SECRETARY ’S PAGES MISSION STATEMENT The American Kennel Club is dedicated to upholding the ATTENTION DELEGATES integrity of its RMegIisStrSy, IpOroNmo ting the spSorTt Aof TpEurMebrEeNd dT ogs and breeding for type and function. ® NOTICE OF MEETING TFohuen Admederiin ca1n8 8K4e, ntnhelAKC Cluba nisd dites daicffailtieadte td o ourpghaonlidziantgio nths ea idnvteogcarittey foofr iths e Rpeugriset brrye, dp rdoomgo atisn ga tfhame islyp ocrot mofpapnuiroenb,r ead vdaongcs e acnad nibnree ehdeianlgthf oarndty pwe elal-nbd eifnugn,c wtioonrk. to protect the rights of all The next meeting of the Delegates will be Fdougn odwedneinrs1 a8n8d4 ,ptrhoe mAKCote raensd piotns saifbflieli adtoegd orwgnaenrizsahtipio. ns advocate for the pure bred dog as a family companion, advance canine health and well-being, work to protect the rights of all held at the Doubletree Newark Airport Hotel dog owners and 805prom1 oAtrec ore Csopropnosribaltee dDorgiv oew, Snueirtseh 1ip0. 0, Raleigh, NC 276 17 101 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10178 8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100, Raleigh, NC 276 17 on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, beginning no ear - Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ..............................................................(919) 233-9767 260 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016 New York, NY Office ...................................................................................(212) 696-8200 lier than 10:00 a.m . It will follow the 9:00 a.m. Raleigh, NC Customer Call Center ..............................................................(919) 233-9767 Fax .............................................................................................................(212) 696-8299 New York, NY Office ...................................................................................(212) 696-8200 Website ..........................................................................................................www.akc.org Delegates Forum. Fax .............................................................................................................(212) 696-8299 Website ..........................................................................................................www.akc.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS DR. THOMAS M. DAVIES, CHAIRMA N•DOMINIC P. CAROTA, VICE CHAIRMAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS RONALD H. CMLAESNSA KOEFR 2, 0C2H1 AIRMA N•DR. THOMAS MC.L DAASVSIE OSF, V2I0C2E 3 CHAIRMAN MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION RITA J. BIDDLE DR. J. CHARLES GARVIN DOCMLAINSISC OP.F C 2A0R1O8 TA SCTELAVESNS OHFA M20B2L0 IN Mid-Atlantic Leonberger Club of Virginia DR.J TAHMOEMS ARS. DOAKVIES DANPAIETLR IJC. IAS MMY. TCHR,U EZ SQ. DRT. HJ.O CMHAASR LPEOSW GEARRS VIN WILLIAM J. FEENEY RONALD H. MENAKER KAROCLLYANSNSE OMF. 2M0C2A4 TEER CLASS OF 2022 CLASS OF 2019 DR. CACRLAMSESN OLF. B2A0T2T1 AGLIA DELEGATES CREDENTIALS CHRISTOPHER L. SWEETWOOD DR. MICHAEL KNIGHT DHRA. RCOALRDM “ERNE LD.” B TAATTTRAOG LIIIIA RITA J. BIDDLE DR. THOMAS M. DAVIES KARDOOLMYNINNICE PM. C. MARCOATTA EER James F. Barron, Redwood City, CA, Contra ANN WALLIN ANN WALLIN THOMAS POWERS RONALD H. MENAKER, ChairmaHnA ERmVEeYri tMu.s WOODING Costa Kennel Club DDEENNIIS B. SPRUNG, Ex Offffiicciioo Jane E. Bates, Montgomery, TX, Conroe EXECUTIVE OFFICERS DENNISD BE.N SNPIRSU BN. G SPRUNG GINA M. DINARDO GINAJ OMS. EDPINHA VR. BDAO FFUTO, JR. Kennel Club PresidePnrt esident Executive Secretary ExecutCivheie Sf eFcinreatnacriy al Officer Chief ExCehcieuft iEvex eOcfufitciveer Officer Joann B. Beavers, St Michaels, MD, Talbot VICE PRESIDENTS VICE PRESIDENTS Kennel Club JAY WAKS KIRSTEN BAHLKE BRANDI HUNTER Senior ExecutiKvIe RSTEN BAHLKEV,i cPeu rPerberseidd eCnotnsumer DemanPdublic Relations & Michael Capozzi, Manorville, NY, Riverhead Vice PresidentC & YNTHIA BPEuAreGbLrEeSd, CAosnssiustmaenrt DGeemnearnad l CounseCl ommunications General Counsel MARK DUNN, Executive Vice President CYNTHIA BEAGLES DOUG LJUNGREN Kennel Club ALEXANKDERITAH A FLREASZKIOEVRS, KEYxecuAtivssei sVtiacnet PGrenseidreanl tC, oBuunssienless SuppSoprto rStesr &vicEevsents Executive Vice PresidenSt H& EILA GOFFE , Government Relations Stephanie A. Crawford, Binghamton, NY, Chief Growth Officer MARK DUNN HEATHER MCMANUS BRANDI HUNTER , Public Relations & Communications Senior Vice President Deputy General Counsel Del Oste Nango Kennel Club THEREDSOAU CGH LINJUNGREN, ExecuRteivgei sVtircaeti oPnre & sident, Sports & Events Senior Vice PresiHdEeAnTt HER MCMusAtoNmUSe,r Deepvuetloyp Gmeennetral CounsMeAl RI-BETH O’NEILL Luanne K. Dunham, Newnan, GA, Newnan Planning & Operations Sport Services MARI-BETH O’NEILL, S port Services KEITH FRAZIER AIDEN COLIE PAULA SPEBCuTsOinR e, sCso Srpuoprpaotret Services ELIZABETH SOROTA Kennel Club Senior Vice PresideDnAt PHNA STeRrvAicUeS s,/ BNuCs Finaecsilsit yD eOvpes lopment Marketing