SONS OF NORWAY FAGERNES LODGE 5-616! APRIL, MAY, JUNE 2015 Lutefisk: A Strange and certainly originated in Scandinavia, the immigrant communities— especially their Beloved Tradition! churches and cultural heritage lodges— Upcoming Events " have played a major role in developing Whether you love it or you hate it, lutefisk the phenomenon of lutefisk dinners,” says April 25, 2015 is a closely held tradition among Carrie Roy, a Scandinavian cultural Scandinavian-Americans. A wintertime scholar and creator of the short rite of passage among many Sons of documentary ‘Where the Sacred Meets 1:00 p.m. Norway lodges, lutefisk dinners remain a the Quivering Profane: Exploring the popular and important means of Public and Private Spheres of Lutefisk.’" Ella Britten talks connecting with Nordic culture and " about Masse Moro heritage. But how did something as How it’s Made! bizarre as fish treated with lye become Modern lutefisk begins its journey from Servers: Todd & Mary such a cultural icon? Read on to learn sea to plate as a whitefish, typically cod. Jo Fetsch and more about this notorious Scandinavian Dried and reconstituted in lye brine, the Charlotte Dahl food." fish is later soaked to remove the " causticity and packaged for purchase. May 15, 2015 Unknown Origins! Cooked until a seemingly impossible While no one is certain how or where combination of gelatinous and flaky, 1:30 p.m. lutefisk originated—whether in Sweden or lutefisk is typically served with butter or Norway—there are a couple of legends cream sauce." regarding its creation. The first suggests " Program at Grand that early Viking fishermen hung their cod, Facts about Lutefisk! View an invaluable source of protein for the • The state of Wisconsin exempts lutefisk winter months, to dry on tall birch racks. from classification as a toxic substance in May 16, 2015 In a skirmish with neighboring Vikings, the its laws regulating workplace safety." racks of fish were burned but a rainstorm • Much of the lutefisk sold by Olsen Fish Bake Sale and blew in and doused the fire. Left to soak Company comes from Ålesund, Norway." in rainwater and birch ash for months, the • Sterling silver should never be used in Frokost 9 - 2 reconstituted fish was later discovered by the preparation or eating of lutefisk as it some hungry Vikings who ate it. The will stain the silver." Community second less plausible tale of lutefisk’s • Left overnight, residual residue from Center origins describes a lye-poisoning attempt lutefisk preparation is nearly impossible to on Viking raiders by St. Patrick in Ireland. remove." June 19, 2015 According to legend, St. Patrick served • The self-proclaimed “lutefisk capital of the raiders lye-soaked fish in the hopes of the world” is in Madison, MN, home to Fyrbal with Osseo dispatching them, however the raiders fiberglass codfish, Lou T. Fisk." enjoyed the fish and beheld it as a • While more common in Scandinavian- Lodge at delicacy. Although an entertaining story, American communities, lutefisk is the lifetime of St. Patrick precedes known experiencing a resurgence among Pigeon Falls Viking activity in Ireland by more than restaurants and catering companies in three centuries. What is known is that Norway, up 72 percent from 2005 to 2007." lutefisk gained its popularity in the U.S. • The first written preparation of lutefisk in after a sharp increase in Scandinavian literature is in the writings of Olaus Save your printer immigration in the late 19th and early 20th Magnus in 1555. In his writings, Olaus cartridges and bring them centuries. Originally a food born out of notes that it should be served with to LaVonne. We get poverty, descendants of immigrants now salted butter." $2.00 credit for each view it as a connection to their ancestors " cartridge at Office Max and their heritage. “These dinners • Our Financial Benefits Counselor and Office Depot to use represent important traditions in both is Tom Kunkel. Contact him at toward new cartridges families and communities, and for some, [email protected], or and paper! they are a valued connection to culture call 1-844-233-7667. and heritage. While the food tradition April, May, June 2015 !1 Fagernes Lodge 5-616 a little in English..." sleep outside to celebrate the year of Friluftsliv – on The Year of Friluftsliv 2015! their balcony, in the backyard, next to the water, in the " forest or on a mountain." “Go on a ski trip, hiking trip, sledding trip, camping trip, " mountain top trip, berry picking trip, fishing trip, litt på norsk… Friluftslivåret 2015! overnight trip - or just get outside for a walk! These can “Dra på skitur, gåtur, aketur, telttur, topptur, bærtur, be experiences you remember your whole life,” said fisketur, langtur - eller bare kom dere ut en tur! Det kan H.K.H. Crown Prince Haakon. He opened Friluftslivets bli opplevelser dere husker hele livet,” sa H.K.H. år (The