Good Luck WHS Football Team THE WESTFIELD LEADER In Pljd. Tomorrow THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY Published .ontl Class I'uBtiiee Paid EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR—No. 16 Every Tlwraday WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1970 ut West field, N. J. 32 Papes—10 Centt Service Aids Cacciola PL Town to Begin Work Royai Natai McGroarty, Cohen, Mayer On Southside Park Day for Ham ^ • ,.• ^ Project It was a happy birthday indeed Improvements to the North Scotch assessed against the property own- last Wednesday for Matltlhew BeJl Westfield residents of all religious Plains Ave. park recreation area ers, would include granite curbing, communions will join together in a of 14 Manchester Dr.—and it even Decline New B of E Terms are slated in an ordinance expected macadam paving and a sanitary Community Thanksgiving Service at included royal greetings from King Joseph A. McGroarty, Dr. Solomon to be introduced at last night's meet- sewer lateral in the section of Nor- Hussein of Jordan. the Presbyterian Church of Westfield ing of the Town Council. The council mandy Dr., a new street which runs J. Cohen and Charles R. Mayer, the at 8 p.m. tonight. Rabbi Charles "Many happy returns of the day," three Board of Education members was in session at the time the Leader {ram Rs-hway Ave. Owners would the cablegram read: "AH my best Kroloff of Temple Emami-El will be went to press. be required to make Hie necessary -whose terms expire this year, have the featured speaker, with his sub- wishes and regards." notified the Joint Civic Committee The $20,000 improvements would connections from their homes with ject, "Between the Poles." Also par- the sewer, water and gas mains. But turnabout is only fair play. that they will not be candidates in ticipating will be Dr. Frederick include preliminary excavation, Mr. Bell, a ham radio operator for the annual February school election. clearing, grading and seeding and A third ordinance would legalize many years, had wished the King Christian, host minister; the Rev. the "no left turn" designation from Mr. McGroarty, who is president construction of drainage facilities similar greetings on the Jordan of the board, is completing his sec- Thomas B. Meaney, pastor of St. in the area adjacent to the new Me- Lenox Ave. east on North Ave. All Helen's Roman Catholic Church; and ruler's 35th birthday the previous ond three-year term. morial Pool. three ordinances will be subject to Saturday. the Rev. Robert W. Thatcher, asso- a public hearing at the Dec. 8 meet- Dr. Cohen, a local pediatrician who ciate pastor of the First Baptist IAISO scheduled to be introduced ing of the Town Council prior to Mr. Bell, associated with t h e became a board member three years Church. AH the congregations asso- was an ordinance providing for a adoption. equipment development division of ago. served as chairman of the ciated with the League of Religious $32,000 project in a section of Nor- Radio Corp. of America in Harrison, newly-formed committee on student mandy Dr. This program, to be 'Expected to be passed with little has been a ham radio operator for Organizations liave joined to spon- or no objection last night were or- health this year. sor the service. 34 years. During this time he has Mr. Mayer, who also is complet- dinances providing 12-hour metcred contacted fellow liam operators in The community will join together parking in the new Spring St, park- ag. his third year on the board, more than 300 countries and lists chaired the operations committee and in a constructive community project ing lot and authorizing angle park- a number of prominent world fig- through the offering which is desig- ing in a small section of Lenox Ave. .ie staff relations committee, which ures among his contacts. s part of the team that has the nated to the person4o-porson project between Central and -North Aves. J at Cacciola PI. The Community De- time consuining task of acting as Any additional action of the Town negotiating agent for tlie Board. velopment Coiporation has made Council will be covered in a story available 127 Caceiola PI. as a Time limitations caused by added on the council session in next Thurs- JOSEPH A. McGROARTV DR. SOLOMON J. COHEN CHARLES It. MAYER -business and professional assign- tutoring center where some 40 high day's Leader, school tutors are involved in weekly ments appear to be the main reason service. In seeking to underwrite a the three board members are not $600 budget, it has been pointed out Early School Closing Town Engineer seeding another three-year term ef that checks may be made payable