l \_n Pen M Connecticut Daily Campus W Serving Storrs Since 1896 ■ SJ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1962 VOL. CXVI. No. 68 STORRS, CONNECTICUT Opposition Ahead For Civil Rights Speaker Umass Autonomy Plan Discusses Segregation "Strenuous opposition" now fac- out the instructional and research program. es recommendations made by a BY MADGE ENGLISH SNCC faces the problems of rais- ty, whose seat is ironically lo- special legislative commission Field pointed out that if the cated at Liberty, Mississippi. commendations are put into effect, | Urgent business in New Yorking funds to support their work- studying University of Massachu- Only three Negroes have regis- the administration will have more forced Mr. Charles McDew, Na-ers and the financing of court setts autonomy. Although the com- tional Chairman of the Student procedures, and enlisting qualified tered to vote since 1892 in this mission was unanimously in favor time to spend with the students Non-Violent Coordinating Com-and devoted students and profes- country. The lack of civil liber- of the recommendations, Senator on campus problems as they ties that exists in areas such as arise. mittee to cancel his scheduled talksional people U> work on com- Maurice A. Donahue (D) of Holy- in the HUB Thursday night. Hemunity development. There are Amite County are evidenced in Oke, told the Massachusetts Col- Under the new system, for ex- was able to conduct an informalSNCC affiliates on 42 college the case of Mr. H. Lee, a Neguo legian that "I would think that ample, funds might be moved discussion at Beta Sigma Gamma campuses in addition to associ- and lather of ten children whs there would be a lengthly debate from one department to another was shot by Representative E. H. and strenuous oposition to the from 7-10 p.m. ated adult and high school groups. to meet the demands of an unex- McDew divided his time be- Northern Students Move- Hearst while Mr. Lee was at recommendations." pected number of students regis- The tween explaining the origin goals ment here at Storrs „ a sym. work. The inquest, held over Donahue added that he expected tering in a department . the dead man's body, brought and methods of SNCC and an-patny organization working to the bulk of the oposition to come If an unforeseen situation arises swering questions from thcraise funds for SNCC and l0 ^^ forth a decision of justifiable from the Ways and Means Com- under the present system, a solu- group. SNCC which has at pres-oa)e students m tl questions of homicide. mittee. tion is reached through a great en U tlme sta f 17 b gan Violence \.tJ, "f( ." ° r ' £ segregation and civil rights. If the recommendations of the deal of difficulty because the in 1960 after a series of southern ° Negro Voting SNCC workers continually run University budget is approved a commission are accepted, the sit-ins. The charter members. SNCCs activities cover com- up against violence in dealing with University Board of Trustees year i nadvance by the legisla- realizing that the sit-ins would be R development, summer the representatives ol law and would have completed control of ture, which is also the case here order in the South. Thej are funds. This would mean that funds at the University of Connecticut. harassed by constant arrests tor could be transferred from one de- various nebulous offenses. Mr. partment to another when unex- FIRST STEP McDew was recently charged pected requirements arise, elimin- Washington, Feb. 7—(AP) - with contributing to tile de- ating the need for special leg- The House Ways and Means linquency of a minor. The arrest islative action . Committee approved a first step family and occupational responsi-Where the lack o politi •apaitla- was made because he spoke be- Newspapers all over the Com- in increasing the limit of the na- bilities. The students also desiredPafon has led to continued - fore a group which was com- monwealth supported the recom- tional debt. It's for an increase a policy-making body that wouldPloitation and intimidation of the posed ol some people under 18 mendations, which also provided of two billion dollars, to raise the be free from adult conservatism.Negro. McDew cited Am.te Coun- years ol age. lor trustee control over univer- limit to 300 billions. Prejudice and segregation in sity personnel, salary, and tem- the South is propoguted by the porary appointments. poor whites who cling to their Dean of Students William F. racial superiority, the politicians Field labeled the recommenda- Contest Captivates Coeds; seeking to maimain their status tions a "vote of confidence" for and political power, and in a pas- the administration and was "over- sive way by the silent whites wiio joyed" at the prospects. allow certain practices to con- University President Lederle tnue although they claim to be Called the