REGISTER OF THE WILLIAM HENRY SEWARD PAPERS COMPILED BY CATHERINE D. HAYES HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS DIVISION - DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER LIBRARY ROCHESTER: 1963 A SEWARD (WILLIA!~ HENRY) PAPERS, ca1776-1921 • S51 230 linear feet (367 volumes, 144 boxes, 33 file drawers, 9 museum pieces, 8 packages) Personal and public papers of William Henry Seward (1801-1872), Governor of New York State, United States Senator, and Secretary of State under Lincoln and Johnson, and of members of his immediate family. Gift and bequest of William Henry Seward III, 1945-1951; and pur~hase of supplementary material. - 2 - PREFACE The William Henry·seward Papers, containing about 150,000 items, stand alone as an unusual collection of source material for the student of Nineteenth Century politics and the Civil War era. However, its value is enhanced by several other collections of manuscripts and manuscripts on film, held in the University of Rochester Library. Among other manuscript collections which have material relating to Seward and to the Nineteenth Century are: Grier (George M.) Papers, 1800-1881 Miller (Elijah) Papers, 1782-1861 Patterson (George Washington) Papers, 1831-1898 Weed (Thurlow) Papers, 1816-1894 On film are: Library of Congress - Presidential Papers Program: Papers of Wi 11 iam Henry Harri son, Andrew Johnson, . Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Pierce, James Knox Polk, Zachary Taylor, John Tyler and Martin Van Buren. - 3 - Massachusetts Historical Society. Microfilm of the Adams Papers. Henry Shelton Sanford Papers - Microfilm of correspondence of Frederick 1.Ji 11 iam and Wi 11 iam Henry Seward and Thurlow Weed, and oE Henry S. Sanford correspondence as minister to Belgium, 1861-1869. Microfilm of Department of State Records - Diplomatic and consular instructions, diplomatic despatches, notes from foreign legations, 1861-1869; also Department of the Navy correspondence and records, 1861-1865 - from National Archives Microfilm Publications. - 4 - CONTENTS - GENERA.L I. Correspondence 5 - 6 A. Indexed, general B. Not Indexed, family C. Not Indexed, general II. Public Papers 7 - 12 A. Gubernatorial Papers 1839-1842 B. Military Papers 1829-1342 C. National Papers 1861-1869 III. Personal Papers 13 - 15 A. Financial and Legal Papers B. Memorabilia, ~Iemoranda, Miscellany IV. Miscellaneous Papers 15 - 26 A. Articles About Seward B. Manuscripts of Speeches, Articles, etc. by Seward and Others C. Museum Pieces D. Newspaper Clippings E. Paintings and Photographs F. Pamphlets G. Seward Genealogy_ H. Uncatalogued Duplicate Volumes V. Papers of Family Members 26 - 40 A. Seward, Augustus Henry B. Seward, Frances (Fanny) Adeline C. Seward, Mrs. Frances Adeline (Miller) D. Seward, Frederick William E. General Family V~terial F. Seward, Mrs. Janet I11IcNei 1 (Watson) G. Seward, Olive Risley H. Seward, Samuel Sweezy I. Seward, William Henry 1839-1920 J. Seward, William Henry 1864-1951 ,- - ;,) - Containers Contents I. CORRES?O~DENCE A. Inde~:ed, Genera 1 (\v , 1· ...... ,.,..., --- 28 file drawers 1. 7 .._ L • ._.__._ r"'" \;::~et of correspondence 2. In >Ii c:.