Parachutes de France SA • 2, Rue Denis Papin - Jouy le Moutier 95031 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex • France • Tel.: (33) 01 34 32 77 77 • Fax: (33) 01 34 3.2 73 17 PARACHUTES ■INTERNATIONAL PARTNERS DE FRANCE SA E-Mail: [email protected] » Web site:www.Parachutes-de-France.com F'NE PARACHUTES MAKERS the magazine formerly known as... PARAx THE JOURNAL OF THE Skydive Mag editorial 3 Burton Street Peterborough PE1 5HA United Kingdom ASM - The Social Event of the Year -a Tel/Fax: 01733 755 8605 At most ASMs fo r the last ten years, the p- M l . o [email protected] membership has a solidarity in approach . m www.skydivemag.com (brothers!). Motions are either universally «| J 3 the magazine of ADVERTISING: carried or wholeheartedly dismissed - as was i T 3 The British Jackie Green the case this year with the poorly presented J Warners Group Publications:a tio ns review motion. I t could be argued tha t this is a ■ \ “ ■ Parachute Association West Street Bourne, Lines PE10 9PHIPH ®00<^ '^eQ n0t execu* ec* people who did a ' Patron: His Royal Highness fa ir job o f executing themselves in fro n t of 480 Tel: 01778 393 313 The Prince of Wales Fax: 01778 394 748 people. Stand up and be discounted! [email protected] Chairman's Report Chris Allen's report, in glorious Powerpoint, was the best I can remember, see insert in EDITOR: this Mag. It's good to see a young Chairman with a proactive approach, vision and drive. Lesley Gale Also, the highest votes in the election, proving membership support. Good luck Chris. lesley @ skydivemag.com Development Chairman Ian Midgley demonstrated his pilot new BPA website which was D E S IG N : very well received. And John Smyth's Competitions Committee has been the most Trish Jones proactive fo r years. The BPA Council is looking good, and now we even have two women in BPA, Wharf Way, Glen Parva, trish @ skydivemag.com the hot seats. Leicester LE2 9TF Girl Power Tel: 0116 278 5271 D E S IG N : Fax: 0116 247 7662 Andy Vernum A unified membership feeling was shown by the standing ovation fo r our Women's World E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01832 280 686 Cup Champions, VMax. Right On Ladies (and Gent!). Also, spontaneous applause fo r the stylaprint @ btintemet.com www.bpa.org.uk magazine during Chris Allen's speech, thank you. Praise fo r the Mag was universally high, all IT CONTROL: motivating s tu ff, the only gripe was th a t two people weren't getting it (the magazine that Z ahed Shah is!). BritlO O Simon Ward, BritlOO Chairman, presented Trish and I with a framed photo of the famous 100-way in appreciation of our support. Super Cool. Surely a BPA Certificate o f M erit would B P A S ta ff have been appropriate fo r Simon and all the BritlOO committee fo r tremendous positive PR. I'd National C o ach.............. John Hitchen like to publicly recognise his constant help, input and support both fo r the magazine and fo r Technical Officer . Tony Butier PA to above officers . Trudy Kemp British skydiving. I have so much respect fo r Simon. His concepts are sound and could be well Financial Adminstrator . Jon Gretton used by the BPA. National Administrator . Sharon Norris Summary Adminstration Co-ordinator Jane Doughty Membership Services...........Karey Goodwin W hilst the dinner was good fun, it lacked a binding ingredient like after-dinner speeches (we have so many BPA Council Members sky funny characters in the sport this would be entertaining) BPA Chairman Chris Allen n e x t Cl , {r .. f p c or at least a toast to the year. And what was that soup? skydive @ u kgateway. net ■ *7 „ ,r „ But the day was efficiently organised by Sharon Norris Vice Chairman Keiran Brady M agazin e Copy Deadline C lu b D ead lin e To R eader , . .: ^ D , xl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (nice one!), the seminars were excellent and the happy bradyk @ fsbdial .co.uk STC C hairm an..........................John Saunders April Wed 08 Mar Wed 15 Mar Sat 15 Apr mingling o f British skydivers went on all night. [email protected] May your sky dreams come true Competitions Chairman....................John Smyth Copy Deadline: For articles and photos [email protected] Club Deadline: For club news, events, letters, snippets Development Chairman Ian Midgley [email protected] Communications Chairman........... Keiran Brady [email protected] Riggers Chairman Paul Applegate tel/fax 01869 277 469 syibscrib# Club Representative Midlands Mike Allum michael@allum41 .freeserve.co.uk Club Representative South Mike Danby UK £24 Ex BPA member £20 Overseas (Air) £30 [email protected] Club Representative North Keiran Brady Please send me a copy of skydive on each of the next six bimonthly publication dates: [email protected] I enclose a cheque/PO to the value required payable to ‘BPA Limited’ (UK subscriptions only) OR: Council Members please debit my Mastercard/Visa as follows: Tim Andrewes skydivenorth @ email.msn.com Tye Boughen [email protected] Card No.