6900 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL REGULAR MEETING OF MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY 20th MAY 2015 AT 7.00PM Market Weighton Town Councillors Councillor Botting Cary Cashin Chicken Curwen Frith Hemmerman Johnson King Peaks Rudd Smith Stellings Clerk to the Meeting - Mrs Lesley-Jane Holt 1. ELECTION OF TOWN MAYOR FOR THE 2015/2016 CIVIC YEAR The outgoing Mayor, Cllr Marian Frith, thanked all Councillors for their support over her term and for the work that they. Thanks were also expressed to ex Councillor Frank Townshend for the work he had done during his term of office. Councillors were then asked for nominations for Mayor. Cllr Rudd nominated Cllr Botting – this was seconded by Cllr Peaks. Cllr Frith nominated Cllr Hemmerman – this was seconded by Cllr Stellings. The nominations were accepted and proceeded to a vote as follows: Cllr Botting 2 Cllr Hemmerman 6. Therefore Councillor Peter Hemmerman was duly elected as Town Mayor for the Civic year 2015/2016. 2. ELECTION OF DEPUTY TOWN MAYOR FOR THE 2015/2016 CIVIC YEAR Cllr Hemmerman then asked for nominations for Deputy Mayor. Cllr Rudd nominated Cllr Botting – this was seconded by Cllr Peaks. Cllr Hemmerman nominated Cllr Chicken – this was seconded by Cllr Johnson. The nominations were accepted and proceeded to a vote as follows: Cllr Botting 4 Cllr Chicken 4. As Councillor Hemmerman had nominated Cllr Chicken he was loathe to use his deciding vote and asked that this matter be held over to the next meeting. AGREED. 3. DECLARATIONS OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE AND AGREEMENT TO ABIDE BY THE CODE OF CONDUCT This was declared and signed by Councillor Hemmerman. The Clerk confirmed that all Councillor acceptance of office forms had been received prior to the meeting. 4. TO AGREE WHICH COMMITTEES ARE NEEDED FOR 2015/16 After discussion it was AGREED that the following Committees continue: Planning and Amenities Communication and Events Personnel Quality Status Signed by the Chairman 6901 5. TO ELECT COUNCILLORS TO SERVE ON EACH OF THE AGREED TOWN COUNCIL COMMITTEES COMMUNICATIONS & EVENTS COMMITTEE Including Emergency Plan, Newsletter, IT, Markets, Garden Competitions, Yorkshire Day, Civic Service and Christmas Lights MEMBERS: Cllrs Botting, Cashin, Chicken, Curwen, Johnson, King Peaks and Rudd _________________________________________________________________________________________ PLANNING & AMENITIES Including Allotments, Leisure, Sport and Youth, Town Enhancement, Traffic, Property and Development MEMBERS: Cllrs Cary, Curwen, Johnson, King, Rudd, Smith and Stellings AD HOC - PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Cllrs Botting, Cary, Chicken, Curwen, Frith, King and Smith __________________________________________________________________________________________ AD HOC - QUALITY STATUS COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Cllrs Botting, Chicken, Frith, King and Peaks 6. TO ELECT TOWN COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO SERVE ON OTHER BODIES Committee Market Weighton Town Council AGREED Representative 20/05/15 Bradley Day Committee Councillor Paul Stellings Yes Market Weighton Town Team Councillor Nigel Botting Yes Partnership Campaign for the Protection of Rural Councillor Peter Hemmerman Yes England Community Hall Management Councillor Derek Cary Yes Committee East Riding/North Lincolnshire Local Councillor Peter Hemmerman Yes Councils Association Yorkshire Wolds Heritage Trust Councillor Nigel Botting Yes Market Weighton & Pocklington Area Councillor Derek Cary Yes Community Partnership (previously LATS – Coral Gladstone) Walkers are Welcome Councillor Stephen King Yes A1079 Committee Councillor David Rudd Yes Football Committee Councillor Nigel Chicken Yes Flood Liaison Councillor Peter Hemmerman Yes Signed by the Chairman 6902 7. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs King, Cashin and Smith 8. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUBLIC TO ADDRESS THE TOWN COUNCIL Mr Frank Townshend addressed Councillors and congratulated all on their election and wished them well in their deliberations for the forthcoming year. Report from Ward Councillor David Rudd. Details as follows given showing the make-up of the 67 East Riding of Yorkshire Council members: Conservatives 51 Independents 3 Labour 6 (making them the official opposition group) Liberal Democrats 2 Non-political 2 UK Independent 3 After discussion it was agreed that a slot out of the public speaking slot could be put on the agenda to allow for a report from the Ward Councillor. 9. DECLARATIONS OF A PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTEREST – Members to declare any interest in items on the Agenda and the nature of those interests. There were no declarations. 10. TO AGREE THE MINUTES OF THE MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 29th APRIL 2015 It was proposed by Cllr Stellings and seconded by Cllr Peaks that the previous Minutes be signed as a true and correct record. AGREED. 