•• •• aCl lC Cl lzen National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League Newsstand: 25¢ t60e postpaId) ISSN: 0030-8S79/Whole No. 2,3801V01. 102 No. 10 941 East 3rd St. #200, Los An eles, CA 90013 . 213 626-6936 Frida, March 14, 1986 ·,,---~--~-·- News in Brief In the letter to hi Mondale lends supporters, Mon~ dale described the Letter promoting 'Jpn.' bill circulated in House .name to JACL Int mment as "an WASHINGTON-Rep. Mike LoWlY (D-Wash.) and Norman Mineta act without justifi­ (D-Calif.) have distributed a "Dear Colleague" letter urging fellow solicitation cation. Every inves­ ) pre. entative to co- ponsor are olution recognizing "Jpn." rath r tigation before and than ·'Jap." a the proper abbreviation of "Japan" or "Japane' ." WA HINGTON-Form r vice after Pearl Harbor The letter, dated Feb. 10. ays "Jap" i "rejected and resented by president Walt r Mondale has concluded that the Japanese American and othel a a racial epithet ... it i omet:imc . ign -d a 1 ttcrsuppOltingJACL'5 J apane e American used as an abbreviation ... when a en ible alternative i available." ffort to obtain redr 5S for the community posed Promoting the u e of "Jpn." would empha ize "respect and ensitiv­ governm nt' wal1ime action 110 military threat," ity" over "hostility and thoughtie ne ," the congre smen wrot . against Japane e Americans. In another part of Rep. Sala Burton (D-Calif) and Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) Re poneling to a personal re­ the letter he wrote, have pledged their support of the bill which Lowry authored at the quest by JACL national presi­ "It wasn't because request of Pacific Northwest District JACL dent Frank Sato, Mondale of­ of war that J apa­ fered upport in the form of a ne AJnencans Former school district workers may get redress letter to his own SUPpOlters writ­ were imprisoned. It was because of ra­ Walter Mondale Signing JACL letter. OLYMPIA, Wash.-Payments of $5.~ to Nisei forced to re ign by ten during his 1984 presidential campaign. cism and greed." He the Seattle School District in 1942 may be granted a a re ult of The letter is included in an up­ In affl.I1l1ing his SUPPOlt, Mon­ went on to urge his supporters passage of a state bill authorizing citie to compensate J apane coming mailing, authorized by dale wrote to Sato, "I have r ad to sign petitions directed to Pres­ American employees who lost their jobs on the basis of race during ident Reagan and even to be­ the JACL National Board, to sol­ WW2 Introduced by State Rep. Gcny Locke (D-37th Di triet), House the material that ou provided me, including the report of the come JACL members to con­ icit general membership and Bill 1415 was passed in the House on Feb. 15 by an 82r15 vote and cretize their su pport for redress. support for redress education in the Senate on March 6 by a ~ 1 vote. Gov. William Booth Gardner Commission on Wartime Reloca­ is expected to sign tile bill into law. tion and Intemment of Civilian , In April 1004 the Seattle School Board passed by a 42 vote a and find all of it full worthy of resolution setting aside funds for payments to former employee (25 SUppOlt This outrage i some­ Mineta: budget bill no obstacle of the original Z7 are still alive). The fund , however, have been held thing tha ha long on med in escrow since then because of a clause withholding payments until me, and I fully support the re­ WA HINGTON-Responding to "But the costs invol ed with liR the state attomey general confumed the district's authority to grant commendation of the commi - doubts that have been expressed 442 are minor in the context of compensation or until enabling legislation was pa ed. sion... about the chances of redress leg­ the federal budget i lation being passed, Rep. Nor~ 'Some members of Congress man Mineta ID-Callf) aid March may see this as an excuse not to 5 that he r mains committed to support our redress efforts but passage f redI bill H.R 442 it would not be a alid excuse. Sanctuary for Marcos in Hawaii debated during the current e ion of The $1.5 billion which the bill Congre _ call for pale in comparison to by J.K. Yamamoto "1 can undeI land the con­ many federal programs and can HONOLULU-Opponents and cern of tho e who fi ar that on­ be pread vel' a period of 10 supporters of deposed Philip­ gre . current 'tighten-the-bclt' yea! . pine president Ferdinand Marcos phil phy. becau of Gramm­ "The major barder to H.R 442 spoke Feb. 26 at a public hearing Rudman-Hollings, may halt th ha alway been. and till re­ on a re olution by State Sen. progr of H.R. 442," he aid. mains. tile ignorance urround­ Duke Kawasaki to deny Marco ing the internment long as sanctucny in Hawaii. membeI of ongress don't know Although the resolution, if 1987 the facts of the intel1unent, they passed, would be