Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 319.37–7 Seed/bulb Country/locality Pest(s) for which treatment is required Lens spp. (lentil) seeds All except North America and Central America ................... Insects of the family Bruchidae. Quercus seeds ............. All except Canada and Mexico ............................................ Curculio elephas (Cyllenhal), C. nucum L., Cydia (Laspeyresia) splendana Hubner, Pammene fusciana L. (Hemimene juliana (Curtis)) and other insect pests of chestnut and acorn. Rutaceae, seeds of all Afghanistan, Andaman Islands, Argentina, Bangladesh, Xanthomonas axonopodis, pv. citri (citrus species in the family. Brazil, Caroline Islands, Comoro Islands, Fiji Islands, canker). Home Island in Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Kampuchea, Korea, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, People’s Republic of China, Philippines, Re- union Island, Rodriquez Islands, Ryukyu Islands, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Thurs- day Island, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Vietnam, Yemen (Sanaa), and Zaire. Vicia spp. (fava bean, All except North America and Central America ................... Insects of the family Bruchidae. vetch) seeds. (b) Seeds and bulbs that are treated § 319.37–7 Postentry quarantine. within the United States must be (a) The following restricted articles, treated at the time of importation into from the designated countries and lo- the United States. calities, and any increase therefrom (c) Seeds of Guizotia abyssinica (niger must be grown under postentry quar- seed) that are treated prior to ship- antine conditions specified in para- ment to the United States at a facility graphs (c) and (d) of this section, and that is approved by APHIS 8 and that may be imported or offered for impor- operates in compliance with a written tation into the United States only: agreement between the treatment fa- (1) If destined for a State that has cility owner and the plant protection completed a State postentry quar- service of the exporting country, in antine agreement in accordance with which the treatment facility owner paragraph (c) of this section; agrees to comply with the provisions of (2) If a postentry quarantine growing this section and allow inspectors and agreement has been completed and sub- representatives of the plant protection mitted to Plant Protection and Quar- service of the exporting country access antine in accordance with paragraph to the treatment facility as necessary (d) of this section. The agreement must to monitor compliance with the regula- be signed by the person (the importer) tions. Treatments must be certified in applying for a written permit for im- accordance with the conditions de- portation of the article in accordance scribed in § 319.37–13(c). with § 319.37–3; and, (d) Shipments of kenaf (Hibiscus (3) If Plant Protection and Quar- cannabinus) seed from Mexico that are antine has determined that the com- pleted postentry quarantine growing imported into pink bollworm generally agreement fulfills the applicable re- infested areas listed in § 301.52–2a shall quirements of this section and that be subject to inspection, and shall im- services by State inspectors are avail- mediately, upon release, be subject to able to monitor and enforce the the domestic pink bollworm quarantine postentry quarantine: regulations in §§ 301.52 through 301.52– 10, ‘‘Subpart—Pink Bollworm,’’ of this Restricted Article (ex- Foreign Country(ies) or Locality(ies) chapter. cluding seeds) from which imported Abelmoschus spp. All except Africa, Bangladesh, [72 FR 43521, Aug. 6, 2007] (okra). Brazil, Canada, India, Iraq, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, and Trinidad and Tobago. Acacia spp. (acacia) .... All except Australia, Canada, and 8 Criteria for the approval of heat treat- Oceania. ment facilities are contained in part 305 of Acer spp. (maple)........ All except Canada, Europe, and this chapter. Japan. 307 VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:05 Jan 29, 2010 Jkt 220016 PO 00000 Frm 00317 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220016.XXX 220016 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR § 319.37–7 7 CFR Ch. III (1–1–10 Edition) Restricted Article (ex- Foreign Country(ies) or Locality(ies) Restricted Article (ex- Foreign Country(ies) or Locality(ies) cluding seeds) from which imported cluding seeds) from which imported Actinidia spp. (Chinese All except Australia, Canada, Cydonia spp. (quince) Countries listed in § 319.37–5(b) gooseberry, kiwi). Japan, New Zealand, and Tai- meeting the condi- except Canada. wan. tions for importation Aesculus spp. All except Canada, Czech Republic, in § 319.37–5(b). (horsechestnut). Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Datura spp. .................. All except Canada and India. United Kingdom. Datura spp. (woody (See Brugmansia spp.) Althaea spp. (althaea, All except Africa, Bangladesh, Can- species). hollyhock). ada, India, and Sri Lanka. Dendranthema spp. See Chrysanthemum spp. Berberis spp. (barberry) All. (chrysanthemum). destined to any State Dianthus spp. (carna- Great Britain, unless exempted except the eradi- tion, sweet-william). from postentry quarantine condi- cation States listed in tions pursuant to § 319.37–5(d), § 301.38–2a of this and all other countries and local- chapter (plants of all ities except Canada. species and horti- Eucalyptus spp ............ All except Canada, Europe, Sri cultural varieties des- Lanka, and Uruguay. ignated as resistant Euonymus spp. All except Canada, Japan, and Eu- to black stem rust in (euonymus). rope. accordance with Fruit and nut articles All except Canada. § 301.38–1 of this listed by common chapter). name in paragraph Blighia sapida (akee) ... All except Canada, Cote d’Ivoire, (b) of this section. and Nigeria. Gladiolus spp. (glad- All except Africa, Argentina, Brazil, Bromeliaceae All. iolus) (except bulbs) Canada, France, Italy, Luxem- (bromeliads) destined not meeting the con- bourg, Malta, Mauritius, Portugal, to Hawaii. dition for importation Spain, and Uruguay. Brugmansia spp. .......... All except Canada and Colombia. in § 319.37–5(l). Cedrus spp. (cedar) ..... All except Canada and Europe. Hibiscus spp. (kenaf, All except Africa, Brazil, Canada, Chaenomeles spp. Countries listed in § 319.37–5(b) hibiscus, rose mal- and India. (flowering quince) except Canada. low). meeting the condi- Humulus spp. (hops) ... All. tions for importation Hydrangea spp. (hy- All except Canada and Japan. in § 319.37–5(b). drangea). Chrysanthemum spp. All except Andorra, Argentina, Aus- Jasminum spp. jas- All except Canada, Belgium, Ger- (chrysanthemum, in- tralia, Belarus, Bosnia and mine). many, Great Britain, India, and cludes Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Can- the Philippines. Dendranthema spp.) ada, Canary Islands, Chile, Juniperus spp. (juniper) All except Canada and Europe. meeting the condi- China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecua- Larix spp. (larch) .......... All except Canada, Japan, and Eu- tions in § 319.37–5(c). dor, Iceland, Japan, Korea, rope. Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malay- sia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Leucanthemella All except Andorra, Argentina, Aus- New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Re- serotina. tralia, Belarus, Bosnia and public of South Africa, Russia, Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Can- San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, ada, Canary Islands, Chile, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uru- China, Colombia, Croatia, Ecua- guay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the dor, Iceland, Japan, Korea, European Union (Austria, Bel- Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Malay- gium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech sia, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Fin- New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Re- land, France, Germany, Greece, public of South Africa, Russia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, San Marino, Switzerland, Taiwan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uru- Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, guay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia; the Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, European Union (Austria, Bel- Spain, Sweden, and United King- gium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech dom); and all countries, terri- Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Fin- tories, and possessions of coun- land, France, Germany, Greece, tries located in part or entirely be- Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, tween 90° and 180° East lon- Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, gitude. Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Crataegus monogyna Europe. Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Jacq. (hawthorne, Spain, Sweden, and United King- thorneapple, red dom); and all countries, terri- haw). tories, and possessions of coun- tries located in part or entirely be- Crocosmia spp. All except Africa, Argentina, Brazil, tween 90° and 180° East lon- (montebretia) (except Canada, France, Italy, Luxem- gitude. bulbs) not meeting bourg, Malta, Mauritius, Portugal, Ligustrum spp. (privet) All except Canada and Europe. the conditions for im- Spain, and Uruguay. portation in § 319.37– 5(l). 308 VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:05 Jan 29, 2010 Jkt 220016 PO 00000 Frm 00318 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220016.XXX 220016 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with CFR Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 319.37–7 Restricted Article (ex- Foreign Country(ies) or Locality(ies) Restricted Article (ex- Foreign Country(ies) or Locality(ies) cluding seeds) from which imported cluding seeds) from which imported Mahoberberis spp. des- All. Philadelphus spp. All except Canada and Europe. tined to any State ex- (mock orange). cept the eradication Picea spp. (spruce) ..... All except Canada, Europe, Japan, States listed in and Siberia. § 301.38–2a of this Pinus spp. (pine)
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