
supplement_cover_2014_final.pdf 1 14年2月11日 下午6:21 SPECIAL ISSUE 2014 Personal Finance in Asia C M Y CM MY CY CMY K The Best List of Financial Services Providers 最佳金融服務供應商列表 www.WealthAwards.asia 2 The Best List 2013 2 The Best List 2013 Publisher's Note The Best List 2013 Getting It Right 實至名歸 Today, the lines between financial institutions are extremely blurry. 今天,金融機構之間的界線變得非常模糊。銀 There is a convergence between banks, insurance companies and 行、保險公司和獨立平台之間的差異明顯收窄, independent platforms, and they are basically promoting and selling 基本上都在推廣和銷售大致相同的產品。例如, the same products. For example, you can buy investments within an 您可以在保單中加入投資產品,也可以向銀行 insurance policy and you can buy an insurance policy within a bank. 購買保險。 These structures are cause for immense concern because it 這些金融機構的全新角色令人關注,因為這樣 means that an insurance agent or a bank teller could be selling an 意味着保險經紀或銀行櫃台出納員或會向消費 investment product to a consumer who is unaware of how this 者銷售投資產品,而消費者未必清楚其資金的 affects the management of his or her money. 管理將會如何受到影響。 More needs to be done to guide investors through the process of 故此,我們需要更努力來讓投資者認識其風險 understanding their risk appetites and product risk profiles. Also, 承受能力和了解產品風險狀況。此外,投資大 the investing public must be educated on the importance of asset 眾必須接受教育,以明白資產配置、分散投資 allocation and diversification and product selection. In this spirit, 以及產品選擇的重要性。 the BENCHMARK Wealth Management Awards exists to promote and identify those companies that exhibit, better than their peers, 本着此精神,《指標》財富管理大獎旨在促進 the most outstanding qualities in the wealth management industry 和確定在財富管理行業中質素勝於同業的公司, through five pillars: governance, customer experience, marketing, 獎項的五大評分準則包括:企業管治、客戶體 products and technology. 驗、市場推廣、金融產品以及科技運用。 The approach taken by the jurors in determining each awardee’s 裁判的評審過程分為三個階段,以確定每個獲 dedication to excellence occured in a three stage judging process 獎者的卓越成就。評審不僅考慮到每名候選人 that not only took into account the qualifications of each candidate, 的資格,同時也考慮到公眾對產品的看法和使 but also the public’s perceptions and experiences with their 用經驗。 products. This year, I observed that the companies selected for awards were those who promoted best practices by integrating 在我今年的觀察中,可以看到獲獎公司為了提 them into their corporate philosophies and daily activities. They were 倡最佳實踐經驗,都將它們納入自己的企業理 also the ones who made the most effort to provide differentiated 念和日常活動之中。這些公司也盡了最大努力, services to segments of their clientele, recognizing that customized 為不同細分市場的客戶提供差異化服務,亦明 outreach based on generational differences would benefit the 白到基於代際差異而定的推廣計劃將有利於消 consumer and make their products more successful. 費者,使產品更成功。 I am once again proud to present the companies and individuals 本人非常榮幸,可以再次為大家介紹體現香港 who embody the best in wealth management services in Hong 最好財富管理服務的公司和個人。本人謹此恭 Kong. I congratulate the 53 awardees who have exhibited 賀 53 名得獎者,他們都表現出追求卓越的非凡 remarkable dedication to excellence and best practices for the 精神,而他們的最佳實踐經驗亦處處為客戶和 benefit of their clients and stakeholders. 持份者的利益着想。 I am also deeply grateful to our judges, partners and sponsors for 本人也衷心感謝活動的裁判、合作夥伴和贊助 their dedication, commitment, hard work and genuine efforts in 商,多得他們為維護財富管理行業的完整性而 safeguarding the integrity of the wealth management industry to 付出的精神、承諾、工作和努力,確保獎項在 ensure that the conferment of these awards remains prestigious 行業中的認受性,深得同業信賴。 