EPJ Web of Conferences 49, 18029 (2013) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20134918029 C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013 Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to tau pairs produced in association with a W or Z boson Abdollah Mohammadi1a for the CMS Collaboration 1Université Libre de Bruxelles(ULB) and Interuniversity Institute for High Energies (ULB-VUB), Belgium Abstract. A search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to tau pairs is presented using data collected in 2011 and 2012 with the CMS detector at the LHC. The topologies studied represent three or four lepton final states, where the Higgs boson is produced in association with the leptonic decay of a W or Z boson, respectively.p The analyses use collision data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5 fb−1 collected at s = 7 TeV and 12 fb−1 of 8 TeV. Upper limits between 2.7 and 5.5 times the standard model prediction are established on the product of Higgs boson cross section and tau pair decay branching fraction for Higgs masses between 110 and 145 GeV. 1 Introduction to an electron or muon, the symbol τh to a hadronically- decaying tau, and the symbol L to an e, µ, or τh. A resonance consistent with a SM Higgs boson with a mass of about 125 GeV has been observed with a signifi- 2 WH Selection cance of 5:0σ (5:9σ) at the CMS [1] (ATLAS [2]) experi- ments. At both experiments, the observed excess is driven Events are selected online using the double muon or µ + e by the H ! γγ,H ! ZZ and H ! WW decay modes. trigger, in the µµτ and eµτ channels, respectively. The While the data are insufficient to exclude the presence of a leading (subleading) light lepton candidate is required to SM Higgs boson decaying to tau pairs, no significant ex- have pT > 20 GeV (10 GeV). The τh candidate is required + − cess has been observed in any H ! τ τ searches [1, 3]. to have pT > 20 GeV and pass the tight muon rejection and It is therefore critical to measure this new resonance in its MVA electron rejection [3]. The probability for a quark or decays to tau pairs, to determine if it is consistent with the gluon jet to pass the τ identification is 10 to 100 times SM Higgs boson or not. greater than the probability for a jet to pass the electron or In this document we present additional searches for muon identification. To remove the large background from the Higgs boson decaying to a tau pair, in two final state Z ! LL events with a quark or gluon jet misidentified as a topologies, where the Higgs boson is produced in associa- τ candidate, the two light leptons (eµ, µµ) are required to tion with the leptonic decay of a W or Z boson[4]. While have the same charge. the decays to tau pairs are the dominant Higgs boson sig- To suppress ZZ background events, events with addi- nal contribution, the final states used in this paper can ad- tional identified electrons and muons are removed. Events ditionally be produced by the decay of the Higgs boson containing jets with pT > 20 GeV and jηj < 2:4 that are into a pair of W bosons that both decay to leptons. Al- identified as coming from b-quarks are discarded to sup- though the cross section production for the SM Higgs via press t¯t background events. The lepton candidates in re- associated production mechanism is an order of magnitude ducible background events have a softer pT spectrum than lower than that of the gluon-gluon fusion, the presence of those coming from Higgs boson production. These back- isolated high momentum leptons originating from W and grounds are reduced by requiring that the scalar sum of the Z decays suppresses the backgrounds dramatically, mak- ET of the lepton candidates (LT ) be greater than 80 GeV. ing these channels viable for searches for the Higgs boson. The searches use a data sample of proton-proton col- 3 ZH Selection lisions from an integrated luminosity of 17 fb−1 recorded by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) [5] experiment at The search for ZH production is performed in four-lepton −1 events with a reconstructed pair of electrons or muons the LHC. The data are separatedp into two periods: 5 fb −1 consistent with the decay of a Z boson, and a tau pair was collected in 2011p at s = 7 TeV, and 12 fb was collected in 2012 at s = 8 TeV. Throughout this docu- (Higgs boson) candidate. The dominant backgrounds are ment, the expression “light lepton,” or symbol `, will refer reducible Z + 2 jet events, where the jets are misidentified as the Higgs boson candidate, and irreducible ZZ produc- ae-mail: [email protected] tion. Four final states are considered for the Higgs boson Thisis an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2. 