Official Publication of the Abstract of Votes Cast for the 1997- Odd Year 1998- Primary and General 1999- Odd Year Elections To the Citizens of Colorado: The information compiled in this summary is from materia/filed by each ofthe 63 county clerk.• and recorders. This publication will assist in the profiling ofvoting patter ns of Colorado voters during the 1997 odd year, 1998 primary and general and 1999 oddyear elections. As the State Election Officer, 1 encourage the Citizens of Colorado to take an active role in determining their destiny by exercising their right and privilege to vote. Don etta Davidson Colorado Secretary ofState TABLE OF CO:"iTE:"iTS GLOSSARY OF AUS"I RACI H.ln1S Glossary of Abstract Tcnns Page Research Assistance Page 4 Assembly: Meeting ofdclcgGtcs of a political party held to designate candidates fOr nomination at a primary election Directory of Elected & Appointed Oflicials Assemblies an: held C\-Cf)' two years I cderal and State of Colorado Officers Page State Senate Page 6 Conn~ntion: Meeting of delegates of a political party held to select delegates to other political conventions and to nominate State I louse of Representatives Page 8 Presidential Llcctors Such Conventions arc held c\cry four years Colorado Judiciary Or Supreme Court Justices Page 12 \tccting of delegates of a political party held for the purpose of nominating a candidate for a congressional vacancy election Court of Appeals Justices Page 12 Jlcld as needed. District & County Judges Page 13 District Attorneys Page 20 Initiative: I'hc Colorado Constitution provides that registered \Diers may propose Constitutional Amendments or changes Regional l'ransit Board of Directors (RTD) Page 21 w the Colorado Re\ised Statutes (CR~) by petition" Iitle I, Article 40. CRS, provides specific procedures for submitting County Officers Page 22 initiative petitions. Petitions require signatures of registered electors in an amount equal to 5~/u oft he votes cast for all candidates lor the office of Secretary of State at the previous General Election Abstract of Odd Year Election :"iovcmber, 1997 Page 41 Referendum: I he General Assembly may propose Constitutional i\mendrncnts or refer changes in the statut~.:s to the Abstract of Primary Elrction August, 1998 people In addition, the Colorado Constitution pro\·icics that a referendum may he ordered against any act oft he (Jenera! LS. Senate Page 43 ,\sscmhl}. except laws necessary· for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety and appropriations for U.S. !louse of Representatives Page 46 the support and maintenance of departments of state and state institutions, Referenda initJated by the people require Govcrnor/LL Go\ernor Page 53 signatures of registered electors in an amount equal to 5°/0 of the\ otcs cast for all candidates lOr the office of Secretary of State at the previous General Election Secretary of State Page 61 State Treasurer Page 65 Attorney General Page 69 Referendum petitions must be liled with the Secretary of State not more than 90 days aller the final adjournment of the of the General Assembly that passed the bill on which the referendum is demanded " State Board of Education Page 73 sesC~on Regents of University of Colorado Page 74 State Senate Page 79 Govcrnnr/Licutcnant Governor: 'I he Govcmor and Lieutenant Governor for the two major parties run as individuals State I louse of Representatives Page 86 dunng the Primary Llections During the Generall:lectton the members elected or nominated by their respective parties nm on the same ticket. In the 1998 Gcncrall.lcction the following individuals ran on the same tickets District Attorneys Page I 08 Abstract of General Election No\"embcr, 1998 Democrat Gail Schocttler & Bernie Buescher Republican. Governor/Lt GLwcrnor Page I 09 Bill Owens & Joe Rogers Libertarian lJ S. Senate Page I 13 Sandra D. Johnson & Dan Cochran American Constitution: US !louse of Representatives Page I 18 I im Leonard & I eslie llanks Secretary of State Page 123 I erms of Oflice: State Treasurer Page 127 Elected Officials CJovemor I t Gov Attorney General Page 130 4 years l'S Senate State Board of Education Page 133 6 years l'S Congress Regents of lJniversity of Colorado Page 134 2 years Other State Officers State Senate Page 138 4 years State Senators State I louse of Representatives Page 142 4 years State Representatives District Attorneys Page !57 2 years District Attorneys RTD Directors Page 158 4 years State Board of Fducatinn 6 years Judicial Retention Page 16 I 6 years Regents of l 1niv< of Colorado Initiative & Referendum Page 185 6 years R f[) Board Members Registered Voter Party Affiliation as of October, 1998 Page 200 4 years County O!Ticers