11. ONGOING MATTERS AND PROGRESS REPORTS – TOWN CLERK Folio 6890: The order for the defibrillator had gone in and had been paid for. Once this had arrived the money could be reclaimed from the ERYC. Folio 6891: For information the Landlords Certificate and Report had been received along with the account from the Electrician for The Cemetery House. Folio 6892: Pleased to report that the notice board ‘Perspex’ had been fitted by the Company who had originally fitted the board. The Community Shop had kindly donated the money to have this important job done. Any repairs requested at the last meeting had been reported. The only response so far was that the ‘red square’ outside the Londesborough Hotel would not be done. A Councillor asked if a response had been received from the ERYC about bollards outside the Co-op. The Clerk said no but would chase up. A Councillor also asked if the tree outside the market had been reported as the roots were coming up quite badly. The Clerk said this had been reported but no response received as yet but that it would be chased up. 12. TO DISCUSS EMPLOYING A MARKET ORGANISER FOR THE MONTHLY SATURDAY MARKET Signed by the Chairman 6903 This agenda item had been requested from the Communication and Events meeting on the 6th May. Councillors discussed this matter as some had never been happy about the use of current staff running the market. It was thought by some that the market could be boosted by a professional market organiser. The fact that the people who organise the Humber Bridge market had been contacted was discussed. Cllr Rudd proposed and Cllr Cary seconded that a full debate should be held – Cllr Stellings asked for an amendment to make this an agenda item for the next meeting and that the people who ran the Humber Bridge market could be invited to speak then rather than in the public forum. AGREED. A Councillor had been at the market on Saturday and thought there were quite a few stalls but stallholders had said it was very quiet although regulars were happy with their customer base. 13. TO DISCUSS THE AUTUMN NEWSLETTER AND RELEVANT ISSUES This agenda item had been requested from the Communication and Events meeting on the 6th May. A Councillor stated that there had been great difficulty with the summer newsletter and pointed out that to go for quality status the Town Council must have a newsletter. Some promised reports had not been forthcoming and it needed several Councillors to write articles. A Councillor asked if this should be reduced to twice a year but Councillors agreed that information going out to residents would then be well out of date. Councillors all agreed that the previous Editor – ex Councillor Frank Townshend – had done an excellent job of the newsletter and thanked him for all his hard work. A Councillor stated that there should be plenty to write about – perhaps going back to Councillor Profiles as many residents had said they did not really know who represented them. At the Communications and Events Committee meeting a ‘Do You Know’ article was suggested which would give a little history of the town especially for new residents. This was considered to be a good idea by most Councillors. It was thought that a new Editor could be appointed at the next Communication and Events Meeting. 14. TO CONSIDER CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY MARKET WEIGHTON TOWN COUNCIL SINCE THE LAST REGULAR MEETING – 29th APRIL 2014 The Chairman reminded Councillors that if there was anything they wished to discuss that had not been highlighted to please mention this ERYC 1. Environment Agency Maintenance Programme 2. E-Mail from Brad Webster , Re: Grassroots Grants 3. East Riding Parish News – May 2015 4. Agenda – M.W & Pocklington Community Partnership Meeting, 15th May. Minutes from 10th March 5. Montracon, Holme Road. Re: – External Plant. 6. Streetscene Services, Re: Area outside Londesborough Hotel, High Street. Cllr Rudd to look into this. 7. Brad Webster, Re: Police & Crime Commissioner 8. Email from Traffic &Parking, Re: Finkle Street Car Park, re surfaced. 26th May 9. Code of Conduct Training for Parish & Town Councillors. Cllrs to let Clerk have names. 10. National Citizen Service – Press Release. Summer Programme 11. Flood Liaison Group Minutes from 20th March 2015 GENERAL 1. WWI Centenary and WWII/1940’s Entertainment 2015 2. E-Mail from Mrs Hartley, Wilson Close Re: Complaint Bradley Meadows. Des Simmonds at ERYC dealing with this 3. E-Mail Helen Anderson, Humberside Police. Re: May Newsletter. 4. E-Mail from J Hazel, Walkington Drive. Re: Market Weighton Broadband 5. Letter of complaint about some issues - Harrison, Skelton Crescent TC to chase/copy to DR. Handyman to do dog signs. 6. Invite from Pocklington Town Council. Mayor Making Ceremony on 20th May 2015. 7. E-Mail from Resident, Orchard Court, Re: Ducks in garden. 8. Anonymous letter through door. Re: Potholes, Tour De Yorkshire 9. Letter from Mr T Johnson, Re: M.W Elections 7th May 2015 Cllrs responded to him at meeting. 10. ERNLLCA, Re: Annual Council Meetings 11. E-Mail from Carla van Beveren, Re: Dismantled Railway 12. E-Mail from Get Cycling, Re: Disability Cycling 13.
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