. .,· .---· , . ..· Protests . , . co.ntinue. \ •' .. ' . ;~..-- · hn1nigrati,,u ,·;·,11~ ai \l!lrtio Lu&hcr .~in~ Park 01, ( ·~,ar Cha\·~, D.t}. ) ... --. l .. · · 1 · News, Page 3 J ' , I . ' • • ot • • I - ·' ENEGADE IP 'J.JV.JYJ.J, therip. com Vol. 78 • No. 5 Bakersfield College Apri! 11, 2007 I Burgl~r • BC students voted for their caught by representatives in the Student Government Association during Spring Fling week lv1arch 26-Ma.cch 30. security By TAYLOR M. GOMBOS tgombo~baJ:.ersfiela'college.edu Rip staff writer • Car burglary suspect appprehended by. campus public Attention students of Bakmfield College: You have a safety officers in the parking lot new leader. John Lopez, BC computer science major, defeated the on M~.rch 21. SGA veteran Alan Crane to win the presidency of me Stu­ dent Government Association. · . By ~'YLE BEALL Lopez defeated Crane by securi.ag 66% (364 votes) of kbeall@bakersfieldc(}//ege.edu Rip staff \•.triter i.;~ \v.¢:i wailc U.llltc ouly ~-ureo 33.3% (184 votes) of the Votes. Crane said that he was a little swprised by the 66% mar' A burglary suspcc-t was apprehended and ar­ gin oot added. "'ibe students have spoken and said that the!' rested on the po.rt.ing lot at the northeast side of , 1;llffipo5 three Wllllt John as a president. I am sure he will do a fine job. He for felony count$ of car burglary, including one felooy count of possession of will have the support of a team whlch is absolutely ~ moo burglary qualified exocuti~ team ever put together Ill BC." tools end a felony coont of grand theft Cnne, who cwn:ntly seTYes as .legislatiYc liaison of the auto, SGA aw ~It of the statewide ·suadent senate, lklded The arrest .,.,as made on campus by 8~Ll College public safety officers after IY',..e of the of­ tb.l.t be is planning 10 go back to being a regular sni&:nt when his Sfll1c term is up in J\D'le. ' fi:::cn observed the suspect peering through the "I plan to dedicate my time to my studies, my wife mi windows of several vehicles before breaking the my bess guitar." · . p.e.ssenger-side window 'Of a car and removing a Lopez said he was excited and haWY that be won. "It w~ purse from inside. a loog week of camp.igning. I was just relieved to ,get it Two separate vehicle burglaries occurred on (1Vf".r with,., Lopez said. Man:b 14. A purse and camcra were stolen from C'B.,...., ........ ,~ ..... ,.. -- c~ ................. l...! ... l-- _...- __ ..-.,: ..... _ l:-..,...__ th ..... ,,..._4....__ i.»pc;i cuwneo l8ll guais ior hi'I tam in oiike, "I wam -.... _.. ··---··, .. ·- ....... .....,.,_.. I I.&-.. T'lr'I.._'"""-> -- UV'l,,l.UJ.*6 lrvil! ...._.. VU.......a.o Both vehicles hid. been broken into from the pas­ to aaile men publicity fur the SGA, I Wint students ta be li1de ~ but it's just someone eli.e's time to hold senger·side window. awwe tilld n ~ 111 SGA oo camplS," L,JPeZ said. ..-, the office," Langdon w..:... &km.field policie detectives recovered the sto­ "I ...... •" HO to cane IO me wi1b tbeii ideas; I look · Langdon said that she still pl11IJS to be a part of the SGA; !en truck that the suspect reportedly drove to BC fo,wa,d IO wcw~ widJ everyone who won wbctbct' they "I am going :o apply for a senator ~ition. I am looting when the Marr;h 14 burglaries took place, prior to 1"111 Clppi*>l or LiOCflX)SCd. .. foni. ard to being a :ien.a..1oc again. I have no protlcm with bis arrest on Mardi 21. OlhDr poairm lhlll .we filled: l.alJ Craoe, mming U& :i..." ~.said. "I b,re being a part of the SGA, mid As P3f1 of a~ ~ into the up­ Ji ,,,~ Jl'PII ViQf" ttl bA,~~ .. "!fie ...(~ £. t.!e:•4'111!1 '9. .,.7'7,s•-..aM•s4ftllti in -~~!l~~bettHliMaj~ PliXJ dW ~ pibtic safety officm come et•Dt Ill, · . ...,.. '1 · · . · dlbesn,,....*>d».:bd'omew filed l ~~ nm: of operation of !hp 0-..,p..._~;:•n :&.~as tlate webt,;ife and all the trachers ., pie lbcir et ts *'~1 wilh a wwwgiu ol . (322 M I ); ibe Qlher 8% 1h! information oo bow ro vote. I: k,ot forwsrd to tt0tkiug ~ this infonnalion. pubiic safety offia:rs I. (28 VOleS) wait to write-in Cllllltidlltes. with the new group next year." appeared ready for what tookpL,ce March 21. Kmtin Tmlor befit out 'Tamera Langdoo ~ \ltaswU De.lo of Sfwk:als Doo Tuoey SIBd that be appecii1tcs "I was working a burglary s~1l8it," I 1cporte,,i ~ Richard Co~ "fwu ad\'L1l".d by wilb a m,qin of 611% ('.l95 YOleS). I -.,:)<ift tom: 37 .9 % the help dUII the ficuky ~ tn dnDOiAucing the ekclions Sgt. Counts ihat be saw m mdi\idw.i ""1 :hing (183 ffla). · • · . .