NEW HAVEN (AP)— Connecticut refnined from routine purtuits today to say a final prayerful faro- well to John F. Kennedy. Rites, scheduled to coindda with the funeral of the fallen President, were planned toi many churches. B\it from dawn to du«k and into the night there would be a l u i a a ' Chant of mourning in villagea, towns and cities throughout tha state. I t r s r . r ) ' • 1 Banka shut down and so did i many atoree. ■ Schoola • wera closed. Factories and offleea ' : ) were empty. i J "W e. the people of thla na­ l u i e i * ' 1 tion. have lost a symbol of all f that is decent and warm, cou­ rageous and dedicated.” aaid New Haven's Mayor Richard C. Lee at an area-wide memorial service veatlerday afternoon at ■Vale's \Voolsey Hall. Some 5.000 persons attended. Similar service.s. but on a amaller scale, had been held throughout the atate .since Fri­ day night. Today was the official day of praver ahtl mourning., proclaim­ ed by Gov. John N. Dempeey. At noon, Connecticut's rank­ Mrs. Kennedy and Robert and Edward Kennedy head procession behind body ing Roman Catholic prelate, the of President. (AP Photofax.) most Rev, Henry J. O’Brien, uta* archbishop of Hartford, cela- Ttol brates a pontifical Maas in the ind) ' Cathedral of St. Joseph in that tt W Kennedy city. John A similar high Mass of re­ Mll^ quiem was scheduled for the t h t same time at St. Augustine'a m «'' Cathedral. Bridgeport, seat of BUI the Bridgeport Roman CathoHe diocese. The Rt. Rev. Walter H. Gray, Eh>iscopal bishop of Connecti­ Laid to Rest Amid cut. officiates at noon Com­ >MIVf ; munion service in Hartford’e t Mt' Christ Church Cathedral. Aval He urged yesterday that eiml- ‘Bb>. lar services be held that hour ^ y . in all Bipiscopal churches of Connecticut. No aynogogue ccuJd hold the Solemn Pageantry numbers expected. Inetead aerv- icea were »et for 11 a.m. in the different congregatlona. In Hartford, some 80 churdM* WASHINGTON ( AP) — t , J ^ n and Mrs.< >ed from It only by the •allor#"Preiiident Kennedy is gone !Oh and aynogoguea planned senrioea carrying the presidential flag Lord, Lord!" She kept up her today. JohiT^. Kennedy’* body I membere of the Immediate and the riderless home that cry but the words trailed off Meanwhile residents wera was borne from the White family who followed Mm. Ken­ symbolises the fallen warrior in and soon were Indistingfuishable. trying to understand wlwt a House. tor f tmeral rites in nedy. a military fufCeral. When Mrs. Kennedy .stepped Hartford newspaper today ki eoienui pacnantry today. French Freeidebt Charles d* The procession from ths White out of the limousine at the an editoirial called “a oontlnukig Oaulle wae close behind, lead' House began at 11 ;40 a.m. White House,, she stood .still for mehtmara." motmera walking behind big the foreign leaders. a moment, listening'to a hymn the hotrse-drawn calseoh The cortege had moved frcun "If. we dM not foUow theaa Chief Justice Earl Wan-en. the 'Xlapltol. where Kennedy’s sung by the Naval At^ademy. misguided lenders who called tia beaxlng the casket. former President Dwight D. El­ body lay in state this weekend, choir. to rally to their unholy oaupa,’* Then she turned and set out ^ lls toHed as the assali- senhower and others also were to the White House. Mm. Ken­ said the Rev. Frederick J. A l- in-the walking procession. at the head of the procession of ainated Presideht’s sorrow­ nedy and members of the fam­ walking mourners. The original plans had been ily bad ridden in limousines on (See Page Seven) ing widow, Jacqueline, set tor Mm. Johnson to wait at the this trip. Mrs. Kennedy stood straight between Robert and Bdward, out on foot heading a pro­ cathedral for the procession. After a brief halt at the White But when President' Johnson brothem of the slain President. cession of the world’s great House, the cortege moved on to Her face, beneath its black veil, leaders on an eight-block left the White House, his wife the cathedral with the mourers Marchers from left are Heinrich Lubke, West German president: French presi­ World Feels was at his side. was composed. march to St. Matthew’s Ro­ walking. The Kennedy children — John dent Charles De Gaulle; Queen Frederika of Greece; King Baudouin of Bel­ Senate Democratic Leader man Oatholci cathedral for Thousands lined the streets. F. Jr., who - was 8 today, and gium; Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. (AP Photofax.) Mike ‘Mansfield of Montana and For the most part it was a sil­ Caroline, who will be 6 on Grief, Shock a funeral Mass. tenate Republican Leader Ev­ ent crowd, a crowd of bowed Wednesday—were taken to the Atty. Oen. Robert F. Kenne- erett M. Dlrksen of IlUnols heads and tears. cathedral in a