0 , which permits unrestricted use, dist ribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/20134918029 EPJ Web of Conferences Table 1. Observed events and expected yields from the different candidate: eµ, eτh, µτh, and τhτh. The events are selected online using either a double muon or a double electron background processes for the three and four-lepton channels. The uncertainties represent the combined statistical and trigger. The leading and sub-leading leptons associated systematic uncertainties. to the Z boson are required to have pT > 20 GeV and 10 GeV, respectively, and be of opposite charge, and the to- tal energy deposit in the isolation region (I) must be less Process ``τh ``LL than 30% of the lepton pT. To reject background events Fakes 17:6 ± 2:9 16:9 ± 6:4 with leptonic decays of t¯t, the invariant mass of the Z can- WZ 24:7 ± 2:7 didate is required to satisfy 60 < m`` < 120 GeV. Events ZZ 1:8 ± 0:2 19:0 ± 2:6 containing jets with pT > 20 GeV and jηj < 2:4 that are Total bkg. 44:0 ± 4:1 36:0 ± 6:9 identified as coming from b-quarks are discarded to fur- VH!Vττ(mH = 125GeV) 2:6 ± 0:3 1:6 ± 0:1 ther suppress t¯t background events. The leptons associated VH!VWW (mH = 125GeV) 0:35 ± 0:04 0:74 ± 0:06 to the Higgs boson candidate are required to have opposite Observed 46 45 charge, pT > 10 GeV if an electron or muon, and pT > 20 GeV if a τh candidate. The object isolation require- -1 τ -1 CMS Preliminary 7+8 TeV L=17fb ll h CMS Preliminary 7+8 TeV L=17fb llLL ments depend on the subchannel, depending on the con- 24 24 tributions from the reducible and irreducible background 22 Observed 22 Observed 20 ZZ 20 ZZ processes. To reduce the contribution from Z+jets back- 18 WZ 18 Non-prompt Non-prompt m =125 GeV 16 16 H grounds, muons are required to have I=pT < 0:15(0:30) mH=125 GeV Events/20 GeV 14 Events/20 GeV 14 in the ``µτh (``eµ) channel, electrons are required to have 12 12 10 10 I=pT < 0:10(0:30) in the ``eτh (``eµ) channel, and τh can- 8 8 didates are required to pass the tight (medium) combined 6 6 4 4 isolation in the ``τhτh (``eτh, ``µτh) channels. 2 2 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 20 40 60 80 100120140160180200220 mvis [GeV] mvis [GeV] 4 Background Estimation Figure 1. Observed and expected Higgs boson candidate mass The reducible backgrounds have at least one non-prompt spectra in the ``τh (left) and ``LL (right) channels. The expected lepton and are estimated solely using data. contribution from the associated production of a SM Higgs boson The misidentification probabilities as a function of with mass mH = 125 GeV is shown by the dashed line. The candidate pT for non-prompt lepton candidates (e, µ, or yields of each process are determined using the same maximum τh) to pass the final identification and isolation criteria are likelihood fit to a signal-plus-background hypothesis used in the measured in independent, highly pure control samples of limit setting procedure. multijet, W ! µν + jet, and Z ! µµ + jet events. The control regions are exclusive to the signal region due to different final state topology, inverted isolation require- of the double-counted background is subtracted from the ments, or both. To minimize possible biases, the same total sum. trigger, kinematic, and quality criteria used in the final The irreducible diboson backgrounds are WZ and ZZ analysis are applied to the control samples. Sidebands events in the ``τ channels, and ZZ events in the ``LL are defined for each channel, where the final identification h channels are estimated using simulation. In the ``τ chan- or isolation criterion is not satisfied for one or more of h nel the irreducible WZ background is estimated using MC the final-state lepton candidates. The sidebands are dom- simulation. The ZZ background is largely reduced by the inated by the non–prompt backgrounds. The number of veto of events containing an additional e, µ, or τ candi- non-prompt background events due to a lepton candidate h date, and is estimated using MC simulation. In the ``LL being misidentified in the final selection is estimated by channels, WZ events have at least one non-prompt lepton weighting each observed non–prompt lepton candidate in and are estimated using the misidentification probabilities the sideband by its corrected probability f (p )=(1− f (p )) T T described above.
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