Clinton County News S^ht&ih&CtiidotL&ufo June 14, 1972 15 cents 117th year No. 6 ST, JOHNS, MICHIGAN Elections in from O-E, P-W and Fowler ance garage at the high school was 16 mills operating by a wide 281- ST. JOHNS - Voters in St. Johns and junior high. rejected by a narrow two vote margin. 74 margin. Two ballots were spoiled, renewed a request for 14.5 mills for Because of a one mill debt re­ The millage renewal, question Supt. Donald Smith said "it's general operations, approved a one tirement approved by the board last passed by a 665-220 margin and one probably the best margin we've ever mill request lor a building mainten­ month there will be no change in the ballot was spoiled. The one mill addi­ passed a millage question by." ance program and re-elected its two millage levied. tional request for a bus garage suf­ Incumbent board of education incumbent board members to another Here is how your precinct voted fered a 442-441 defeat while three member Gerald Wieber received 197 four-year term of office. Both levies on the millage: ballots were spoiled on this question. votes and was reelected to another are for two years. 14,5 mills - St. Johns, yes 759, In the race for two four-year four-year term with the highest bal­ no 319J East Essex, yes 53, no 23; terms on the board of education, lot total among four candidates. New­ Returning to their positions on the incumbents Richard Depond and -chooi board are Fred Meyer with a Eureka, yes 132, no 63; Olive Cen­ comer Floyd Messer^arned the other ter, yes 98, no 52; Riley, yes 90, Charles Bracey were reelected. An­ four-year seat with 192 votes. Among total of 1,135 votesandRaymondParr other incumbent RaymondStewartre- who received a total of 1,087 votes. no 41; totals, yes 1132, no 498. the other candidates, 131 ballots were 1 mill — St. Johns, yes 643, ' ceived 750 ballots as the only can­ cast for Dr. William Jordan DO and A third candidate Martin Ernst, a 1972 didate for a one year term. graduate of St. Johns High School re­ no 449; East Essex, yes 37, no 39; Roger Cook receive 108 votes. Eureka, yes 91, no 101; Olive Cen­ Depond, owner of Ovid Roller In the Pewamo-Westphalia Com­ ceived a total of 660 votes in Mon­ Mills and veteran board member, day's election. ter, yes 66, no 84; Riley, yes 68, munity School District, the question of no 63; totals, yes 905, no 736. topped the candidates with 576 votes renewing 14.5 mills*operating for one Proposition I which was the re­ while Bracey received 550. Bracey, newal of the 14.5 mills passed by year gained easy passage. The vote On the candidates: Parr — St. an Ovid farmer, was appointed to was 208-48 in support of the question. better than a 2-1 vote while the re­ Johns, 736; East Essex 50; Eureka the board two months ago to replace quest for the one mill building main­ The board of education balloting 126; Olive Center 85; Riley 90; totals the late Joseph Michutka. Stewart, a saw incumbents Francis Trierweiler tenance passed by 169 votes on Pro­ 1,087. Bannister area farmer, decided to position n. and Thomas Droste earn reelection Meyer — St. Johns 768; East Es­ run for the one year remaining on to four-year terms in a race against Commenting on Monday's elec­ sex 55: Eureka 127; Olive Center Mlchutka's term but declined to seek tion results Earl Lancaster, superin­ Mrs, Sarah Laitner, a housewife. 93; Riley 93; totals, 1,136. another four year term. Trierweiler topped the field with 238 tendent stated that "It is real gratify­ Ernst — St. Johns, 443; East The only other candidate in the ing that we can put some of these votes while Droste received 199 bal­ Essex 28; Eureka 77; Olive Center full term race, Kenneth Swanson, re­ lots, Mrs. Laitner had 56 votes while buildings back in shape now/ 69; Riley 43; total 660. ceived 463 votes. He is an Ovid res­ Because the board has lived with a Donald Schafer received two write- The Ovid-Elsie AreaSchoplDis- ident and works as an engineer for in ballots. Ben Heiden and Kay Pil- three - year deficit only emergency Midland Ross Corporation in Owosso, maintenance had been done. The one trict officials gained voter approval more each were given one write- on the one year renewal of 14 mills Fowler voters expressed solid in vote. y mill levy for building restoration will approval of a one year renewal for now allow improvements to deterior- for operating while another one mill ting areas in the elementary schools for construction of a bus mainten­ Group seeks Firefighters from St. Smoke eater Johns, Maple Rapids, Fowler and Lansing public view battled the blaze which on the job