USAID KENYA AFYA HALISI QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT Young Mothers Dialogue session at Katito Health Centre, Nyakach Sub-County Photo 1 CME on use of Partograph and EmONC Signal functions at St. Josephs Mission Rapogi in Uriri Sub-county, Migori County. APRIL 2019 OCTOBER 2017 This publication was produced byfor Afyareview Halisi by thefor reviewUnited byStates the AgencyUnited Statesfor International Agency for Development. International ItDevelopment. was prepared by Dr. Gathari Ndirangu and the team of MCSP Kenya Technical Advisors USAID KENYA AFYA HALISI PROJECT FY 2019 Q2 PROGRESS REPORT January 1 – March 31, 2019 Award No: AID-615-A-17-00004 Prepared for Lillian Mutea United States Agency for International Development/Kenya C/O American Embassy United Nations Avenue, Gigiri P.O. Box 629, Village Market 00621 Nairobi, Kenya Prepared by Jhpiego Jhpiego offices, 2nd Floor, Arlington Block, 14 Riverside, off Riverside Drive, P.O Box 66119-00800 Nairobi Office tel: +254 732 134 000 DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. I. AFYA HALISI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................... 1 II. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS (Qualitative Impact) ............................................................. 7 III. ACTIVITY PROGRESS (Quantitative Impact) ...................................................... 60 IV. CONSTRAINTS AND OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................. 60 V. PERFORMANCE MONITORING ............................................................................. 61 VI. PROGRESS ON GENDER STRATEGY .................................................................. 63 VII. PROGRESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AND MONITORING ................................................................................................................. 63 VIII. PROGRESS ON LINKS TO OTHER USAID PROGRAMS ................................ 63 IX. PROGRESS ON LINKS WITH GOK AGENCIES ................................................. 64 X. PROGRESS ON USAID FORWARD ....................................................................... 65 XI. SUSTAINABILITY AND EXIT STRATEGY .......................................................... 65 XII. GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE ................................................................ 66 XIII. SUBSEQUENT QUARTER’S WORK PLAN ....................................................... 66 XIV. FINANCIAL INFORMATION ............................................................................... 70 XV. ACTIVITY ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................ 73 XVII. GPS INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 73 XVIII. SUCCESS STORIES ............................................................................................. 74 In Kitui County, there is increased productivity in the facilities where the HRH staff are deployed. Some of the sites have been able to initiate 24 hour services and seen an increase in the number of skilled birth attendance, reduced waiting time and improved quality of services. ....................................................................................... 76 ANNEXES & ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................................... 82 AFYA HALISI PROGRESS REPORT FOR Q2 FY 2019 i ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AEFI Adverse Events Following CMSG Community Mother Support Immunization Group AFP Advanced Family Planning CMTC County Medicines and AMTSL Active Management of Third Therapeutics Committee Stage of Labor COCs Combined Oral Contraceptive ANC Antenatal Care CPR Contraceptive Prevalence Rate AWP Annual Work Plan CQI Continuous Quality AYP Adolescent and Young People Improvement AYSRH Adolescent and Youth Sexual CSO Civil Society Organizations and Reproductive Health CYP Couple years of protection BCS+ Basic Counseling Skills plus DFH Division of Family Health BEmONC Basic Emergency Obstetric and DHIS District Health Information Newborn Care Software BFCI Baby friendly community initiative DMPA Depot Medroxyprogesterone BFHI Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative Acetate BP Blood Pressure DO2 Development Objective 2 BTL bilateral tubal ligation DQAs Data Quality Audits/Assessments C4C Counseling for Continuation DTC Decentralized Training Center CAC Community Action Cycle EBF Exclusive Breastfeeding CBD Community-based distribution ECD Early childhood development CBHIS Community Based Health ECSB Essential Care for the Small Information System Babies CBMNC Community-based maternal and EHA Essential hygiene action newborn care EMMP Environmental Mitigation and CBO Community based Organization