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University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 5-3-1967 Kabul Times (May 3, 1967, vol. 6, no. 34) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 3, 1967, vol. 6, no. 34)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1487. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1487 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , , , -. , " , , .,- ., .. -- \. " ,• .' \ . \ I' I '\ ' \.- , "=".~!., .. , ' \ . I' "--t I· .,.... ~ '.: , , .. I \ \ for.precil. calculations PAGE, 4 TaE KABUL TIMES APRIL 2, 1967 J '. , ~ FOR SHEER , , ~ , DEIlGHT .ee/sa.,:,: , Afghan Week In Revie\y= ~~... '\ II' 1 t oJ ES '~\ , Ptofit, . , , MCJiwandwal, Johnson Meet In WClshington ~iestige , ,- By M. Ibrahiln hearing about their work instructed .' Portability As part- of his two-week official year development plans, the United thcm to step up forestation and plant ViSit to the United States, Prime States government played an 1m more improved olive trees and othcr MInister Mohammad Hashim Mai· portant part. sapllngs suitable to the climate on Price AI ) wanowal, who arrived in Washing· While Prime Minister Maiwand­ the new farms KABUL, MONDAY, APRn.. 3 1967 (HAMAL'l3, 1346,S.H.) ton March. 28. held talks WIth US wal was in Washington it was an­ His Majcsty also ordered "more , . Pn:siaent Lyndon Johnson and other nounced that President Johnson had all bearing plants such as the sun­ Vol. VI, No.9 li,overnment offiCials offered and Afghanistan had accept· ftower be raised and that produc­ In a Jomt statement issued by Prtme ed the after ot an American stud:-' tion ot sugAr cane, sugar beet, and ·....1Iillster £vla1wandwal and Prcsl­ group to advIse the Afghan govern· nee be increa~~d after doing the PM RECEIVES dent Johnson after their talks at the ment on ways to make Afghanistan prellminarv retearch required" Wolesi Jirgah Elects White House, the U.S Pres~dent as­ agrIculturally self..sufficient sured the Pnme Minister of a The study group will be composed To help cotton growers and to en· HONORARY t.ont1nUlng US deSire to "do its of experts from the U,S Agency for courage the ptpductlon of this valu­ \Co~mittee part 10 assistIng Afghamstan's ei~ Inte-national Development and the able Item, which constitutes one of Members LLD TODAY lorts for implementLng development Agriculture Department the main export items of the coun­ , KABuL, Apnl 3, (Bak,htar)- under Its Third Five Year Plan," try, last week it was announced ltd members to the House s Com­ the launching of which was declar~ Afghanistan has been making great that the MiOlstry of Agriculture and The Woles. Jirgah SUIld: e ec e Industnes Commerce, InterIOr SANTA BARBARA April 3:­ ed in Prime Mmister Maiw8nd~ efforts to Improve Its ae-ncuitural Irrigation raised the purchase price m~s nd m.ttees on Agriculture, t al Defence 'and Cultmal AffaIrs. The Prime Minister arrived wal's speeoh on tlle eve of the pr.oduchon, and on the baSIS of of cotton of all grades by AI. 8 52 M,DlStry AffaIrs, PlanDlng, a ~on tlaKnWa ~ arah and Deputy Baz Afghan New Year, March 22 The thiS, the Third Five Year Plan IS One of the offiCials of the Ministry at Santa Barbara Munlclpal The meeting, which laste _ MOham:nad, A!1lhestan, Kanda- \ ·Alrport yesterday afternoon at Plan has been submitted to the auned, among other thine:s, at m' satd. the Increase In the cotton price, wa~ p~e from 10 a m to 2 p.m', har . 5:00 aboard a special United Parhatnent for approvai creasing proOucHon of agriculture IS expected to give impetus to cot· SIded over by Dr. Abdul Za Ir. - intern'ltlonal Relations: The US government·s desire to products ton productIon States Air Force Dlght from PreSIdent of the Wales. Jlrgah Deputy Ahmad ::>han ttahmat- Washington, D.C. assist Afghanistan In Implementing The followmg are the members Ian ::>econd v,stnct. l1.erat CIty, its development projects under the Forestallon IS also given speCial To prOVide incentlve for apor~ Dr_ Vernon I. Cheadle, Chan­ attention by the country Last week ters of cotton, the Fmance MiniS­ of the commIttees' rte;at cellI" of tbe University of Cali­ Third Plan was welcomed by the interior Ministry Affairs: Sh ue;uty Abdul Maltk N asen, Afghan government and people and fiis Majesty received engmeers and try also announced last week a cut fornia, Santa Barbara, will give Deputy Dost Mohammad, 0- bna~ar uaia, ,n..aoUl; , a luncheon at his residence, the press 10 Afghanistan In the past experts, working for the Nnngarhor 10 the cotton foreign exchange sur­ \ rabak Kandahar, . b d ",.puty ,>UllUD Mohammad decade. when Afghomstan was wor· Development Authorit~ and aftcr render tax University House, for