ADAPTIVE OPTICS FOR SATELLITE IMAGING AND EARTH BASED SPACE DEBRIS MANOEUVRES Doris Grosse(1,2), Francis Bennet(1,2), Michael Copeland(1,2),Celine´ d’Orgeville(1,2), Franc¸ois Rigaut(1,2), and Ian Price(1) (1)Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2611, Australia, Email: [email protected] (2)SERC Limited, Mount Stromlo, Weston Creek, Australia ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Space Debris is becoming a more and more urgent issue As hundreds of thousands of space debris objects are ac- and action needs to be taken to both actively reduce the cumulating and the risk of collisions in space as predicted amount of debris in space, and prevent space debris ac- by Kessler [8] increases, more attention and efforts need cumulation caused by collisions of existing debris. To to be brought to Space Situational Awareness. It is the investigate and mitigate the risk of collisions of space de- aim of the Space Environment Research Centre (SERC) bris and satellites, a Cooperative Research Centre man- to create a more detailed data catalogue of satellites and aged by the Space Environment Research Centre (SERC) space debris in order to calculate, determine and predict has been established in Australia supported by the Aus- their positions more accurately, so that functional satel- tralian government and national and international part- lites can manoeuvre more efficiently around the debris. ners. The aim of the project is to improve orbital track- As those satellite manoeuvres are costly and shorten the ing and predictions and build an instrument to demon- life of satellites, SERC is also developing measures to strate remote manoeuvre by means of photon pressure prevent collisions by means of remote Earth based space and to perform high resolution Adaptive Optics (AO) im- debris manoeuvres by moving the debris object and not agery. The Research School of Astronomy and Astro- the satellite into unoccupied orbits. Furthermore, the ex- physics (RSAA) from the Australian National University pertise developed to achieve more accurate orbit deter- (ANU) is one of the partners of the SERC collaboration mination and prediction will be applied to determine the and is developing AO systems for this purpose. There are success of the photon pressure experiment. currently two AO systems being developed. An adaptive As a partner of SERC, the Research School of Astron- optics imaging (AOI) system and an adaptive optics sys- omy and Astrophysics (RSAA) of the Australian Na- tem for tracking and pushing (AOTP). Both systems will tional University provides Adaptive Optics (AO) exper- be operating with a laser guide star. The AOI system will tise to help achieve these goals. With the help of data image satellites and debris in lower Earth orbits providing that will be collected by an AO imaging system that is information about the satellites’ shape, attitude and posi- currently being developed at the RSAA [3], the shape, tion. It will also conduct astrometric measurements of structure and attitude of satellites will be modelled more geostationary satellites determining their position down a precisely, which in turn will help to improve orbit deter- few meters. The AOTP system will target debris in lower mination and prediction. To mitigate the risk of collisions Earth orbits and employ a 10 to 20 kW CW laser in or- directly, an Earth based remote manoeuvre is being de- der to push the debris with photon pressure in different veloped [10] that is designed to perturb orbits of space orbits. Both the AOI and AOTP systems will be mounted debris objects to prevent possible collisions. In order to on a 1.8 m telescope operated by another SERC partner achieve this, a high power laser aimed at the debris can be Electro Optic Systems (EOS) on Mt Stromlo near Can- propagated through the atmosphere. As the atmosphere berra, Australia. This paper outlines the current status of distorts the wavefronts, an AO system is being developed both systems and presents results of an earlier AO imag- that compensates for this distortion and helps focus the ing system implemented on a 1 m telescope with which laser beam onto the object in space. images resolving satellite features and orientation were We provide an overview of the AO systems that have been successfully taken. and are currently developed at the RSAA for these pur- poses. After giving a brief overview of the principle of AO in section 2, we review in section 3 the AO Satellite Keywords: Space Situational Awareness; Adaptive Op- imaging systems for a 1 m and 1.8 m telescope both sit- tics; Optical Telescopes; Satellite Imaging; Earth Based uated on Mount Stromlo, Canberra, Australia. The 1 m Space Debris Manoeuvre. and 1.8 m telescope AO systems are detailed in subsec- Proc. 