E964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 28, 2010 through promoting shared values of dedica- gime finally passed to the dustbin of history, I have much hope for the future because all tion, athleticism, perseverance, teamwork, and and Azerbaijan declared its independence yet Americans are working together hand in hand play. again. to ensure the equality and advancement not The good work of the Special Olympics is My congratulations to the people of Azer- only of their community, but of all commu- summed up in its motto: ‘‘Let me win, but if I baijan: congratulations on the anniversary of nities. cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.’’ Republic Day, and for your continued efforts Mr. Speaker, let me again thank Congress- It is a motto that captures the spirit of the or- and commitment to build a strong democracy man HONDA, Chair of the Congressional Asian ganization, and of the champion and visionary in the critically important region of the South Pacific American Caucus, for his leadership in who worked so hard on its behalf for so many Caucasus. introducing this resolution. I look forward to years, Eunice Kennedy Shriver. And it is only f celebrating the accomplishments of Asian Pa- fitting this bill, reauthorizing the Special Olym- CELEBRATING ASIAN/PACIFIC cific Americans this year and for years to pics Sport and Empowerment Act of 2004, be come! Thank you. given her name. AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH I encourage my colleagues to be brave SPEECH OF f today, to stand up for Americans with intellec- tual disabilities, and to support the Eunice HON. LAURA RICHARDSON HONORING BAY NEWS ON ITS 65TH Kennedy Shriver Act and the Special Olym- OF CALIFORNIA ANNIVERSARY pics. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Tuesday, May 25, 2010 HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER TRIBUTE TO RAMON ALVAREZ, Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF NEW YORK 2010 FATHER OF THE YEAR RE- today in strong support of H. Res. 1316, cele- CIPIENT brating Asian Pacific American Heritage IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Month. I thank my California Delegation col- Thursday, May 27, 2010 HON. KEN CALVERT league, Congressman HONDA, for his work in Mr. WEINER. Madam Speaker, I rise to rec- OF CALIFORNIA bringing this resolution to the floor today. This is a very exciting time for the Asian ognize exceptional work of the staff of the Bay IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community News, a newspaper that serves southern Thursday, May 27, 2010 and I am looking forward to continuing to work Brooklyn, in honor of its 65th anniversary. Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today with my colleagues in the Congressional Asian Though the hard-hitting reporters at the Bay to honor and congratulate an individual from Pacific American Caucus and with the Obama News cover issues that affect all New Yorkers, my Congressional District who will be pre- Administration to promote AAPI priorities. they specialize in local news that focuses on sented with the 2010 Father of the Year The 37th Congressional District of Cali- the neighborhoods of Bensonhurst, Brighton Award next week in Riverside, California. fornia, which I am privileged to represent, is Beach, Coney Island, Gerritsen Beach, The purpose of the Father of the Year home to one of the largest Asian constitu- Gravesend, Manhattan Beach, Seagate and Awards is to honor fathers who have remained encies in the nation, including large commu- Sheepshead Bay. It’s not an exaggeration to a positive role model for their children while nities of Filipinos, Samoans and Cambodians. say that if something happens in this part of also making a positive difference in their com- My district is home to the largest Cambodian the City, the Bay News will know about it. munity. population in the United States, and the sec- The groundwork for what is now the Bay Ramon Alvarez is one of those fathers. He ond largest Cambodian population in the world News was first established in 1944 when is married to his wife Araceli and together they outside of Cambodia. I am proud to be a Charlie Peterson started printing the ‘‘Sheeps- have three children. He is also President of Al- member of the Congressional Asian Pacific head Bay Service News’’, a newsletter for the varez Lincoln-Mercury and Alvarez Jaguar, American Caucus which truly represents my families of troops serving overseas in World and throughout his successful career, Ramon Asian Pacific American constituents’ interests. War II. Over the years, that small newsletter has made a strong commitment to local and The month of May was chosen to celebrate merged with other local papers from across civic activities. Asian Pacific American Heritage for two sig- the borough to become what is now a publica- I am proud to call Ramon a fellow commu- nificant reasons. On May 7, 1843, the first tion with a circulation of more than 15,000. Japanese