OF THE HERPETOLOGY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OF11 JAPAN CARL GANS BULLETIN. OF THE AMERIC,AN MUSEUM OF NATU-RAL. HISTORY VOLUME ~~93:~ARTICLE 6 NEW'YORK.:'l949NWYR:14 M-- A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HERPETOLOGY OF JAPAN A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HERPETOLOGY OF JAPAN CARL GANS BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOLUME 93 :ARTICLE 6 NEW YORK:1949 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Volume 93, article 6, pages 389-496 Issued July 12, 1949 Price: $1.25 a copy INTRODUCTION THROUGHOUT HISTORY one of the chief prob- History. A supplement to, or perhaps a re- lems facing investigators in the natural sci- vised edition of, this Bibliography will be ences has been the communication of their published if the response warrants it. ideas and the results of their work to fellow investigators. The main difficulty in this re- SCOPE spect may date back to Biblical times when The papers included have been confined to at Babel "the Lord did there confound the those dealing with recent reptiles and am- language of the earth."1 Much duplication of phibians of the chain of islands lying off the research has resulted from the fact that rec- coast of Asia, enumerated as follows: the four ords of earlier work in other countries have main islands of Japan (Honshu, Hokkaido, been unavailable to investigators. Kyushu, and Shikoku), the Kurile, Bonin, Recognition of the fact that this condition and Riu Kiu archipelagoes, and the islands existed in regard to the fauna of Japan was of Tsushima and Formosa. For purposes of forcibly brought to my attention during the comparison a few papers dealing with the course of a year's stay in that archipelago. Of fauna of Quelpaert Island and that of the the large numbers of excellent papers, mono- southern half of the island of Sakhalin have graphs, and books published in Japan on the been included. However, the great mass of subject of herpetology, only a small fraction papers published in Japan on Korean, Man- has been listed in the Zoological Record and churian, Chinese, as well as European and similar publications in occidental countries. American species has not been included. Gen- Western authors dealing with the fauna of eral natural histories and material of a similar these regions have had to depend on the small nature have also been omitted. The period amount of material published in European covered is from 1782 to November, 1947. languages and on the few translations they could obtain. The Japanese language is ex- INDEXING ceedingly hard to master, and most Japanese The papers listed are arranged alphabeti- authors have unfortunately neglected to sup- cally under the authors' names. To eliminate ply resumes in one of the Congress languages confusion, in both single and joint author- for the convenience of fellow investigators. ships the surname is always given first. No This has tended to increase the confusion. title has been changed in any way, with the For these reasons the desirability of com- exception of Japanese items that have been piling a bibliography of the herpetology of translated. that zoogeographically interesting region be- An Index to scientific names of species came apparent. I have started this project found within the area covered, and to their with the full realization that its eventual com- synonyms mentioned by authors, will be pletion must depend on the cooperation of found at the end of the Bibliography. Scienti- herpetologists, both here and in Japan, since fic names whose changed spelling was of an language difficulties make it improbable that obviously typographical nature have been this list is complete. It is more incomplete listed under the correct name to avoid un- perhaps than any bibliography has a right to necessary complications and to facilitate the be, but it should be considered more as an ini- use the Index. tial compilation to be added to later, than as of an exhaustive bibliography. I would appreci- ABBREVIATIONS ate it if those who either have information concerning items not included herein, or Abbreviations are used for the title of all know of the location of any paper marked journals or serials except those in which only "not seen" (*), would communicate with me a few papers dealing with the herpetological through the Department of Amphibians and fauna of Japan have appeared. A Table ofAb- Reptiles of the American Museum of Natural breviations is given at the end of the Intro- duction. If one of the items listed in the Bibli- 1 Genesis, chapter 11, verse 9. ographywas originally published in a language 393 394 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VOL. 93 other than that of its title as given herein, a number 12, on pages 249 to 257 of the Tokyo note, such as JAP/G Res (i.e., Japanese with Igaku Zasshi, abstracted by 0. Moti on pages German resume), has been included immedi- 37 to 38 of the abstracts section of volume 25 ately after the title. Numbers after a publica- of the Japanese Journal of Zoology, and that tion title, and