![Arxiv:2105.08659V2 [Gr-Qc] 25 May 2021 Ntdyscsooy Ecndfiei Ysyn H Cos- the the Saying by Is It Principle Define Mological Can We Cosmology](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Bumblebee field as a source of cosmological anisotropies R. V. Maluf1, ∗ and Juliano C. S. Neves2, † 1Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Departamento de Física, Campus do Pici, Fortaleza - CE, C.P. 6030, 60455-760 - Brazil 2Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Rodovia José Aurélio Vilela, 11999, CEP 37715-400 Poços de Caldas, MG, Brazil In this work, a bumblebee field is adopted in order to generate cosmological anisotropies. For that purpose, we assume a Bianchi I cosmology, as the background geometry, and a bumblebee field coupled to it. Bumblebee models are examples of a mechanism for the Lorentz symmetry violation by assuming a nonzero vacuum expectation value for the bumblebee field. When coupled to the Bianchi I geometry, which is not in agreement with a cosmological principle, the bumblebee field plays the role of a source of anisotropies and produces a preferred axis. Thus, a fraction of the cosmic anisotropies would come from the Lorentz symmetry violation. In the last part of the article, we try to assume an upper bound on the bumblebee field using the quadrupole and octopole moments of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Keywords: Lorentz Symmetry Breaking, Cosmology, Cosmic Microwave Background, Cosmological Principle I. INTRODUCTION even the inflationary period. However, supposedly, there are still anisotropies whose origin are not fully known, The standard model in cosmology, namely the ΛCDM that is to say, there is an intense debate on the reality or model or the big bang model, is based on the cosmo- not (as statistical artefacts or not) of those anisotropies logical principle, alongside Einstein’s field equations and and on how isotropic our universe is [7]. Among those the matter-energy description by means of perfect fluids.1 anisotropies or anomalies, we have the alignment of the Here, in a gravitational model beyond general relativ- quadrupole and octopole moments [8], the axis of evil ity, the bumblebee gravity, we will relax the cosmological [9–11], and the cold spot [12]. Proposals have been built principle assumption and adopt other gravitational field in order to solve those anomalies in the CMB, like inho- equations, i.e., we will adopt modified field equations in- mogeneous spacetimes, local voids and even by using the stead of Einstein’s. inflationary mechanism (see Refs. [13–16]). Following As we said, the cosmological principle is a cornerstone Russell et al. [17], we adopt the Bianchi I geometry to in today’s cosmology. We can define it by saying the cos- think of those anisotropies and quantify them by means mological principle is the belief according to which any of the model-independent approach of Maartens et al. observer or freely falling observer (like us), no matter [18]. However, in this article, we propose a source or ori- where he/she is, describes the same universe, the same gin for a part of the anisotropies in the CMB radiation physics laws or, philosophically speaking, the same phe- by using a Lorentz symmetry breaking mechanism. nomena [1, 2]. That is to say, freely falling observers Then we suggest a source for CMB anisotropies whose would describe the same world, our universe would be origin is due to a field, the bumblebee field, which has homogeneous and isotropic for those observers. However, broken the Lorentz symmetry or invariance since the de- recent precise observations [3, 4] suggest that the cosmo- coupling between matter and radiation. Therefore, in logical principle is no longer absolutely reliable: cosmic order to describe small cosmic anisotropies, we will use microwave background (CMB) anisotropies would indi- modified gravitational field equations and a special field arXiv:2105.08659v2 [gr-qc] 25 May 2021 cate different temperatures for different space directions. coupled to the geometry. As will see, the modified field As is well known, anisotropies in the CMB do not mean equations come from the bumblebee gravity. On the always a real problem for the standard model. There are other hand, as we said, the geometry is the Bianchi I met- a lot of sources for that anisotropies, whether those ones ric, which provides three independent directional Hubble in the present-day or in the early universe. According parameters, one for each space direction. to textbooks [1], the motion of the solar system and the The Bianchi I geometry has been studied in several Sunyaev-Zel’dovich [5] effect are examples of causes of contexts beyond general relativity [19–23]. Such a geom- anisotropies in the CMB in the recent universe. On the etry generalizes the flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson- other hand, there are sources of anisotropies whose origin Walker (FLRW) adopted in the standard model. The is in the early universe, like the Sachs-Wolfe effect [6] or Bianchi I spacetime defines three different scale factors, one for each