• MIGRACIÓN CUBANA • OSCAR LÓPEZ RIVERA 12 San Francisco Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! workers.org Vol. 59, No. 4 Jan. 26, 2017 $1 ‘Resist Trump’ goes global Millions join women’s marches By Monica Moorehead It is estimated that more than 4 million people, the have so many people come out in the streets on the same vast majority of them women, participated in women’s day in solidarity and resistance — this time with wom- Consider these astounding numbers: 750,000 in Los marches in more than 500 U.S. cities. They also protest- en’s rights the major focus. Due to the sheer numerical Angeles; 500,000 in Washington, D.C.; 500,000 in New ed in more than 100 cities outside the U.S. — on every magnitude of these demonstrations, the J21 marches York City; 250,000 in Chicago; 150,000 in San Francis- continent, including Antarctica. These estimated num- could not be ignored by the mainstream media or the co; 150,000 in Boston; 150,000 in Denver; 100,000 in bers were compiled by Jeremy Pressman (@djpressman) incoming Trump administration. Oakland; 100,000 in London. These numbers represent at the University of Connecticut and Erica Chenoweth (@ What started out as a modest call for a Jan. 21 march some of the largest demonstrations that took place on ericachenoweth) at the University of Denver based on nu- against Trump by one Hawai’i-based woman on Face- Jan. 21, ignited by the inauguration of the racist, mi- merous media reports, including Facebook and Twitter. book, on the night of the Nov. 8 presidential election, sogynistic, xenophobic Donald Trump as the 45th U.S. Not since the massive global protests on the weekend exploded into an earth-shattering phenomenon. Social president. of Feb. 15-16, 2003, right before the U.S. war on Iraq, media was used once again as the catalyst to catapult Continued on page 8 Atlanta Ketchikan, Alaska Bogota, Colombia Bangkok, Thailand UPPER LEFT PHOTO: CRIS HILO; ATLANTA PHOTO: STEVE EBERHARDT; LOWER LEFT WW PHOTO: SHELLEY ETTINGER; WWPHOTO: TERESA GUTIERREZ New York City Nairobi, Kenya Repression fuels resistance in DC By Taryn Fivek repress anti-Trump activists. chanting slogans and joining others for hot coffee and Washington, D.C. Despite that, Jan. 20 was a day of determined fight- breakfast. Then North Carolina comrades arrived, their back, beginning with the J20 Resist rally at Anti-Co- chants raising the energy of the crowd to an even more Jan. 23 — The last of the Workers World delegation lumbus Circle, which generated a mood of revolution- spirited level. By the time the rally ended at 11 a.m., left Washington, D.C., today with people affiliated with ary optimism that continued throughout the day. The thousands of militant socialists had gathered to march. Shut It Down NYC. Three of them were among the more Boston School Bus Drivers Union, United Steelworkers The J20 Resist crowd, 2,500 strong, streamed out than 200 who had been kidnapped, tortured, detained Local 8751, arrived in formation before the sun was up, Continued on page 6 and slapped with trumped-up charges after protesting the official coronation of the newest defender of the MORE J20/J21 COVERAGE 5-8 ruling class on Jan. 20. The state, in its eager effort to stamp out any spark of resistance to President Donald FREE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS 2, 10 Trump’s racism and sexism, was swift in its attempts to BECOMING A REVOLUTIONARY 10 Subscribe to Workers World SOUTH KOREA crisis continues 11 4 weeks trial $4 1 year subscription $30 POTUS SPEECH simple but dangerous 7 Sign me up for the WWP Supporter Program: workers.org/articles/donate/supporters_/ Milwaukee, Wis. Name ____________________________________________ Email ______________________________Phone __________ Actions honor MLK legacy 3 Street _________________City / State / Zip_________ PHOTO: SUE RUGGLES Workers World 212.627.2994 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl, NY, NY 10011 workers.org Roanoke, Va. Page 2 Jan. 26, 2017 workers.org Chelsea Manning wins release By Chris Fry lected, calling on President Obama to commute Man- ning’s draconian sentence and release her. Over the strenuous objections of Pentagon chief Ash Faced with oppression so intense that she twice tried to Carter, President Obama commuted the 35-year sen- commit suicide, last summer Manning conducted a high- In the U.S. tence of Chelsea Manning. She is now slated for release ly publicized hunger strike. Although her jailers punished Millions join women’s marches.............................1 in May. Manning, who announced the day after she was her for that by putting her in solitary confinement, she Repression fuels resistance in DC...........................1 sentenced by a military court that she is transgender, has won key demands for hormone treatments and permis- spent the last seven years in a Marine stockade and fed- sion to wear some makeup and female undergarments. Chelsea Manning wins release .............................2 