Involuntary Resettlement Assessment and Measures Resettlement Plan Document Stage: Draft Project Number: September 2010 Tajikistan: CAREC Corridor 3 (Dushanbe- Uzbekistan Border) Improvement Project Prepared by the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Republic of Tajikistan The land acquisition and resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM Page No. Abbreviations and Acronyms vi Executive Summary ix 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 General 1 1.2 Requirements for LARP Finalization 1 1.3 LARP-related Project Implementation Conditions 2 1.4 Project Road Description 2 1.5 LARP Objectives 4 2.0 BASELINE INFORMATION ON LAND ACQUISTION AND RESETTLEMENT 5 2.1 General 5 2.2 Impacts 5 2.2.1 Impact on Cultivated Land 5 2.2.2 Impact on Residential and Commercial Land 5 2.2.3 Impact on Land for Community and District Government Structures 5 2.2.4 Property Status of Affected Land 6 2.2.5 Impacts on Structures and Buildings 6 2.2.6 Impacts on Annual Crops 7 2.2.7 Impacts on Perennial Crops 8 2.2.8 Business Impacts 8 2.2.9 Employment Impacts 9 2.3 Resettlement Strategy and Relocation needs 9 2.4 Census of Displaced Households/Persons Census 10 2.4.1 Total Displaced Households/Persons 10 2.4.2 Severity of Impacts 10 2.5 Impact on Vulnerable Households 10 2.5.1 Ethnic Composition of AHs 11 2.5.2 Gender 11 2.5.3 Types of Household 11 3.0 SOCIO ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE PROJECT AREA 12 3.1 General 12 3.2 Socio Economic Details 12 3.2.1 Major Economic Activities 12 3.2.2 Gender 12 3.2.3 Landholding Status 13 3.2.4 Types of Landholding 13 3.2.5 Major Cropping Pattern 13 3.2.6 Average Annual Income 13 3.2.7 Poverty 14 3.2.8 Average Annual Expenditure 14 3.2.9 Possession of Durable Goods 15 3.2.10 Indebtedness 15 3.2.11 Access to Schemes/Benefits 16 i 3.2.12 Access to Health Centres 16 3.2.13 Migration Pattern 17 3.2.14 Place of Migration 17 3.2.15 Occupations of Migrant Workers 17 3.2.16 Trends in Migration 17 3.2.17 Season of Migration 18 3.2.18 Education and Literacy 18 3.2.19 Source of Drinking Water 18 3.2.20 Sanitation Facilities 19 3.2.21 Usage Pattern of Fuel for Cooking 19 3.2.22 Status on Electrification 19 3.2.23 Interior Details of Structure 20 3.3 Socio-economic data relevant to Women 20 3.4 Impact on Indigenous Peoples and Other Social Issues 21 4.0 RESETTLEMENT POLICY, LEGAL FRAMEWORK AND ENTITLEMENT 22 4.1 General 22 4.2 Policy and Legal Framework for Land Acquisition and Resettlement 22 4.3 Tajikistan Constitution, law/regulation on land acquisition, resettlement and compensation 22 4.4 ADB Involuntary Resettlement Safeguards 24 4.5 Policy Differences and Reconciliation 27 4.6 Principles Adopted for the Project 28 4.6.1 Types of Land Ownership and Land Use Rights Allocation 28 4.6.2 Eligibility 29 4.6.3 Compensation Entitlements 29 4.7 Approaches and Methodologies for Land Compensation 32 4.7.1 Replacement of Affected land with Alternative land 32 4.7.2 Cash Compensation 32 4.7.3 Agricultural Land 32 4.7.4 Residential/Commercial Land 33 5.0 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 34 5.1 General 34 5.2 Ministry of Transport and Communication (MOTC) 34 5.3 Agency for Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography (ALMGC) 34 5.4 MBTI under the State Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services 35 5.5 The Local Executive State Power in Districts (Hukumats) 35 5.6 Consultants 36 5.7 Other Government Organizations 37 6.0 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 38 6.1 General 38 6.2 Steps for Grievance Redress 38 6.3 Grievance Redress Commitee (GRC) Formation 38 7.0 PUBLIC CONSULTATON, INFORMATION DISSEMINATION AND DISCLOSURE 40 7.1 General 40 7.2 Objective of the Consultation 40 ii 7.3 Methods of Public Consultation 41 7.4 Individual Consultation 41 7.5 Community Consultation 42 7.6 Consultation with NGO 42 7.7 Consultation with Government Officials 42 7.8 Continuation of Public Consultations 43 7.9 Disclosure 43 8.0 LARP PREPARATION, IMPLEMENTATION AND CAPACITY BUILDING 45 8.1 General 45 8.2 LARP Implementation Phase 45 8.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Period 48 8.4 LARP Implementation Schedule 48 8.5 Key Actions 48 8.6 Capacity Building 49 9.0 RESETTLEMENT BUDGET AND FINANCING 52 9.1 General 52 9.2 Sources of Financing 52 9.3 Compensation 52 9.3.1 Allowance for loss of agricultural land use rights 52 9.3.2 Replacement Plot Preparation and Rehabilitation Allowance for loss of Residential/Commercial Land use rights 53 9.3.3 Compensation for structures and improvements 54 9.3.4 Compensation for Annual Crops 55 9.3.5 Compensation for Perennial Crops 56 9.3.6 Compensation for Business Losses 56 9.4 Allowances 57 9.4.1 Severe Impact Allowances 57 9.4.2 Allowances for Vulnerable DPs 57 9.4.3 Resettlement Allowances 57 9.5 Support for LARP Implementation 58 9.5.1 Resettlement Specialists 58 9.5.2 Independent Monitor 58 9.6 Summary of Costs 58 10.0 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 