Sentencing Table and Relevant Links for LulzSec, Anonymous and Other Hackers* (compiled by Maya Richman) * Work in progress. Please check back at original link for updates and send corrections to [email protected] or Maya Richman <[email protected]> * Web defacements, SQL Injections, and Hacking Legal Name Handle Date of Sentence Prison Relevant Links Other Details & Country of Sentence Fine Sentence Residence (months) *see “Other Details” for time actually served Andrew Weev 3/18/13 73,000 US42 http:// He had faced up to 10 years in Aumheimer www.theguardian.com/ prison. Lawyers are appealing USA technology/2013/jan/24/ on the grounds he did not hack hacking-us-government- anything and should be not be cyber-crackdown charged under CFAA. http:// www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2013/03/18/andrew-weev- auernheimer_n_2900387.ht ml Darren Pwnsaus 07/16/13 5000 0 http:// Indicted in March 2012, Martyn e and Euro www.irishexaminer.com/ released by Irish police, unclear Ireland 10/08/13 ireland/fbi-irish-duo-are-top- what FBI legislative action will hackers-186280.html be taken for LulzSec activity. http://www.rte.ie/news/ Pled guilty on July 16, 2013 to 2013/1008/479105-fg- one count of hacking for website-hackers-spared-jail- defacing Fine Gael and paid sentences/ 5000 fine on October 08, 2013. Judge only fined him. http:// www.informationweek.com/ security/attacks/lulzsec- hackers-evade-irish-jail-time/ 240162429 Donncha palladiu 07/16/13 5000 0 http:// Released by Irish police, unclear O'Cearrbhail m and Euro www.irishexaminer.com/ what FBI legislative action will Ireland 10/08/13 ireland/fbi-irish-duo-are-top- be taken for luzlsec activity. hackers-186280.html Pled guilty on July 16 2013 to http://www.rte.ie/news/ one count of hacking for 2013/1008/479105-fg- defacing Fine Gael website 2013 website-hackers-spared-jail- and paid 5000 fine on October sentences/ 08, 2013. Judge only fined him. http:// www.informationweek.com/ security/attacks/lulzsec- hackers-evade-irish-jail-time/ 240162429 Hector Sabu Delayed N/A N/A http://arstechnica.com/tech- Delayed until after Hammond’s Monsegur policy/2013/08/fbi-still- case. LulzSec turned informant. USA needs-hector-sabu-monsegur- sentencing-delayed-again/ http://www.dailydot.com/ news/lulzsec-hacker-sabu- sentence-delayed-fbi/ Jeremy Anarchao 11/15/13 N/A N/A http:// Sentencing on November 15th. Hammond s www.theguardian.com/ USA technology/2013/may/29/ hacking-stratfor-hammond- guilty http://www.rollingstone.com/ politics/news/jeremy- hammond-pleads-guilty-to- stratfor-hack-20130528 Jake Davis Topiary 5/14/13 0 1.2 http:// 38 days in prison. Sentenced to www.informationweek.com/ 24 months in a young offender security/attacks/lulzsec- institution, of which 12 must be hackers-sentenced-in-london/ served, and electronically tagged 240155060 for 21 months http://thehackernews.com/ 2013/05/lulzsec-hackers-to- Received Serious Crime be-sentenced-for.html Prevention Order that will http:// impose various restrictions on www.huffingtonpost.com/ their behavior. 2011/08/01/jake-davis- alleged-lulzsec- hacker_n_914753.html http://arstechnica.com/tech- policy/2013/05/the-cutting- edge-of-cybercrime-lulzsec- hackers-get-up-to-32-months- in-jail/ http://rt.com/news/lulzsec- sentence-jail-davis-376/ Cody Recursio 4/19/13 605,663 12 http://www.justice.gov/usao/ Ordered to serve one year of Kretsinger n US cac/Pressroom/ home detention and to perform USA 2013/102.html 1,000 hours of community http:// service. www.huffingtonpost.ca/ 2013/04/18/cody-kretsinger- lulzsec-hacker- sentence_n_3113290.html http://www.reuters.com/ article/2013/04/18/us-usa- lulzsec-hacker- idUSBRE93H10K20130418 Raynaldo Neuron 8/8/13 605,663 12 http://classic.slashdot.org/ He faced a maximum of 15 years Rivera US story/13/08/09/132227 in prison but received 13 months USA