--o-Text Room: 7:'lere are microfilm copies cf Seward letters found in the collectio:--.. s of the Yale University Library, Universi·~y of J.-Iichigan Library (Clerr.ents Library), and Chicago Historical Society Fi le Drawer E 3. 8 reels of negatives of 'letters in indexed file a. George Ellis Baker correspondence b. Simon Cameron material c. A. Oakey Hal 1 correspondence d. ::arrisburg Convention - Election of 1340 e. Preston King correspondence f. Nott correspondence g. j. L. O'Sullivan correspondence h. James Watson Webb correspondence B. Not Indexed, F3mily Fi le Drawer A 1. Seward, William Henry to Seward, Mrs. Frances Adeline (Miller) iS31-lS65 Seward, William Henry to his children 1827-1871 & n.d. -••i1• }T ,_ 'l,f•11 ~~• •, Seward, :·.:.. ..l 1am A.enry L..O r•.1.1 er, .:.:.11Jan ~2c. 16, 1831-Jan. 22, 1332 Seward, :-i::s. Frances Adeline (Miller) to .::>ewa,,.. r d , TT.~-w 1 11_ 1. am 7T.-.. enry Oct. 12, i323-June 1865 & n.d. ~1rs. Frances ..ii.de 1 i ne (Mi 1 ler) to her child;:en Dec. i336-1865 & n.d. Seward, Augustus Henry to the family 1336-1.375 & n. d. Seward, Frances (Fa~ny) Adeline t o ,,cne t:j,.ann ·1 y Nov. 25, 1849-0ct. 1366 & n.d. ,,. - 0 - Cont~iners Contents Corresoonl1ence ..l - •..., ·2~:~v • 1 (C ont1nue. d) Pile Drawer A 1. Seward, vrances (?anny) Adeline to (Continued) ~-.1orden, Mrs. Laze t te Marie (Miller) ~eb. 15, 1857-June 18, 1865 & n.d. Fi le Drawer B 2. S2ward, ?rederick William and Anna to the family 1836-1915 & n.d. Seward, William Henry Jr. and Janet to t,t... i.e ::,.. am1• 1 y 1846-1915 Seward, Mrs. Frances Adeline (Miller) to Worden, Mrs. Lazette Marie (Miller) 1829-1865 & n.d. Seward, Samuel Sweezy to Seward, Wi 11 iam Henry 1806-1849 File Drawer C 3. Seward, Benjamin Jennings to Se"(•Jard, Wi 11 iam Henry 1825-1841 Seward, 1.-Ji 11 iam Henry to Seward, Benjamin Jennings 1837-1840 Risley, H. ~- to Seward, W. H. and Family 1868 General Correspondence 1815-1917 & n.d •. C. Not Indexed, General Boxes 83-98 1. 1830 - 1888 Boxes 99-100 2. Pri~ted Correspondence \Tolu:;ie 18 3. 1 S39 - 1841 Volumes 17, 19-25 4. 1861 - 1869 Fi le Drawer E 5. Sna~s (Unidentified Correspondence) - 7 - Containers Contents II. PURLT.C A. 1839-1842 Boxes 1-31 Applications and Reco:--rr.iendations fc:i:: Political Appointments A-Z (Arr~nged alphabetic&lly by person seeking appointment) Boxes 32-42 ~pplication for Pardons A-Z (Arranged alphabetically by person seeking pardon) Box 43 Administration of Justice Albanv County Riots Albany Loan Commissioners American Life Insurance Angus, Robert Appointments B~nk Bonds Barron, Octavius (Mur~er) Bement, Lewis Bennett and Fluett Blatchforrl, Richard M. Briggs, Erlg;ir M. Brotherton Tribe Budri, Marsha 11 Buel & Wheeler Bull, John Carter, Henry A. Chandler, Daniel H. Cole, Orange Consuls Rights Conway, Patrick (Murder) Cook, Charles (Murder) Counterfeiting in Albany Box 44 County Clerks Reports 1838-1840 - 8 - Containers Contents Gubernatorictl P202rs (Continued) Box 45 County Cle~k~s Re~orts 1841-18~2 County Offices Court of Session - R~o~~3nization,_) Crandall, John G_ Cullings, Sarn~el S. Davis, Jan-:.2 s Lct:i s C,,f·~rder) Decreto (:\-:;:~ ..