2°48'0"E 2°51'0"E 2°54'0"E 2°57'0"E N N " " 0 ' 0 ' 2 2 1 1 ° ° 8 8 4 4 485000 490000 495000 500000 3°0'0"E Z #133 E R Activation ID: EMSN-028 R O P roduct N.:14-EGREV ILLE, v1, English L E D E T Egreville - FRANCE R Flood - June 2016 Observed flood extent - Detail Egreville ! BOURGOGNE-FRANCHE-COMTE YONNE P roduction date: 07/09/2016 AISNE P aris ^ English Channel Seine-et-Marne P aris Yvelines ^ 01 Ile-de- 0 00 0 Marne 0 1 0 0 0 France 5 5 France 3 3 3 3 02 03 5 5 Se Bay of Biscay in e S Essonne eine 04 05 06 Mediterranean Fontaiineblleau Sea 07 08 09 Y o L n o n i Aube n e ILE-DE-FRANCE 10 11 g 12 R T E CENTRE-VAL D E G 13 R Y 14 E U Yonne DE LOIRE V O IL J Loiret 1 L E Montargis Bourgogne- 0 E D Montargis 0 E 15 16 SEINE-ET-MARNE T Centre-Val Franche-Comté R L de Loire 0 20 oire km ! LOIRET Cartographic Information N " N Bransles " 0 ' 0 ' 9 ° 9 ° Full color A1, h igh resolution (100dpi) 8 8 1:25 000 4 4 0 1 2 Km ! Le Bignon-Mirabeau Grid: W GS 1984 Z one 31 N map coordinate system ± T ick marks: W GS 84 geograph ical coordinate system Legend Crisis Information Settlements Transportation !Chevry-sous-le-Bignon 0 r R 0 ! T Flooded Area 1 P opulated P lace E (from 31/05 to 09/06/2016) ! Aerodrome D E Buildings £ R General Information " Bridge O Industry / Utilities Z O Area of Interest | H arbour Y Q uarry n Administrative boundaries Chevannes ! P ow er Station !(u H elipad Region Physiography ")u H eliport P rovince # Spot elevation point (m) Railw ay Point of Interest Contour lines and Motorw ay elevation (10m spacing) Institutional r 9 P rimary Road Hydrology Y ! R K Medical Secondary Road V River; Stream E Local Road H C E Rozoy-le-Vieil 0 ! 0 D 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 Map Information T 3 3 3 R 3 5 5 From th e 31st of May to early J une 2016, exceptional flooding occured after several days of h eavy rain in France. T h e Loing and Seine rivers burst th eir banks and 4,000 people w ere ! evacuated from th e tow n of Nemours. Some areas reported th e w orst flooding seen in a S Pers-en-Gâtinais E century. L 125 10 S # T h e Emergency Management Service Risk & Recovery activation ‘’EMSN-028 : Flood 0 N delineation and damage assessment, France’’ h as been requested by th e French auth orities A R in order to map flooding, infer maximum flooding and flood w ater depth s, and assess th e B damages of th e floods occurred over th e Seine River located upstream to P aris, and its E E tributary th e Loing River, from Fontainebleau to Montargis. D R E E T I R N N Data Sources O S S I Observed flood extent extracted from : U Sentinel-1A Interferometric W ide acquired on 31/05/2016 and 04/06/2016 (GSD 10 m) B provided by th e European Space Agency. A L Radarsat-2 Extra Fine acquired on 02/06/2016 (GSD 5 m) and Radarsat-2 W ide U ltraFine E acquired on 04/06/2016 (GSD 1.5 m) © MacDonald, Dettw iler and Associates Ltd. (2016) – D RADARSAT is an official mark of th e Canadian Space Agency – provided under R CO P ERNICU S by th e European U nion and ESA, all righ ts reserved. CO SMO -SkyMed StripMap © ASI (2016), distributed by e-GEO S S.p.A. acquired on 03/06/2016 (GSD 1.5 m), provided under CO P ERNICU S by th e European U nion and ESA, 0 0 all righ ts reserved. 1 Landsat-8 © U SGS acquired on 09/06/2016 (GSD 15 m). P léiades-H R1A © CN ES (2016), distributed by Airbus DS acquired on 09/06/2016 (GSD 0.5 ! m), provided under CO P ERNICU S by th e European U nion and ESA, all righ ts reserved. 