King’s Research Portal DOI: 10.5194/acp-15-13241-2015 Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication record in King's Research Portal Citation for published version (APA): Roberts, G., Wooster, M. J., Xu, W., Freeborn, P. H., Morcrette, J. J., Jones, L., ... Kaiser, J. W. (2015). LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products-Part 2: Evaluation and demonstration for use in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(22), 13241-13267. https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-15-13241-2015 Citing this paper Please note that where the full-text provided on King's Research Portal is the Author Accepted Manuscript or Post-Print version this may differ from the final Published version. If citing, it is advised that you check and use the publisher's definitive version for pagination, volume/issue, and date of publication details. 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Download date: 15. Sep. 2019 Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13241–13267, 2015 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/15/13241/2015/ doi:10.5194/acp-15-13241-2015 © Author(s) 2015. CC Attribution 3.0 License. LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products – Part 2: Evaluation and demonstration for use in the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) G. Roberts1, M. J. Wooster2,3, W. Xu2, P. H. Freeborn4, J.-J. Morcrette5, L. Jones5, A. Benedetti5, H. Jiangping2, D. Fisher2, and J. W. Kaiser6 1Geography and Environment, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK 2Department of Geography, Kings College London, London, UK 3NERC National Centre for Earth Observation, UK 4Fire Sciences Laboratory, Missoula, MT, USA 5European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Reading, UK 6Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany Correspondence to: G. Roberts ([email protected]) Received: 31 December 2014 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 12 June 2015 Revised: 2 October 2015 – Accepted: 23 October 2015 – Published: 30 November 2015 Abstract. Characterising the dynamics of landscape-scale tive fire pixels than do alternative SEVIRI-based products, wildfires at very high temporal resolutions is best achieved and comparison to MODIS on a per-fire basis indicates a using observations from Earth Observation (EO) sensors strong agreement and low bias in terms of FRP values. How- mounted onboard geostationary satellites. As a result, a num- ever, low FRP fire pixels remain undetected by SEVIRI, with ber of operational active fire products have been developed errors of active fire pixel detection commission and omis- from the data of such sensors. An example of which are sion compared to MODIS ranging between 9–13 % and 65– the Fire Radiative Power (FRP) products, the FRP-PIXEL 77 % respectively in Africa. Higher errors of omission result and FRP-GRID products, generated by the Land Surface in greater underestimation of regional FRP totals relative to Analysis Satellite Applications Facility (LSA SAF) from im- those derived from simultaneously collected MODIS data, agery collected by the Spinning Enhanced Visible and In- ranging from 35 % over the Northern Africa region to 89 % frared Imager (SEVIRI) onboard the Meteosat Second Gen- over the European region. High errors of active fire omis- eration (MSG) series of geostationary EO satellites. The pro- sion and FRP underestimation are found over Europe and cessing chain developed to deliver these FRP products de- South America and result from SEVIRI’s larger pixel area tects SEVIRI pixels containing actively burning fires and over these regions. An advantage of using FRP for character- characterises their FRP output across four geographic re- ising wildfire emissions is the ability to do so very frequently gions covering Europe, part of South America and Northern and in near-real time (NRT). To illustrate the potential of this and Southern Africa. The FRP-PIXEL product contains the approach, wildfire fuel consumption rates derived from the highest spatial and temporal resolution FRP data set, whilst SEVIRI FRP-PIXEL product are used to characterise smoke the FRP-GRID product contains a spatio-temporal summary emissions of the 2007 “mega-fire” event focused on Pelo- that includes bias adjustments for cloud cover and the non- ponnese (Greece) and used within the European Centre for detection of low FRP fire pixels. Here we evaluate these two Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) Integrated products against active fire data collected by the Moderate Forecasting System (IFS) as a demonstration of what can Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and com- be achieved when using geostationary active fire data within pare the results to those for three alternative active fire prod- the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). ucts derived from SEVIRI imagery. The FRP-PIXEL prod- Qualitative comparison of the modelled smoke plumes with uct is shown to detect a substantially greater number of ac- MODIS optical imagery illustrates that the model captures Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 13242 G. Roberts et al.: LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products – Part 2 the temporal and spatial dynamics of the plume very well, tectable with the relatively coarse spatial resolution SEVIRI and that high temporal resolution emissions estimates such as observations (Roberts and Wooster, 2008). Whilst Wooster those available from a geostationary orbit are important for et al. (2015) describe the methodologies and algorithms used capturing the sub-daily variability in smoke plume parame- to produce the LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products, and their ters such as aerosol optical depth (AOD), which are increas- information characteristics, the purpose of the current work ingly less well resolved using daily or coarser temporal reso- is to (i) provide a full evaluation of the product compared lution emissions data sets. Quantitative comparison of mod- to other real-time active fire products derived from the same elled AOD with coincident MODIS and AERONET (Aerosol SEVIRI observations, (ii) to provide a product validation Robotic Network) AOD indicates that the former is overes- via comparisons to the widely used and higher spatial res- timated by ∼ 20–30 %, but captures the observed AOD dy- olution (albeit lower temporal resolution) MODIS (Moder- namics with a high degree of fidelity. The case study high- ate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) active fire detec- lights the potential of using geostationary FRP data to drive tions, and (iii) to demonstrate how the product can be used as fire emissions estimates for use within atmospheric transport a high temporal resolution biomass burning emissions driver models such as those implemented in the Monitoring Atmo- within a case study that exploits components of the prototype spheric Composition and Climate (MACC) series of projects CAMS (http://www.copernicus-atmosphere.eu/) for the CAMS. 1.2 Satellite Earth Observation active fire products 1 Introduction Active fire products that are based on detecting the thermal radiation being emitted by landscape scale fires have been 1.1 Biomass burning emissions and Meteosat SEVIRI available for over 3 decades from numerous polar orbiting FRP products from the LSA SAF and geostationary satellites (Prins and Menzel, 1994; Prins et al., 1998; Matson, 1981; Justice et al., 1998; Giglio, 2003). Biomass burning emissions databases derived from Earth In addition to simple detection, Dozier (1981) first demon- Observation (EO) satellite data, such as the widely used strated the additional potential to estimate a fire’s sub-pixel Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED; van der Werf et effective temperature and fractional area, and this approach al., 2006, 2010), typically follow the approach proposed by has been applied in the Wildfire Automated Biomass Burning Seiler and Crutzen (1980) and estimate fire emissions via the Algorithm (WFABBA) to data from the Geostationary Oper- multiplication of burned area (m2), fuel load (kgm−2) and ational Environmental Satellite (GOES) for over 2 decades combustion completeness (unitless, 0–1) estimates. Emis- (Prins and Menzel, 1994). Building on this idea, the FRP sions databases developed in this manner have been widely route to characterising active fires and estimating wildfire applied to deliver wildfire emissions of trace gases and emissions was first proposed by Kaufman et al. (1996). The aerosols for use in atmospheric transport models (Mu et FRP approach is based on the understanding that the amount al., 2011; Tsyro et al., 2007). However, whilst excellent for of heat produced by burning a fixed mass of biomass is rel- many applications, some limitations of this “burned-area”- atively invariant to vegetation type (Jenkins et al., 1998). based approach are that it works only after the fire event, By measuring the component of this “heat of combustion” cannot be applied in near-real time and has a relatively that is radiated away from the surface, the amount of vegeta- low temporal resolution that provides little or no informa- tion being burned per second can then be estimated (Wooster tion on the variability of the emissions during the fire it- et al., 2003, 2005; Freeborn et al., 2008).
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