N.S.A Wales & Border Ram Sales Royal Welsh Showground LD2 3SY Monday 20th September 2021 3750 Rams & Females Rings 1 & 2 Blueface Selling commences 10.00am Rings 3-19 from 10.30am Nutritional supplements for all cattle and sheep WE COVER SMALL FARMS, LARGE FARMS AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN The UK’s leading rural insurer At NFU Mutual we offer tailored insurance and a local, personal service. We cover all farms – from sheep and livestock, to arable and horticulture. To see how our policies and services can benefit your farming business, contact your local agency on 01497 820 354, [email protected] or search NFU Mutual farming. S M E Davies & E A Williams is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No. 111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. A Member of the Association of British Insurers. EverthingCoveredAdverts_A4P_1120.indd 1 02/02/2021 15:19 VISIT THE NSA JoinJoinSTAND TODA Y NSANSA todaytoday WE COVER SMALL FARMS, FOR MORE ForForIN F yourOyourRMATION chancechance toto WIN!WIN! NSA is excited to team up with agricultural plastics manufacturer ‘JFC Agri to give away four sets of foam LARGE FARMS AND NSA is excited to team up with agricultural plastics manufacturer ‘JFC Agri to give away four sets of foam footbath and hoof solution each worth over £275 this year. Join NSA today for your chance to win this footbath and hoof solution each worth over £275 this year. Join NSA today for your chance to win this fantastic prize, as well as receiving the many other benefits NSA membership can offer you. EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN fantastic prize, as well as receiving the many other benefits NSA membership can offer you. Already a member? Don’t worry, our existing members can still benefit from this useful prize Already a member? Don’t worry, our existing members can still benefit from this useful prize giveaway! While new members are automatically entered into the JFC prize draw, existing members can giveaway! While new members are automatically entered into the JFC prize draw, existing members can also be in with a chance of winning every time they recommend a friend, neighbour or family member to The UK’s leading rural insurer also be in with a chance of winning every time they recommend a friend, neighbour or family member to sign up as an NSA member. There is no limit to how many recommendations you make so get spreading sign up as an NSA member. There is no limit to how many recommendations you make so get spreading the word of NSA’s fantastic work to increase your chances of winning! the word of NSA’s fantastic work to increase your chances of winning! At NFU Mutual we offer tailored insurance and a local, personal service. We cover all farms – from sheep and livestock, to arable and horticulture. WhyWhy bebe anan NSANSA member?member? NSA NSA membership membership offers offers sheep sheep producers producers throughout throughout the the UK UK and and even even furtherfurther afieldafield a a voicevoice atat thisthis important important time. time. NSANSA deliversdelivers a a wealthwealth ofof information information to to membersmembers through through To see how our policies and services can benefit your farming business, publicationspublications suchsuch as as ‘The ‘The Sheep Sheep Farmer’ Farmer’ magazine, magazine, online online and and at at events events throughout throughout the the year. year. NSA NSA operates operates contact your local agency on 01497 820 354, [email protected] aa regionalregional structure,structure, meaning meaning members members from from across across the the UK UK or search NFU Mutual farming. cancan getget inin contactcontact on on any any matter, matter, safe safe in in the the knowledge knowledge National Sheep Association theirtheir regionalregional committeecommittee will will share share with with national national and and devolveddevolved committeescommittees and and are are there there to to offer offer support. support. YOUR VOICE MATTERS YourYour voicevoice matters.matters. WithWith the the interests interests of of sheep sheep farmers farmers at the heart of everything NSA does, your membership goes a Why become a member? Joat thei nheart Nof everythingSA NSAt odoes,d youra membershipy goes a longlong wayway inin providingproviding this this organisation organisation with with a a stronger stronger Sheep Farmer Magazine mandate to represent the interest of sheep farmers and NSmandateA mem btoe representrship of ftheers interest sheep ofp rsheepoduc farmersers and Weekly Email Update thethe sheepsheep industryindustry to to thrgovernmentsgovernmentsoughout t h throughoutthroughoute UK and even further afield Free Legal Helpline a vthetheoi c UK,UK,e a whilewhilet thi s helpinghelping impo r tant time. NSA Ram Sales NSANSA fundfund itsits activityactivity at at NSA Sheep Events Wieveryeveryth th level.level.e interests of sheep farmers at the Associate Membership of heart of everything NSA does, your the Moredun Foundation membership