THE WESTFIELMOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLYD NEWSPAPE R ILEADEN UNION COUNTY R THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRrm.ATrn wn:ifiv NCWCOADET. IM nurmi ^^,,»,^« ^^ i . Wr-STPIKLD,_NEW_ JEKSKY.JTHURSDAV,, jjjNK_21, J?62~ - Thurmlay 32 Page*—10 Cent* Vicious Vandalism Hits Biintl Concert Series To Start Thursday 397 WHS Seniors The concert series HS, Perils Graduation presented by the Recreation The graduation exercises for the seniors of Westfield Senior High Commission will get underway Hitrh School scheduled for tonight in the school auditorium were next week with a complete sum- mer program. Starting Thurs- To Get Diplomas marred Sunday night in a vicious vandalism rampage which left many sections of the school in a shambles. There was concern for a time day and continuing each week that tbe extent of the damage was so severe that it might prohibit the concerts, open to the public, use of the auditorium tonight., •— wili be given in Mindowaskin William Price Jr. However the school's custodial 1'nrk beginning nt H p.m. force worked all day Monday, The first event. June 28, will through Monday night ami con-Democrats to Fete lie a jazz concert to be given hy Is Top Student; tinually cilice to bring order out members of the WestHeld Com- j of malicious chaos. AssistiiiK the! All Candidates At munity Band. The remaining ] custodial force were teachers, ad-j concerts wili be presented as Awards Slated jministrative personnel and a large follows: July f», Summit Con- | body of graduating seniors who Sunday Program cert Hand; July 12, Westlicld Willis (!. C<iii, preaidvnt of the volunteered their assistance in the Concert Hand; July 1!>, Summit Bonnl of Eclucation» will present cleanup. The senior class in addi- Concert Hand; July !»<>. West- diplomas to 31)7 momhers of the tion donated $;i(>0 to the school to W.-sWuIt, Club Plans field Concert Bund; Aug. i!j Knuluatlng clans of Westlleld Se- help defray the damage loss esti- Cocktail Party Al Summit Concert Bund; Aug. II, nior lliiili School tonight In the mated at more than $1,501). Wcslfieid Concert Hand; Aug. school nudttorium, 111. 22 Restaurant Hi, Jazz Bund Concert given by Addrossoa by two seniors and Willis ti. Cor, president of the members of the Summit Con- Board of Education, and other presentation of awards will high- Th» Westfield Democratic Club cert Hand, and Aug. 30, the light the iMTiMttonieB. (JeofTrey G. board members expressed their will hold a corktnil party Sunday 50th Armored Division Hand. deep appreciation of the efforts from .'( to (i p.m. at the Spring- West will speak on "The Path to of the custodians und everyone field Steak House, Route 22 in hon- Admission is free and fami- lVtu'e," «nd Juy B. SchlenlnRcr else who pitched in and worked re- or of the Union County Democratic lies are invited. will apeak on "The Challimgo." lentlessly to assure thut the gradu- candidates. U. S. Son. .Harrison ation would be held as planned. Names at Senior High School THER A HELPER—Good weather h A. Williams Jr.,-Mrs. Lillian Kgolf, „ <!,. VM vwri u u- el"1"18 ''. P°"ible to "">** "head with the construction According; to school oillcisls the camliilule for Congress and 11. Graduatei appear on pRge IS the addition to !t•h 1. • S buildlnS- Shown above are workmen pouring concrete for the new Hoy Wheeler, candidate fur the nalitim floor extent and type of damage 8 Playfields HENRY W. MERENESS wrought by the vandals, who didState Senate, will be present as Honor.•> will be iniiiouiK-oil by the 250-300 «al pool gallery. The constructor, hope to complete the work by J.nu.ry. their "dirty" work sometime be- guests of honor and speakers. Dr. Hubert IJ. FOOHO, prinoipnl. tween 2:30 Sunday afternoon and Hownril Tonilinsun, iiMivtant »u- Other candidates, expei'tcnl to beWill Open Merencss to Head licrlntemlent of schools will pre- U :;IO Sunday night, was almost be- introduced at tho party are ^herill" feather Boosts Construction Phase yond belief. sent thi) n\v!ii(b. liulph Oriscello who is seeking re- '62 United Fund William U. l'ik'o Jr. will re- A lurgc pmte glass, showcase \ms election and lijiinitel Davidson, t'pivi) tho 50-Htnr flng pi-osentod. YM-YWCA $1,000,000 Addition shattered, fire extinguishers were lticlnird Harrett and John Demos, Tuesday by tho WvatOctd Chapter DAU ripped from their containers and freeholder candidates. Campaign Here HM the flt'Ht honor studtMit. lf*j also Another milestone toward the completion of the YMCA-YWCA the contents spewed over electric The .Democratic candidates for i Seen will rccelvo tho chemistry prlsu typewriters, on walls, desk con- ling development project was passed last week when the gymnasium local olllcc will also lie on hand. itafrfcU'i'i Muuiltiy; Henry \\\ 'Mormu^s of l\U) Kust of ?260 nwunlod hy the