Registered Voters by Sex by County as of October, 1998 Page 202 4 years GcnL'ral ,\sscmhiJ-': Bicameral (lwo Houses) Abstract of Odd Year Election :';ovcmhcr, 1999 Page 20~ Senate: 'l'i members ( 16 17 elected every t\\ n years) rex! of Titles lor Initiatives and Referenda (1998 & 1999) Page 206 House of Representatives: 65 members Retention of Judges: Article VI. Section 25 of the Colorado Constitution provides that a Justice of the ~upremc Court or a Judge of any other court of record, who shall desire to retain his judicial office shall file with the Secretary of State not more than 6 months nor less than 3 months prior to the CJenerall-lcction next prior to the expiration o! his her then term of office, a Declaration of intent to nm lor another term. I he question on the ballot shall be "Shall Justice (Judge) uf'the be retained in Office'' Yes :\o'' 2 3 Political Party and Organization Abbreviations·. ( not all of these are in this abstract) DIRECTORY D Democrat R Republican Term Salary Name !!! Home City Dist p Colorado Prohibition Party L Libertarian Party of Colorado United States Senators G Green Party of Colorado I Independent Loveland Jan-97 Jan-03 $ 136,673 WayoeAllard R A American Constitution Pary Jan-05 $ 136,673 Ben Nighthorse Campbell R Ignacio Jan-99 M American Party N Natural Law Party Congressional Members u Unaffiliated s Socialist Workers Party Jan-99 Jan-01 $ 136,673 Diana DeGette D Denver First w Workers World Pary Second Jan-99 Jan-01 $ 136,673 Mark Udall D Boulder F Reform Party Jan-01 $ 136,673 Scott Mcinnis R Grand Junction Third Jan-99 T Socialist Party, USA Jan-99 Jan-01 $ 136,673 Bob Schaffer R Fort Collins Fourth H Independent/Reform Jan-99 Jan-01 $ 136,673 Joel Hefley R Colorado Springs Fifth E Americans $ 136,673 Tom Tancredo R Lakewood Sixth Jan-99 Jan-01 Abstract Layout: Governor Office listed first Bill Owens R Aurora Jan-99 Jan-03 $ 90,000 Candidate Name Political Party Affiliation County Column Number on Table Lieutenant Governor Number of Registered Voters Total Votes Cast at Precincts Joe Rogers R Denver Jan-99 Jan-03 $ 68,500 Numbered Columns represent Candidates Total Votes Cast for Candidates Secretary of State No Votes, number of vote difference between Precinct total and Candidate Total Donella Davidson R Aurora Jul-99 Jan-01 $ 68,500 Any reference in this publication to current Colorado Revised the statutes in effect at the time of the elections. Statutes should not be construed as official without State Treasurer Mike Coffman R Denver Jan-99 Jan-03 $ 68,500 Attorney General Ken Salazar D Colorado Springs Jan-99 Jan-03 $ 80,000 State Board of Education Ben L. Alexander R Montrose At-Large Jan-95 Jan-01 William "Gully" Stanford D Denver First Jan-97 Jan-03 Patti Johnson R Broomfield Second Jan-95 Jan-01 Patricia M. Chlouber R Leadville Third Jan-97 Jan-03 Clair B. Orr R Kersey Fourth Jan-95 Jan-01 John Burnett R Colorado Springs Fifth Jan-99 Jan-05 Randy DeHoff R Littleton Sixth Jan-99 Jan-05 Regents of the University of Colorado Peter F. Steinhauer R Boulder At-Large Jan-95 Jan-01 James A. Martin, Jr. R Boulder At-Large Jan-99 Jan-05 Maureen "Mo" Ediger R Denver At-Large Jan-97 Jan-03 Susan Cosgriff Kirk D Denver First Jan-99 Jan-05 Robert E. "Bob" Sievers D Boulder Second Jan-97 Jan-03 Henry "Hank" F. Anton, Jr. R Pueblo Third Jan-95 Jan-01 Thomas J. Lucero, Jr. R Johnstown Fourth Jan-99 Jan-05 Jerry G. Rutledge R Colorado Springs Fifth Jan-95 Jan-01 Norwood L. Robb R Littleton Sixth Jan-97 Jan-03 4 5 MEMBERS OF THE STATE SENATE OF THE SIXTY-SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERS OF THE STATE SENATE OF THE SIXTY-SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY NAME DST COUNTIES ADDRESS m ADDRESS w_ME m DST COUNTIES Anderson, R 22 Jefferson 10415 W. Hampden Lakewood 80227 Norma V Ave. Logan, Morgan, Phillips, 15484 Road 18.5 Fort Morgan 80701 Musgrave, R Sedgwick, Washington, Andrews, John Marilyn R 27 Arapahoe 854 7 E. Arapahoe Rd, Englewood 80112 Weld, Yuma PMB Jl22 891 E. 71st Ave. Denver 80229 Nichol, Alice J D 24 Adams Arnold, Ken R 23 Adams, Boulder 10187 Julian Way Westminster 80031 Greeley 80631 owen, David T R 16 Weld 2 722 Buena V isla Dr. Blickensderfer, R 26 Arapahoe, Jefferson 9 Parkway Drive Englewood 80110 11 Tom "DaVC 744 Lafayette St. Denver 80218 Pascoe, Pat D 32 Denver Chlouber, Ken R 4 Chaffee, Delta, Fremont, 220 W. Eighth Leadville 80461 Gunnison, Hinsdale, Golden Perlmutter, Ed D 20 Jefferson Lake, Park, Pitkin Louisville 80027 Phillips, Terry D 17 Boulder 579 Manorwood Lane Congrove, Jim R 19 Jefferson ·PO Box 357, Arvada Arvada 80001 Colorado 80929 80001 Powe!ll, Ray R 10 El Paso 5 N.
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