destroyed a large, sec­ tion of the warehouse. on -'#<"•-•' j bykenCorbett Vote". The. clerk explained two ap , •.;";• /Editor " proches are available in such a' ran proposal. Either a majority vote by the ST. JOHNS - Mrs. Sharon Reha, county commissioners or a petition president of a non-profit' corporation signed by a certain number of formed by "12 St. Johns-residents, says registered voters would place the her group is seeking to place two questions on a ballot. loses building questions before voters in the August -'There's not a hard and fast rule on primary to guage public sentiment on the petition route," he said. "The the issue Of opening Clmtoh Memorial question would, have to be specifically By ANNETTE WHITE Clare Maler, fire chief termed the Hospital's medical staff to osteopaths. spelled out and then see if a provision in Assoicate Editor fire'"the worst since the Egan Ford She- says two questions will be statute gives the number of signatures Sales garage burned on Jan. 13,1969.* presented to the Clinton County Board needed." He added there is an election ST. JOHNS - State and local fire He also recalled a major blaze at of Commissioners for approval as Continued on page 2 officials are continuing their investi­ Saylor-Beall Manufacturing Company ballot proposals in the upcoming Flames reaching an estimated 60 feet in the gation as to the cause of a fire which several years ago. primary. The first would ask' "Do you air engulfed the Grand Trunk- Warehouse located destroyed a large portion of a ware­ Maiers said that the alarm was feel Clinton Memorial Hospital should Burning inferno house located at the north end of the turned in at 7:53 p.m. by two boys have an open staff?"'In the second on Railroad Street in St. Johns last Tuesday. St. Johns business district Tuesday who noticed the fire and ran to "question, voters would be asked "Do evening.. the Jackson Nursing Home to use the you believe a feasible study should be State officials said Monday that they telephone. made as to whether or not an open had not yet determined the origin of Harvey Weatherwax, city manager clinci • the fire which leveled the building and a volunteer fireman, suffered an St. Johns commissioners owned by the Grand Trunk Railroad eye injury while fighting the fire and She says two questions will be located on Railroad St., off Clinton was taken to a Lansing hospital for presented to the Clinton County Board Ave. treatment. He was released the fol­ of Commissioners for approval as Fire departments from St, Johns, lowing, morning. Others receiving ballot proposals in the upcoming Fowler, Maple Ra,pids and Lansing injuries, not termed serious, were, primary. The first would ask: *'Do you adopt zoning ordinance Gary Biddinger, another volunteer feel Clinton Memorial Hospital should battled the fire which took about two hours to bring under control. who suffered an arm injury and Gary have an open staff?" In the second Miller, a Fowler fireman who stepped question, voters would be asked "Do St. Johns department returned early ST. JOHNS—More than three years sioners was the decision to place —a motion presented by Dr. James the next morning when the blaze flared on an nail. Both were treated and re-- you believe a feasible study should be leased from Clinton Memorial Hos­ ^\^, made as to whether or not an open of study sessions by the St. Johns a ten per cent flat increase on fire Grost to commend the planning com­ up again and one unit remained on clinic should be built?" Planning Commission reached a service to surrounding townships. mission for their work on the zoning . the scene as a precautionary mea­ pital in St. Johns. A check with Clinton County Clerk climax Monday evening as the city The city attorney and clerk were in­ ordinance was adopted. sure until 8 p.m. Wednesday evening. The building had been leased for commissioners gave unanimous ap­ structed to prepare contracts to this Ernest Carter reveals the deadline has —a report_from St. Johns Police. Electrical power to nearly two - several years by Grand Trunk Rail­ already passed for placing a proposal proval to a zoning ordinance. effect .and send them to the town­ road to Virgil Zeeb, owner of a local ships. Present fire contracts expire \. Chief Everett Glazier was accepted thirds of' the city was cut off and on the August primary ballot Ac­ along with his recommendation that power was not restored in some local fertilizer company although others cording to Carter, September 19 is the Four citizens voiced concern on the' July 1.
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