A Supplement for Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Age - Credits - Design: Scott Bennie Editing and Development: Spike Y Jones Executive Producer: Chris Pramas Additional Development: Robert J. Schwalb Interior Illustration: Kent Burles Cartography: Hal Mangold Graphic Design and Art Direction: Marc Schmalz Additional Graphic Design and Art Direction: Hal Mangold Green Ronin Staff: Steve Kenson, Nicole Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Evan Sass, Robert J. Schwalb and Marc Schmalz Testament: Roleplaying in the Biblical Era is ©2003 Green Ronin Publishing. LLC. Testament: The Hittitesis ©2005 Green Ronin Publishing. LLC. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Mythic Vistas, Green Ronin, and the Green Ronin logo are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission. “D20 System” and the “D20 System” logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used according to the terms of the D20 System License version 3.0. A copy of this license can be found at www. wizards.com/d20. All text herein is designated as Open Game Content. Printed in the U.S.A. Green Ronin Publishing P.O. Box 1723 Renton, WA 98057-1723 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.greenronin.com - 1 - Table of Contents The People of Hatti ............................................3 New Skills and Feats .........................................14 Hittites .......................................................................................3 New Skill .................................................................................14 Geography of the Empire .................................3 New Feats ................................................................................14 New Magic Items ..................................................... 15 Cities ..........................................................................................3 Neighbors of the Hittites ...........................................................5 New Staff .................................................................................15 History of the Hittites .................................6 New Wondrous Items ..............................................................15 Major Artifact ..........................................................................15 The Old Hittite Kingdom ..........................................................6 New Spells ................................................................ 16 The Middle Hittite Kingdom .....................................................6 The Empire ................................................................................6 Blackguard Spells .....................................................................16 When Empires Clash .................................................................7 Bard Spells ...............................................................................16 King and Queen .........................................................................7 Cleric Spells .............................................................................16 The Rapid Decline .....................................................................8 Druid Spells .............................................................................17 Hittite Religion ................................................... 8 Paladin Spells ...........................................................................17 Psalmist Spells ..........................................................................17 Gods of the Hatti .......................................................................8 Qedeshot Spells .......................................................................17 The Afterlife .............................................................................12 Ranger Spells ...........................................................................17 Temples ....................................................................................12 Sorcerer/Wizard Spells ............................................................17 Hittite Culture ......................................................13 Forbidden Spells ......................................................................17 Government and Bureaucracy ..................................................13 Spell Descriptions ....................................................................18 Festivals ....................................................................................14 Hittite Monsters ................................................22 Hittite Piety .............................................................................14 Bibliography .......................................................... 24 OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 7. 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