across the industry. 本人很高興能夠為大家簡介今年獲獎者的成功 I am excited to highlight the keys to success of some of this year’s 關鍵。他們統統實至名歸,有值得大家學習的 winners. They truly are “simply the best” and there is something all of 地方。 us can learn from them. Elsa Pau Publisher and Editor-in-Chief 4 The Best List 2013 Contents The Best List 2013 CONTENTS Publisher’s Note 2 出版人語 Introduction 8 大獎簡介 Methodology 10 評審方法 Jurors 14 評審團 Company of the Year 19 企業年度大獎 Champions of Wealth Management 20 卓越成就 實至名歸 Hall of Fame 22 《 指 標 》名 人 堂 Ceremony Snapshot 24 頒獎典禮盛況 Company of the Year - Retail Bank 企業年度大獎(零售銀行) Standard Chartered – Charting the Right Course 26 渣打 - 指明方向 Company of the Year - Insurance 企業年度大獎(保險) MassMutual Asia – Keeping It Personal 32 美國萬通亞洲 - 個性服務 PCFWD1401008 CS centre_285x210_Benchmark_C01_Hi.pdf 1 30/1/14 10:51 AM 6 The Best List 2013 Contents The Best List 2013 CONTENTS THE BEST LIST 2013 2013 最佳金融服務供應商列表 Editorial Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Elsa Pau Associate Publisher & Editor Patrick Tuohy Managing Editor Marlynne Bidos Senior Editor Nicky Burridge Company Awards Associate Chinese Editor Michelle Li 企業大獎 Translators David Wilck Leung Tony Yip Retail Bank Senior Designer Pak Yeung 零售銀行 Citibank – Citibank Reinvents Itself 38 Business 花旗銀行 - 全新姿態 Associate Publisher Joanna Tang & Managing Director BEA – All About Customer Experience 44 General Manager Marcus Wong 東亞銀行 - 緊貼客戶 Business Development Manager Daniel Lau Deputy Event Producer Clara Szeto Insurance Web Administrator Vanson Chan 保險 C Inquiries M Sun Life – Powered by Insight 48 Editorial +852 3488 1416 永明金融 - 洞察行動 Y [email protected] CM Blue Cross – A Focus on Change 52 Subscription +852 2297 3032 [email protected] 藍十字 - 力求創新 MY Ad Sales & Sponsorship +852 2297 3032 CY FWD – Satisfaction Guaranteed 56 [email protected] 富衛 - 保證滿意 CMY Published by WealthAsia Media K Ageas Insurance – Ageas Shines 60 10/F Cheung’s Building 富通保險 - 熠熠生輝 1 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3488 1421 ACE Life – A Newcomer Excels 63 Fax: +852 3488 1420 安達人壽 - 同業新秀 Printed by QBMA PRODUCTIONS Prudential – Smarter Protection 67 Suite 1005, 10/F 英國保誠 - 智能保障 Hong Man Industrial Centre, 2 Hong Man Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Independent Advisor 獨立顧問 AMG – Making the Right Decision 71 Printed in Hong Kong 安柏 - 明智決定 WealthAsia Group© 2014. All rights reserved. www.WealthAwards.asia Independent Platform 獨立平台 BENCHMARK is published monthly ten times a year by The Whole 9 Yards Limited. All materials, content and forms contained in this publication are the intellectual prop- iFAST – Keeping Ahead 74 erty of TW9Yand may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or displayed without TW9Y’s express written permission. 奕豐金融 - 保持領先 指標》由The Whole 9 Yards Limited (TW9Y) 一年出版十期,出版物所有資料、 內容及表格均屬 TW9Y 的知識產權,不許在未經TW9Y 書面同意下複印、重印、 Friends Provident International – Seizing Opportunities 78 分發及顯示。 