.. T .1 ( i J i Y 2? ÓAY S W E S H A L L OVERCOME Xy THE GAY UgERATION MOVEMENT -‘Although all excetK two of Berkeley iN-NEWJfORK crry GLF’s female members dropped out be- by Morgan Pinnëy • cause of “ Male'diauvinism”, an^ official news release of Berkeley GLF On a recent trip to New Yorkyi ob­ with certain other people." When the untr uly asserts that the Alpine project is , served some things about GLF there struggle intensifies, people in Con­ “ sexist” . Gay women do not agt-ee. The which I think have some finponant les­ sciousness Raising groups will' be able rest ofthe Gay Liberation movement does sons for us in other cnfes. 'F ifk of all, to move with a d e« sense of confidence. not agree. Around half of thepecvleen­ I was to learn that the Gay Liberation, GLF In New York-ts truly becoming a listing to go to Alpine are women. H i^ in New York or anywhere, is not a mat­ ••front,” that is, a coalition of various paying jobs in law enforcement and con­ ter of military strategy, battle plans, groups which were, inturn, serving spe­ struction will be opened to women for the cific needs.. It seems as if the number first time. Project sponsors are backing D-days. Just as in San Francisco, the rA;, visible actions of themov«nent —‘the of groups-^?un-off from c a j are infi­ a female candidate for theofficeof Sher­ Stonewall riots. Gay Pride Day — were nite." iff, to make Alpine the first codnty in more the physical signs of a deeper per­ GAA. Perhaps the most vocal of a^ history to breakthe tradition of this being sonal awareness than the prganized, es­ is the Gay Activist Alliance., It is a ^ a “ man’s , job” . In truth, Alpine will calating tactics of a functioning revolu­ group whose m«nbers are committed to be the first non-sexist society in Amer­ S E m R A T IS T S tionary group. What Gay Liberation is . the conc^ of militant, very visible ica. Women will be full equals.- all about is brothers and sisters dealing^ actiom but who need a hi^ily structured Berkeley GLF. which has 3 non-white with each other, their r acism,their sex­ organuation to relate to. Politically, members, says the project Is “racist” . ism, and building a shared awareness. GAA is, frankly, reformist — fair enr- . Why? Because sponsors of the project ^ 1 found people havingexactly thesame ployment, quizzing'political candidates, suggested tltat Gays honor tbelndiantra- kind of difficulty relating to the Sunday homosexual civil r i^ ts — not at all ditibn of gift ^ving as a gesture of gwd ni^it GLF theetings as I had in San Fran­ revolutionary. wiU. Berkeley GLF holds a white racist cisco. But in New York there were THIRD WORLD GAY REVOLUTION­ attitude in presuming its white cultural significant differences: ARIES are black and Puerto Ricans with mores to be superior to Indian values by . 1., The strongly felt presence of large a very Marxist political position. arbitrarily saying that the I ndian good numbers of women created a conscious­ GAY has a rriember twelve* will gift tradition is ” exploitative” or ness about sexism among everyone. •years old, but most are 16-19. Any of •'buying people” . In truth, the Cay Al­ ALLIANCE 2. Consciousness, Raising Groups are us can think what a peer group like this pine administration will treat the Washoe having great effect upon the people and would have meant in our adolescence. as human beiqgs, a treatment they have the movement. GY may bethe most revolutionary devel­ never before been given. We will devote 3. Special interest groups provide a opment yet.'— great effort to helping the Washoe. Not point at vrtiich brothers can more per­ STAR. Street Transvestites Action by forcingthe white value of integration sonally identify VHth the movement. Revolutionaries, •‘our first martyrs in (which they don’t want) on them, but by" There’s not much that Gay Liberation " the struggle,”"'^ave always been" front giving them the rigiit to selfTdetermina- by Craig Schoonmaker groups elsewhere can do to change their line troops and face a unique set of laws tion, the rigjittoperpetuatetheir own an­ male-orientpd condition e x c ^ deal with and harrassments. T h ^ ’re also trying cient culture; We will give the Indians • ‘Homosexual separatists” intheWest ~ their own sexism, but only with women to set up a home for their people. ' what they say they want^-and reject th e. and East are moving toward an alliance. present as in New York will we be able BUTTERFLY. This Marxist-Leninist white colonial attitude of giving them They hope t'o create homosexual-major­ to really confront our sexism. However, “ cell” articulates what is probably ev­ what white people thinkthey should want. ity communities: intheW e^bytaking