Integrating Major Components of a New Landfill Gas System – Coordination of Multiple Contracts for Gas Treatment, Pipeline Transmission and Turbine Energy Generation Ralph B. “Rusty” Schroedel, Jr., P.E., BCEE, Brown and Caldwell Michael J. Martin, P.E., BCEE Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Cary J. Solberg, P.E., Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District William Krill, P.E., Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Outline • Introduction • Project Overview • System Description • Program Management Contract • Benefits and Challenges • Conclusions and Recommendations Brown and Caldwell 2 ADVANCED DISPOSAL LFG System Components Dedicated Communication Link EPL Gas Processing Facility Compresses and conditions gas for the pipeline and turbines (JIWRF) EMERALD PARK (JIWRF) Turbine Generators ((EPL) ) (((EPL) )) produce electricity to power JIWRF and waste heat to produce Milorganite New Metering Station measures gas flow and quality exiting pipeline PipelinPipeline transports gas from EPL to JIWRF Raw gas is drawn from collection wells into a vacuum header system Gas flow and quality entering pipeline measured at EPL System Components Owner MMSD EPL Pipeline Turbine Facility Conditioning and Component Metering and Equipment Compression Project New Steel Pipe Station Installation Equipment HDPE Pipe Rehab Design CH2M Hill CDM Smith CDM Smith CDM Smith Cornerstone Consultant OwnerOwner77772urnished2urnished 8nison, E/uipment Solar Turbines NA NA NA M, Tech, C,IC, Supplier3s4 ,enture Prime 2indorff Michels Construction Meade C Smith A 9 Sons Pipeline Contractor Operator ,WM PC ,WM / PC A LFG System Operation • .andfill owned/operated by Advanced isposal • MMS ’s Pipeline operated by ouglas Pipeline • JIWR2 Metering Station and Turbine 2acilities operated by ,eolia Water • MMS and Advanced isposal have 20 year agreement for purchase and sale of .21: • Provides guarantees for .21 production and use. • Provides specifications for gas quality. Coordination and Management Services Contract Goals • Ensure successful startup • irect overall startup process • Resolve schedule issues • Confirm installation • ,erify and document system performance • Maintain communications Emerald Park LFG Facility • Raw landfill gas contains: • Methane • Carbon dio0ide • O0ygen • Water vapor • 6ydrogen sulfide • Silo0anes • The MMS wants the methane and can accept the other constituents at limited concentrations. Conforming Landfill Gas 8nit of 1as Parameter Measurement Ma0imum Minimum Test Method Monitoring 2re/uency Water ,apor PPM, >105 7 ARI Meter Continuous 0007077715A315A3 3SC2M4 Psig C5 D0E 1auge Continuous 15A315A37777AD30AD30 3SC2M4 Psig C5 D5E 1auge Continuous AD30AD307777D1733SC2M4D1733SC2M4 Psig C5 75E 1auge Continuous D173D1737777771D771D 3SC2M4 Psig C5 80E 1auge Continuous 771D771D7777C25CC25C 3SC2M4 Psig C5 C0E 1auge Continuous C25C and above 3SC2M4 Psig C5 C5E 1auge Continuous 6ydrogen Sulfide PPM, 100 7 ARI Meter Per Manufacturer O0ygen H 2 7 ARI Meter Per Manufacturer ARI Meter 9 6eating ,alue 3.6,4 BT8/SC2M 7 A50 Thermal Mass Continuous 2low Meter Silo0anes Mg Si/nm3 C6A 5 7 Jet7Care Si Test Annual Temperature egrees 7 7 Thermometer Per Manufacturer 2ahrenheit Carbon io0ide H 7 7 ARI Meter Per Manufacturer Other Agreement Items • A Nomination Process” by which the MMS provides an annual and monthly estimate of how much .21 it will accept and Advance isposal notifies of any anticipated problem delivering that amount of .21. • Construction, testing and startup obligations • E0cess landfill gas /uantities Other Agreement Items (cont.) • Interruptions in delivery or acceptance of landfill gas • Scheduled outages • Non7Conforming .21 • Construction of additional Conforming .21 acceptance capacity. Emerald Park LFG Processing Facility Compressors, silo0ane removal, ehydration metering and controls system inside building Treated gas 6ydrogen sulfide odoriIed and removal sent to pipeline ,acuum blowers Offgas Aftercoolers flare Raw gas from landfill LFG Pipeline • Pipeline transports gas from EP. to JIWR2 • Operating pressure : Ma0imum C5 psi Minimum 25 psi • Provides some storage and e/ualiIes flow between Emerald Park and Jones Island. 