goes a long way in helping Regional Invitations NSA represent sheep farmers and the sheep NSA Lambing List indJOINJOINustr yNSANSA at a TODAYTODAYll leve l andands. receive….receive…. NSA Next Generation •• SheSheepep FarmerFarmer Magazine Magazine •• NSANSA WeeklyWeekly Email Email Update Update •• FreFreee entryentry toto most most NSA NSA Sheep Sheep Events Events A chance to WIN by joining •• FreFreee legallegal helplinehelpline All new members are entered into a •• OptionOption ttoo sellsell at at NSA NSA ram ram sales sales •• AssociatAssociatee membershipmembership of of the the Moredun Moredun Foundation Foundation prize draw to win farming equipment •• RRegional,egional, meetings,meetings, events events and and farm farm walks walks from Solway Recycling. S M E Davies & E A Williams is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No. • Use of the NSA Lambing List Existing members can also enter the 111982). Registered in England. Registered Office: Tiddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 7BJ. Authorised by the • Use of the NSA Lambing List Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. A prize draw by referring new members Member of the Association of British Insurers. www.nationalsheep.org.uk to NSA. EverthingCoveredAdverts_A4P_1120.indd 1 02/02/2021 15:19 IMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTUES TO READ THIS CAREFULLY. 1. WHERE POSSIBLE REGISTER WITH ALL THE AUCTIONEERS THAT YOU MAY PURCHASE WITH. 2. COMPLETE THE BUYERS SLIP AND HAND IT TO THE AUCTIONEER WITH YOUR FIRST PURCHASE 3. PLEASE ENSURE YOU MAKE A NOTE OF THE LOT NUMBERS OF THE SHEEP YOU PURCHASE AND THE AUCTIONEER. 4. GO TO THE GLAMORGAN HALL WHERE ALL THE AUCTIONEERS HAVE THEIR PAY DESKS AND GO TO THE DESK FOR THE AUCTIONEER THAT YOU HAVE PURCHASED WITH. 5. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED BEFORE GOING TO THE DESK. INFORMATION REQUIRED IS NAME & ADDRESS OF PURCHASER, HOLDING NUMBER AND VEHICLE LICENCE NUMBER. 6. WHEN YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY PAPERWORK GO TO THE TUP TAXI DEPARTURE POINT. 7. THE TUP TAXIS WILL TAKE YOUR SHEEP TO YOUR VEHICLE. THIS SERVICE IS FREE TO BUYERS. GO TO THE TUP TAXI STEWARD AND GIVE THEM THE DETAILS OF THE PURCHASES. PLEASE INFORM THE STEWARD IF YOU HAVE MV ACCREDITED SHEEP TO BE MOVED. 8. PLEASE DO NOT RIDE ON THE BACK OF THE QUADS, IT IS DANGEROUS AND AN OFFENCE. 9. YOUR SHEEP WILL BE CHECKED OUT BY A TEAM OF OUR STAFF TO ENSURE YOU HAVE COLLECTED THE CORRECT SHEEP. PLEASE BE COURTEOUS TO THEM, THEY ARE THERE TO ENSURE YOU DON’T TAKE THE WRONG SHEEP HOME WITH YOU!! EVERY YEAR WE HAVE MISTAKES. IMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE TAKE A FEW BUYERSBUYERSBUYERS SLIP SLIPSLIP MINUTUES TO READ THIS CAREFULLY. PleasePleasePlease hand handhand this thisthis slip slipslip to toto the thethe Auctioneers AuctioneersAuctioneers on onon purchasing purchasingpurchasing your youryour fir firfirststst lot lotlot at atat thethethe sale. sale.sale. 1. WHERE POSSIBLE REGISTER WITH ALL THE AUCTIONEERS THAT NationalNationalNational Sheep SheepSheep Association AssociationAssociation YOU MAY PURCHASE WITH. WALESWALESWALES & && BORDER BORDERBORDER RAM RAMRAM SALE SALESALE 2. COMPLETE THE BUYERS SLIP AND HAND IT TO THE AUCTIONEER MondayMondayMonday 20 2020ththth,, , September, September,September, 2021 20212021 WITH YOUR FIRST PURCHASE 3. PLEASE ENSURE YOU MAKE A NOTE OF THE LOT NUMBERS OF THE SHEEP YOU PURCHASE AND THE AUCTIONEER. NameNameName 4. GO TO THE GLAMORGAN HALL WHERE ALL THE AUCTIONEERS AddressAddressAddress HAVE THEIR PAY DESKS AND GO TO THE DESK FOR THE AUCTIONEER THAT YOU HAVE PURCHASED WITH. 5. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED BEFORE GOING TO THE DESK. INFORMATION REQUIRED IS NAME & ADDRESS OF PURCHASER, HOLDING NUMBER AND VEHICLE PostPostPost Code CodeCode LICENCE NUMBER. *Mobile*Mobile*Mobile Tel TelTel No NoNo 6. WHEN YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY PAPERWORK GO TO THE TUP TAXI DEPARTURE POINT. HomeHomeHome Tel TelTel No NoNo 7. THE TUP TAXIS WILL TAKE YOUR SHEEP TO YOUR VEHICLE. THIS SERVICE IS FREE TO BUYERS. GO TO THE TUP TAXI STEWARD AND HOLDINGHOLDINGHOLDING N0: N0:N0: / // / // GIVE THEM THE DETAILS OF THE PURCHASES. PLEASE INFORM THE STEWARD IF YOU HAVE MV ACCREDITED SHEEP TO BE VehicleVehicleVehicle Registration RegistrationRegistration No: No:No: MOVED. (As(As(As required requiredrequired on onon AML1) AML1)AML1) 8. PLEASE DO NOT RIDE ON THE BACK OF THE QUADS, IT IS DANGEROUS AND AN OFFENCE. *Please*Please*Please ensure ensureensure all allall sections sectionssections are areare completed, completed,completed, incl. incl.incl. MOBILE MOBILEMOBILE NUMBER NUMBERNUMBER IFIFIF AVAILABLE AVAILABLEAVAILABLE... 9. YOUR SHEEP WILL BE CHECKED OUT BY A TEAM OF OUR STAFF TO ENSURE YOU HAVE COLLECTED THE CORRECT SHEEP. PLEASE BE COURTEOUS TO THEM, THEY ARE THERE TO ENSURE YOU DON’T TAKE THE WRONG SHEEP HOME WITH YOU!! EVERY YEAR WE HAVE MISTAKES.
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