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, 18–21 April 2017, published by the ESA Space Debris Office Ed. T. Flohrer & F. Schmitz, (http://spacedebris2017.sdo.esoc.esa.int, June 2017) tion 3.1 and subsection 3.2 respectively. Both telescopes deformable mirror that corrects for the distortions to a are run by EOS Space Systems, another SERC partner. wavefront sensor. The wavefront sensor measures the The 1.8 m telescope will also host the Earth based debris error of this correction and sends it to the control com- manoeuvre system that is currently being developed at the puter, where it is transformed into deformable mirror RSAA to target the debris, which is detailed in section 4. commands and sent to the deformable mirror, thats com- pensates for it again. The corrected wavefront is sent to the high-resolution camera recording the corrected and improved images for the scientific purpose. As the at- 2. ADAPTIVE OPTICS mosphere is constantly changing, the system needs to be running in real time, usually at several hundred Hz. Many reference books, such as [1, 7, 9], explore the operational Adaptive Optics is a technology that compensates for principle and design of AO systems with a wide range of phase distortions of light waves in real time. Atmo- applications in astronomy in more detail. The applica- spheric turbulence distorts any wavefronts of light pass- tion of AO systems for satellite imaging and space debris ing through Earth’s atmosphere, effectively limiting the manoeuvres distinguishes itself from astronomical appli- resolution of the ground-based telescope. The theoreti- cations in particular by its requirement of being able to cal resolution limit of a telescope is set by diffraction and compensate for atmospheric turbulence despite of the fast defined by the ratio of wavelength λ to telescope diame- movement of the telescope’s field of view through the at- ter D, λ/D. The resolution that is achievable in practice mosphere. The following section focuses on the system without the application of an AO system is however given specifications of the AO systems for satellite imaging and by the atmospheric seeing above the telescope and is de- provides an overview of the AO systems that are being fined by λ/r0, which takes the optical coherence length, developed in this field with the RSAA. also called Fried parameter r0 into account. This param- eter provides a measure for the atmosphere to maintain a constant refractive index over a certain distance and usu- ally takes values between 5 to 20 cm in the visible for 3. SATELLITE IMAGING WITH ADAPTIVE OP- poor or good sites respectively. This means however that TICS telescopes that are significantly larger in diameter than r0 will always be affected by the seeing. An AO instrument Optical telescopes can be used to precisely track satel- is capable of correcting for these distortions and of restor- lites and space debris and determine their position with ing the resolution close to the diffraction limited value of satellite laser ranging [4, 6]. They can also be used for the telescope. imaging satellites, but the resolution of features is see- The AO instrument receives the distorted light that prop- ing limited unless it is compensated for with the help of agated through the atmosphere and compensates for the an Adaptive Optics System. To help characterise satel- distortions so that high resolution measurements can be lites in lower Earth orbit (LEO), the RSAA is developing recorded. Figure 1 details the AO operational princi- Adaptive Optics Imaging Systems. ple. The light collected by the telescope is sent via a As satellites are fast moving objects in the night sky, the AO system has special design requirements that are de- tailed in the following two sections. Section 3.1 pro- vides an overview and shows results of an existing satel- lite imaging system designed to image satellites in LEO with a 1 m telescope [2], section 3.2 provides an overview of a satellite imaging system designed to image satellites with a 1.8 m and to support astrometric measurements of satellite positioning in Geostationary orbit (GEO) [3]. 3.1. Adaptive Optics Satellite Imaging System for a 1 m Telescope The Adaptive Optics imaging system that was developed for imaging of satellites in LEO can achieve a Strehl ratio of 20% at an altitude of 1000 km, but can also perform in lower altitudes down to 600 km. The system is depicted Figure 1. Operational principle of Adaptive Optics: the in Figure 2. It uses the reflected sunlight from the satel- distorted wavefront is corrected by the deformable mirror lites in the visible as natural guide star light for the wave- and the residual error is measured by the wavefront sen- front sensor and the infrared part for imaging. The entire sor. The measurement is translated into further correc- light collected by the telescope is reflected via a beam tion commands to the deformable mirror by the control expander and scaled down to suit 1’ optics.
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