http://www.dailydot.com/ home detention and 1000 hours crime/reynaldo-rivera-sony- of community service. hack-lulzsec-prison-sentence/ http://www.scmagazine.com/ lulzsec-sony-pictures- attacker-sentenced-to-year- in-jail-huge-fine/article/ 307077/ Mustafa Al- Tflow 5/14/13 0 20 http:// 2 year suspended sentence, 300 Bassam www.informationweek.com/ hours of community service UK security/attacks/lulzsec- hackers-sentenced-in-london/ Received Serious Crime 240155060 Prevention Order that will http://thehackernews.com/ impose various restrictions on 2013/05/lulzsec-hackers-to- their behavior. be-sentenced-for.html http://arstechnica.com/tech- policy/2013/05/the-cutting- edge-of-cybercrime-lulzsec- hackers-get-up-to-32-months- in-jail/ Hingnio Wormer 8/24/13 14,062.17 27 https://www.fbi.gov/ Free in the lead-up to his Ochoa US sanantonio/press-releases/ sentencing. USA 2012/galveston-man- sentenced-to-federal-prison- for-computer-hacking Ryan Kayla/ 5/14/13 0 30 http:// Posed as a 16-year-old girl, Ackroyd KMS www.informationweek.com/ accused of taking the lead on UK security/attacks/lulzsec- researching and executing many hackers-sentenced-in-london/ of the group's hacks. 240155060 Received Serious Crime http:// Prevention Order that will www.theguardian.com/ impose various restrictions on technology/2013/may/16/ their behavior. lulzsec-hacktivists-longest- jail-sentences-hacking http://arstechnica.com/tech- policy/2013/05/the-cutting- edge-of-cybercrime-lulzsec- hackers-get-up-to-32-months- in-jail/ Ryan Cleary ViraL 5/14/13 0 32 https:// Although he spent 16 months in UK www.informationweek.com/ remand, he was not released due security/attacks/lulzsec- to pending psychiatric hacker-ryan-cleary-to-be- evaluations following charges release/240156590 involving child pornography. http:// www.theguardian.com/ In addition, given 5 year serious technology/2011/jun/22/ crime prevention order. ryan-cleary-charged-lulzsec- hacking Received Serious Crime http://arstechnica.com/tech- Prevention Order that will policy/2013/05/the-cutting- impose various restrictions on edge-of-cybercrime-lulzsec- their behavior hackers-get-up-to-32-months- in-jail/ John Kahuna 9/12/13 227,000 36 http://www.dailydot.com/ Free in the lead-up to his Anthony US news/anonymous-hacker- sentencing, unlike Hammond. Borell III kahuna-sentence/ USA http:// www.huffingtonpost.com/ 2013/09/12/john-anthony- borell-iii- sentenced_n_3916101.html DDoS Actions Jake Birchall N/A 1/24/13 0 0 http://www.theguardian.com/ Adjourned. He did not hack UK technology/2013/feb/01/ but is said to have DDoSed anonymous-teenage-hacker Paypal. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/ news/article-2272064/ Anonymous-Jake-Birchall-walks- free-court-multi-million-pound- losses-PayPal.html Peter Gibson Peter 1/24/13 0 6 http://www.theguardian.com/ For PayPal DDoS campaign UK technology/2013/jan/24/ (no hacking) anonymous-hackers-jailed-cyber- attacks http://thehackernews.com/ 2013/05/lulzsec-hackers-to-be- sentenced-for.html Ashley Nikon Elite 1/24/13 0 7 http://www.theguardian.com/ Said to have had a lesser role Rhodes technology/2013/jan/24/ in the PayPal DDoS campaign UK anonymous-hackers-jailed-cyber- (no hacking) attacks http://thehackernews.com/ 2013/05/lulzsec-hackers-to-be- sentenced-for.html Christopher Nerdo 1/24/13 0 18 http://www.theguardian.com/ Found guilty of conspiring to Weatherhead technology/2013/jan/24/ impair the operation of UK anonymous-hackers-jailed-cyber- computers between August 1, attacks 2010, and January 22, 2011. (DDoS related not hacking) *Not all members of LulzSec have been identified or sentenced. The Paypal 14 still remain in legal limbo and in the US 13 other individuals have been indicted for Operation Payback—a series of DDoS campaigns between September 2010 and December 2010. .
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