Speaker & Gavel Volume 1 Article 1 Issue 4 May 1964 Complete Issue 1(4) Follow this and additional works at: https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/speaker-gavel Part of the Speech and Rhetorical Studies Commons Recommended Citation (1964). Complete Issue 1(4). Speaker & Gavel, 1(4), 105-140. This Complete Issue is brought to you for free and open access by Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato. It has been accepted for inclusion in Speaker & Gavel by an authorized editor of Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato. et al.: Complete Issue 1(4) k-^"-'-'. - '.3^' -*r.-i» -iix-z SPEAKER ¥0^ Jit: )l k ; % *s • is'^ 1' n ..aa'',' -.A \ i\i mM f % (U SR c-r nJSS %'£S ?S3 and asSS G A Volume 1 V Number 4 May E •»« xt* 1964 L ssu-flo^ air Published by Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato,1 Speaker & Gavel, Vol. 1, Iss. 4 [], Art. 1 SPEAKER and GAVEL Official publicotion of Delta Sigma Rho-Tou Koppa Alpha National Honorary Forensic Society PUBLISHED AT LAWRENCE, KANSAS By THE ALLEN PRESS Editorial Address: Charles Goetzinger, Department of Speech and Droma Colorado University, Boulder, Colorado Second-class postage paid ot Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A. Issued in November, January, March ond May. The Journal carries no paid odvertising. TO SPONSORS AND MEMBERS Pleose send all communicotions relating The names of new members, those elected to initiation, certificotcs of membership, key between September of one year and Septem- orders, ond nomes of members to the ber of the following year, appear in Notional Secretary. All requests for ^5^ the November issue of SPEAKER and authority to initiate ond for emblems GAVEL. According to present regula- should be sent to the Notional Secre- tions of the society, new members re- tory ond should be accompanied by ceive SPEAKER and GAVEL for two check or money order. Inosmuch os years following their initiation if they all checks and money orders ore for- ^ return the record form supplied them warded by the Secretary to the No- time their application is op tional Treasurer, please moke them to: proved by the Executive Secretory and "The Treasurer of Delta Sigma Rho— certified to the sponsor. Following Tau Kappa Alpha." this time all members who wish to The membership fee is $10.00.| receive SPEAKER and GAVEL may The official key of lOK (size shown subscribe at the following rotes: in cut on this poge) is $6.00, or the $1.50 per yeor for the standard sub- official keypin of lOK is $7.00. Cut dio- scription; $5.00 per year for those who wish mond in key is $7 additional. Prices include to sustoin the work of SPEAKER and GAVEL; Federal Tax. and $25.00 for o lifetime subscription. NATIONAL OFFICERS President: Wayne C. Eubank, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Vice President: Leroy T. Loose, University of Nebroska, Lincoln, Nebraska. Secretary: H. L. Ewbank, Jr., Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. Treasurer: Kenneth G. Hance, Michigan Stote University, Eost Lansing, Michigan. Trustee: E. C. Buehler, University of Konsos, Lawrence, Kansas. Editor: Charles Goetringer, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorodo. Historian: Lionel Crocker, Denison University, Gronville, Ohio. REGIONAL GOVERNORS, MEMBERS AT LARGE, AND A. C. H. S. REPRESENTATIVE Regional Governors: Herbert L. James, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire; Ray mond S. Beord, State University College, Cortland, New York; Edgar MocDonold, Randolph-Mocon College, Ashlond, Virginia; Joseph C. Wetherby, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; Marvin Esch, Wayne Stote University, Detroit, Michigon; Edward A. Rogge, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana; Robert Friedman, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri; Robert Scott, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; George Adomson, University of Utoh, Salt Lake City, Utoh; Upton Palmer, University of California, Santa Barbora, Santa Barbara, California. Members ot Large: Austin Freeley, Jahn Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio; Annabel Hagood, University of Alobamo, University, Alabamo; Charles Redding, Purdue University, Lofayette, Indiana. A. C. H. S. Representative: Herold Ross, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. Copyright 1964 by the Notional Secretory of Delta Sigma Rho-Tou Kappa Alpha https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/speaker-gavel/vol1/iss4/1 2 et al.: Complete Issue 1(4) Speaker and Gavel Volume 1 May, 1964 Number 4 Confessions of a Tardy Editor 105 President's Page 106 Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha National Council 109 Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha Distinguished Alumni Award 116 Speaker of the Year Citation, 1963 125 Speech Given in Response to Speaker of the Year Award 127 