recruiting lesbians into GLF organiza­ eryone’s-political position (if they have ■ The official press release says the pro­ over near ly-empty-Alpine Cfounty, Cali­ tions would only be regarded as sexist. one), but they are rather secretive about ject is “ impractical’', individual Berke­ fornia, and pèrhaps other lightly popu-' Women will participate only when they their members, virtually closed to new* ley GLFers say it is a •’hoax” . The hun­ lated~areas; in the East, by concentrating want tm but when they do GLFs will be members, and their desire to remiiin dreds of people working on the project in Nqw York City and selected districts better for it. politically ’’pure” in their positions disagree. ' of other major oities. Consciousness Raising groups V^y sometimes leads to conflicts with others. - The project is co-sponsored and sup­ Don -Jackson in California says, well be the most profound developr^jt FEMS AGAINST SEXISM. A group of ported by Gay Liber^iOngroupsthrou^- •■There are four Gay Nationalist-groups in our movement. Originally a topi males who have ^ felt oppressed as out the-nation. Berkeley GLF stands a- ■ out here - The Gay Nationalist Society Women’s Liberation, it has been us ••ferns” by dominating, ••butch” , males lone in its hostile opposition. (Los Angeles). Bay Area Gays for Uni­ among New York GLF geople for about in GLF have organized to fi^ t it Just as We shall overcome,, fication and Nationalism (San Francis­ . a year. Much nibre tlwn just rap ses­ women have done. - 7 . ‘ bon Jackson . co). The Stonewall Nation (San Diega), sions. CR groups have a fixed member­ RADICALESBIAN5 are ajiroup-of wp-... and The Stonewall Nation Society (Port-^ ship (6 to 10 people) who follow apian of ^ men who have severed ties completely, land). A‘group is being organized in development and work toward goals set with GLF feeling they could no longer Hartford, Conn.” Los. Angeles, San by them. They begin by relating their relate h) the men. However, many women Francisco, and Venice GLFs are all own experiences which show them acom- ■ have stayed i n ^ F , includingthecurrent backing the project too. ' mon pattern of homosexual oppression. chairwoman.' Craig Schoonmaker, Presidentof Ho­ They deal with resistertceto acknowledg­ledg- Thus, New Yorkers, while somewhat mosexuals Intransigent!/New York, has ing that' oppression and then talk about alienated from the large unstructured found “ a lot of amorphous support for the overcoming it. It’s this latter phase GLF meetings, can find smaller groups ^ I b o a OFFENSIVE idea of Gay-Power Districts in major which may lead the group into outside to which they can relate. That may be a cities; our job is to turn this vague ap­ actions wljich help shape themovement. group organized around another oppres­ proval into concrete action.*’ . The point is that brothers and sisters sion they feel, or it may be a conscious­ The Alpine County project is running have the confidence and security which ness raising group, or both. The action rain—but no (Gay) Sunshine allowed ’’ LUDICROUS into trouble. According to Don Jackson, comes from sharing a consciousness is in the small groups!!! at Balboa H i^ (low) The Rev, Carl McIntyre is planning to t ' prevent the takeover by moving in a group of heterosexuals at the same time asthe by charles Pi thorp, (bold soul sister) Rumor had then spread to me that we homosexuals move in. Jackson e x p ^ s were going to be run oukof the school, but the heterosexuals will stay only a few i was approached by SIR (Society for the news was still vague, i lau^iingly Reprinted from SJ".Chronicleof 11-9-70 vreeks (“ How many revival meetings can Individual R i^ s ) to go speak to Balboa remarked upon hearing we were ^ingto you put up with, anyway?” ) while the gay H i^ School and'being how i’d rathertalk be thrown out, “what are they going to people will settle in for.goo<L but is none­ to chicken than go to SJ’. State and not do, call in the state troopers?’-’ At theless looking for allies, tfe has thought relate, i said yes, i showed up at about which time a principle actor in thefarse Editor—The plannedhomosexualtake- of approaching some Indians who live on 9 am ready to do my thing even in'the stepped forward with his lines, ” i am over of Alpine county is as offensive to a reservation in the county but ate not face of going with SIR-people. It was a not a state .trooper, i am the principal many homosexuals as it is ludicrous to FROM GAY FLAMES yet registered to vote and of gettinghelp kgreyday the whorror-story atmosphere and you had b etter watch your language the general public.
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