126 # Deimos-2 © Deimos Imagine S.L.U (2016), acquired on 09/06/2016 (GSD 1 m), provided under CO P ERNICU S by th e European U nion and ESA, all righ ts reserved. Reference Imagery: N SP O T 6 and SP O T 7 © AIRBU S DS (2015), acquired on 10/09/2015 and 30/06/2015 (GSD " 0 ' 1.5 m). T h is w ork w as supported by public funds received in th e framew ork of GEO SU D, a 6 48°6'0"N ° project (ANR-10-EQ P X-20) of th e program "Investissements d'Avenir" managed by th e 8 122 4 French National Research Agency. # Vector layers: Administrative Boundaries, T ransport Netw ork, H ydrologic Netw ork, Settlements based on BD T O P O © IGN and P h ysiograph y based on BD ALT I © IGN refined by SERT IT . Inset maps based on: Administrative boundaries (J RC 2013, GISCO 2010, © EuroGeograph ics, © IGN), H ydrology, T ransportation (Natural Earth , 2012, CCM River DB © EU -JRC 2007), Settlements (Geonames, 2013). All Data sources are complete and w ith no gaps. 0 T h e data provided is subject to th e terms outlined in th e arrangements concerning access to 0 1 auth oritative geospacial reference data for Copernicus emergency management service. R TE D Dissemination/Publication ! E GR ISEL Ferrières-en-Gâtinais LES Due to sensitivity of th is activation's data, access to maps is limited to auth orized end users w h o can access it via our secure platform. For furth er information and/or data access requests you migh t w ant to contact [email protected]. Delivery formats are GeoT IFF, GeoP DF, GeoJP EG and vectors (sh apefile and KML formats). REST RICT ED U SE R S A Disclaimer IN T E T h e products elaborated in th e framew ork of current mapping in Risk and Recovery mode A activation are realized to th e best of our ability, optimising th e available data and information. N !Mérinville N E All geograph ic information h as limitations due to scale, resolution, date and interpretation of 0 th e original data sources. T h e products are compliant w ith Copernicus EMS Risk and 0 1 Recovery P roduct P ortfolio specifications. 0 0 0 £ 0 0 le gril de 0 5 5 Map Production " ! 2 corbelin 2 3 Griselles 3 T h e present map sh ow s th e observed flood extent over th e area of Egreville (AO I14) 5 5 betw een th e 31st of May and th e 9th of J une 2016. T h is flood extent is a compilation of th e flood w aters and flood traces visible on h igh to very h igh resolution satellite images acquired during th e flood event. T h e flooding ph ase and th e flood peak over Loing and Seine rivers are mainly covered by radar data because of th e cloud coverage; h ence th e th ematic accuracy migh t be low er in urban and forested areas due to inh erent limitations of th e radar analysis tech niques. O ptical data h ave been acquired during th e draw -off process, allow ing th e detection of remaining flood w aters and traces, especially near urban areas. T h e observed flood extent h as been generated via a semi-automatic classification meth od validated by ph oto-interpretation. T h e estimated geometric accuracy of th is product is 0.5 m, from native positional accuracy of th e background satellite image. T h e estimated th ematic R accuracy of th is product is 85% or better, based on internal validation procedures and visual D E interpretation of recognizable items onvery h igh resolution optical imagery. BR ET AG NE Contact 100 100 T h e map w as produced (under th e Service Contract nr. 259811 of th e European Commission) on 07/09/2016 by SERT IT . Name of th e release inspector (quality control): J RC. La Selle-sur-le-Bied E-mail: [email protected] 100 ! # 106 h ttp://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping Saint-Loup!-de-Gonois 3°0'0"E 485000 490000 495000 500000 E " 0 ' 7 5 ° 2 2°54'0"E 2°51'0"E 2°48'0"E.
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