J1Y3BK2 DECEMBER-FEBRUARY Lesson 2 Jonah Goes Against God’s Commands Overview Bible Background Bible Text Jonah is one of the minor prophets. He proph- The Book of Jonah esied during the reign of Jeroboam II who was the king of Israel from 793-753 BC (2 Kgs Bible Truth 14:16-29). Although he was wicked, Jeroboam God has commanded us II was one of the most politically powerful to spread His Word and kings of the divided kingdom. The Israelites’ do His work prosperity did not last though because the northern kingdom was eventually conquered Lesson Aim by the Assyrians in 722 BC, just some half a To take on our responsi- century later after his rule. During Jonah’s bilities without com- ministry, the Assyrians were already a dreaded plaint enemy. It is no wonder then that the prophet did not want to go and preach in the city of Memory Verse Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, when God “Every commandment asked him to. In the book of Nahum, it records which I command you the many wicked deeds of the Assyrians, today you must be care- including the exploitation of the helpless ful to observe, that you (2:12) and idolatry and witchcraft (3:40). may live and multiply.” Jonah was probably afraid that they might (Dt 8:1a) actually repent and receive God’s mercy, something he felt they didn’t deserve. He chose to run in the opposite direction of the city and jumped on a boat in Joppa, heading to Tarshish. 13 Spiritual About Your Students, continued Food Jonah had to struggle with the age-old question of why the job, not just as young kids having fun. These For God even cares about the evil and wicked. Why not just encouragements do not have to wait until they have throw them all into the eternal fire now? Then we would completed a huge project. It can be something as sim- Thought have the peaceful world we are looking for. It seems like ple as acknowledging their contributions to the class the right thing to do. However, that is not how God’s (i.e. cleaning or tidying up things up, setting up equip- grace works. We would like to think that we could ment) or church (i.e. putting away the Bibles from the obtain it because we are good enough, somehow. But pews, vacuuming or dusting the chapel).When they can how would that reflect on God’s character? It wouldn’t feel confident about their abilities, then they will be be fair for God to extend His compassion on only one less hesitant to participate in other holy work. Just as type of people, people whom we think deserve His we encourage toddlers when they take their first steps, In Romans 11, it grace. The fact is, none of us deserve it. Yet Jonah we should also remember to reinforce the fragile and cringed when he had to go and preach to the enemies. In sensitive egos many of the young teenagers have. reminds us that essence, he felt he was more righteous than the Ninevites and they were less deserving of God’s love. Preparing God’s grace is free, Aren’t we all a little like Jonah sometimes? When we Your need God’s mercy, we kneel down and pray earnestly Before the lesson, see how much the students know not obtainable by without hesitation, yet we are just as quick to condemn Hearts about the life of Jonah by asking them the following another man of being too sinful to even have God listen questions. They should not be looking into the Bible good works or to his pleas. In Romans 11, it reminds us that God’s for the answers (the answers can be found in 2 Kgs grace is free, not obtainable by good works or moral 14:23-26, Jon 1:1-2, 17). moral character. character. We should learn from Jonah and try not to ● Jonah was the son of whom? (Jonah, the son of mold God’s character to be like us. Rather, we need to Amittai) make ourselves more like Him everyday and be filled ● When did Jonah prophesy? (during the reign of with the same kind of mercy and compassion for others. Jeroboam II, which lasted from about 793-753 BC) About ● Whom did Jonah minister to? (to Israel and to the people of Nineveh) Your ● What was his message? (to repent) When children are young, they want many responsibili- ● What was he most famous for? (being swallowed by Students ties because they want to act grown up. They want to a huge fish) help with the vacuuming, the groceries and even the Continue with Worksheet #1. dishes. But when the time is really ripe for them to take Bible on the tasks, they make many excuses. They are not ready; they are too young still or they just can’t handle Study Worksheet #1 all the responsibilities. In many ways, children of all ages never really act their right age. In order for them to An Irresponsible Prophet be able to carry out the responsibilities that God has 1. Look up Jonah 1:1-2. What was the responsibility entrusted to them, it is important for us to positively given to Jonah by God? (He was supposed to go to reinforce their accomplishments on a regular basis, so Nineveh, the capital city of the enemy of Israel, and 14 that they feel they are really competent and able to do 15 preach repentance to them) Bible Study, continued Bible Study, continued 2. Look up Jonah 1:3, 5. How did Jonah respond? (He “Arise, go to heart. As he was shouting, “Forty more days and Nineveh fled in the opposite direction as Nineveh. He got on a shall be overthrown”, he was probably thinking, “I hope boat headed for Tarshish. Apparently, he didn’t feel too Nineveh, that great no one repents because they all deserve to die”. It was no bad because he was able to sleep, thinking he could run secret that he didn’t think his enemies deserved a chance away from the presence of God) city, and cry out from God. In fact, in his dialogue with God in chapter 4, he sounded like he was made a fool of by God because 3. What made his attitude seem even worse than if God against it; for their he said he knew God would show mercy anyway and he had asked some other ordinary person to do the same felt like he made an unnecessary trip to the enemy land) job? (He was a prophet of God. His job was to preach to wickedness has people and deliver God’s messages. But now, he was 7. Look up Jonah 4:5. Why do you think Jonah waited being selective as to whom he wanted to preach to and come up before outside the city? (He was probably hoping that there was ultimately save. In essence, he was taking on the role of an off chance that God might destroy the city and he God by deciding who was worthy and who wasn’t) Me.” could have the pleasure of witnessing it) 4. Look up 1:4, 6-17. What was the consequence of his (Jonah 1:2) 8. Look up Jonah 4:6-11. What kind of a lesson was God response? (The boat he was travelling in met a great trying to teach Jonah with the plant? (Jonah was more storm and after casting lots, the rest of the crew members concerned about the fate of the plant than that of human realized that it was Jonah who caused the fierce winds lives, enemies or not. But it is God who created every- and rains. Jonah then suggested that they throw him over- thing and He can save whomever or whatever He wants, board so that they would not have to perish along with especially when it comes to people . When the sailors him for disobeying the commands of God. Otherwise, his pleaded for mercy, God spared their lives. He also deliv- actions could have caused others to suffer with him. After ered Jonah from the belly of the fish. Now if He wanted he was thrown into the sea, he was swallowed by a giant to save the people of Nineveh, He certainly had the right fish and remained in the belly for three days and three to. Today, we need to have compassion on all people too Teacher’s Note nights) and not be selective about whom to preach to. Our job is Before you start the Bible to plant the seed and allow God to do the rest) Study, please ask the stu- 5. Do you think his response to flee was justified? (stu- dents to refer to the Student dents’ answers) Worksheet. Some of the information given here may 6. Read Jonah 2:1-10, 3:1-10 and 4:1-4. Although Jonah not be available to the stu- eventually repented for his disobedience and went to dents. The information on preach to the Ninevites, why do think he still got angry? the right can be used as ref- (While he was in the belly of the fish, Jonah probably did erence. feel sorry that he had fled from his responsibility. He real- ized that there was no way he could run away from the almighty God, so his prayer was likely sincere. But that doesn’t mean he was really happy about what he was doing.
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