to Slow Progress Rev. J. R. Ahlers office. Grades 5 through 12 of the Wcst- Mr. Mayer said that several new the League of Religious Organiza- fie'd puttie schools will be dismiss- Heads Stale Group tions for this effort. To be Installed business assignments will not per- For United Fund ed at 12:30 on Tuesday to permit Of Engineers mit him to "devote the time needed staff members to attend an inserv- to do a proper job on the Board of Contributions to the United Fund •ice meeting on drug abuse educa- Education. tion. Classes will resume at the Sunday Evening Charles Van Benscholen of Moun- Joins Committee inched up by only $4,000 this week, tainside was elected president of the "A tremendous amount of time according to John. Y. May, chair- regular time on Wednesday, Dee. 2. •will be needed by board members man of Uie 1970 campaign to raise The Hcv. Juergen It. Ahlers will New Jersey Society of Municipal l>e installed as an associate pastor Engineers at the annual meeting in next year. I will riot be afble to de- On Drug Abuse $282,881. A total of $178,352 has vote that amount of time," he said. been raised so far. ACLU lo Hear )f the Presbyterian Church in West- Atlantic City held in conjunction field, in charge of youth and adult with the 35th Annual Conference of He also said he thought new board Sister Alice James, librarian at Residential division totals con- education, on Sunday, at 7:30 p.m the New Jersey State League of members would add "now thoughts Holy Trinity High School, has been MRS. KUT1I V. HILL tinue to lag, with only $59,914 re- Police Chief Moran at a service to bo held in the Municipalities. He is the engineer and new ideas." appointed to Mayor James C. Mor- ported. Advanced gifts amount to church. for Die Town of Westfield and has Mr. Mayer added he is proud to an's Advisory Committee on Drug $48,076, major gifts $33,210 and re- Chief James F. Moron of the have been a member of the Board Westfield Police Department will be The Rev. James L. Smith, pastor been in that position for the past Abuse. Mrs. Ruth Hill tail business division contributions of Siloam Presbyterian Church in eight years. of Education. The advisory committee meets stand at $7,040. the guest speaker at the next meet- ing of the Union County Chapter of Elizabeth and Moderator of the Mr. Van Benschoten is a graduate "I feel strongly that the system the second Wednesday of each "Most Westfield families will be Presbytery of Elizabeth, will pre- is in good hands and that we have month. Sister Alice is presently Jaycees' Speaker counting tiieir blessings tomorrow ' RABBI CHARLES KROLOFF •the American Oivil Liberties Union of Rutgers University where he in the National State Bank building side of the service of installation teaches a course in public woite a great school system in Wcsfield," working on a sub-<eammittee to at holiday tables, giving thartks for and pose the constitutional ques- lie stated. help develop a philosophy on.cop- Mrs. Ruth V. Hill, "director of rec- the good things this year has pn Mprris and Linden Aves., Spring- construction. He is licensed in the 1 tions to the installee and to the Dr. Cohen said he decided not to ing wife drag abuse in Westtlejid', reation for the town of Wastfleld , brought them," Mr. May said. "We Rabbi to Receive fieM, at 8 p.m. Tuesday. 'Trob- State of New Jersey as a profession- 1 congregation. run again, primarily, because "I 'Prom 'January 1870 until May, will' be guest speaker at.-.the West- •who have been closely associated ilem-s of Law Enforcement" will be al engineer and land surveyor, is a Chief Moran's topic of discussion. John W. Gill, director of youth member of the National and New have tremendous faith in, admiration Sister Alice also served as co-fehair- field '3ay<5ees monthly dinner meet- with tlie United Fund count among activities, wilt give the cat] to wor- ;-- man of. the high school drug eurric- ing on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2, ithem the 15 service agencies which Special Citation Jersey Society of Professional Engi- for. and respect for the superinten- ; Acting Chapter Chairman Dwigiit ship; Elder Raymond A. Olson, the dent of schools; his staff and the ulum committee. Its object was to at Snuffy's Steak House in Scotch do so much for our WesWield com- W. Berreman of Westfield urges the neers and the American Public One of 4he very few rabbis in the, prayer of Thanksgiving; and the Works Association. Mr. Van Ben- remaining members of the present draft an educational program for Plains. munity. general public, as well as all AOLU Itsv.
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