limousine. Over Events dy clutched Mrs. Kennedy’s , headed a group from Congress, But at one point, as the cais­ From the back sSat, Caroline Adjournment band as they walked out th e ' Mm. Kennedy and the two son turned the com er by the gazed around at the crowd. She Johnson, De Gaulle northwest gate of the White l Kennedy brothers, walking be* Treasury building a woman LONDON (AP)—Governments ■ouaa. t bind the caisson were separat- broke into a high {dtched wall. (Ree Page Four) Proposed to and men and women around the world Joined today in mourning Encounter Watched services for President John F. Help Johnson Kennedy. Their grief was mixed with shock and astonishment at 240,000 Pass WASHINGTON (AP)— President Johnson travels, the assassination of Lee H. Leaders of World in Rites By WILLIAM. F. ARBOGAST the last miles with John F. Kennedy today—and then Oswald. WASHINGTON (AP)—Tax re­ sets his own course in meetings with a massive array They started in the Far East, Kennedy Bier duction and civil rights. Presi­ where Nov. 25 first dawned, and WASHINGTON (A P )—-A aol-<May to watch Jets deposit their<^Cathollc Cathedral for the fu- dent John F. Kennedy’s top of world statesmen. Everyone watched for clues dral for the Requiem Mass, followed around the globe as H amn procession Of the world’s Important cargo. Long after the neral. legislative proposals, appeared turned to the sun. nlghty->-some of them nearly blue of a chill Sunday afternoon After the burial in Arlington In Night Vigil likely today to be temporarily as to how Johnson would get then by car to Arlington Na­ along with President Charles de tional Cemetery, for a hero’s Only in Communist Obina was twice the age of the slain young had given way to night, the ar­ Cemetery, Mrs. Kennedy re­ sidetracked by a drive to ad­ there no official observance of President of the United States rivals continued. ceives the foreign emlesarles at journ Congress and give Presi­ Gaulle of France. De Gaulle burial. WASHINGTON '(A P ) — Thou­ differed fr< Kennedy on such After the funeral, Mrs. Ken­ the President’s funeral. The —streamed into Washington to Several dignitaries flew into the White House. In late after­ sands upon thousands of persona dent Johnson a breathing spell. great questions as the North nedy arranged to receive the Chinese Reds reported Kenne­ pay homage to John F. Ken­ Washington’s other airport. Na­ noon, Johnson greets them at braved long hours In ^ezing The push for early adjourn­ Atlantic Treaty Organization, dy’s death Friday, but made no nedy. tional. A few motored in by the State Department. ’Tuesday weather to file past the casket ment was led by House Repub- foreign dignitaries at the White ' the European Common Market, House. Then Johnson plunges comment on it. Sunday, how­ They arrived, someUmes in limousine. the President plans to confer of John F. Kennedy in the Cap­ llcsui Leader Charles A.. Hal- and the French government's ever, they assailed President twoe and threes, somber and Fifty - three countries were with some of them. itol rotunda. Other thousands leck of Indiana and had sub­ I into his first round of personal i insistence on its own nuclear dipl’omacy as president. Johnson, saying he supported unsmiling, expressing the grief represented in all. There were One of the first to arrive at waited without success. stantial backing from members reactionary policies under Ken­ force. He scheduled a 90-minute re- of their, cou n tr^ en and wish­ a dozen members of ruling fam­ Dulles was France's President of both parties who believe Con­ nedy. ing Lyndon B. Johnson, the new ilies, 28 presidents and heads of Charles de Gaulle, 'who cele­ Charles J. Sullivan, chief of gress should adjourn and en­ Whether Johnson, noted as a 'ception—6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. — Capitol police, estimated 340,000 master persuader when he was for the more than 100 foreign Thousands of American sol­ President, well. state, 80 foreign ministers and brated his TSrd birthday anni­ gage in no more bickering this diers attended memorial serv­ At modcmlatic Dulles Inter- five defense ministers. versary last Friday, the day an had moved past the bier of the year. The two pending propoe- the Democratic leader of the dignitaries who Journeyed to slain President when the doors Senate, would get together with Washington to pay their re­ ices in South Korea. Most of the aational Airport in the Virginia' .This lOOThing, they march assassin’s bullets snuffed out als are the most controversial 50,000 GIs were taken off duty eountryeide south of the capital, behind the Cicaisson carrying the life of Kennedy at 46.
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