Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre-intermediate Wordlist Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre-intermediate Wordlist Part of Headword Page speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example Unit 1 The town offers plenty of opportunities for sporting activity 6 n [C] /ækˈtɪvəti/ Aktivität activité attività activities. faire de la andare in cycle 6 v [I] /ˈsaɪkəl/ radfahren She cycles to school. bicyclette bicicletta diskutieren, discuss 6 v [T] /dɪˈskʌs/ discuter discutere I can always discuss my problems with my sister. besprechen evening class 6 n [C] /ˈiːvnɪŋ klɑːs/ Abendschule cours du soir scuola serale Next year, I'm going to do an evening class. /ˈfeɪvərət,ˈfeɪvrɪt favourite 6 adj Lieblings- préferé favorito We chose Joe's favourite music for the party. / free time 6 n [U] /friː taɪm/ freie Zeit temps libre tempo libero I never have any free time. go out 6 phr v /gəʊ aʊt/ ausgehen sortir uscire Did you go out with your friends last Friday? gym 6 n [C] /dʒɪm/ Fitnessstudio gym deporte I go to the gym twice a week. instrument 6 n [C] /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ Instrument instrument istrumento Do you play any musical instruments? tempo libero, leisure 6 n [U] /ˈleʒə/ Freizeit loisir How do you spend your leisure time? ricreativo… live 6 adj /laɪv/ live live, public live, in diretta You can see the band live tomorrow night. news 6 n [U] /njuːz/ Nachrichten les nouvelles notiziario I usually listen to the news on the radio. online 6 adj, adv /ˌɒnˈlaɪn/ online en ligne online an online teaching programme percent 6 adj, adv, n /pəˈsent/ Prozent pourcent percento He needs 70 percent of the vote to win. play 6 v [I, T] /pleɪ/ spielen jouer She plays the piano very well. He plays football every Saturday. | The boys were play 6 v [I, T] /pleɪ/ spielen jouer giocare playing computer games. poll 6 n [C] /pəʊl/ Umfrage sondage inchiesta Recent polls show that the mayor is still popular. Each child wrote a report about their visit to the report 6 n [C] /rɪˈpɔːt/ Bericht rapport rapporto museum. I decided to show the results of my survey by drawing result 6 n [C] /rɪˈzʌlt/ Ergebnis résultat risultato a graph. spend 6 v [T] /spend/ verbringen passer passare We spent the afternoon playing football. The company carried out a survey of people's survey 6 n [C] /ˈsɜːveɪ/ Umfrage, Stidoe sondage sondaggio attitudes to housework. channel 7 n [C] /ˈtʃænl/ Kanal chaîne canale Is the sports channel showing the football match? classical 7 adj /ˈklæsɪkəl/ klassisch classique classico He prefers classical music to pop. There is an important difference between the two important 7 adj /ɪmˈpɔːtənt/ wichtig important importante experiments we carried out. jazz 7 n [U] /dʒæz/ Jazz jazz jazz modern jazz | a singer in a jazz band Pearson Schweiz AG 2013 1 Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre-intermediate Wordlist Part of Headword Page speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example Do you want to spend the rest of your life being life 7 n [C] /laɪf/ Leben vie vita unhappy? Musiker, musicien, musician 7 n [C] /mjuːˈzɪʃən/ musicista a talented musician | jazz musicians Musikerin musicienne a professional photographer | a professional football professional 7 adj /prəˈfeʃənəl/ professionell professionnel,le professionale player compétence, skill 7 n [C, U] /skɪl/ Fähigkeit capacità This is an opportunity for you to learn new skills. aptitude studies 7 n [C] /ˈstʌdiz/ Studium études studio, studi You've got to continue with your studies. /ˈævərɪdʒ,ˈævrɪdʒ The average person doesn't know much about average 8 adj durchschnittlich moyen,ne medio , / computers. board 8 n [C] /bɔːd/ Brett planche asse, tavola a chess board board game 8 n [C] /ˈbɔːd geɪm/ Brettspiel jeu de société gioco da tavola It was raining so they played board games. card 8 n [C] /kɑːd/ Karte carte carta One of the cards is missing from this pack. the Davis Cup tennis championship | world championship 8 n [C] /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp/ Meisterschaft championnat campionato championships In games of chance, you need to be lucky to win the chance 8 n [U] /tʃɑːns/ Glück chance fortuna game. dice 8 n [C] /daɪs/ Würfel dé dado The first player rolls the dice. last 8 v [I, T] /lɑːst/ dauern durer durare His first marriage lasted ten years. The shelves are made of wood. | The bags are made made 8 adj /meɪd/ gemacht fait, fabriqué fatto from bits of old clothes. marble 8 n [C] /ˈmɑːbəl/ Marmor marbre marmo Who wants to play marbles? She's just a normal 15-year-old girl. | The library will normal 8 adj /ˈnɔːməl/ normal normal,e normale be open at the normal times next week. originate 8 v [I] /əˈrɪdʒəneɪt/ entstehen naître nascere, creare This type of music originated in the 15th century. pack 8 n [C] /pæk/ Stapel paquet