a purely sym­ Script for will not e the j tice of the bill bolic gesture because of Marcos' ''That' why my colleagues and arrival in Hawaii the day before exhibit revealed I have made education our first and President Reagan's assur­ ta k in pa. a of the bill. And ance of sanctucuy, the hearing " hclYe b en" l' ucce ful al­ at the State Capitol gave local l' ady, inc m 1 than 120 mem­ Filipino Americans and oth rs a o rs lofthc H u I and 25 na­ chance to air their view . tOl already hay igned up as ''Do not underestimate the im­ c~ pon I .. _I know that ulti­ pact of the presence of Ferdinand mat lv I1gl win ee th light Marcos," warned Dean Alegado and pa HR. +l2." of Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines. ''With hi ill­ Matsui s Remarks gotten dollars .. _he could re­ PholO by Ken SakamOlO Honolulu Star-Bull lin WELCOME TO EXILE-Hawaii governor George Ariyoshi and wife Jean Rep. Rob It Matsui (D-Calif) group supporters and mount a greet deposed Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos at Hickam Air Force al 0 reiterat d hi UPPOlt of the counter-revolution, using Hono­ Base on Feb 26. (Related commentary on page 5.) 1 !!i lativ appl hover th lulu as a base_" la ' action la, uit b ing pur­ Kawasaki, after hearing simi­ u d in fed ral curt ''Priorities lar concerns from a number of "Marcos is ill and about to die," Marco , not provide anctuary to mu t b tabli hed," h said speakers, noted that Marcos did Kuroda added. "Certain individ­ a conupt dictator.' March 11, "and HR 442. in my not formally resign before flee­ uals have strength, but once they Richard Kinn y ofth Hawaii pinion. i tu' b t hope for ing the Philippines. leave power, they lose strength." Political Action ommitte achi ving redI and an apol- State Sen. Joseph Kuroda, Alegado countered that there pressed the sam entiments. ogy f1'Om ul' gov l1ment however, scoffed at the notion are other potentially powerful "Ar we to b om a hav n for "F r thi bill to ~ u eed w that Marcos could establish a individuals in Marcos' entour­ tho e who di '1 gard human n d a unifi d lobbying effort ... government-in-exile, saying that age, including his wife Imelda rights?" HR 442. unlik redre tIght Hawaii is too small to conceal and Gen Fabian Ver. Joe Lazo, head of Friends of in a cowi: f law, would not put any counter-insurgency against Gard Kealoha of the Office of Marco and a personal ftiend of peopl in an adversarial position the new government of Corazon Hawaiian Affairs recommended the ex-president, called on Mar~ against th govenunent, having Aquino. that Hawaii "not give aloha to Coad ...... P.e5 to prove their losses." 2-PACIFIC CITIZEN I Friday, ~arch 14, 1986 No. 2,380 Allow 6 weeks advance notice to report address change with label on front , If you are moving / Wish to subscribe, Camps.recalled, Write New Address below. Effective date ......................................................... ....... Please send the Pacific Citizen for: I vets praised at o 1-Yr $20 0 2-Yrs $38 0 3-Yrs $56 Feb. 19 program To: ............................................................................... .............................. Address: .. .. ................................................................................................ SAI..JNAS, Calif-Several speak­ City, State, ZIP: ..................................................................................... .... Sumitomo's speakers condemned the war­ All subscriptions payable in advance. Foreign: US$12.00 extra per year. time internment of Japanese Checks payable to: Pacific Citizen, 941 E. 3rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90013 Americans and praised the Nisei EXPIRATION N<YI1CE-lfthe last. four digits on the top row of your label reads 0186, the who served in the armed forces IDday grace ~riod ends wi~ the last. issue in March, 1986. Please ren~ your subscription New Super dun.ng. WW2 at a Day of Remem- J _______________________________________or membership. Ifmembership bas been renewed and the paper stops, notUYthe • __________ PC office. _ brance ceremony Feb. 19. The event was jointly spon- J ,II k d t Checking ••• sored by the Monterey Peninsula, ael\son spea s at re ress even Salinas, Watsonville, San Benito and Gilroy chapters of JACL. SAN FRANCISCO - The Rev. l1yama of National Coalition for Does your bank offer as much? Salinas Mayor James Barnes, Jesse Jackson was among the RedresslReparations the pro­ • Opening deposit requirement has been lowered Kathy O'Boyle (for State Sen. speakers commemorating the gram's sponsor; Don Tamaki of to $100 Henry Mello), Monterey Mayor WW2 internment of Japanese the coram nobis legal team of Pro-Tern Dan Albert, Jackie Math­ Fred Korematsu; and State Sen.
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