TheAATSEEL NEWSLETTER American Association of Teachers of Slavic & East European Languages Contents Message from the President ...............3 Recent Publications ..............................3 Russian at Work ....................................4 Belarusica ...............................................6 Technology and Language Learning ...............................................6 Ukrainian Issues ...................................6 Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Grammar But Were Afraid to Ask ......................................7 Graduate Student Forum .....................9 Czech Corner .......................................10 Psychology of Language Learning .............................................11 AATSEEL Counterparts .....................12 Member News .....................................12 Summer Programs ..............................13 Employment Opportunities ..............16 Professional Opportunities ...............19 Volume 51 Issue 2 April 2008 AATSEEL NEWSLETTER Vol. 51, Issue 2 April 2008 AATSEEL NEWSLETTER EDITORIAL STAFF AATSEEL POINTS OF CONTACT President: Editor: BETTY LOU LEAVER SIBELAN FORRESTER Assistant Editor: ANNA JACOBSON Swarthmore College Contributing Editors: VALERY BELYANIN [email protected] ALINA ISRAELI President-Elect: KEITH MEYER-BLASING CARYL EMERSON ALLA NEDASHKIVSKA Princeton University MILA SASKOVA-PIERCE [email protected] RACHEL STAUFFER Past President: CATHARINE NEPOMNYASHCHY NINA WIEDA Columbia University CURT WOOLHISER [email protected] NL Coordinates: Vice Presidents: ANTHONY ANEMONE Editor: [email protected] The New School University Assistant Editor: [email protected] [email protected] Layout/Advertising: [email protected] JULIE A. Cassiday Williams College AATSEEL Office: [email protected] PATRICIA ZODY LYNNE DEBENEDETTE Executive Director, AATSEEL Brown University P. O. Box 569 [email protected] Beloit, WI 53512-0569 USA KEITH LANGSTON Phone: 608-361-9697 University of Georgia Fax: 608-363-7129 [email protected] BETSY SANDSTROM E-mail: [email protected] Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Layout/Advertising: CDL Services [email protected] Submitting Copy: BORIS WOLFSON University of Southern California (1) Foreign languages are accommodated if prepared on Ma- [email protected] cIntosh with a truetype or postscript font that can be shared. Editor, Slavic and East European Journal: (2) Eps or pdf with embedded fonts, Indesign, PageMaker, GERALD JANECEK and Quark Express documents can be accommodated. University of Kentucky [email protected] (3) Please do not double-space between sentences in elec- Editor, AATSEEL Newsletter: tronic submissions. BETTY LOU LEAVER (4) Please query the editor about formatting, content, graph- [email protected] Conference Program Committee Chair: ics, or language. ALEXANDER BURRY (5) The AATSEEL Newsletter is not copyrighted. Authors Ohio State University wishing to protect their contributions should copyright their [email protected] materials. Executive Director: PATRICIA L. ZODY (6) Full specifications are available at the AATSEEL web site. Beloit College [email protected] Conference Manager: DIANNA MURPHY AATSEEL Web site University of Wisconsin-Madison [email protected] For current online information about AATSEEL Web Master: AATSEEL and its activities, visit AATSEEL DAVID GALLOWAY on the web: Hobart and William Smith Colleges [email protected] http://www.aatseel.org 2 April 2008 Vol. 51, Issue 2 AATSEEL NEWSLETTER transparent and convenient. As author- Please do not hesitate to drop me a Message from the ing technology becomes ever more user- line if you have comments on newsletter AATSEEL President friendly, it’s no longer necessary to be a plans, reactions to the contents of the specialist in html to create intellectual newsletter, or suggestions and requests Dear friends and colleagues, content on line. Are you interested in for newsletter content. As spring becomes more and more contributing, or in maintaining part of prevalent, it’s time to channel some of the page? Working with a web site is a that abundant energy into planning pan- great way to make connections in the els and suggesting events for the 2008 profession, build your resume, and be AATSEEL conference in San Francisco. poised to take advantage of new oppor- Though panels may be proposed and tunities in electronic publishing. calls for papers posted through late The various AATSEEL committees July, the deadline for the first round of are doing work in many areas. This year RECENT abstract submission is April 15. Posting I am chairing the committee on Mem- PUBLICatIONS calls for papers is one way to make the bership and Outreach, and I invite you to send me or other committee members scholarly and intellectual connections