336 INDEX N Naegeli's Narrowing - continued - disease 287.1 - artery NEC - continued - leukemia, monocytic (M9863/3) 205.1 -- cerebellar 433.8 Naffziger's syndrome 353.0 -- choroidal 433.8 Naga sore (see also Ulcer, skin) 707.9 -- communicative posterior 433.8 Nagele's pelvis 738.6 -- coronary 414.0 - with disproportion 653.0 --- congenital 090.5 -- causing obstructed labor 660.1 --- due to syphilis 093.8 -- fetus or newborn 763.1 -- hypophyseal 433.8 Nail - see also condition -- pontine 433.8 - biting 307.9 -- precerebral NEC 433.9 - patella syndrome 756.8 --- multiple or bilateral 433.3 Nanism, nanosomia (see also Dwarfism) -- vertebral 433.2 259.4 --- with other precerebral artery 433.3 - pituitary 253.3 --- bilateral 433.3 - renis, renalis 588.0 auditory canal (external) 380.5 Nanukayami 100.8 cerebral arteries 437.0 Napkin rash 691.0 cicatricial - see Cicatrix Narcissism 302.8 eustachian tube 381.6 Narcolepsy 347 eyelid 374.4 Narcosis - intervertebral disc or space NEC - see - carbon dioxide (respiratory) 786.0 Degeneration, intervertebral disc - due to drug - joint space, hip 719.8 -- correct substance properly - larynx 478.7 administered 780.0 mesenteric artery (with gangrene) 557.0 -- overdose or wrong substance given or - palate 524.8 taken 977.9 - palpebral fissure 374.4 --- specified drug - see Table of drugs - retinal artery 362.1 and chemicals - ureter 593.3 Narcotism (chronic) (see also Dependence) - urethra (see also Stricture, urethra) 598.9 304.9 Narrowness, abnormal. eyelid 743.6 - acute NEC Nasal- see condition correct substance properly Nasolachrymal, nasolacrimal- see condition administered 349.8 Nasopharyngeal- see also condition overdose or wrong substance given or - pituitary gland 759.2 taken 965.8 Nasopharyngitis (acute) (infective) --- specified drug - see Table of drugs (subacute) 460 and chemicals - chronic 472.2 Narrow -- due to external agent - see condition, - anterior chamber angle 365.0 respiratory, chronic, due to - pelvis - see Contraction, pelvis - due to external agent - see condition, Narrowing respiratory, due to - artery NEC 447.1 - septic 034.0 -- auditory, internal 433.8 - streptococcal 034.0 -- basilar 433.0 - suppurative (chronic) 472.2 --- with other precerebral artery 433.3 - ulcerative (chronic) 472.2 --- bilateral 433.3 Nasopharynx, nasopharyngeal- see -- carotid 433.1 condition --- with other precerebral artery 433.3 Natal tooth, teeth 520.6 --- bilateral 433.3 Nausea (see also Vomiting) 787.0 DISEASES AND NATURE OF INJURY 337 Nausea - continued Necrosis - continued - epidemic 078.8 - ethmoid (bone) 478.1 - gravidarum 643.0 - eyelid 374.5 - marina 994.6 - fat (generalized) (see also Degeneration, Navel - see condition fatty) 729.3 Nearsightedness 367.1 -- breast (aseptic) 611.3 Nebula, cornea 371.0 -- localized - see Degeneration by site, Necator americanus infestation 126.1 fatty Necatoriasis 126.1 - gallbladder (see also Cholecystitis, acute) Neck - see condition 575.0 Necrencephalus (see also Softening, brain) gastric 537.8 437.8 heart - see Infarct, myocardium Necrobacillosis 040.3 hepatic (see also Necrosis, liver) 570 Necrobiosis 799.8 hip (aseptic) (avascular) 733.4 - brain or cerebral (see also Softening, - intestine (acute) (haemorrhagic) brain) 437.8 (massive) 557.0 - lipoidica 709.3 - jaw 526.4 -- diabeticorum 250.7 t 709.8* - kidney (bilateral) 583.9 Necrolysis, toxic epidermal 695.1 -- acute 584.9 - due to drug -- cortical 583.6 correct substance properly --- acute 584.6 administered 695.1 -- medullary (papillary) (see also Pyelitis) overdose or wrong substance given or 590.8 taken 977.9 --- in --- specified drug - see Table of drugs ---- acute renal failure 584.7 and chemicals ---- nephritis, nephropathy 583.7 Necrophilia 302.8 papillary - see Necrosis kidney, Necrosis, necrotic (ischemic) (see also medullary Gangrene) 785.4 tubular 584.5 - adrenal (capsule) (gland) 255.8 --- with - antrum 478.1 ---- abortion - see categories 634-639, - aorta (hyaline) (see also Aneurysm, fourth digit .3 aorta) 441.6 ---- ectopic or molar pregnancy 639.3 -- cystic medial 441.0 --- complicating pregnancy 648.9 -- ruptured 441.5 ---- fetus or newborn 760.1 - artery 447.5 --- following labor and delivery 669.3 - bladder (aseptic) (sphincter) 596.8 larynx 478.7 - bone 730.1 - liver (acute) (diffuse) (massive) acute 730.0 (subacute) 570 aseptic or avascular 733.4 -- complicating pregnancy 646.7 ethmoid 478.1 --- fetus or newborn 760.8 jaw 526.4 -- puerperal, postpartum 674.8 tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, bone - lung 513.0 - brain (softening) (see also Softening, - lymphatic gland 683 brain) 437.8 - mammary gland 611.3 - breast (aseptic) (fat) (segmental) 611.3 - mastoid (chronic) 383.1 - bronchi 519.1 - mesentery 557.0 - central nervous system NEC (see also -- fat 567.8 Softening, brain) 437.8 mitral valve - see Insufficiency, mitral - cerebellar (see also Softening, brain) myocardium, myocardial - see Infarct, 437.8 myocardium - cerebral (softening) (see also Softening, nose 478.1 brain) 437.8 - oesophagus 530.8 - cornea (see also Keratitis) 371.4 - omentum 557.0 - cystic medial (aorta) 441.0 -- fat 567.8 - dental 521.0 orbit, orbital 376.1 - esophagus 530.8 - ossicles, ear 385.2 338 INDEX Necrosis - continued Necrosis - continued ovary (see also Salpingo-oophoritis) - subcutaneous fat, fetus or newborn 778.1 614.2 - subendocardial - see Infarct, myocardium pancreas (aseptic) (duct) (fat) 577.8 suprarenal (capsule) (gland) 255.8 -- acute 577.0 - testis 608.8 -- infective 577.0 - thymus (gland) 254.8 - peritoneum 557.0 tonsil 474.8 -- fat 567.8 - tooth, teeth 521.0 - pharynx 462 - trachea 519.1 - phosphorus 983.9 - tuberculous NEe - see Tuberculosis - pituitary (gland) (postpartum) (sheehan) - tubular (acute) (anoxic) (toxic) 584.5 253.2 -- specified due to a procedure 997.5 - placenta (see also Placenta, abnormal) - umbilical cord, affecting fetus or newborn 656.7 762.6 pneumonia 513.0 - vagina 623.8 pulmonary 513.0 - vertebra 730.1 pulp (dental) 522.1 -- acute 730.0 pylorus 537.8 -- tuberculous 015.0 t 730.4* - radiation - see Necrosis, by site - X-ray - see Necrosis, by site - radium - see Necrosis, by site Necrospermia 606 - renal - see Necrosis, kidney Negativism 301.7 - sclera 379.1 Neglect (newborn) 995.5 scrotum 608.8 - after or at birth 995.5 - skin or subcutaneous tissue NEe 785.4 Neisserian infection NEe - see Gonococcus - spine, spinal (column) 730.1 Nematodiasis NEe 127.9 -- acute 730.0 - ancylostoma (see also Ancylostomiasis) -- cord 336.1 126.9 - spleen 289.5 Neonatal - see also condition - stomach 537.8 - tooth, teeth 520.6 - stomatitis 528.1 Neonatorum - see condition Malignant Benign In-situ Un- Un- certain specified be- nature haviour Neoplasm, neoplastic ...................... 