immigrants arrived to our country nity member and American. And today, I add As my staff knows, my Thursdays don’t truly and on May 10, 1860, the first transcontinental my voice to the many who will be congratu- begin until I’ve read the Bay News. This sto- railroad was completed. The transcontinental lating him on this well-deserved recognition. ried publication has been on the scene for all railroad transformed our nation and could not f of the defining moments that have shaped have been completed without the inclusion of New York City over the past 65 years, and I AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC DAY Chinese immigrants. know that it will be there for whatever happens Dalip Singh Saund was the first Asian next. HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY American elected to Congress in 1957. Less Day in and day out, week after week, The OF CALIFORNIA than a decade later, Patsy Mink became the Bay News covers everything from local com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES first Asian American woman elected to Con- gress. Both overcame adversity to pave the munity board meetings to arts and movies to Thursday, May 27, 2010 way for all minorities, including DANIEL INOUYE, national politics. As I know firsthand, the pa- Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to a Medal of Honor winner who has served in per’s reporters aren’t afraid to ask the tough honor the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan the Senate for nearly a half century. Today, questions. They work tirelessly to provide the as they prepare to celebrate Republic Day on we have seven Members of Congress who are community with the news and information that May 28. of Asian descent. is so vital to a robust democracy and the civic Azerbaijan’s Republic Day commemorates Despite the challenges and adversity that life we take for granted. the day that this nation, located on the shores Asian Pacific Americans have experienced, That is why I am pleased and honored to of the Caspian Sea, south of Russia and north many have forged ahead and made significant congratulate the entire staff of the Bay News of Iran, declared its independence from the contributions to this great nation. History was on all their success and contributions on the Russian Empire in 1918, as the first Muslim made when we elected a President with such occasion of the paper’s 65th anniversary and democracy. significant personal ties to the Asian Pacific I wish them all many successful years to The new democracy granted women the community. President Obama spent his child- come. We should commend editor Vince right to vote in 1919, a year before the 19th hood in Hawaii and Indonesia. One of Presi- DiMiceli, publisher Clifford Luster; assistant Amendment was passed in the United States dent Obama’s first guests to the Oval Office editors Shavana Abruzzo, Joanna Del Buono, granting U.S. women that right. was the Prime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso. Meredith Deliso, Courtney Donahue; calendar Their independence was tragically short, as Further, President Obama appointed three editor Erica Sherman; reporters Thomas Tracy the Soviet Union invaded the tiny nation in Asian Americans to his cabinet: Secretary of and Joe Maniscalco; vice president of adver- 1920—altering Azerbaijan’s dream of democ- Energy, Dr. Steven Chu; Secretary of Com- tising Ralph D’Onofrio; classified manager racy in the 20th Century. That dream re- merce, Gary Locke; and Secretary of Veterans Amanda Tarley; and production manager Keith emerged in 1991 when the brutal Soviet re- Affairs, Eric Shinseki. Oechsner. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:55 Sep 24, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD10\RECFILES\E28MY0.REC E28MY0 mmaher on DSKH9S0YB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE May 28, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E965 RECOGNIZING THE BUILDING EF- abilities and injuries sustained while fighting on the establishment of Ukrainian language FORTS OF ‘‘HOMES FOR OUR for our freedom. It does not matter what state radio programs with Voice of America and TROOPS’’ IN WARREN COUNTY, or which branch of the military these soldiers Radio Free Liberty. The UCCA also success- VIRGINIA are from, these are our American heroes, and fully lobbied both the House of Representa- we all need to unite, support and help them. tives and Senate to construct a monument in HON. FRANK R. WOLF I ask that my colleagues join me in sup- honor of Taras Shevchenko, the bard of OF VIRGINIA porting this important program so disabled Ukraine, which was unveiled by former Presi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES servicemembers can experience the gift of dent Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1946. independence. Throughout the Cold War, the Ukrainian Thursday, May 27, 2010 f Congress Committee of America spoke out Mr.
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