PORTLAND, MAINE, NEW AUVEKTISEMEJtTS. NEW APVgBTISEMKNTS. The commtte6 on foreign affairs is in- THE CUBAN WAR. IS THE HOUSE. WE SENATE creased from 9 to 11 and will retain the PURE present four Demoorats, Messrs. Morgan, is Gray, Tnrple and Daniel.. For Mr. But- $15 Desk For i * $10. iar, whose term has expired, it has been decided to place thereon Mr. Mills of Texas. We shall sell a hundred of to of these Special Christ- Still Has a On Secretary Smith Sends His Reply Repeals /Jie Confederate Prohibitory Sir. Pasco Florida added to the mas Desks in the next ten at Spain Big Figlit representation on Will Be the Bill Presented the days $10 each. This is minority the commit- By Forwarded to Mr. Olney by Editor ail vre have on hand: and the offer must then be Law. tee on commerce. Hand. Questions. Mr. Walthall to on withdrawn, as we cannot complete any more before goes the committee and Means. Christmas. finances, his Democratic associates being Ways Diffendrefer. In Voorhees, Jones and White. every way this is the greatest value we have Harris, Vest, This committee will consist of 6 Re- ever offered in a Desk. The interior has the high over- bicans and 6 Demoorats and 1 hang across the entire IN REGARD TO THE WICHITA EX-SO'CTHERX soldiers xow pul Popu- width,—almost as large as a SHE MUST COLLECT TAXES TO list, the latter Jones of Nevada. Library Table. being FRAMED SOLELY TO MEET AN ON LAND El Six Democrats, 1 Populist aud 1 Repub- IT IS SCHOMBURCK’S TREATISE The lid is carved on the outside in CARRY IT 02L MATTER. JGIBLE FOR SERVICE. deep relief lican member of the oommittee are for EMERGENCY. It is on double hung automatic brass slides. There free ooinage and only ffinemhers of the GUIANA. is a brass on three sides of the so committee Daniel gallery top, that this space may be used for agaist it. Mr. goes to books. \V ith the wide lower shelf also used for books the judiciary his Deomcratlo there is easilyJ snace for oommittee, volumes. F Mr. Beacli’s American A Coin; assistants Messrs. fifty Insurgents Conduct a Campaign Costly to Republics Confer nunicatlun from the Interstate Com- being Pugh, George, Hill The Not Listened to The construction is of solid ence Vilas, and Lindsay. Kievan minor- Committee Has Any oak, splendidly with and Few Bill—Mr, McClellan Wants an meirce Commission—Senator Vest Modi- It Tells of His Explorations in Guiana and of burnished finished, mountings Spain—But Loyal Provinces—The ity chairmanships, all of the small com- trimmings brass. Issue of Outside Advice—The Bill is the Answer What Was Not British is the Result of Bank Notes—Consul Waller’s fie/;, His Silver Coinage Kesolution—The mitees, are now held by will Establishes “Wc deliver into Uprising Long Prepa- Republicans goods directly the houses of our Portland Case—The be divided the oldest Demoorats to President Cleveland’s Appeal—An Land at that Time—It An customers ration—How Gomez Marched House Will Meet on Tnurs- Appointment of Democrats to the Sen- among May Play absolmel} free o£ all expense as to 400 in point of service. Of these Mr. Cock- freight and cart- Outline of What the Bill Will Be—Be Part in the Commission's Allies. (lay. nit# Committees—Adjourns till Friday. rell becomes ohairman of the oommittee Important on engrossed bills;, Mr. Morgan, Nicar- lieved It Can Be Passed By Both Houses. Investigation. New York, December 34—An American Washington, Dec. 34.—The purpose of December 24.—In the Sen- aguan Mr. Washington, canal; Vest, transportation, December 24.—“Let the December 24.— F. R. who has the and and sale of Washington, Lancaster, Pa., been sojourning in Cuba for ways means oommittee to report ate to day alter a disoussion on the bill mercantile products; Mr. said a of the New Era editorial some Harris, epidemic diseases; Voorhees, ad- country understand,” leading Diffendrefer, time past, and who had excellent two hills coupling the tariff and finan- to i opeal the statute prohibiting ex- ditional accommodation for Gor- member of the ways and forwarded to Seoretary of for cial measures library; Republican staff, yesterday PAINE FURNITURE opportunities observing the oourse of whioh they have under con- Confederate officers from holding posi in the Distriot of Co- CO., man, corporations means committee today, “that the bill we State Olney a copy of volume of 39 of war in the island, returned to New York sideration in one bill, give great satisfac- tio'as in tho army or navy, a vote was lumbia. Other chairmanships will be 4® CAWAL divided shall present House Thursday is a pure Jardine’s naturalists library, published STREET, BOSTON. today. He told of a heavy fight between tion of the free silver Republicans who takwn on