Presented by: 2 | T 40 Under Forty | THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE >> BERKSHIREEAGLE.COM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 Awards Congratulations! CeremoThursdanyy, afromthe Age Congratulations, Eric March24 Task Force. FriendlyBerkshires Berkshire Hills Country Club, 500 BenedictRd, Pittsfield allactive agers! 5:00-5:30PM-Private reception with honorees and sponsors We’re 5:30-6:00PM-Networking Reception, open to all attendees Dr. Casey, 6:00-7:15PM-Program and awards Congrats on your4 Cost: $40per ticket We 0Under Forty ’re behind you award. Includes reception with heavy horsd’oeuvres and cash bar. all the way! To purchase tickets, contact Jennifer Larkin at -Dr. Wise and the entire staff. 413-236-2185 or [email protected]. Presented by: EmploymentServices Congratulations to Pete White (MRC's Berkshires'40 Specialist) for recognition as one of The -Your MRC Colleagues Under 40! Berkshire Bankcongratulates Gary Levante for being recognizedasone of 40 Under Forty Gary has distinguished himself Gary Levante through hardwork,technical expertise CommunityEngagementOfficer, and dedication to our community. 1-800-773-5601 Berkshire Bank Foundation berkshirebank.com SM Banking ·Insurance Life is exciting.Let us help. Wealth Management Insuranceproducts areprovided by BerkshireInsuranceGroup,Inc., aBerkshireBank affiliate,and in NewYork by BerkshireInsuranceAgency, aregistered trade name for Banking products areprovided by BerkshireBank: Member FDIC. BerkshireInsuranceGroup,Inc., aBerkshireBank affiliate: Insuranceand investmentproducts arenot FDIC-insured,are not abank deposit,“NOTguaranteed BY THE BANK,”“NOT Equal Housing Lender.BerkshireBank is aMassachusetts charteredbank. INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY”and maylose value. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE >> BERKSHIREEAGLE.COM | 40 Under Forty T | 3 40 under Iinviteyou to peruse these pages that salute Berkshire fort PRESENTEDBY County’s most outstandingyoung professionals, recipients y BERKSHIRECOMMUNITY COLLEGE of theinaugural 40 Under Forty awards,presented by BerkshireCommunity College. Sponsors Iwould like to first thankthe morethan 200individuals who STRATEGICPARTNER took thetimeand effort to nominateover175 different 1Berkshire candidates for these awards.Our eightjudgesall com- MEDIAP mented on thehighquality of theentirecohort. Thedepth ARTNER TheBerkshireEagle andbreadth of theircontributions,investedtoimprove the qualityoflife andeconomicvibrancyofthe Berkshires,isparticularly impressive. PRESENTING SPONSORS Theselectionprocess wasextremely competitive, andweare grateful to everyone Crane whoparticipated. I’msureyou will enjoyreadingthe profilesofour honorees,which GeneralDynamics Mission Systems appear in this special section. Guardian Life MountainOne This publication andthe 40 UnderForty awards celebrationonMarch 24 at St.Germain Investment Management BerkshireHills Country Club would not have been possible withoutour nominees,the fortyhonorees,sponsors, supporters andadvertisers.Special thanks to 1Berkshire, CORPORATESPONSORS ourStrategic Partnerand theBerkshire Eagle, ourMedia partner. AdamsCommunity Bank Berkshire Bank Ilookforward to meetingmanyofyou at theawardsand encourageyou to visitour Berkshire Gas websiteatwww.berkshirecc.edu/40underforty to purchase tickets. We have had CohenKinne Valicenti&CookLLP an enthusiasticresponseand expect to sell out, if we haven’talready.Thankyou all Greylock FederalCredit Union forsupportingBerkshire Community College’sstudentsand programs by participating Onyx Specialty Papers, Inc. in this exciting event. SUPPORTING SPONSORS Berks Congratulations againtoour honorees. Youshould allbeproud of your hire County Regional Employment Board, Inc. BerkshireH accomplishments. We celebrateyourachievementsand thankyou foryour illsCountryClub TheBerkshireMus contributions to ourcommunities. eum BerkshireWorks CareerCenter Diplacon Builders EatonVance Investment Counsel edmarchitecture•engineering •management Elms College EllenKennedy Greenagers President, BerkshireCommunity College HillcrestEducationalCenters HotelonNorth #BCC40UnderForty Interprint,Inc. LeeBank ThePittsfield Cooperative Bank SPECIAL THANKSTOOUR JUDGES. RepresentativePaul Mark LindaGaspardi Febles KevinMoran KathyT SenatorBenjaminDowning 1Berkshire isdale TheBerkshire Eagle Guardian Life InsuranceCo. SmithGreen&Gold,LLP CharlesKaminski RichardRowe CarloZaffanella Solomon Furniture BerkshireCommunity College Crane General Dynamics Mission Systems NancyMcIntire TimSuffish BerkshireCom munity CollegeFoundation St.Germain InvestmentManagement 4 | T 40 Under Forty | THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE >> BERKSHIREEAGLE.COM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 >CareerHighlights: Being recognizedwithregional and > Career Highlights: nationalawardsfor my creativity andinitiativeinhigher educationisverymemorable,but more so forme, seeingthe GeG ttingelected by amarginof243 outof tangible impact my work hasonstudentswhile here at the 232 ,647 votesinthe Democratic primaryin college, andastheythriveinthe world. 