphy 1990-93 105 Joe Lorenzo 2006-08 35 Rob Babbini 1987-90 543 19.) Derek Wachter 1989-91 102 19.) Travis Garcia 2001-03 33 20.) Andrew Wernicki 2006-09 542 David Crane 1993-96 102 20.) Matt Kriss 2010-13 32 21.) Brian Merkle 1995-98 529 21.) George Phillips 1987-91 101 Matt Callahan 2003-06 32 22.) Nick Rossetti 2009-11 527 Matt Byrne 2013-17 101 John Penatello 1995-98 32 Matt Guiliano 1992-94 32 24.) James Beck 2009-12 523 Neil Murphy 1990-93 32 25.)23.) Tyler Chris BrunoGriffin 2014-182008-11 510 526 Rob Babbini 1987-90 32 Iona College Athletics Record Book Updated Through 2020 Season IONA BASEBALL CAREER RECORDS TRIPLES RUNS BATTED IN BASES ON BALLS # Player Years 3B # Player Years RBI # Player Years BB 1.) John Penatello 1995-98 12 1.) Kyran Connelly 1994-98 140 1.) John Penatello 1995-98 148 2.) Wil Pikolycky 1998-00 10 2.) Chris Burke 2009-12 138 2.) Kyran Connelly 1994-98 133 3.) Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 9 3.) Brian Merkle 1995-98 133 3.) Marcelo Alcoba 1992-95 111 Vin Orrico 1984 9 4.) George Phillips 1987-91 132 4.) Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 106 Matt Byrne 2013-17 9 5.) Matt Guiliano 1992-94 125 5.) Mike Chiaravalloti 2009-12 97 6.) Matt Guiliano 1992-94 8 Neil Murphy 1990-93 124 6.) Joe Torres 2011-12 93 Neil Murphy 1990-93 8 7.) James Beck 2009-12 119 7.) Matt Guiliano 1992-94 90 Phil Favicchio 8 8.) Derek Wachter 1989-91 112 8.) Tyler Bruno 2014-17 87 9.) Greg Toher 1996-99 7 9.) Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 111 9.) Brian Merkle 1995-98 84 Glen McElroy 1984-85 7 10.) Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 108 10.) Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 82 11.) Jimmy Guiliano 2012-15 6 Marcelo Alcoba 1992-95 108 11.) Fran Kinsey 2016-19 80 12.) Jack Sweeney 1989-91 6 12.) Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 103 12.) Niko Switalla 2016-19 77 Pete Pisacano 1984-89 6 13.) Greg Toher 1996-99 101 13.) Pat Polese 1993-96 74 John Penatello 1995-98 101 14.) Chirs Burke 2009-12 73 15.) Joe Smith 2011-14 5 15.) Dave Filipkowski 1992-96 98 David Crane 1993-96 73 Luke Hugh LamboHarold 2000-03 5 6 16.) Manny Pizarro 1998-01 96 16.) Jimmy Guiliano 2012-15 71 Manny Pizarro 1998-01 5 17.) Pat Polese 1993-96 95 Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 71 Kyran Connelly 1994-98 5 18.) Chris Lombardo 1998-02 94 18.) Lou Matarazzo 2016-18 69 Bob Thalheimer 1989-93 5 19.) Fran Kinsey 2016-19 93 Steve Stavros 1988-90 5 John Barone 1997-00 93 20.) Greg Toher 1996-99 64 Rob Babbini 1987-90 5 Jason Kalle 1996-00 93 19.) Dave Chris FilipkowskiGriffin 1992-962008-11 64 66 22.) Wil Pikolycky 1998-00 91 23.) Nick Rossetti 2009-11 90 23.) Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 62 24.) Elloid Alquila 1996-99 89 22.) Pete Seth PisacanoHoagland 1984-892015-18 62 63 25.) David Crane 1993-96 86 25.) Robert Cruz 1991-95 61 SLUGGING PERCENTAGE # Player Years SLG 1.)HOME Brian RUNS Merkle 1995-98 38 1.) Neil Murphy 1990-93 .730 2.)# Neil Player Murphy 1990-93Years HR32 2.) Derek Wachter 1989-91 .631 3.) Chris Burke 2009-12 31 2.) Brian Merkle 1995-98 .603 4.) George Phillips 1987-91 28 3.) Marcelo Alcoba 1992-95 .593 5.) Derek Wachter 1989-91 26 4.) Elloid Alquila 1996-99 .584 6.) Kyran Connelly 1994-98 25 5.) George Phillips 1987-91 .580 Marcelo Alcoba 1992-95 25 6.) Bill Maguire 1986-87 .574 8.) Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 24 7.) Wil Pikolycky 1998-00 .560 9.) John Barone 1997-00 22 8.) Matt Guiliano 1992-94 .551 10.) Elloid Alquila 1996-99 21 9.) Chirs Burke 2009-12 .540 Andrew Passerelle 2007-10 20 10.) Kyran Connelly 1994-98 .537 Marcel Galligani 1990-92 20 11.) Franco Miele 1997-99 .536 Manny Pizarro 1998-01 19 12.) Jason Kalle 1996-00 .535 Dave Filipkowski 1992-96 19 13.) Marcel Galligani 1990-92 .534 15.) Matt Guiliano 1992-94 19 14.) Dave Filipkowski 1992-96 .532 16.) James Beck 2009-12 18 15.) John Penatello 1995-98 .529 Greg Toher 1996-99 18 16.) Manny Pizarro 1998-01 .528 18.) Mike Chiaravalloti 2009-12 17 17.) Rob Fortner-Villanova 2001-04 .514 19.) Jason Kalle 1996-00 16 18.) Jeff Spilsbury 1989-92 .510 John Penatello 1995-98 16 21.) Nick Rossetti 2009-11 15 Robert Cruz 1991-95 15 Bob Thalheimer 1989-93 15 24.) Travis Garcia 2001-03 14 25.) Allie Abbatiello 2005-08 13 Franco Miele 1997-99 13 Iona College Athletics Record Book Updated Through 2020 Season IONA BASEBALL CAREER RECORDS APPEARANCES WINS # Player Years APP # Player Years IP # Player Years W 1.) Shawn Walsh 2005-08 82 1.)INNINGS Eddie PITCHED Macaluso 2011-15 325.0 1.) Rob Moore 1995-98 18 2.) Kyle Ackley 2015-18 69 2.) Bill Maier 2014-17 317.0 2.) John Barone 1998-00 17 3.) Mike Schwanter 1994-96 63 John Novinsky 1998-00 17 4.) Andrew Pucillo 2013-17 62 4.) Ralph Bonelli 1991-94 234.2 5.) Tom Kriss 2010-13 61 5.)3.) Joe Marty DeRosa Hand 2015-172003-07 227.1 270.0 Ralph Bonelli 1991-94 17 6.) Kenny Dietrich 2010-14 59 6.) Rob Moore 1995-98 222.2 Scott Holecek 1993-96 17 7.) Ryan Sullivan 2000-03 58 7.) Justin Wiley 2007-12 220.1 Bill Maier 2014-17 15 8.) Vinny Martin 2014-18 57 8.) Chris Lopez 2002-05 216.1 8.)6.) Sean Marty Breen Hand 1993-962003-07 14 15 9.) Eddie Macaluso 2011-15 56 9.) Justin Wiley 2007-11 13 Chris Lopez 2002-05 56 10.) John Novinsky 1998-00 197.0 Greg Keating 1999-02 13 Justin Carey 1999-02 56 11.)9.) Nick Stephen Stanziani Hansen 2004-08 2017-20 194.2 211.2 11.) Tony Tufano 1989-91 12 Andrew Camiolo 2014-17 56 12.) Sean Breen 1993-96 191.2 13.

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