______|______ |______|______| Exp d a te :__ / ____ Chris Clements [email protected] Dona Crum [email protected] N am e:....................................................... Date:............................... Dave Hickling [email protected] Lofty Thomas tel 01262673 101 Richard Tregaskes [email protected] Signature:................................................................................................................ Address:.................................................................................................................. BPA Representatives Treasurer ................................... Debbie Carter Pilots Committee Chairman Pat Howell Royal Aero Club Delegate John Smyth CAA Liaison Officer Tony Knight Gasco Vice President ............Angela Hickling BPA Wharf Way, Glen Parva, Leicester LE2 9TF IPC D e le g a te ...............................John Hitchen Tel 0116 278 5271 Fax 0116 247 7662 skydive 1 February 2000 r e q u l a r s . Editorial.................... 1 Kit News Letters Sky Times Incident Reports Council Matters Puzzle People in the Sport Classified Adverts BPA Clubs and Centres Club News Advertisers Index NOTE: Some of the photos contained in this magazine may show skydivers without helmets, in which case they were jumping abroad. In the UK it is mandatory to wear a helmet lor obvious safety reasons. © skydive All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, without permission of the Editor. The views expressed in skyd ive are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the B PA The Editor retains the right to withdraw any advertisement at her discretion and does not accept liability for delay in publication or for errors, although every care is taken to avoid missttakes. The information in this magazine was. to the best of our ability correct at the time of going to press. Reproduction, printing and mailing takes a total of 3 w eeks so some information may be out of date, or superseded S k y d iv g featu res Getting it Right Shots from Passe’s latest movie Getting it Wrong . A sequence of action shots with comments by Dave Morris Big-way Skysurf.... 9 Tips from Oliver Furrer, world bronze medallist skysurfer Camera or Danger........... 25 S im o n W ard j traces the evolution of \cameras World Record........... 28 George* Pilkington enthuses aboun the new World Record Harris rounds up the action J plus a pictorial spread o f o u r ‘99 achievers The break-off shot above was taken by Willy Boeykens at the recent World Record, see page 28 skydive 3 February 2000 These shots and the cover shot, by Johnny Panakis, show Bruno Brokken and Richie Hornig flying with their Velocities under a narrow bridge at Besalu, Spain. They were taken during the filming of Patrick Passe's new movie, Crosswind. Crosswind also shows Rickster Powell swooping the gorgeous Lake Taupo between big rocks sticking out of the surface of the water and piloting his high speed canopy inside narrow and bushy ravines. Crosswind includes freefly with the Fly Boyz, tracking jumps, the last skysurf tandem skydives with Patrick de Gayardon above Hawaii, beautiful jumps with Wendy Smith above New Zealand, Omar Alhegelan playing with his skyball, skysurfing with the team Pulse, funky shots of Airspeed, tube jumps, flares into the fire, wing suit jumps, exciting base jumps, and ‘more French craziness'. Crosswind is a three year project, filmed with 16mm cameras by Patrick Passe, Wendy Smith and Claud Remide (for the base jumping segments). It is a complete 60 minute film; the theme of the story is the Relative Wind. Crosswind will be released in June or July 2000. Next issue (April), we have a complete article by Patrick Passe about the movie. Pictures by Johnny Panakis Bruno Brokken and Richie Hornig were chosen for this challenging swoop situation. After a few training jumps sliding on the water under a small bridge at La Muga, Empuriabrava, they decided to go for some more ambitious action. They knew a beautiful place called Besalu, where there is an amazing and very old Spanish bridge with stone arches over the river. This was far riskier; the entrance for the swoop is pretty dangerous. They could easily have broken bones or gone in at the start of the swoop - or got wet at the end! Nothing like that did happen. Bruno and Richie showed amazing control of their high speed Velocity 120's, impeccably timed swoops, awesome flares and took their flight path under the bridge trailing just a foot in the water! The pigeons nesting on the stones suddenly took off when Bruno and Richie flew under the bridge, they were very surprised! This is hot! This is called Getting it Right! Patrick Passe M l V C - February 2000 Photos, taken by Johnny Panakis, show JC (we'll leave him nameless " a t f w y the guilty!) attemting to fly Muga on the beach at his an Icarus Extreme ONG Words by Dave \ J r Getting it wrong starts before you even get into the aircraft m ...buy the smallest, fastest thing on the market, ignoring •It’s the person in charge of the canopy that makes it look good, not the canopy.
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