61 10.1 Introduction 61 10.2 Internal Monitoring 61 10.3 External Monitoring 62 iii LIST OF TABLES Table A-1: Land Acquisition and Resettlement Impacts Summary ix Table A-2: Compensation Entitlements Matrix xi Table-1.1: Summary Details of Project Road Sections 3 Table 2.1: Affected Agricultural Land by Cultivation Type 5 Table 2.2: Affected Areas of Residential and Commercial Land 5 Table 2.3: Affected agricultural land areas by ownership type and section 6 Table 2.4: Affected Buildings, Shops, Sheds and Outbuildings 7 Table 2.5: Walls and Fences Affected 7 Table 2.6: Miscellaneous Items Affected 7 Table 2.7: Crops impacts by crop type and area and section 7 Table 2.8: Fruit Trees impacts 8 Table 2.9: Impact on Business 9 Table 2.10: Displaced Households and Persons by Category and Impact 10 Table 2.11: Severity of Impacts 10 Table 2.12: Number of Vulnerable Households 11 Table 3.1: Major Economic Activities of the Household 12 Table 3.2: Male versus women-headed households heads 12 Table 3.3: Landholding Status 13 Table 3.4: Type of Landholding 13 Table 3.5: Major Cropping Pattern 13 Table 3.6: Average Annual Income 14 Table 3.7: Average Annual Expenditure 15 Table 3.8: Possession of Durable Goods 15 Table 3.9: Status of Indebtedness 16 Table 3.10: Availability of Scheme Benefit 16 Table 3.11: Access to Health Center 16 Table 3.12: Distance of the Health Center 16 Table 3.13: Illness during the Past Year 16 Table 3.14: Migration Pattern 17 Table 3.15: Place of Migration 17 Table 3.16: Types of Jobs 17 Table 3.17: Trends of Migration 18 Table 3.18: Season of Migration 18 Table 3.19: Literacy Status 18 Table 3.20: Source of Drinking Water 19 Table 3.21: Types of Toilet 19 Table 3.22: Type of Fuel Use for cooking 19 Table 3.23: Connected to Central Power Supply 19 Table 3.24: Interior Details of Structures 20 Table 3.25: Type of Activities for Women 20 Table 3.26: Women’s Say in Decision Making 20 Table 3.27: Women’s Participation on Different Types of Issue 21 Table 4.1: Comparison of ADB Resettlement Safeguards with Tajikistan Land Code 27 Table 4.2: Compensation Entitlements Matrix 31 Table 8.1: Steps for LAR Activities 45 Table 8.2: Key Tasks for LARP development 48 Table 8.3 Implementation schedule 50 iv Table 9.1: Allowance for loss of agricultural land use rights 52 Table 9.2 Allowances for loss of Residential/commercial land use rights 54 Table 9.3: Houses, Shops, Sheds and Outbuildings 55 Table 9.4: Walls and Fences 55 Table 9.5 Annual Crop Losses Compensation 55 Table 9.6 Fruit trees Compensation 56 Table 9.7: Types of Business and Compensation 57 Table 9.8: Severe Impact Allowances 57 Table 9.9: Allowances for Vulnerable Households 57 Table 9.10: Allowances for Resettling Households 58 Table 9.11: LARP Budget 59 Table 10.1: Monitoring Indicators 62 Table-A1.1: Summary Details of Various Sections 64 Table A1-2: Principal Quantities of Impacts 65 Table A1-3: Compensation Entitlements Matrix 66 Table A1-4: Basis of Compensation Rate Determination 67 Table A-2: Methods Employed for Consultations 68 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Project Location Map 4 Figure 5: Institutional Arrangements 37 Figure 6: Grievance Redress Mechanism 39 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: INFORMATION PAMPHLET 64 APPENDIX 2 SUMMARY OF CONSULTATIONS 68 APPENDIX 3: DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR RESETTLEMENT SPECIALIST UNDER PROJECT SUPERVISION CONSULTANTS 80 APPENDIX 4: DRAFT TOR FOR INDEPENDENT MONITOR (IM) 81 APPENDIX 5: LIST OF AFFECTED HOUSEHOLDS 84 APPENDIX 6: DATA PROVIDED BY THE DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIONS 118 APPENDIX 7: PUBLIC ADVERTISEMENTS OF ASSET SURVEY CUTOFF DATE. 151 v Abbreviations and Acronyms AF affected family AH affected household ADB Asian Development Bank AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome ALMGC Agency for Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography CAREC Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation CC Civil Code of the Republic of Tajikistan DP displaced person DF Dekhan Farm DMS detailed measurement survey EA executing agency FGD focused group discussions Ha Hectare HH Household ID identity cards IM independent monitor Kg Kilogram LAR land acquisition and resettlement LARP land acquisition and resettlement plan LC Land Code of the Republic of Tajikistan LS lump sump M&E monitoring and evaluation MBTI Mezhraion (inter-district) bureau of technical inventory MOTC Ministry of Transport and Communication NGO non government organization PIU project implementation unit PLU primary land users PPTA project preparatory Ttchnical assistance PSA poverty and social assessment RoW right of way Sl serial number SLU secondary land user TJS Tajikistan somoni (currency) ToR Terms of reference vi Definition of Terms Compensation means payment in cash or kind for an asset to be acquired or affected by a project at replacement cost at current market value.
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