~ Gr,1rt_-:ca, May 30, 1838) Douse, Sam~cl D. Dygert 1 John B. Election of 1838 Electio:1 of 1839 Election of 1840 Election of 1841 Box 46 Extradition Requests A - C Box 47 Extradition Requests D - L Box 48 Extradition Requests M - R Box 49 Extradition Requests s - T Box 50 Extradition Requests u - z Box 51 Fires on Ne·w York St2te Frontier Foreign Rela.tic~:s (Opinion of J. C. Spenc~r c:1 Extradition) Foster, Jam-2s (Murder) Fox, John (Murder) Frauds Against Creditors Freeman, Zachariah Jr. (Murder) Frost, William Fuller, Jabez (Murder) Gallagher, Michael Gaul, John Genesc~ County Juds2s Geological S?ccimcns Geological S'..;.rvey (Manuscripts for Seward 0 s Preface: 1'Notes on New Yorktt) Geologi ca 1 s~:.-v.__ / O<i see l laneous) r- -1- .. Geo ...... 0('- 1· a-v1· "'.--:.)-'--~.Le... .. -... •:-..: -. \., c-:-..... l.~,.ove""SY J. - 9 - Containers Contents (Continued) ....., ,... ., r,• ~ ~ DOX OJ. u1 11 :"lGe~. ...J.·HC!.:.2.C ,. 1 (Continued) Gould, Amos (•• \ -. ,..., .- - \1''1 ••,.,, , Q ... / J Vl..t~ \1 U,1.1..,1.-...1,. Iroquois Johns ca, S:12uc 1 (I"fu::clcr) Johnson, W. Cost Johnson, Willi~m Koo:1, Henry Lnnge 1, Josc?h (I',1urder) Lawrence, Grove Leadi~gs, jacob (Murder) Lett, Bcnjar:1i n ....LOC~CT.JOOv.:, . ~ -·l.~ r~ l- nea s Lunatic Asyiu::1 at Utica Box 53 McCarthy D L,;rwrc:1ce C·1urder) l'IcZllery, r-:ajo:c (Nurder) I"1cLeod, Alexancer- (Trial) ~~dison County Judges - Removal Messages to Legislature Jan. 1-14, 1839 u f; :; J an. 1--o-31 , 10- n ......:; 9 if~ ,· . .. ., Feb. 1-14, 1339 ~-,. ~. Feb. 15-23, 1839 ,... ~ ,~ .. .. .. Iv..a.r. 1-14, 1239 ,,, ~~ }.,f_ • ,_ r-:-1 1 Q'79 •• l 'ur • 10-0 t u,.; ( Inc 1ude s J.2 co:-:-r;1cnda ti ons f or .~ppo1I\ • ni...mencs+- . ) ,,. w"~ t';,.... .. .~ ,. f -~~Drl' . 1~~9.)0'- • 1-Dec. N \? , s,'.o . ' ,._' ~ ,·. ... n /t - ;:1 ~s· .' l -5-:i l -~ W! .·'" , ... va-..T ~ nua-:-y .. 1342 ~: ~·: ..'~ , C ~? ?ebrunry ..l 0 "'l;,-J D ~i , 0/i 2 .1.~\:~ .... --ct.... u .!.,L; • A .. ' .. \• ,i l<='L" Aryr-i.. 1-Dec. '-.) ~~ - 10 - Co:i.tainers Contents Box 54 :··1i sec l larLcous Mitchell, Charles F. Morris, Robert H. Moul~on, David Muv-,.. ..... y J,.,~ .......l c t l .a..• C.. , Cl.''"'- v Neary, Jol-.n New Yo~k & E~ie Railroad New York (Ci:y) Aldermen New York (State) Artillery New York (State) Military Papers Niagara Suff2re~s Nichols, Sylvester Box 55 Oneida Tribe rn •i... On on d t=.iga 1 r1 ue Orleans County Sheriff O~Roo:rk, Samue 1 Patterson, George Washington Patterson, Thomas J. Peel, Sir Robert (Burning of) Pennsylvania Commissioners - Deeds Phelps, George Phenix Bank . Pierce, William (Murder) Planters Bank of Mississippi Public Lands Distribution Rapallo, Anthony Rathbone, Jar2d L. Rathbun, Lyman Rector, Thomas Reed, Edward Box 56 Resignations A - M Box 57 Resignations N - Z ~ .. l\CSOlUt l ons Richardson, Jos2ph L. Robertson, R·--1:us 1~-.,..~-, "" Roi-e"'l....., 0 ..., ... s , l.ict.i..J!-. '-'• Russe 11 1 P& t:.· l ck (r✓.urder) Containers Contents Gubernatorial Pap2:::.:-; (Continued) Box 58 Figures ., ... ,, ..,,,...;- T,........,... Ste W.:.;..i. I.. 1 tJ u.1.n Stockbridg2 Tribe Sullivan County Judges Box 59 T~ppan, Christopher P. TeachcYs of CoH.~non Schools Thanksgiving Proclamation 1841 Thomas, Joseph Tho~pson, G~orge (Murder) Titus, John TonLiwanda T:."i be Toppin(g), 'i'ho:-r.,:1s (Murder) ~c ....
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