· md the C\'OllS 1hat b SGA hat <bil,g the clectioo week. the.descriplioo of the suspect... Rx mer SOA Va PrCfideot Erica Gml dcfC8liCO VICtar mVEN MARnlt/ ntf RIP "lf ....., ,. °""" .._.. ~°"' .. i-..:.- 1.....,.. i.---. ......_ ..,_., 9-011 wilba wgin of 55.1% (214 VOllcs)to win lhe po­ . BC pediatri( nursk,1g studlflt Natisha Aaron, . · all lhr. ri:1-n~s~ ~~~ ~ !Ilia~: Accor'dro8 IO the rq,on.. offit:aCox cmne upr. sition of ,eotrll coumel; Ektorrn hl!d 43.4% (167). · 29, uses a laptop 11'1-the campus ~enter tu vote doo;" Turney Slid. · . the nortbeas& siudcnt parting lot.~ Rx!Del SGA ~It A.It West won kgi,Jl!fi¥e l.iaiaoo in the student go.ien.,.••nt.tertions. Tumey sp"Ailing about the a:wly ekcled group ml, Set!~l'llt6 with a lmrgjn of'Tl 3%. West was also ttmning wq,posc,d. "We have a~ nice 6icoJ 11 new t.:.es and otd hands. Al­ Madbcw Jcntins woo ICtivities liwoo with 95% (347 3. 7% or the smdent bQdy. most every position was cootested this year as opposed :o Yoties) as be was also NQOing unopp eeJ Langdoo eXJftS&.ld bet~ in not winning la.5t year where only ooe position (prt:sident) was contested . ~ turnout ~ 566 P'(Jple. which is appro~ly re-electioo. "I am going to miss being ~ I am a which was kind of neat." MAIZE Fainter helped by governor honors J.. Chavez · • Richard Chavez, Lori de Leon and BC professor Jack Brigham .. all spoke about Cesar Chavez. ' By KATHERINE J, WHITf worrl along with them. By EARL PARSONS [email protected] .ca .us "Say it like you 're screaming for your favorite [email protected]@ Campus editor football team," shouted Gene Goff. BC student. Rip staff writer · anti light operator for the sbJ,,;, from his =u God. Walet. Sweet ginger, Sweat.. Damp moss. in the audience. "Say it like yoa're screaming Bakersfiehl College's MAIZE club !-~id am-­ Wet garbage. Something between fish and lilacs. for your favorite Ouppendale's!" be hollem1 emony celebrating Cesar Cha•;ez.Day in the Fire­ The tqioning. aoo then laughed. Goff, sitting ~ith a copy of side Room on March 28. Thes~ poient woms arc~ iO describe the . the play in his lap for the duration Qf the last re­ People all over the country honored the birth- vagina and its smell by cbaractc:r.i in Eve En­ hearsal, periodically ydkd 002 missed tines for l day of tlie United Farm Workers founder and sk:r's play~ Vagina Mo.~ogues." the act.ors. civil rights leader from Dc•ano who fought for The play was performe,:! in Bakersfield Col­ Director Chin u~n triggered me music cue ·I fair workiog conditions for farm workers, par­ lege'! Indoor Theatre March 29·31 as part o! from a boom ho:,,; and tht ca.~ danced h3c\:: to ticul:my those int~ Cen.rn:J V?lley. BC's Women's History Month and was a spe­ tlleir bench. Another mem:-.et- of the Ci5l (C'.ol- 1 Lori de Leon, a representative of the Dolo­ cial saMe to the intcmatiooally acknowledged Jreen Meltoo) rose op and calmly &~ercd a res Huerta Foundation and daughter of the civil V-Day. The play was direaed by BC's Kimberly nxioologue about the rapes of &Nrim W'CIDCil rights leader for which the organization is named, Chin. during captivity. S'p()ke about her experiences with Chavez grow- "The V2gina ~fono!ogues" was produced a! '"Their faces •,•,ere l:JP.2utiful, )C'~n;; '.!nd ~­ ing up as a little girl. BC in coojunction with ~ organization Lip­ stroyed ... the public r...pes of sisteri. graoomod>­ De Leon told the story of "La M archa de la Re­ stick Mafia as well as the Bakersfield College CTI; ... they lost their homes, their identh..ies .. oor conquista, ~ a march that began on May 5, 1971 Theatre Club and BC's Alumni Oub. us-n,;;;s.s unravels ... " she q.id. and w<!nt from Cale:<.ico to Sacramento to gain This play •;,as; ~,t to be tr..e final as.,.ault Acwrdir,g to the c~sl, this ~0-,.-,\,-~ ~,d support for I.he Chicano movement. Even after upon unenlightened 1.e:tists during a morth-loog otbe.-s I ike it dr.l. w fo;1JS 0i1 ~ denigration of tlle the ceremony in Sa....arnento was· over, said de at:temnt lo) ,,.e..,;r. gJo.':la] ·,~ aninst worne., fr.lT'>"t~ }v.~ hy !"\..~~·,;.k--.Al :40..i w~1 ;:.i,;,:~dt r,,,,. L,x,ri, Ch•ve> C0!'!~!'·J~ m~.rching u~ C-?.lifcmi?.
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