英國友誠國際 - 捕捉機遇 Disclaimer: The facts and opinions stated or expressed in this publication are for information purposes only and must not be relied upon as being those of the publisher or of the institutions for which the contributing authors work for. Although every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the publication, The Whole 9 Yards Limited (hereinafter “TW9Y”) does not Fidelity – Trading Places 81 warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, timeliness, or appropriateness of the information contained in this publication or on its website. TW9Y disclaims any responsibility for content errors, omissions, or infringing material and disclaims any responsibility associ- 富達基金 - 交易平台 ated with relying on the information provided in this publication or on its website. No person should rely upon information provided in this publication or on its website as the basis for taking any action or making any decision. Neither the publisher, authors and their employers nor Morningstar can be held liable or otherwise responsible in any way, for any advice taken or decision made on the basis of the facts nor opinions expressed or stated here in this publication. 聲明:本文件所刊載或表達的事實及意見僅供參考之用,未必亦不得被認為是出版商或僱用作者的機構之事實及意見。雖然 已小心確保文件所載資料的準確性,任何人士不應信賴該等資料作為採取任何行動或作出任何決定的依據,而出版商、作者 及其僱主或作為贊助人的 Morningstar 亦毋須對依據本文件內所表達或刊載的事實及意見而採取的任何建議或作出的任何決 定承擔責任或以任何其他方式負責。 ©The Whole 9 Yards Limited all rights reserved. ISSN1028-5723 8 Awards Introduction The Best List 2013 INTRODUCTION 群雄逐鹿 精英輩出 The 4th annual BENCHMARK Wealth To recognize the increasing influence 第四屆《指標》財富管理大獎評選財富管 中包括來自 70 間有信譽和代表性的網站 Management Awards highlighted social media is having on the wealth 理業界最佳實務獎項,表彰傑出的個人和 數據。 individuals and companies who exhibit management industry, a Social Media 公司。 excellent wealth management practices. Engagement category was added. In 2013 年 11 月 18 日星期一,各類別獲獎 this category, 20% of the final score was 此次為期三月的大賽分三個階段評審財富 者出席香港港麗酒店頒獎晚宴,共慶盛會 The three-month competition examined calculated with the Brand Popularity 管理行業的關鍵實務。在大賽的第一階 成功舉辦。今屆年獎共頒發 53 個獎項, key aspects of the wealth management Index (BPI), which includes data from 70 段,《指標》編委會從每個類別中篩選出 其中 26 個為最佳表現獎。有三位傑出專 industry in three stages. During the first reputable and representative websites. 入圍的企業。在第二階段,17 位評審團成 業人士獲選入《指標》財富管理大獎名人 stage of the competition, the BENCHMARK editorial committee screened and short- Award winners in their respective 員會評審入圍決賽企業提交的論文。得分 堂。 listed applicants in each category. In categories were celebrated at a gala dinner 最高,且平均分數高於 80% 者獲得最佳 stage two, the short-listed finalists’ papers ceremony on Monday, 18 November 表現獎,平均分數高於 70% 的其餘入圍 were reviewed by a panel of 17 judges. 2013 at the Conrad Hotel Hong Kong. 決賽企業獲得傑出表現獎。 The highest scoring applicants with an Best-in-Class awards in 26 industry best 80% minimum average score were given practice categories were granted and a 社交媒體對財富管理行業的影響力日益增 the best-in-class designation, with the total number of 53 awards were issued. 加,有見於此,今年大賽特別增加了社交 remaining entrants having a minimum Three outstanding professionals were 媒體聯繫獎項。在此類別中,最終得分的 70% average score named outstanding also inducted to the BENCHMARK Wealth 20% 來自品牌人氣指數(BPI)計算,其 achievers. Management Awards Hall of Fame. 10 Awards Methodology The Best List 2013 Methodology The BENCHMARK Wealth Management Awards (BWMA) process includes three
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