Prime ! Dep~tY So-adat, Sayed\ A a, U1UIDI. vano, l~an(1ahar, k10g hard to Implement its two Ove Minister Malwandwal this noon. Wardak, d Ta- veputy ::>nagna», .,n.Wa, Nan- He wl1l also host a reception Prime Minister Maiwandwal with Sec retary of State De'an Rusk (second from Deputy Sayed Mohamma galna' rellowlng this afternoon's cer.. uep~ty right shake hands, the latter spoke at welcoming ceremonies held March Nega'h, Naheal hlr Shah Akbarl. Shahrcstan, ,Abdul H.aklm, Mousa mony. 28 on the south lawn of the White House in Washington President Johnson, at WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Urozgan. Ba Kala Helmanc!. Tonight the affiliates Group m u~puty I the right, applauds. Abdullah Mallkyar, Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United (Contd from page :U Deputy Mohammad Kam - vnulam Selilq Daftan!, 01 the University wl1l give a States is second from left. MOSCOW April 2, (Reuter) - HAMBURG. April 2, (DPA)­ bazal, Achln, Nangarhar, Arenl, liqaznl, \ dinner in the Dc La Guerra (ectlvely portrays a man In a SOViet surgeon Alexander Bagu- Hamburg's two million IOhablt­ Deputy Mohammad MIr, Deh ueputy Aodul Kayoum, Kata- DIning Commons' lev who performed the first heart ants and VISItors are faced WJth Bnla Nangarhar, waz nomaas Ghaznl, and Depul.Y Now In ItS 22nd year, the Santa tattered chapon n l Negah's contributions to thls ex, operatIOn In the Soviet UnIon in the threat of havlOg to go wIth­ De'puty Jamal Khan, Baghra , Abdul Uhauour Hahlr, Ahshmg, Barbara campus has undergone e,,­ MALINOVSKY'S BODY HOME NEWS IN BRIEF 1948, has died here at the age out any catering faclhtles for tenSlve growth from an undergra­ hlbltlon are mamly III Oils although Helmand. S Lagnman. LIES IN STATE KABUL. Apnl 2. (Bakhtar)­ are enrolled at the course which he says he also likes to work m of 76, the SovIet news agency hot dogs 10 the street to strIP­ Deputy Bahauddm, Jabul e- Cultural Affairs: duate liberal arts college 10 a genera) A workshop on teaching was 10­ meets three times a week for an water colour and charcoal He has Tass reported Sunday tease In night clubs on Apnl 10, raj Parwan, h Deputy ltahmatullah, from J a- univerSIty campus ser.... lng over MOSCOW Apnl 2. (AP)­ hour Marshal Georgi K Zhukov help­ augul atcd yesterday at the Kabul had no formal tram10g outSide the since the entire catenng trade Deputy Abdul Awal Kurals I. n! Khel, Pakthla. 11,000 students It carnes on research and pro­ ed I"ad mourners Saturday to Teacher Trammg AcademY by country but Picasso IS an obVIOUS HONG KONG, April 2, (Reu­ Will go on slnke for one day to Takhar Centre, Deputy Rokla Abubakr, First KABUL Apnl 2 (Bakhlar)- In Deputy Mmlster of Ed'ucatmn mfluence 10 several works beSides ter) -North Korea FrIday mstl' protest agamst latest taxatJOn Deputy Nour Mohammad, Rou D,stnct, Kabul City, Kabul. feSSIOnal training programmes 35 pay last respects to RuctIOn Y Deputy Plannmg Mmlster Abdul Mohammad ASI f Mayel the one called Picasso HIS comple' tuted a universal compulsory regulatlons The trade claJms that yl Doab, Samangan:W Deputy Masouma Asmatl War- academiC fields and operates study MallOovsky Wahab Halder left Kabul yesterday <.:enlres. ranging In Size from 10 to Marshal Mallllovsky. Defence The one·week workshop IS be­ tely abstract compositions are ex' nine-year techmcal educatIon It IS bemg treated With undue Deputy Mohammad IsmaIl. a- dak, 1V1arouf, Kandahar, to partiCipate 10 the 20th annual 100 students, In nine countnes 10 [\,1!Jnlstef Since 1951.. died of can­ Ing attended by 123 teachers from perlments 10 colour one 10 pnmary programme for ItS youths harshness m the new turnover khan Badakhshan. d b Deputy Hall Mohammad, Cha- Reza Visits Kunduz clght laboratory schools ponference of ECAFE wh"-fh meets Newspapers marked the event U Thont Begins Europe, South Amenca. and tbe Far <.('1 Filday at the age of 68 reds and blues and another 10 pastel tax laws Deputy Abdul Kayoum. An ra, mkanl. Pakth.a, 10 Japan thiS vear He IS accom­ EaSI HIS hodj bemedalcd In full m,­ The workshop IS taught by fa shades WIth edItonals and essays and Baghlan, Z Deputy Abdul Salam, Arghan- cully members of the InstItute of panIed b} director of the Plannmg saId It was aimed at bnngmg up Experimental Farm Ill,lIV dless lay In state Satur~ In a work remlOiscent of the ISLAMABAD, April 2. (Reu Deputy Baz Mohammad. or- dab, Kandahar, Two-Week Asian co~ Department 10 the Commerce Mm· 'versatIle men of new type," the The University IS part of a d<l)' <II the whIte culumned <..:ent Edu<:allOn, Kabul UnIversity German expressIOnists Negah's cen ter) -The Pakistan Foreign Offi­ mat, Pakthla.
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