spatial direction. When all those three are identical ones, the FLRW metric is restored. In the gen- eral relativity context, the difference among each direc- ∗Electronic address: r.v.maluf@fisica.ufc.br †Electronic address: [email protected] tional Hubble parameter is due to integration constants 1 For many people, inflation is also considered an ingredient in the that come out from each differential equation related to standard model. the three directional Hubble parameters. But in the 2 bumblebee gravity, as we propose here, such a difference deviations from the standard model equations. in each directional Hubble parameter appears because of the bumblebee field, when such a quantum field as- sumes a nonzero vacuum expectation value (VEV). The A. The gravitational field and the bumblebee field idea is that the bumblebee field in the VEV breaks spon- equations taneously the Lorentz symmetry in the decoupling pe- riod, when matter and radiation decouple. Thus, in the Bumblebee models are vector or tensor theories that in- model developed here, a part of the cosmic anisotropies clude some mechanism for describing spontaneous break- is due to the Lorentz violation from the decoupling pe- ing of the Lorentz and diffeomorphism symmetries within riod. But before the present time or from the decoupling a gravitational context. These models have a potential to the present time, our model is a small deviation from term V which leads to nontrivial VEVs for the fields con- the FLRW universe as it is convenient in order to agree figurations, affecting, for example, the dynamics of other with the data. Therefore, the key feature of the model fields coupled to the bumblebee field, preserving geomet- present here is the Lorentz symmetry or invariance vio- ric structures and conservation laws that are compati- lation, which would produce cosmological anisotropies. ble with a usual pseudo-Riemannian manifold adopted The possibility of the Lorentz invariance violation in in general relativity [24, 33]. the gravitational context was initially discussed by Kost- The simplest model involving a single vector field Bµ elecký [24] in 2004. In that seminal work, a no-go theo- (the bumblebee field) coupled to gravity in a torsion-free rem was presented stating that explicit Lorentz-violation spacetime is described by the action theories, containing fixed and nondynamical background fields, do not preserve geometric constraints and funda- 4 1 ξ µ ν SB = d x√ g R + B B Rµν mental conservation laws in general relativity. One way ˆ − 2κ 2κ to get around these difficulties is to consider some sponta- 1 B Bµν V (BµB b2)+ , (1) neous Lorentz symmetry breaking mechanism, something −4 µν − µ ± LM which works like the Higgs mechanism, by adding a po- tential term to the Lagrange density able to generate a where κ = 8πG/c4 is the gravitational coupling con- non-trivial vacuum state, where either vector or tensorial stant, and ξ is a coupling constant, accounting for the fields assume nonzero VEVs. nonminimum interaction between the bumblebee field A mechanism like the bumblebee has been applied in and the Ricci tensor or geometry (with mass dimension black hole physics and cosmology. In black hole physics, [ξ]= M −2 in natural units) [34, 35]. Other important in- a Schwarzschild-like [25, 26] and both a Schwarzschild-de gredients are B ∂ B ∂ B , or the bumblebee field µν ≡ µ ν − ν µ Sitter-like and a Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter-like space- strength, and the Lagrange density M , which describes times [27] were built. In Ref. [28] other types of black the matter-energy content, somethingL very necessary in holes were obtained as well. In cosmology, consequences a cosmological model. of the bumblebee field in the FLRW geometry were stud- As we said, the potential V (X) in the action (1) is re- ied [29, 30], and works on the Gödel universe were pre- sponsible for triggering a nonzero VEV for the bumblebee sented in Refs. [31, 32] in the same context of Lorentz field and the metric, i.e., violation. As far as we know, using the Bianchi I metric in this context is the first attempt in that direction. Bµ Bµ = bµ, gµν gµν , , (2) → h i → h i This article is structured as follows: in Sec II we present both the modified gravitational field equations thereby it breaks spontaneously both the Lorentz and the diffeomorphism symmetry. For a smooth potential V of in bumblebee gravity and the Bianchi I geometry in that µν 2 X, the vacuum condition X = bµ g bν b = 0 implies context. In Sec. III we quantified anisotropies, solving h i ± ′ the field equations for a universe made up of radiation, that the potential and its derivative satisfy V = V = 0, where gµν is the VEV of the inverse metric. It is worth matter and the bumblebee field. Then we use the CMB h i 2 data from Planck Collaboration in order to constrain the noticing that the quantity b is a positive real number, and the sign implies that b is timelike or spacelike, bumblebee field (and the coupling constant) by means of ± µ the CMB multipoles.
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