separated from such abbrevia- I was unable to obtain a copy for examination tion by a comma, indicate in this order: series or for inclusion in the Index. (Arabic in parentheses), volume (Roman), number (Arabic), article (Arabic in parenthe- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ses), and pagination (Arabic after colon). I am most grateful to Mr. Charles M. Bo- Abstracts in the Japanese Journal of Zool- gert, Chairman of the Department of Amphib- ogy and other publications have been listed ians and Reptiles of the American Museum of only under each paper, and no reference is in- Natural History, for use of departmental cluded under the name of the abstracting au- facilities, and to Dr. James A. Oliver, formerly thor. The only exception to this rule is in cases of the same institution, for his help and many where a review appeared in an American pertinent suggestions during the course of the journal and no abstract is available. Neither work. My thanks are also extended to Dr. abstracts nor reviews have been listed for any Masamitsu Oshima, who helped with the paper which originally appeared in one of the translations and also obtained for me many Congress languages. rare items, to his brother, Mr. Rinzo Oshima, An asterisk (*) before a reference indicates who was instrumental in procuring most of that the article was not seen by me and that the Japanese translations and without whose the reference was obtained from another most generous help this work would never bibliography; for this reason, many references have been completed; and to Miss Ruth Ty- are incomplete. Information as to where ler, Editor of Scientific Publications of the. copies of such articles could be consulted American Museum of Natural History, for would be greatly appreciated. her aid with the manuscript and the proofs. The entries in this Bibliography have been I desire likewise to express my heartiest numbered serially. These numbers, listed be- thanks to the following individuals and in- fore the date, refer solely to the Index. Dele- stitutions; Miss Hazel Gay and other mem- tions from and additions to the list account bers of the staff of the American Museum Li- for the gaps in the numerical sequence and brary, Mr. Arthur Loveridge of the Museum the duplicate numbers with identifying let- of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, ters. Mrs. Ruth Sprecher, Reference Librarian of The following example should clarify the the Iowa State College of Agriculture and the methods of abbreviation' used: Mechanic Arts, the Farlow Reference Library SMITH, JAMES of Cryptogamic Botany at Harvard, the Li- *1947. Notes on Japanese frogs. JAP braries of Columbia University, the New TIZ, LXVII 12: 249-57. York Academy of Medicine Library, the Abs: 0. Moti, JJZ, XXV: (37-8). New York Public Library, the Boston Medi- This means that a paper in Japanese by cal Society's Library, the Library of the James Smith entitled "Notes on Japanese Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, frogs" was published in 1947 in volume 67, the United States Department of Agriculture Library, the Library of Congress, and the 1 [The preparation of this Bibliography was privately War Department Medical Library. I should undertaken. As it was entirely completed without the author's being aware of stylistic rules for the Bulletin like to extend my appreciation to all these series, it was decided that the form in which it was sub- and to others too numerous to mention, who mitted should be retained.-Editor.] assisted in this work. TABLE OF ABBREVIATIONS * Item not seen BSNG Berichte uber die Senckenber- A Amoeba, Biological Club of Nip- gische Naturforschende Ge- pon, Tokyo sellschaft, Frankfurt am Main AA Anatomischer Anzeiger, Jena BZ Botany and Zoology, Tokyo AAIS Arbeiten aus dem anatomischen C Cytologia, Tokyo Institut der Universitat zu CIZ Chiba Igakkwai Zasshi Sendai CNHS Chosen hakubutsugakkaisho, Jour- AAW Anzeiger der kaiserlichen Aka- nal of the Chosen Natural demie der Wissenschaften, History Society, Keijo, Korea Wien Co Copeia, American Society of Ich- AB Archives de Biologie, Paris thyologists and Herpetolo- ABAWM Abhandlungen der koniglichen gists, Ann Arbor, Michigan bayerischen Akademie der CoIZ Chosen Igakkwai Zasshi Wissenschaften, Muinchen CRASP Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires Abs Abstract des Seances de l'Acad6mie des AD Acta Dermatologica, Kyoto Sciences, Paris AH Anatomische Hefte, Wiesbaden CRSBP Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires AI DZ Aichi Ikwa Daigaku Zasshi, Na- des S6ances de la Societ6 goya Journal of Medical Biologique, Paris Science CZ Chigaku Zasshi, Journal of the AIKW Aichi Igakkwai Zasshi, Aichi Jour- Geographic Society of Japan, nal of Experimental Medicine, Tokyo Nagoya E English AJMT Acta Japonica Medicinae Tropi- F French calis, Institute for Research in FAJ Folia Anatomica Japonica, later Tropical Medicine, Taihoku Okajima's Folia Anatomica Imperial University, Formosa Japonica, Tokyo AKKH Annalen des k.
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