Mr. Sherman’s motion to refer among Senators Call, Pugh, could otherwise have been to George, Jones and Blackburn. revenue measure, hurriedly prepared, cn in Edinburgh, Sootlaud, 1843. The book the insurgent forces under Maximo compelled ttiei bill and the result was: yeas, 8 nays, SPECIAL, NOTICES. OJiLY SUPREME EFFORT their own since if meet the in our national is a treatise on the fisheries of Gomez and antagonize party few. exigenoy Guiana, the Spanish troops near the of the 3()—less than a quorum. A subsequent The any number favor a bond issue. Sugar Duty. finances, and in response to the presi- written by Robert Homann Sohomburgk, town of Colon. Before proceeding to this extremity roll call showed the presence of 47 Sena- December 24.—Represen- dent’s plea that some measure for relief who the line on whioh Of flie is they would have on the floor of the Washington, surveyed boundary Better Classes Prevents a “It worthy of note,” he said, “that urged tors—-over a quorum; then Mr. Sherman tative of recieved a House the Meyers Louisana, must be afforded by congress. Great Britain now founds her olaim to CARPET CLEANSING" this separation of the two measures. Therefias town is within one hundred and l vithdrew his motion to and tho telegram from President Murphy of the General War. A hasty advance made them refer, been no at a tariff revision, oui the to Venezuela. by yesterday Louisiana Sugar Exohange, New Orleans, attempt territory belonging twenty miles of Havana, and while the developed the fact that their bill was read a third time and passed. Or proposed inquiring as to the action of the ways measure is purely a revenue measure. The Prefixed to the book is a memoir of near- Steam Scouring, Spanish authorities report slight losses protest would have been warmly sup- Mr. Vest, Democrat of Missouri, modi, Serious Conditions Still and means committee with reference to correctness of this declaration was shown ly a hundred an account Ac. Remain In Armenia ported by many of the anti-silver pages, Including A process for Woolen Carpets, Rugs, Mats, on their part and the rebels as Repub- fled his silver coinage resolution of last an increased on sugar. Mr. Meyer having licans on the duty action of the committee in de- of in Guina and without restores the col* —Guilty Moslums Are Not ground that it would be by today Schomburgk’s operations Vvliich cleanses beating, Punished— been severely punished, this cannot ob- week, by it a joint resolution and replied the committee had not yet consid- manifestly unfair to piaee them in an at- making to hear Judge Wm. Lawrenoo ol between the of 1835 and or to original brilliancy, at Families and ered that schedule. A member of the clining Venezuela, years Separated Property I)e- literate the faot that the troops of Gomez titude of hostility to their party when no changing it in some other particulars, committee stated today in his opinion the Ohio, president of the National. Wool 1839, this part of the volume may prove stroyed, marched from the eastermost necessity for it. The silver Republicans, so it now directs the of the province secretary sugar schedule would be passed over Gorwer’s who desired to be to'the FOSTER'S FOREST CITY proposed holding a oonference today tu> association, important boundary commission about four hundred miles, with but a treasury to coin as rapidly as possible without action. Boston, December 24. —Two Utters were consider this subject further, but it is heard in support of a higher rate on wool authorized by Congress. received in Boston slight hindrance on the part of the now likely to be abandoned in view of the silver bullion in the treasury, pur- DYE HOUSE today describing the To Improve Defenses. than that previously agreed upon. September 20, 1838, Sohomburgk and a AND STEAM Spanish troops. the action of the ways and means com- chased under the aot of July 14,, 1890, oritical conditions in Central Applications have been made to the party of explorers sailed Takutu river Hadjin, mittee in deoiding to report two bills. into Washington, December 24.—It is learn- up 1 The Some hundred miles to the eastward of standard silver dolars and with such urkey. second is more are from ed that the recent visit of General committee, in a collective and individual and entered Mahu, and in this important, Colon is the Telegrams already arriving dollars Major village it : oelebrated Trooha or trench some of to redeem the treasury notes is- Miles to and other Carpet Cleaning Works, says the 130 absentees'of the House Atlanta places in the capacity, from Eastern manufacturers, on the stream they remained several 13 Prehla St.
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