Q> Semicentennial Cuba Report Never Dies The Thresher Page Three Celebrating Rice's Semicentennial Year Volume 50—Number 10 HOUSTON, TEXAS WED, NOVEMBER 28, 1962 Pottle Arrives, Dean Praises Student Ideals, Thorp Returns In English Series College's 'Spiritual Influence' The Fondren Lecture Lounge By EUGENE KEILIN not to the practical but to ideas will be the site of two literary "The university never wholly and to relations with his fellow lectures within the next week. loses its spiritual influence on the. students." The experience at a Dr. Frederick A. Pottle, profes- young men and women who come university is for most students sor of English from Yale Univer- to it seeking knowledge," Dean their first real independence from sity is slated to discuss James of Students S. W. Higginbotham their families and is a period of told an Autry House audience as Boswell in "Boswell Revalued" at "growing responsibility and ded- a speaker in the continuing ser- 8 p.m. on November 29th. ication to high purposes." ies, "The University and Its The second presentation of the Work." On the other hand, the Dean English Department will be Dr. said, the world which the student Willard Thorp. Thorp, a disting- The Dean pictured a dedication enters upon graduation is a mix- uished literary authority and past on the part of the university to ture of "Hollywood versions of member of the Princeton Univer- the service of humanity and of sex relations," the "tawdriness of sity faculty, is to speak on "Lit- the students to the pursuit of Madison Avenue ai-t" and a pa- erary Scholars as Chameleons" truth. triotism which is often mere at 8 p.m. December 4th. "formulistic ritual." "THE STUDENTS," he said, IN RELATION to his picture DR. LESTER CHANDLER POTTLE is a world famous bi- DR. FREDERICK POTTLE "are basically idealistic, placing ographer of James Boswell as exaggerated emphasis of the ab- of the ideal university, the Dean was generally satisfied witth well as Sterling Professor of An extremely popular man with sence of restraint." The Dean at- Federal Reserve Rice, but he was willing to ad- English at Yale. His works on the student body, Thorp moved tributed this feeling to the stu- mit and make some criticisms. Boswell are quite numerous and the school to a newly-found inter- dent's dedication to democracy. Officials To View "There is a tendency," he said, comprehensive of the journalist's est in English and drama. In general, the Dean gave his Economic Stability entire life. wholehearted approval to stu- "for the professor to think in Professor Pottle graduated After graduating from Hamil- dent idealism. "At no other time terms of reproducing himself." The Department of Economics summa cum laude from Colby Col- ton College in 1920 with Phi Beta are people quite so fine and at- The instructor should realize that at Rice University will present lege and proceeded to receive his Kappa honors, Williard 'Thorp tractive as when they come to col- he is preparing his students for the second in its Fiftieth Anniver- M.A. and Ph.D. at Yale. Present- went on to earn a master's degree lege," he said. a wide variety of vocations and sary public lecture series. "The ly he is acting as Chancelor of at Harvard and a doctorate at should react accordingly. Nation's Economic Objectives:: The Dean pictured a student's the Academy and contributing to Princeton. Along these lines, the Dean ob- Roots and Problems of Achieve- alma mater as the "repository of many other literary and philo- served that a "law school might ment," on Monday, December you as you would like to remem- sophical societies. ber yourselves." The student, he be a desirable addition to Rice 3rd, at 8:00 p.m. in the Lecture Senior rings will be avail- said, "glories in tfte pursuit' of because it would bring a type Lounge of Fondren Library. The DR. THORP is making his see- able next week, class president truth" while in school, but must of mind somewhat missing on speaker will be Dr. Lester V. on trip to Rice University. In the John McKnight announced to- graduate into a world "far less the campus—philosophical, quiz- Chandler. early nineteen-fifties he was a day. They can be obtained at idealistic than a university." ical, curious about society out- visiting professor in the English the RMC on Monday or Tues- DR. CHANDLER, a Public Di- Department and brought about THE UNIVERSITY, the Dean side the campus. This attitude day upon payment of the bal- would be beneficial, particularly rector and Deputy Chairman of what students called "a renais- ance due. said, is a community where the the Federal Reserve Bank of sance in the humanities field." student