199.1 229.9 234.9 238.9 239.9 Notes 1. The list below gives the code numbers for neoplasms by anatomical site. For each site there are five possible code numbers according to whether the neoplasm in question is malignant, benign, in situ, of uncertain behaviour or of unspecified nature. The description of the neoplasm will often indicate which of the five columns is appropriate, e.g. malignant melanoma of skin, benign fibroadenoma of breast, carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri. Where such descriptors are not present, the remainder of the Index should be consulted, where guidance is given to the appropriate column for each morphological (histological) variety listed, e.g. Mesonephroma - see Neoplasm, malignant; Embryoma - see also Neo­ plasm, uncertain behaviour; Disease, Bowen's - see Neoplasm, skin, in situ. However, the guidance in the Index can be overridden if one of the descriptors mentioned above is present, e.g. malignant adenoma of colon is coded to 153.9 and not to 211.3 as the adjective "malig­ nant" overrides the Index entry "Adenoma - see also Neoplasm, benign". 2. The first of the five columns gives the code numbers for malignant neoplasms pre­ sumed or stated to be primary. For the code numbers of malignant neoplasms presumed or stated to be secondary, see "Secondary neoplasm". DISEASES AND NATURE OF INJURY 339 3. Sites marked with the sign *' (e.g. face NEC *') should be classified to malignant neoplasm of skin of these sites if the variety of neoplasm is a squamous cell carcinoma or an epidermoid carcinoma and to benign neoplasm of skin of these sites if the variety of neo­ plasm is a papilloma (any type). 4. Carcinomas and adenocarcinomas, of any type other than intraosseous or odontogenic, of sites marked with the sign 0 (e.g. ischium 0) should be considered as constituting meta­ static spread from an unspecified primary site and coded to 198.5 for morbidity coding and to 199.1 for underlying cause of death coding. Malignant Benign In-situ Un- Un- certain specified be- nature haviour Neoplasm - continued - abdomen, abdominal ................... 195.2 229.8 234.8 238.8 239.8 -- cavity ............................... 195.2 229.8 234.8 238.8 239.8 -- organ ............................... 195.2 229.8 238.8 239.8 -- viscera .............................. 195.2 229.8 238.8 239.8 -- wall ................................ 173.5 216.5 232.5 238.2 239.2 - abdominopelvic ........................ 195.8 229.8 238.8 239.8 - accessory sinus - see Neoplasm, sinus - acromion (process) 0 ................... 170.4 213.4 238.0 239.2 - adenoid (tissue) ........................ 147.1 210.7 230.0 235.1 239.0 - adipose tissue - see Neoplasm, connective tissue - adnexa (uterine) ....................... 183.9 221.8 233.3 236.3 239.5 - adrenal (cortex) (gland) (medulla) ........ 194.0 227.0 234.8 237.2 239.7 - ala nasi (external) ...................... 173.3 216.3 232.3 238.2 239.2 - alimentary canal or tract NEC ........... 159.9 211.9 230.9 235.5 239.0 - alveolar -- mucosa ............................. 143.9 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 --- lower ............................. 143.1 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 --- upper ............................ 143.0 210.4 230.0 235.1 239.0 -- ridge or process 0 .................... 170.1 213.1 238.0 239.2 --- carcinoma ........................ 143.9 ---- lower .......................... 143.1 ---- upper .......................... 143.0 --- lower 0 ........................... 170.1 213.1 238.0 239.2 --- mucosa ..........................
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