Monitoring Plan CBRM Community Based Referral EmONC Emergency Obstetric and Mechanisms Newborn Care CCA Clean Clinic Approach EPI Expanded Program on CCC Comprehensive Care Center Immunization CEC County Executive Committee ETAT Emergency Triage Assessment CEMD Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Treatment Deaths ETL Extract Transform Load CEmONC Comprehensive Emergency FACES Family AIDS Care and Education Obstetric and Newborn Care Services CH Child Health FANC Focused Antenatal Care CHA Community Health Assistant FGM Female Genital Mutilation CHAI Clinton Health Access Initiative FHOK Family Health Options of Kenya CHC Community Health Committee FIC Fully Immunized Child CHEW Community Health Extension FP Family Planning Worker G-ANC Group Antenatal Care CHMT County Health Management GBV Gender Based Violence Team GIC Generic Instructor Course CHSSIP County Health Sector Strategic GMP Growth Monitoring Promotion and Investment Plan GoK Government of Kenya CHU Community Health Unit GREAT Gender Roles, Equality and CHV Community Health Volunteer Transformation CHX Chlorhexidine HCD Human Centered Design CICA County Institutional Capacity HCP Health Care Provider Assessment HCW Health Care Worker CLTS Community Led Total Sanitation HFs Health facilities CME Continuous Medical Education HH Household CMMB Catholic Medical Mission Board HINI High Impact Nutrition Intervention AFYA HALISI PROGRESS REPORT FOR Q2 FY 2019 1 HMIS health management information LAPM Long Acting Permanent Method systems LARC Long-Acting and Reversible HPAC Health Promotion Advisory Contraceptives Committee LCHV Lead CHV HRH Human Resource for Health LDHF Low dose high frequency HRIO Health Records Information LNG-IUS Levonorgestrel intrauterine Officer system HSS Health System Strengthening LOA Letters of Agreement HWTSS Household water treatment and LQAS Lot Quality Assurance Sampling safe storage M2MSG Mother to Mother Support Group ICC inter-agency coordination MCA Member of County Assembly committees MCH Maternal Child Health iCCM Integrated Community Case mCPR Modern contraceptive prevalence Management rate ID Identification details MCSP Maternal and Child Survival IEC Information Education Program Communication MCSP Maternal and Child Survival IFAS Iron and folic acid Program supplementation MEDS Mission for Essential Drugs and IGA Income Generating Activities Supplies IGWG Interagency Gender Working MEL Monitoring Evaluation and Group Learning iHRIS Integrated Human Resource MFL Master Facility List Information System MIYCN Maternal, Infant, and Young Child IMAM Integrated Management of Acute Nutrition Malnutrition MLM Middle Level Managers IMCI Integrated Management of MNCH Maternal, Newborn and Child Childhood Illness Health IPC Infection prevention and control MNH Maternal and Newborn Health IUCD Intrauterine contraceptive devices MNP Multiple Micronutrient Powder IYCF Infant and young child feeding MOE Ministry of Education JOOTRH Jaramogi Oginga Odinga MOH Ministry of Health Teaching and Referral Hospital MOU Memorandum of Understanding KANCO Kenya AIDS NGOs Consortium MPDSR Maternal and Perinatal Death KAPPd Kenya Action Plan for the Surveillance and Response Prevention and Control of MR Measles Rubella Pneumonia and Diarrhea MTC Medicines and Therapeutic KCGTRH Kakamega County Government Committee Teaching and Referral Hospital MUAC Mid Upper Arm Circumference K-CHIC Kitui County Health Insurance MVA Manual Vacuum Aspiration Cover NACS Nutrition Assessment Counseling KDHS Kenya Demographic Health and Support Survey NCAHU Neonatal, Child, and Adolescent KEMSA Kenya Medical Supplies Authority Health Unit KEPI Kenya Expanded Program for NHIF National Hospital Insurance Fund Immunization NHPplus Nutrition Health Program plus KESH Kenya Environmental Sanitation ODF Open Defecation Free and Hygiene OJT On job training KIWASH Kenya Integrated Water, OPV Oral Polio Vaccine Sanitation, and Hygiene ORS Oral rehydration salts KMC Kangaroo Mother Care ORT Oral rehydration therapy KMET Kisumu Medical and Education OVC Orphans and Vulnerable Children Trust PAFP Post Abortion Family Planning KPA Kenya Pediatric Association PBCC Provider based behavior change KQMH Kenya Quality Model for Health PET Pre-Eclampsia Treatment KSG Kenya School of Government PHO Public Health Officer AFYA HALISI PROGRESS REPORT FOR Q2 FY 2019 2 PIFP Provider Initiated Family Planning SDA Service Delivery Advisor PLGHA Protecting Life in Global Health SDO Service Delivery Officer Assistance SDPs Service Delivery Points PMP Performance monitoring plan SGBV Sexual and Gender Based PNC Post Natal Care Violence POP Progestin only pills SGS Small Group Sessions PPFP Post-Partum Family Planning SRH Sexual
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