may live a life "devoted to the humanities." Philadelphia, and Rentschler Pro- IT WAS APPARENT from his fessor of Economics and Chair- prepared remarks that the Dean man of the Department of Eco- FIVE ACADEMS, FIVE S-E's was concerned about relations be- nomics at Princeton, will speak tween students, and is was not. on "Economic Stability." surprising when, in answer to a Professor Chandler is: a pro- PBK Chooses Ten Seniors question, he remarked, "The stu- lific writer in the field of econom- dents don't speak to one an- ics and has published four major By RICHARD DARILEK jor, Houstoia; James Edwin' FOR KATHLEEN MUCH the other. This above all things on works in the post-World War II In bestowing the highest honor Jones, a Wichita Falls physics news had a special significance. campus worries me." era, including "Economic Proces- for the highest academic distinc- major; "It's nice to keep it in the fam- Asked about Rice's admissions ses and Policies," which he wrote tion, the Rice University Chapter Robert Roy Maxfield, also of ily!" she said. Her mother was policies, the Dean commented, in collaboration with William J. of Phi Beta Kappa elected ten Wichita Falls, electrical engineer- elected to Phi Beta Kappa on "Many of the points of friction Baumol of Princeton. members - in - course from the ing; Kathleen Much, Houston, April 1, 1938. in inter-student relationships could be avoided by a broader HE IS a member of the Amer- Class of 1963. French major; Paul Bruce Pipes, "We always tell her that it was r range of abilities. ican finance Association and is Jr., physics, Fort W°' th; Martin an April fool joke. Of course, I MRS. KATHERINE F. Drew, "As long as our admission is a former member of the Research David Tilson, III, a philosophy am very happy at my ovmi elec- current secretary of the Rice selective," he continued, "we Advisory Board for the Commit- major from Texarkana; Mark tion." Chapter, approved the designees can't justify ourselves from a tee for Economic Development. (all Texans): Howard Vaughn of San Benito, Initiation of this first group of a physics major. electees will take place at 5:00 social point of view unless we The lecture series, to be pub- Myra Shultz Bahme, a history p.m. December 14, in the Lecture provide educational .leadership, lished in book form at the end major from Houston; Mary Fae HOWEVER, THIS is but the' Lounge of Fondren Library. The although we must not indulge in of the year, will attempt to de- Coulter, an English major from first contingent of this class's second group will be initiated at fads.'' termine how the nation's econom- San Antonio; Dillard Wayne Far- total possible membership, ex- the society's annual banquet in THE DEAN was particularly ic objectives have changed in ies, a Kerrville physics major; plained Mrs. Drew. It is the cus- April. (Continued on Page 10) the last fifty years. Diana Joan Frosch, a French ma- tom of the University's chapter, though, to hold a first election in the fall and a second in the spring. New Open House Laws Introduce Rimlinger Tapped For Jones Master The Rice Chapter, which was formally installed as a member While Class Takes Semester Leave of this famous national honor Three-Person Rule, Limited Hours ends. On "very special" occa- The guiding hand at Jones Col- to occupy the Master's House, but society on March 1, 1929, is "Women may visit men's quar- sions, however, the Master or lege next semester will belong to he expressed his intention to be bound by its constitution to limit ters only when there are at least Dean may alter the hours of an a different arm. Dr. Gaston V. present at the college daily. He these selections to 10% of the three persons pi-esent." authorized open-house. Rimlinger will replace Master began attending meetings of the students receiving the B.A. de- This regulation was last on a Calvin M. Class during the spring college cabinet this week. gree in any one year. list of six released by the Office "Special occasions" and "very term while Dr. Class is on sab- EXPRESSING HIS confidence THE THRESHER contacted at of the Dean of Students: this special occasions" were not de- batical leave. in both the new Acting Master random a few of these honored week pertaining to Open-house fined. Dr. Rimlinger's appointment and the Jones government, Dr. electees to obtain a representa- in the men's residential colleges. Open-houses may be held on a as Acting Master by President Class said that the problems cre- tive, initial reaction to the an- THE RELEASE stressed the Saturday or a Sunday, but not Kenneth S. Pitzer and Dr.
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