Technology Chereen M. Nawrocki, East Bangor, PA, TIM THOMAS , Judging Operations SHEILA GOFFE DAPHNA STRAUS JAY WAKS, Senior ExeGcouvteirvnem Veicnet RPreelastiidoenns t & GeneBruasli nCeosusn sDeelvelopment English Cocker Spaniel Club of America TRIAL BOARDS Susan Soviero, Little Silver, NJ, Bayshore APPEALSA TPRPIEAALL BS OTARRIADL BOARTD RIAL BOARD MEMBERS (cnt’dT)R IAL P EBROFAORRDM CAHNACIRES TRIAL BOARD MARTHA FELRTAELNPSHT EDINE,L E DSQE.O, C, EHSAIQR. , CHAIR CHARLES FOLEY THERESAJ DOOSWEPELHL ,B EESNQA. GE, ESQ. Companion Dog Club BARBARAM WAR. TMHIEAN FEERL,T EESNQS.T EIN, ESQ. ROGER HARTINGER BARBATRIMA PCEANRNWY, IELSEQ, .ESQ., CHAIR BARBARBA RPBEANRNAY, WE.S MQ.I ENER, ESQ. MEDORA HARPER LAURIE RAYMJOONHDN, ERSUQS. SELL DANIEL SMYTH, ESQ. DONNA HERZIG TRIAL BOARD MEMBERS TRIAL BOARD CHAIRS CARL HOLDER ALTERNATES You can also read the Secretary’s Pages in the THERESA DROW. KELLA, UESQ A NSELM PERFORMANCE TBRILIALL T EBAOGAURED CHARLES FOLEY LAURIE MAULUCCID AVID HOPKINS, ESQ., CHAIR EUGENIA HUNTER, ESQ. ROBERT W. MONTLER ROGER HARTINGER DR. ROBERT MYALL TIM CARWILE, ESQ. LAURIE RAYMMEODNOD,R EAS QH.A RPER HON. JAMES PHINIZY JOHN RUSSELL DR. ROBERT MYALL ALTERNATES TRIAL BOARD MEMBERS ROBERT STEIN BERNARD SCHWARTZ MIKE NECAISE DR. KLAUS ANSELM BETTY-ANNE STENMARK BETTY-ANNE STENMARK SYLVIA THOMAS BILL TEAGUE KATHI BRJOAMWENS WHITE Click here to read the MARCH 2020 issue! AKC GAZETTE 1 MARCH 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES Grace Wilkinson, Barrington, RI, Rhode a $100 fine. (Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Saint Island Kennel Club Bernard, German Wirehaired Pointer) NOTICE NOTICE As a result of an Event Committee determi - Mr. Rob Robinson (Port Richey, FL) Action nation the following individual stands sus - was taken by the American Kennel Club for pended of AKC privileges. It should be conduct at its December 14, 2019 event. Mr. noted that this determination may still be Robinson was charged with inappropriate, appealed and may be reversed. Upon expira - abusive, or foul language. The Staff Event tion of the appeal process, an appropriate Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s notice describing the status of the individ - report and set the penalty as a reprimand ual’s suspension, if any, will appear in this col - and $100 fine. umn: NOTICE Ms. StarLee Rownd (Bay Point, CA) Mr. Jason Starr (Hoboken, GA) Action was taken by the Space Coast Kennel Club for NOTICE conduct at its December 10, 2019 event. Mr. Ms. Jeanne Henderson (Sylmar, CA) Action Starr was charged with inappropriate, abu - was taken by the City of Angeles Pug Club for sive, or foul language. The Staff Event conduct at its January 17, 2020 event. Ms. Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s Henderson was charged with inappropriate, report and set the penalty at a reprimand and abusive, or foul language. The Staff Event a $100 fine. (French Bulldog, Boxer) Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s report and set the penalty at a reprimand and NOTICE a $100 fine. (Belgian Tervuren, Pug) The AKC’s Management Disciplinary Committee has reprimanded Mr. Russ Killian NOTICE (Anoka, MN) and imposed a $100 fine, effec - Ms. Marian McShane (Lexington, TN) tive January 13, 2020, for disruptive behavior Action was taken by the Space Coast Kennel at an event. (German Shorthaired Pointers) Club for conduct at its December 10, 2019 event. Ms. McShane was charged with disrup - NOTICE tive behavior at an event. The Staff Event The AKC’s Management Disciplinary Committee reviewed the Event Committee’s Committee has suspended the following indi - report and set the penalty at a reprimand and viduals from all AKC privileges for ten years AKC GAZETTE 2 MARCH 2020 SECRETARY ’S PAGES and imposed a $2000 fine, for conduct preju - German Shepherd Dog Association of dicial to purebred dogs, purebred dog events, Central Indiana, Inc. ...................................$60 or to the best interests of The American Heart of America St. Bernard Club, Inc. Kennel Club based on their violation of the ...................................................................$140 AKC’s Judicial or Administrative Determination of Hoosier Kennel Club, Inc .........................$130 Inappropriate Treatment Policy: Irish Water Spaniel Club of America ..........$85 Maryland Sporting Dog Association .........$130 Effective November 11, 2019 Norwegian Elkhound Club of Greater Ms. Joyce Johnson (Elkins, AR) Multiple Houston .......................................................$70 Breeds Oregon Trail Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club ...........................................................$120 NOTICE Papillon Club of Southern California REPRIMANDS AND FINES ...................................................................$110 Notification of reprimands and/or fines Puget Sound Poodle Club ..........................$85
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