National Contest Results 132 Vox Pop 135 Chapters and Sponsors 137 CONFESSIONS OF A TARDY EDITOR This has not been the easiest year I have ever experienced. During the previous five years as editor of the Gavel—^it was always a matter of pride with me to put out a punctual magazine. It may not have been the best—^but it was always on time. You might say that when I shatter a reputation—I really shatter a reputa tion. Not one—^not two—not three—but all four issues have been late. Rather an impressive record. I would like to blame it on the printer—^but it just doesn't fit. I'd like to blame the contributors—but they are innocent. No, I'm afraid the blame rests with the editor. After all I do take all the praise—so why shouldn't I take all the blame? But wait until next year! Published by Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato,3 Speaker & Gavel, Vol. 1, Iss. 4 [], Art. 1 106 SPEAKER AND GAVEL PRESIDENT'S PAGE STATE OF THE UNION Since the union of DSR and TKA in Denver last August, many people have been doing much vs^ork in order to get the new society off the ground. Our National Conference Committee, chairmaned by Dr. Robert Huber of the University of Vermont, was at work before the Denver meeting planning this conference. I join the representatives of 73 chapters in commending them upon giving us a conference interspersed with pleasure and profit. The Ritual Committee headed by Professor Patrick Marsh of the University of Wyoming produced not one but two rituals—short and long form. The short form was used this afternoon in our model initiation. Dr. P. Merville Larson, Texas Tech, Chairman of the Standards Committee, has been busy processing inquiries from colleges and universities desiring membership in DSR-TKA. He has received 14 requests since last September. All of the paper products of the new soeiety had to be revised: certificates, charters. Speaker of the Year awards. Distinguished Alumni awards. National Conference awards, as well as the die for our new key and our new seal. After some four months of negotiations. Dr. Kenneth Hance, Michigan State University, our treasurer, reports that, at last all of the resources of the two former societies now belong to Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha. Dr. H. L. Ewbank, Jr., Purdue University, our seeretary, has processed 117 membership applications to date. This is a goodly number since most member ship applications reach the secretary after the National Conference. A number of our regions, of which there are ten, have already engaged in regional conferences. Dr. Thorrel Fest, Chairman of the Distinguished Alumni Award Committee, will present at this conference a number of Dis tinguished Alumni whom we shall honor. We are highly pleased with this activity. Each year this committee will select a limited number of our out standing alumni whose lives and services exemplify the heritage and ideals of DSR-TKA. Through these awards we should strengthen the ties and loyalties between our alumni, some 20,000 men and women, and our aetive member ship. Professor Annabel Hagood, Chairman of the Speaker of the Year Award Board will announce at this Conference the first Speaker of the Year Award to be given by Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha. I am sure you all agree that the work of this board in choosing a Speaker of the Year annually is a responsibility and ehallenge of which DSR-TKA should be proud. Through our Speaker of the Year award we say to the nation, "Here is a speaker who, during the past year, engaged in the kind of communication on pubhc issues which our society regarded as intelligent, responsible, and effective—the kind of speaking for which Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha stands and is proud to honor." Dr. James McBath of the University of Southern California, Chairman of the Research Committee, reports that sales on the revised DSR-TKA Argu mentation and Debate text are running far ahead of sales of the first edition. This good news means additional revenue for our treasury. We are highly pleased with the first two issues of the Speaker and Gavel. Our congratulations to our editor. Dr. Charles Goetzinger of the University of Colorado. Many of you know that DSR came to the wedding in Denver last August with a magnificent dowry. Much of the credit for the financial solidarity of https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/speaker-gavel/vol1/iss4/1 4 et al.: Complete Issue 1(4) SPEAKER AND GAVEL 107 DSR, and now, DSR-TKA, can be attributed to the financial wizardry of om- trustee Bill Buehler of The University of Kansas. It is a rarity to find a pro fessor who knows much about Wall Sti'eet cash and collateral. How fortunate we are to have this financial tycoon—fiscalizer as our trustee. To members of the National Council, to members of committees.
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