The Recent Publications column in- your comments and suggestions. We that are such a valuable part of our cludes books published in 2007-2008. want to find and contact members who work. Both new Slavists and established Authors and publishers are invited to have lapsed, or other people who should scholars can use the panel declaration submit information about their new be members, and of course to explore process, like the program book and the publications. conference itself, to gather information, and refine ways to serve our varied and keep up with the latest developments gifted membership as well as possible. in the field, meet favorite authors, and Art find the right people for stimulating With best regards, ongoing collaboration. For more infor- Kivelson, V., & Neuberger, J. 2008. Pic- mation about the conference hotel and turing Russia: Explorations in Visual program, see the web page at <http:// Culture. Yale University Press. www.aatseel.org/program/> Letter from the Editor Kostenovich, A. 2008. From Russia: We especially encourage senior French and Russian Master Painting members of the profession to propose Greetings to one and all! 1870-1925 from Moscow and St. Pe- panels, submit abstracts for conference I was very happy to be able to see tersburg. Royal Academy of Arts. papers, volunteer to serve as chair or a number of you at the AATSEEL An- Culture discussant, and plan to attend the con- nual Meeting in Chicago in December. ference. Remember that, as a general I certainly hope to see as many and Heretz, L. 2008. Russia on the Eve of rule, you very quickly become more more in San Francisco in December. As Modernity: Popular Religion and senior than you think you are! Whether a California resident, who lives not far Traditional Culture under the Last or not you teach or advise graduate from the Golden Gate city, I know that Tsars. Cambridge University Press. students and junior faculty members, any of you who have not yet been in Kule, N. K. 2007. Slavic Folklore Han- conference attendance is a crucial kind San Francisco have missed seeing one book. Greenwood press. of service to the profession, where you of the most unique and most beautiful of Mckenzie, D. A. 2007. Stories of Rus- can model scholarly standards, enter- America’s cities. So, in addition to com- sian Folk Life. BiblioBazaar. prise, enthusiasm, and helpful criticism ing for the conference, I recommend Ralston, W. R. S. 2008. Songs of the for our younger colleagues. that you stay on and see the sights. Russian People. Kindle. During the next few months, AAT- As for the newsletter, the only im- SEEL needs your nominations of books mediate news coming out of the confer- Dictionaries for publication prizes, of outstand- ence is that we are now exploring the ing individuals for the various AAT- possibilities of making print versions of Berlitz. Berlitz Russian Concise Dic- SEEL prizes, and of hard-working and the newsletter also available. We have tionary: Russian-English - English- thoughtful colleagues for the organiza- found that libraries, advertisers, and a Russian. Berlitz. tion’s elected positions. number of readers still prefer the print Film The AATSEEL web page continues version. If we go back to print, at least to evolve both in its visible contents for a certain part of the readership, the Dobrenko, E. 2008. Stalinist Cinema and in the hidden database aspects that mailing of the newsletters will begin in and the Production of History. Edin- make renewing membership, searching January 2009, not earlier. I will keep burgh University Press. for contact information for a colleague, you informed of our progress in this or handling conference business more matter. Continued on page 12 3 AATSEEL NEWSLETTER Vol. 51, Issue 2 April 2008 RUSSIAN at WORK: Editor: Rachel Stauffer INTERVIEWS WITH PROFESSIONALS (University of Virginia) WHO USE RUSSIAN ON THE JOB Editor’s Note: If you have any sugges- “My first study abroad experience of Commerce of New England (US- tions for this column please send them was coming to Russia. In fact, my only RCCNE.org) is an organization that to Rachel Stauffer ([email protected]. other experience outside the US was represents the interests of businesses virginia.edu). a day trip to Canada about four years whose activities bridge New England before. I recall being surprised at how and Russia. This includes a lot of tech Josh Wilson, a native of rural Idaho, clean Canada was, and how it seemed companies, investment companies, law holds a B.A. in history and an M.A. in that people always wanted to talk to firms, etc. For them, I run yet another theater from Idaho State University. He you - random strangers - in restaurants, monthly newsletter that focuses on the
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