202 06;getting electedand re-elected 5times; >CommunityInvolvement: NBCC,Berkshire YouthLeadership aua thoringseveralmajor updatesto Program, NorthAdams Partnership,owning Oh Crepe! Cafe, nan tion-leading clean energy laws. beingaCityCouncilor in NorthAdams,coordinatingservice > CommunityInvolvement: projects like theAppalachian TrailBridgepainting,working on theMCLAAlumniBoard,co-foundingthe NAMAzing Initiative ReR presenting theneedsand interests of the andjumping at anyproject that couldhelpthe greater 525 communities of theBerkshire,Hampshire, community, from lifelong residentstobrand newtransplants. FrF anklin andHampden districtthrough five >UltimateCareerGoal: Ilove beingonthe groundinthe work legislativesessions. Ido, someday Ihopetobeachief administrator,aCollege > Ultimate Career Goal: President, or possiblyingovernment.Iwanttobeanagent ToT be determined fordirectchangeand adriverfor forwardmomentum.There aremanydoors in frontofme, and Idon’t wish to closeany of > Individual YouAdmireMost: them quite yet. MyM parents BeB njjamini LaL mbb >IndividualYou Admire Most: My wife,Emily Schiavoni.She > Hidden/UniqueTalents: puts up with arollercoaster of life with me,always supportive, BeB njjamiinDDowniing Very good at theWordJumble AssistantDirectorfor Student always keepingmegrounded,but also willing to letmemake StateSenator Organizations andInvolvement, themostofmypassion andcreativity.She does it with such > FavoriteBerkshire Person/Place/Thing: WilliamsCollege,Williamstown, MA graceand pizzazzthatIcan only standbackand admire her Commonwealth of Massachusetts Person -MyMom Berkshire,Hampshire,Franklin Birthplace: Schenectady,NY with love, affection,and adoseofdisbelief. Place-DowntownPittsfield andHampden Residence: NorthAdams,MA >Hidden/Unique Talents: My handwritingissomewhat Thing-Apple ciderdonutsfromBartlett’s Degreesand Certifications: legendary Birthplace: Pittsfield,MA B.A. Biology –MCLA, B.A. >Favorite Berkshire Person/Place/Thing: Topofthe World, Residence: Pittsfield,MA EnvironmentalStudies –MCLA, on FloridaMountain.Itisaplace Ihaveused forpersonal Degreesand Certifications: M.Ed.College StudentServices reflectionand to showfolks newtothis area just how BA -Political Science, Providence College, Administration, CollegeofSaintRose PhD. (anticipated)HigherEducation incredible achangeofperspective canbetomakeyou MA -Urban andEnvironmental Policy Administration-UniversityofNebraska appreciate ourlittlecornerofthe world. andPlanning,Tufts University Thank you to BCC for the honor of this nomination and congratulations to all of the winners! Sincerely, Senator Ben Downing and RepresentativePaul Mark WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE >> BERKSHIREEAGLE.COM | 40 Under Forty T | 5 Celebratingthefuture ofTheBerkshires. MountainOne congratulatesall 40 underFortyHonorees,including ourown Jonathan Denmark, Presidentof Coakley, Pierpan, Dolan &CollinsInsuranceAgency Pittsfield |NorthAdams |Williamstown |855.444.MTN1(6861)|mountainone.com INSURANCE PRODUCTS ARE: NOTADEPOSIT,NOT FDIC-INSURED,NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL MOUNTAINONE BANK IS: GOVERNMENT AGENCY, NOTGUARANTEEDBYTHE BANK AND MAYGODOWNINVALUE. MEMBER FDIC. MEMBER DIF. 6 | T 40 Under Forty | THE BERKSHIRE EAGLE >> BERKSHIREEAGLE.COM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 > Career Highlights: Made acareertransition > Career Highlights: Iachievedthe position of tot thefieldofalternativeeducation andsocial ChC iefInvestmentOfficeratmyprior employer, after work.Since starting in June,Ihavealready ses rvingasDirectorofResearch,responsibilities asa sisted severalstudentstoearntheirhigh includedclientcontact via original literature, scs hool credentials. composingauniqueinvestmentstrategyand > CommunityInvolvement: Iserve as a exe ecutingitonbehalfofaccounts aggregating coc -founder, multimedia designer, inexcessof$800million. chc oreographer, anddanceroflocal dance > CommunityInvolvement: Over adecade grg oup dysFUNKcrew.Ialsolend my artistic ofo charitable giving andtimevolunteered tat lentstoBerkshire DanceTheatre andThe tot help collegestudentsatmyalmamater, FunF kBox DanceStudio. When I’mnot teaching ses curing Bloombergterminalsfor thefinance oro performing, I’mcapturing andediting ded partment,providingfeedback/direction vidv eosfor 1Berkshire’s Berkshire Initiativefor ono weekly callswithstudentsmanagingpart GrG owth. ofo theUniversity’sendowment, andarranging internshipsfor students while at my former > Ultimate Career Goal: To become ahigh eme ployer Berkshire Bank. scs hool educator,open my ownvideography > Ultimate Career
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