eral male prison. Manning has reported that she has not been harassed Clemency denied for Peltier ‘but we will keep fighting’.....2 Manning was a U.S. Marine intelligence analyst in Iraq. by fellow inmates at the Fort Leavenworth federal men’s Greensboro city workers form union .....................3 She turned over some 750,000 military files, diplomatic prison. “I have friends,” she said. MLK Day in militant motion ..............................3 cables and videos to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks. Manning and her determined supporters had to over- One video showed helicopter crews laughing as they ma- come intense opposition from the imperialist establish- Wealth more concentrated as poverty grows .............4 chine gunned several civilians in Baghdad in 2007, includ- ment, the military brass and the same intelligence agen- Coast to coast resistance to Trump .......................5 ing two Reuters news reporters holding cameras. cies that conducted the tortures that she exposed. House J21 a ‘call to action’.......................................6 Additional files revealed that the Pentagon counted Speaker Paul Ryan called Manning’s commutation “out- Women march against sexism, racism & Trump ...........6 thousands more of its civilian victims than it had revealed rageous.” Trump’s pick for deputy national security di- to the U.S. public. Still others showed that the military rector, K.T. McFarland, called for Manning to be tried for Trump’s inaugural speech ................................7 knew that there was no justification for detaining prison- treason and executed. (talkingpointsmemo.com, Jan. 18) Bay Area: 120 hours of direct action vs. Trump ............7 ers at Guantánamo and that the detainees had nothing to With Donald Trump and many of his advisors open- How do people become revolutionaries? ................10 do with the 9/11 attacks. Manning revealed pressure by ly advocating attacks on civilians, torture and other war Washington on other countries to maintain the infamous crimes, Chelsea Manning’s hard-won release is an im- Around the world “rendition” torture chambers scattered around the globe. portant victory. It means that these hard-core right-wing- Palestinians protest Trump threat to move U.S. Embassy Since Chelsea Manning was arrested in 2010, she has ers, despite all their forces of repression, will face expo- to Jerusalem .............................................8 been supported by many progressive organizations as sure of their crimes by brave heroes like Chelsea Manning Why is the U.S. attacking Venezuela? .................... 9 well as the LGBTQ community. In the last few months, and, sooner than they think, will face the judgment of the more than 117,000 online petition signatures were col- workers and oppressed here and across the planet. Honduras, migrants and Trump ..............................9 Finally, a pledge to release Oscar López Rivera ..............10 Political turmoil deepens in so. Korea .......................11 Peltier clemency denied ‘but we will keep fighting’ Noticias en Español Al fin, promesa de liberación de Oscar López ............12 The following email from the International Leonard mistake — Leonard has been hit hardest of all. Migración cubana y política bélica estadounidense......12 Peltier Defense Committee was issued on Jan. 18. But let’s not mourn so very long. Instead, let’s move Brothers, sisters, friends and supporters: ever forward. Channel your grief and anger in a positive Our hearts are heavy today. President Obama has de- way. Remember that Leonard still needs our help. He nied Leonard’s application for a commutation. His name needs quality health care and a transfer to a medium-se- appears on the Jan. 18 list of commutations denied by curity facility, among other things. We’ll always work to- Obama as issued by the Office of the Pardon Attorney. wards freedom for Leonard, but these actions may help Leonard’s attorney, Martin Garbus, was also notified. to make his life more bearable until freedom is won. Today, in an email, Leonard wrote: “If I should not [re- Now, we urge you to write to Leonard and help to keep ceive clemency] then after we are locked in for the day his spirits up. Tell him you won’t give up, that you’ll walk I will have a good cry and then pick myself up and get the rest of the way with him. Send cards and letters to: Workers World myself ready for another round of battles until I cannot Leonard Peltier #89637-132, USP Coleman I 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. fight [any] more. So, don’t worry. I can handle anything P.O. Box 1033, Coleman, FL 33521 New York, NY 10011 after over 40 years.” Thank you for your hard work and determination. Phone: 212.627.2994 It’s hard to bear such a blow, though. And make no Blessings to all of you. Please stay tuned. E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.workers.org Vol. 59, No.
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