year of Outdoor Life) 2015 on January 13th in Kronprins Haakon 13. januar i Tøyenparken. Han Tøyenparken. Crown Prince Haakon is the Friluftsårets åpnet Friluftslivets år 2015. Kronprins Haakon er spokesperson. “The best thing about being outside Friluftsårets beskytter. “Det beste med det å være ute and engaged in outdoor activities is that it’s so easy! og drive med friluftsliv, det er at det er så lett! Det er It’s just about putting clothes on – some skis or some bare å ta på seg noen klær - noen ski eller noen sko og shoes and going out to be in nature. And in Norway we så gå ut og være i naturen. Og i Norge så er vi ganske are extremely lucky, because we have nature heldige, for vi har jo natur overalt,” sa Kronprins everywhere,” said Crown Prince. Friluftsliv provides Haakon. Friluftsliv gir gode opplevelser, økt good opportunities, an improved quality of life, better livskvalitet, en bedre helse og et rikere liv, skriver health and a richer life, writes Friluftslivets Joint Friluftslivets Fellesorganisasjon på sine hjemmesider. Organization on its webpage. The goal is to provide Målet er å gi varige resultater i form av økt deltakelse i lasting results in the form of increased participation in friluftsliv i alle deler av befolkingen. Året skal gi økt outdoor recreation in all parts of the population. The oppmerksomhet rundt friluftslivets positive effekter for year shall increase awareness of outdoor recreation, folkehelsen, og øke bevisstheten om de gode positive effects on public health and raise awareness mulighetene som alle i Norge har til å utøve friluftsliv." about the great opportunities that everyone in Norway I Nyttårstalen snakket Hans Majestet Kongen om dette has for friluftsliv. In his New Year’s Speech, His året som vi nå går inn i: “Jeg tror vi har mye å lære av Majesty the King talked about this year that we are dem som lever tett på naturen for å få kunnskap om entering into, saying, “I think we have a lot to learn hvordan vi skal håndtere miljøutfordringene. 2015 er from those who live close to nature in order to gain Friluftslivets år. Vi nordmenn elsker å være ute i knowledge about how to deal with environmental naturen. Vi nyter dette fantastiske godet i langdrag – challenges. 2015 is the year of Friluftsliv. We på fjellet, i skogen, på sjøen. Det skal vi bare fortsette Norwegians love to be out in nature. We enjoy this med, og lære nye generasjoner å verdsette. Men da fantastic goodness in a long breath – on the mountain, må vi alle også være med å beskytte alt levende rundt in the forest, on the sea. That is what we will continue oss.” Kronprinsen introduserte de oppmøtte for to do, and to teach future generations to appreciate as hvordan de kan benytte seg av dette året, og well. But, together we all must protect everything that forhåpentlig årene som kommer: “Til alle dere barn: lives around us.” The Crown Prince presented those in Mas på foreldrene deres om å få dra på tur så mye attendance with how they can take advantage of this dere vil dette året!” Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit og year, and hopefully years to come saying, “To all of you Kronprins Haakon besøkte Norges Speiderforbunds children: pester your parents about getting outside to aktivitetsområde der de fikk opplæring i å tenne bål, take a trip as much as you want this year!” Crown spikke, surre, sage og kappe. Fra 13. - 14. januar er Princess Mette-Marit and Crown Prince Haakon visited det mange i Norge som skal sove ute som en the Norwegian Scout Association’s activity area where markering av Friluftslivets år - på balkongen, i they were trained in lighting bonfires. From January bakgården, ved et vann, i skogen eller på fjellet." 13th to the 14th there are many in Norway who will Source: Det Norske Kongehus" HAPPY Kassandra Eileen Trim Jack Hardiman June Dobson Marty Zubke Fran Instenes Henry Fetsch BIRTHDAY! Keoinia Dobson " Virginia Ronning James Hovre April Rafael Hanson May Victor Volkman Lynn Thompson Julia Berg Gavin Instenes Laura Dobson Will Volkman Bethany Vinson Judy Bleken Jescey Thompson Fern Galstad Leland Wier " April, May, June 2015 !2 Fagernes Lodge 5-616 How Electric Cars Went brands of electric cars. The getting the word out to the Norwegian Electric Vehicle average person and developing Mainstream in Norway! Association, an Oslo nonprofit, an infrastructure. It took several " also lobbied to make the cars decades, but most Norwegians As of 2014, Norway reached #1 in more attractive to buyers, making now know what an electric car is, per capita ownership of elbiler, or it possible for electric cars to can name some of the models on electric cars. One in every 100 travel toll-free on all roads and the market, and know where to cars on the road is run solely with ferries, have access to use of bus find a charging station.
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