Fisher (r slab was poured. William E, Burbunk, buildinc committee chair- tents and whatever else caught the They are: I'oderirk Cowlos, candi- Chemical Co., to the student gritd- fancy of the maurauilers. Arlivilios Dudley avenue, n partner in the in, stated 'that the Construction firm, -Skinner and Cuok of Uoselle date for mayor of Westfiold, Thom- newly formed firm of WiKhl, Mero- uittinK judged tu bo thu niciMt pro- irk, are still hopeful of completini; the new facility by next Jan. 1. Jn at least one insmnce they as .Marshall, Lawrence I'iconc, iicss and AsHoeisitna, munng'ctiUMit flctont in tho fluid of (•hcnil»try. Tlu1 sumiiii'i- play^rovnul ]»ro- stood on the balcony of the audi- Frank. .Shimonis nnd John Kile, edi.Kiiltauts, will direct tliu tlMi2 Die gymnasium floor contains — - — tiruni ttpuiisDi-i'il liy tln> Itoi-iciilioii Other iiwnnls und their recip- irea 64 ft. x 88 ft. and required •YW1CA program apacspace for full torium and shot the acid foams the Town Council candidates, Uniteii Fund enrnpnif-rn thim fall, it ients tonight nro: from the extinguishers out over (!<iiHnii?^ion will ollk'ially u\)vn yards of concrete, physical education and club pro- John T. Lynch, president of the a 1 was announced <liy <ht" fund imlny. l'unhellenlc Academic Achieve- the seats in the lower portion of (Continued on page 21 Tut siiuy ami ronrhiik Aii^*. 17. licellent weather conditions grams. ChililrtMi ai-i' t'jxjicelcd ID i-i-nistiT Mr, Merene.sH in n veteran Unit- ment Award—Joy Schleslnifer. A te April, according to 'Mr. Bur- Edward 0. Ewen, (tem-ral sec- the auditorium. jin'tliil given by tho Westflold Arim The ortice of Dr. Robert 1.. .MIIIKIII.V l'i-(iii) 1 In II p.m. nt lhi> ed FumJ volunteer, liavin^ Herved il, have enabled the contractors retary of the YMCA, said that ciirht Ideal |iluyi;niuticts: Colum- in previiiii'.-i riinipni^iiH «« milk-Hor* City I'unhollcmlc Is presented to proceed without interruption payments on pledges so far have i Foose, principal, wan a shambles. the Kiel in the Riiiiliiiiling alosa Ditto fluid from a shipment recent- Board Awards bus, (irimt, •Mriw'MOM, liiin-iilii, Me- tt'iun rapttiin and, in l.HX), IIH ohitlr- fsrd completing all outdoor matched the construction cost ex- Kinley, l!i)i).srvi'll, WnsliiiiKtun ami inan of in • major gifts division. with the hie;hpHt nondefnlc sttind- ik. Much of the brick work for penses. Jle indicated that since ly received and still not .stored intf. away was poured nil over the room Wilstin. Jn his Hvatt'ment of in'centtinop, exterior walls of the pool has j pledge payments were made over Wilson Contracts Tho llimsseluer Polytechnic Iii- and its contents. riii.VKldlllul limirs, 'flies (luy Mr, tMereneHH eNpresscut t'nnfidctiro Mtituto Si'i()iu:o nml Mathematleg I completed, and the steel gird- a three-year period, to end in 1!I(K>; 1 In tin. cafeteria, ice cream and llnciiich Kriday will he from !):ilO tlutt his volunteer rommlUei's Modal—Stephen Tnylor, A nu-flnl, ifor the gymnasium are in place. it is expected that cash on hand The Hoard of Education award- would "serve with the snmo on- will soon be. exhausted. Mr. Kwen food stud's were .smeared about ed contracts totaling $2riOJ)-l.ri for tn -l:;tO. On MniiiliiyH the piny- presented by tho Newnrk Alumni (Biing for the 250-300 seat pool with abandon. KI'OUIIIIM will <(|H-|1 friHll lli IHHIll t.huiijaKin" in this ytmr'rt cnnvpniKn of tins Ucnsselnor Polytechnic ln- noted that it is hoped prompt pay- an addition nnd alterations* to Wil- a1^ those tJiKler his ptedin'tnusurH. fcry is now underway. The to -I I'M line til stair mwtiiiKrt. The Hlitute, ia awnrdotl to the male I of the new pool has been in ment on all pledges will forestall MISS MARG1T AMTMANN School yriirbtiokii were withheld son School Tuesday nisrhl. the need for any unnecessary bor- at the annual yenrhouk assembly The special meeting was called lilayKi'ouN'ls will be oU*«tMl hoii- lie w n r n u (t, however, that member of tiio ginduatlnB <.'lrti» for (several weeks. The new Monday, but wore panned out nt (IjiyH «nd tn'my iluys ilui-in^ Oit? FtehU'Vemetit. of llie VM\Z goal in an who IIBS attained the highest Rver- iliaeasures 75 ft. x 42 ft., and rowing against outstanding pledg- to receive the architect's opinion es. Austrian Student the senior banquet that night. The of a third round of bids submitted m'.'iiidli. Cliiltfren Mi'e once 1114-11 ill y ago in inathetnatios and science IIbe tho most modern and com- bninjuet was allowed to go on temindoi! llnit i-e^j.slratiitn i^ niali- dufine; IH.i hi|;h Hchool Gour»e, fe installation for YMCAs in Program plans for Hie operation hist week for general construction U'p.-tlk'ld'H peicentauc nt tain men t of the new Y:M and Y\V facilities since it was a pie -paid affair.
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