catasta The cards in this pack have pictures on the back. Figur (Schach), pièce (échecs), piece 8 n [C] /piːs/ pezzo a chess piece Teil, Stück morceau place 8 n [C] /pleɪs/ Ort lieu posto We went to lots of places when we visited Paris. player 8 n [C] /ˈpleɪə/ Spieler joueur giocatore one of the top tennis players puzzle, puzzle 8 n [C] /ˈpʌzəl/ Rätsel, Puzzle puzzle, casse-tête a crossword puzzle | a jigsaw puzzle indovinello Punkt, score 8 n [C] /skɔː/ score punteggio, punto I got a score of 700. Punktestand spot 8 n [C] /spɒt/ Fleckt, Punkt tache macchia, punto The dog was white with black spots. anfangen, The player with the white pieces starts in a game of start 8 v [I, T] /stɑːt/ commencer iniziare beginnen chess. What's your strategy going to be for winning the strategy 8 n [C] /ˈstrætɪdʒi/ Strategie stratégie strategia election? Pearson Schweiz AG 2013 2 Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre-intermediate Wordlist Part of Headword Page speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example Walking up and down stairs is good exercise. | You exercise 9 n [C, U] /ˈeksəsaɪz/ Übung exercice esercizio can do special exercises to make your back stronger. fun 9 n [U] /fʌn/ Spaß amusement divertimento The party was great fun. journey 9 n [C] /ˈdʒɜːni/ Fahrt, Reise voyage, trajet viaggio How long does your journey to school take? du coin, du You can now get these fruits in your local local 9 adj /ˈləʊkəl/ vor Ort, örtlich locale quartier supermarket. long,ue / combien long 9 adj /lɒŋ/ lang lungo How long is the film? de temps... park 9 n [C] /pɑːk/ Park parc parco She took the children to play in the park. animal animale pet 9 n [C] /pet/ Haustier Do you have any pets? domestique domestico besuchen, visit 9 v [I, T] /ˈvɪzɪt/ visiter visitare We're hoping to visit Rome while we're in Italy. besichtigen ball 10 n [C] /bɔːl/ Ball balle palla She threw a tennis ball at me. basket 10 n [C] /ˈbɑːskɪt/ Korb panier cestino He threw the paper into the wire basket in the corner. le plus ventu, He's reading the latest best-selling novel by J K best-selling 10 adj /best selɪŋ/ meistverkauft best-seller best-seller Rowling. Our bodies need vitamins to stay healthy. | the body 10 n [C] /ˈbɒdi/ Körper corps corpo human body breakdancing 10 n [U] /ˈbreɪkˌdɑːnsɪŋ/ Breakdance smurf break dance He thinks breakdancing is good exercise. kaputt, a broken window | Their best player now has a broken broken 10 adj /ˈbrəʊkən/ cassé rotto gebrochen leg. button 10 n [C] /ˈbʌtn/ Schalter, Knopf bouton bottone Just press the 'on' button. at the beginning of the last century | The rocks were century 10 n [C] /ˈsentʃəri/ Jahrhundert siècle secolo formed many centuries ago. Champion, champion 10 n [C] /ˈtʃæmpiən/ champion campione My ambition is to be world champion. Meister control 10 n [U] /kənˈtrəʊl/ Kontrolle contrôle controllo Babies have very little control over their movements. Platz (Golf), pista, campo, course 10 n [C] /kɔːs/ Strecke, Bahn terrain, parcours an 18-hole golf course | a race course corso (Rennen) dancing 10 n [U] /ˈdɑːnsɪŋ/ Tanzen danse ballare We went dancing on New Year's Eve. disc 10 n [C] /dɪsk/ Plakette, Scheibe disque disco, targa A metal disc hung from the dog's collar. The downside of the job is you have to work at downside 10 n /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/ Nachteil désavantage svantaggio weekends. Pearson Schweiz AG 2013 3 Cutting Edge 3rd Edition Pre-intermediate Wordlist Part of Headword Page speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example We use the most modern scientific equipment. | She equipment 10 n [U] /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ Ausrüstung équipement equipaggiamento has all the latest kitchen equipment. expensive 10 adj /ɪkˈspensɪv/ teuer cher caro We can't afford this – it's too expensive. style libre, Freestyle football is an individual sport, not a team freestyle 10 n [U] /ˈfriːstaɪl/ Freestyle freestyle freestyle sport. fresh air 10 n [U] /freʃ eə/ frische Luft air frais aria fresca/aperta I felt better when I was outside in the fresh air. furniture 10 n [U] /ˈfɜːnɪtʃə/ Mobiliar meubles, mobilier mobilio All our furniture is old. console (de jeu games console 10 n [C] /ˈgeɪmz ˌkɒnsəʊl/ Spielekonsole console di gioco a games console vidéo) Spielen (um jeux d'argent (en gaming 10 n [U] /ˈgeɪmɪŋ/ gioco d'azzardo online gaming Geld) ligne) goal 10 n [C] /gəʊl/ Tor (Sport) but gol The Russians scored three goals in sixteen minutes. Please can the class get into groups of three. | a group 10 n [C] /gruːp/ Gruppe groupe gruppo group of islands off the coast Simon swung his bat and hit the ball as hard as he hit 10 v [T] /hɪt/ schlagen frapper battere could. hole 10 n [C] /həʊl/ Loch trou buco Cut a hole in the centre of the paper.
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