work of the commis- Best Dressed To Be Chosen un-prejudiced. sion "a great and historic step D; Astrid Johanson. Spanish The first preliminary judging -ality in her use of colors and ac- | The segrega'cd school systems forward for public higher educa- House; Nancy Beck. Beard B; in order to select "The Best cessones, 9) A suitable campus of the South are tued to cripple tion in Massachusetts." look, 10) An appropriate look for Nancy Houseman, Beard A. the Negroes Intellectually. Dif- The eleven-member committee Dressed Girl On Campus" will be off-campus occasions. Also Noreen Dorgan. St owe C; ferent textbooks are used by the recommended on January 24 that held tonight at 7 p.m. in HUB 208. Carol Barbetta, Kappa Alpha 'Hie- Negroes, books which discuss the "the Universitv be given greater| The Connecticut Daily Campus8 The girl selected will be the one who best meets these qualifi- ta; Claire Cupka, Phi Mu; Goldie great sacrifice made by America flexibility in the management of is sponsoring the conti be- of Glamour Magazine in cations. She will represent the Uni- Rimay, Alpha Delta Pi; Virginia to bring the Negro to the United its fiscal operations. The Donahue | hah Kenny. Wheeler C: J o a n n e states in an attempt lo Christian- order to find a winner and place versity of Connecticut coeds and Commission, in its backing of the will compete with the best dressed Kuenkler, Sprague. Janice Hall, >jz the poor savages, and books her among the ranks of the "Ten e University's request for greater hundreds of col- [ Spencer A; Shirley Peskurich, I encouraging the Negro to emulate Best Dressed Girls in America." winners from authority over its own affairs, Spencer B; Reba Baskerville. the noble savage of today as ex- The judging standards used by leges in the United States and called attention to the fact that the Crandall C: Ann Bernard. Alsop lemplified by Ralphe Bunche. The the magazine are the ones that Canada for the top honors in the university woould still be held A; Laura Manassero. Crawford Civil War is spoken of as the the judges will use in selecting Glamour contest. fully accountable to the state tax- The following girls have been B; Sonya Sidoriak. French A; War for Southern Independence payers and their elected represent- our candidate. They are as fol- lows; 1) A good figure and beau- selected by the women of their Judy Cofrancesco. Delta Zeta; land tlje slavery issue is neglected. atives. However, the commission Marge Morrison, Holcomb; Cyn- Churches. T<H> tiful posture, 2) Clean, shining living units as the best dressed; emphasized the point that the rhia Smith. Merritt B; and Penny Churches in the South support University would have the neces- well-kept hair, 3) Good grooming Sandra Strauss, Alpha Epsilon Phi; Jane Coughlin, Crawford C; Davidson. Hook B. segregation to a large extent. "No sary freedom to recruit faculty -not just neat, but impeccable, 4> A deft hand with make-up. 5) Mariane Walker, Pi Beta Phi; Candidates are requested to Ku Klux Klan. meeting proceeds effectively, to transfer funds be- wear sheaths, heels and to carry without an opening prayer trom tween accounts whenever neces- A clear understanding of her fash- Naiomi Pincus, Phi Sigma Sigma; Eleanor Jacobson, Merritt A; Car- a purse. Escorts will be provided the minister, quipped McDew. sary and to have greater control ion type, 6) Imagination in mana- ol Yackulics, Kappa Kappa Gam- and will contact the contestants They find justification for theL- over purchasing as to prevent de- ging a clothes budget, 7) A work- |position in the Biblical story ol lay and ineffician«y in carrying able wordrobe plan, 8) Individu- ma; Sandra Loveland, Crawford to arrange transportation. USA Party's Executive Board i I Votes New Convention Policy The United Students Association vacancy In 'he slate. has instituted a new policy that According to Hirschhorn. the will be useful in choosing quali- aim of the party is to select fied candidates for.the upcoming twenty-five good candidates and Student Senate elections. Politi- cal chairmen from dorms which to create enthusiasm for the of- have members of the USA party fices. The party emphasis this have been asked to submit the year is on quality. If twenty-five names and qualifications of their competent people do not wish to nominees to Joel Hirschhorn, run. spaces will be left in the president, no later than two weeks glate. No one will bo allowed to before the party convention. run for office who does not meet the party's standards The convention probably will bo held February 22 or 23. in the HUB Ballroom: the definite date, time and place will appear in the Inside Pages Daily Campus. A survey »n African students The USA Executive Board will problems in the United States review the names of all pros .
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