Paths Bamidbarto Perfection With gratitude to Hashem, The servant of Hashem, David Chananya Pinto, ThesonofmyFather,mymasterandteacher, The tzaddik, Moreinu Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto, zy"a, Grandson of the holy tzaddik, Rabbi Chaim Pinto, zy"a First edition, Cheshvan, 5774 Jerusalem ירושֹלים Table of Contents BA Bamidbar Torah – A Priceless Gift ................................... 1 Each One of Us Counts .................................... 7 Yisrael, in Whom I Take Glory............................ 10 Torah Requires Toil ..................................... 18 Character Refinement Precedes Torah...................... 23 Encamping According to the Flags......................... 29 The Census of the Tribe of Levi............................ 38 Gems on Parashat Bamidbar The Connection between Bamidbar, Naso, and Beha’alotcha... 45 A Calculated Counting of Bnei Yisrael...................... 48 The Gem of Torah Is Set in the Heart of Every Jew........... 49 The Numbers of the Nation............................... 52 The Pure Light ......................................... 53 Naso Greatness and Humility .................................. 55 The Connection between Parashat Naso and Shavuot......... 60 The Severity of Slander .................................. 65 Becoming a Nazir – Atoning for Arrogance................. 69 The Berachah of Peace ................................... 74 Sacrifice in Serving Hashem.............................. 82 The Connection between Naso and Beha’alotcha............. 90 Gems on Parashat Naso Chasing Away the Yetzer Hara............................ 95 The Virtue of Shevet Levi ................................. 97 Attachment to Hashem through Detachment from Physicality ............................................. 98 Work in the Mishkan and Toil in Torah................... 100 The Avodah of Learning Torah........................... 101 Hashem’s Shining Countenance........................... 103 Lessons from the Kohanim and Levi’im.................... 105 Yissachar – There is Reward............................. 107 The Nesi’im in Nisan ................................... 108 Beha’alotcha When You Kindle the Lamps............................. 111 The Merit of the Public ................................. 119 The Mystery of the Menorah............................. 126 Diligent Devotion to Hashem............................. 130 Man’s Inner Essence .................................... 133 Korban Pesach in the Wilderness......................... 138 The Essence of Pesach Sheini............................ 142 Habit – Precursor of Sin ................................ 146 Pesach Sheini – A Lesson for Generations.................. 151 Cracking the Bones – Breaking One’s Desires............... 155 By the Word of Hashem ................................. 160 Orderliness – Precondition for Unity...................... 166 Rectifying the Root of Rotten Character................... 169 A Menu of Materialism .................................. 172 Physical Food and Spiritual Sustenance.................... 177 Forbidden Relationships between Relatives................. 184 Words Can Harm, Words Can Heal........................ 187 Moshe’s Modesty ....................................... 191 Nullifying Oneself before the Torah....................... 195 At the Image of Hashem Does He Gaze.................... 200 Gems on Parashat Beha’alotcha The Menorah – Igniting the Inner Spark................... 209 Pesach Sheini .......................................... 210 The Gift of Torah ...................................... 211 The Test of Temptation ................................. 213 The Key to Salvation ................................... 215 The Greatness of Humility............................... 217 Shelach Conceit Chases a Person Out of This World................. 219 Man Is Led in the Way He Wishes to Go................... 227 Arrogance – Impediment to Avodat Hashem................ 231 Last in Deed, but First in Thought........................ 242 The Negative Results of Negative Speech................... 246 The Test of Ahavat Hashem.............................. 251 Man’s Actions Affect Him for Better or for Worse........... 257 The Significance of Forty ................................ 263 Appreciating the World of Action......................... 268 The Fringe Benefits of Tzitzit............................ 273 Gems on Parashat Shelach One Sin Leads to Another............................... 281 The Judgments of Hashem Are True, Altogether Righteous.... 283 Slanderous Speech and Baseless Hatred Caused the Churban .............................................. 285 Tzitzit – Our Bullet-Proof Vest against Sin................. 286 Purity of Thought and Sight............................. 