1D” 6 PE Pipe 3J13.5 mi4 1D” Steel Pipe 3J5.5 mi4 LFG Pipeline • Mainline valves isolate pipeline segments for maintenance or in case of emergency. • Pig stations used to launch and receive e/uipment to clean and inspect the pipeline. JIWRF Site Map NewNewNew Turbine Building NewNewNew Metering Station E0isting Powerhouse NewNewNew .21 Pipeline LFG Metering Station Measures gas flow and gas quality exiting pipeline Metering Station building Pig receiver Pipeline Existing Turbines • Two 1E turbines in Powerhouse use natural gas only • One 1E turbine will remain for standby or high demand service E0isting 1E • Other 1E turbine will be turbines removed to satisfy air permit Turbine Facility K Three new Enerfle0 gas compression skids K Three new Solar 50 Turbines 3nominally A.5 MW each4 K 6eat recovery into Waste 6eat uct for dyring Milorganite Waste 6eat uct Turbines Compressors Turbine Facility Turbine 1enerator Room 1as Compressor Room Electrical Room Gas Compression Skids • A00 hp motor • Compresses gas to J2A0 psi • One compressor feeds one turbine • Can feed .21, N1, or a blend • Skid includes motor, compressor, meters, valves, scrubbers, and cooling system to condition the gas and control the blend ratio Scrubber Motor Compressor Solar Turbines • Can burn .21, N1, or a blend Intake air • Power produced varies 2uel with air temperature • Typical power output is A to 5 MW L 2A0 to Waste heat 300 avg. siIe homes Power • 13,200 volts • Waste heat temp. J700 M2 Enclosure Waste Heat • Waste heat from each turbine will be normally directed to the waste heat E0haust stacks duct. • Waste heat duct ties to e0isting solids drying system for Milorganite • Alternately, can send e0haust directly to atmosphere through stacks Waste heat duct Jones Island Energy Summary • 8se .21 as much as possible to meet energy needs at JIWR2 • 8se N1 to supplement .21 during peak electrical periods • Waste heat used to produce Milorganite • E0isting 1E turbine is available for standby or high demand service Turbine Operation vs. Jones Island WRF Electricity Demand Solar Turbines in GE Turbine in Condition Plant Demand Service Service? Dry Weather 10 MW 2 to 3 No Wet Weather 12 MW 3 Yes, in summertime Wet Weather + 1 Tunnel Pump 16 MW 2 Yes Wet Weather + 2 Tunnel Pumps 20 MW 2 to 3 Yes Wet Weather + 3 Tunnel Pumps 24 MW 2 to 3 Yes LFG System Schematic Landfill Gas Vacuum Glycol Collection H2S Removal Compressors Blowers System Dehydration JIWRF Metering and LFG Metering LFG Pipeline Siloxane Station Odorizer Removal Utility Grid New Gas JIWRF Natural Gas Mixing and New Solar Electrical Turbines Utility Compression Switchgear JIWRF Power Skids Grid Milorganite Dryers Existing NG Existing GE Waste Heat Compression Turbine System System Exhaust to Atmosphere Coordination and Management Contract Services • Review esign Information Review for information relevant to startup and commissioning • Site Meetings – Attend to become familiar with the management team, contractors, engineers, and current activities for the major system components • Obtain and Review Schedules for Each Component N Perform a logic review for issues relating to startup and commissioning. • Prepare Overall Startup Schedule N Prepare using information from individual contract schedules and merges the activities of the individual contract schedules Coordination and Management Contract Services (con’t) • Schedule Analysis N Evaluate to identify critical elements re/uired for onschedule startup and commissioning • Identify and Track Startup Items N Identify conflicts and constraints that could impact or prevent efficient startup • Schedule 8pdates – 8pdate schedule and identify issues that may impact milestones. • Track Recommendations from Process 6aIard Analysis (P6A4 to Completion N Assist the istrict in tracking completion of the items identified in the P6A. Coordination and Management Contract Services (con’t) • Communication Protocols for Startup and Continued Operation – Provide written communication protocol. • Overall Startup Se/uence and Operation Plan N evelop plan for system startup and operation. • Track Milestones – Track progress towards achieving system operation milestones • .21 System 2unctional Testing N Review reports for individual component systems and identify deficiencies • Startup Coordination Meetings – Coordinate, prepare for, and attend regular startup coordination meetings. Prepare and distribute meeting agendas and minutes. Coordination and Management Contract Services (con’t) • istribute ocumentation7 Provide copies of documents to all system parties • Consultant Team Coordination N Provide coordination of subconsultants. • Coordination with .21 Stakeholders – Coordinate with respect to startup and commissioning. Benefits • Regularly scheduled meetings established communications • Biweekly, then every four weeks • Weekly turbine startup meetings • Compiled, combined schedule identified coordination points • Overall Startup Se/uence and Operation 3OSSO4 Plan coordinated system re/uirements • Critical Issues .ist provided focus on key concerns Challenges 3 EPL • Changes to moisture removal system due to steel pipeline • The delivery of the glycol system was delayed by the manufacturer • The glycol system e0perienced e0cessive outlet L21 temperatures during initial operation re/uiring evaluation and adjustment by the vendor • E0cessive
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