288 Korach Korach and the Avot – A Study in Contrasts................ 289 Arrogance Blinds ....................................... 297 Women’s Intuition ...................................... 305 Torah – The Antidote for the Yetzer Hara.................. 314 Korach’s Dispute ....................................... 317 In Virtue of Tzitzit ..................................... 321 Wealth and Prestige Belong to Hashem Alone.............. 326 Negating Negative Traits................................ 333 The Hazards of Habit ................................... 339 The Three Miracles of the Staff........................... 349 A Blossom, a Bud, and an Almond........................ 354 Gems on Parashat Korach The Mitzvah of Tzitzit .................................. 357 Yours Is Wealth and Honor.............................. 358 The Perils of Pursuing Pride............................. 360 Channah’s Prayer ...................................... 362 The Tefillah of the Tzaddik Is Always Accepted............. 364 Korach – One of the Ark-bearers......................... 364 Moshe’s Concealed Criticism............................. 365 On What Grounds Was Korach Swallowed by the Earth?..... 367 The Dangers of Dissention............................... 368 Chukat The Decree of the Parah Adumah......................... 369 Supporting Torah Statements............................ 376 Sense in the Statutes ................................... 380 Rulings Reveal the Ruler ................................ 384 Keeping Mitzvot, No Questions Asked...................... 390 The Life-Giving Waters of the Mikveh..................... 396 For Love of Torah ...................................... 400 Lessons from the Parah Adumah......................... 405 Hashem Runs the World above the Laws of Nature.......... 410 The Parah Adumah’s Mysterious Ashes.................... 414 The Power of Positive Imagery........................... 418 The Reason for the Red Heifer........................... 422 Man’s Essence ......................................... 425 Learning from Achav How to Learn....................... 429 Whole-hearted Service of Hashem........................ 435 Defilement by the Dead ................................. 440 Striking the Rock ...................................... 446 Fear of the Sages Leads to Fear of Hashem................ 450 The Poets Would Say: Come to Cheshbon.................. 454 Gems on Parashat Chukat Pride Is His Alone ...................................... 460 The Virtues of the Righteous............................. 461 Measure for Measure ................................... 462 Churban Bayit Sheini – Torah Devoid of Deeds............. 463 Hashem’s Decrees Reflect His Demeanor................... 464 Those Who Hope to Hashem Will Have Renewed Strength.... 467 You Shall Surely Rebuke ................................ 468 Torah Is a Gift to Those Who Sustain It................... 469 The Merit of a Good Deed............................... 470 Hashem Is the King of Glory............................. 471 Balak The Connection between Chukat and Balak................. 473 The Counsel of Hashem Will Endure...................... 476 To Publicize Hashem’s Righteousness...................... 482 Misplaced Trust ........................................ 486 Gratitude ............................................. 494 The Evil Plots of Our Enemies............................ 501 The Supremacy of Man over Beast........................ 508 Bilaam’s Apathy ....................................... 514 Blinding Oneself to the Truth............................ 517 The Essence of Bilaam’s Blessing......................... 522 The Man with the Missing Eye........................... 526 The Paradoxical Life of Bilaam Harasha................... 531 A Blessing of Truth ..................................... 536 A Man without a Nation ................................ 539 Leisure – Harbinger of Sin............................... 543 Out of Sight, Out of Mind................................ 546 Gazing at the Face of a Rasha........................... 556 The Zealousness of Pinchas.............................. 562 Man’s Purpose in This World............................. 565 Gems on Parashat Balak Moav Fears Bnei Yisrael ................................. 568 The Wickedness of Balak and Bilaam..................... 570 Recognizing All Miracles ................................ 572 Ignoring the Whole Truth............................... 574 The Protective Qualities of Modesty....................... 575 Beware of Sin ......................................... 576 Tzipporah’s Trustworthiness............................. 577 Physical Organs Correspond to the Organs of the Soul....... 579 The Name Pinchas ..................................... 581 Pinchas The Reward
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