Orientation issue 1986-87 7 Page 2 Orientation Issue Aug. 2®- 1986 Willowbrook Park Apartm ents 1,2 or 3 BEDROOMS Just South of 50th on AMIeonvflle Road Separate Adult & Family Areas Carports and Cablevlston_______ Beautifully landscaped community Economical Qae Heat_________ Conveniently located near Spacious 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments interstates. Lafayette Square and IUPUI Conveniently located, minutes from downtown A Olendale_________ Washer and dryer hook-ups Hah in our private lake Large walk-in closets Pike Township Schools Courteous & professional maintenance service__________ Six different floor plans Cable TV Entertain In our BeautHul Clubhouse Ideal for Adults and Families 299-7924 From $320 253-1268 46th & High School Monday-Friday 10-7 10-7 Mon.-Fri., 10-6 Sat. Saturday 10-6 124 p.m. Sun. Sunday 12-6 ft Revel Companies. Inc. ft Revel Companies. Inc. Markelng & Management Marketng & Management Affordable Waterfront Living Some Apartments Available With Washer and Dryer Hookups Indoor and Outdoor Swimming Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Whirlpool, Sauna and © Fitness Trail Nautilus Facility Apartments and Townhouses Daycare Canter From $302 t 2 A 3 bedroom with complete health spa apartment* including saunas steam Many with washers and and sun rooms whirlpool dr yen included exercise equipment Home box office available Minutes from downtown. Pool and lighted tennis 1-65. laloyette Square and court Pike township Schools cx m Spectoculor clubhouse APARTMENTS & CAPE COD TENNIS CLUB Hours: 10-6 Daily 12 6 Sunday Taka 1-65 to Keystone Exit, South on Keystone to Hanna. East'/. Mile. 293-5041 Mon.-Fri. 10-7; Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6 6098 Georgetown Rood Indianapolis. Indiana 46254 786-9291 i t Revel Companies. Inc. ft Revel Companies, Inc. J i Markelng & Management 3 3 3 Market ng 4 Management B B a m g y Aug. 26. 1986 < Orientation Iaaua Pag* 3 Table Of Contents The Basics The Student Introduction Campus Access 5 Introduction 23 Campus Map 8 Disabled Student Services 24 Financial Aid 8 Foreign Students 26 FX grade poiicy 1 9 Health Services 24 Parking 10 Lady Metros softball 27 Registration 7 Metros and Lady Metros teams 26 Religious Organizations 9 Minority Student Services 24 Shuttle Service 11 Non-Academic Course Counseling 24 T Student Affairs Office 24 Student Assembly 26 Student Organizations 28 The University The City Introduction Campus construction 13 Introduction 31 Herron Gallery 16 Downtown Parking, Buses and Banks 34 IU Board of Trustees 19 Downtown Restaurants 33 IU Police Department 16 Jazz on the ’Avenue’ 38 IUPUI Moving Co. Dancers 18 38th Street Restaurants 34 Libraries 19 New York Street Singers 20 The Sagamore 19 Advertisers University Theatre 17 Vice President Bepko 19 14 Index 37 Interested in advertising with the Sagamore? CPA DtvWon II 1986 NEWSPAPER O f THI YiAfl SAGAMORE Got noticed * place a display ad: EtftorlnCN* Rick Callahan 96.90 par column inch-1 toll Olattbuton Manager Malt Hating Photography EdNor Tam anal— aw 16.69 par column lnch-9-7 Inaartiona Production Manager Tart Sehaaftar Puhkaher DemMeCrtpe •6.99 par column inch-6-16 InaarUona phono 274-3456 Tha S ttfm m o rt » an auxiliary anlar- Tha prim of IUPUI, publUhad weakly dur- forum for tha uniwnMy community can b* withhatd or In* tha regular achool and biwaakly Reader. are Invited to •uhmit lattan of tagaJ raaaona. anonymoua latter* will during tha uinunar. Tha Sagamore la any iangth and on any topic, although not ba printed place a classified: not an official publication of tha prafarenca wtB ba givan to thoaa tarn Lattan may ba adttad for clarity and uni vanity, and doat not naceaaarily than 300 word* which are related to brevity, and tha adlior will refect let IU P U I mteraat to tha IUPUI com- ten 10 caul houn. Staff member* are paid through and relation to lha univvntty Tha tat- doubt* apacad. 16 caota par word par iaaua advarilatng revenue, lha tola aourca of tan mual alio ba dated and rigned by The Sag funding tupporiing tha operation of tha writer for verification purpoae* (minimum of 10 worda) Come to CA. Hall, Rm. 001H 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Page 4 Orientation Issue Aug. 26, 1986'* P Modem Food Systems, Inc. Welcome Back IUPUI Faculty, Staff Students, Thanks for your support tast year! Student Union Cafeteria 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday thru Friday Library Cafeteria Minuteman deli S.U.B. Dental School Library Deli 7 a.m .— 1:30 p.m. Morvfrl 10 a.m .->7 p.m. Mon— Thr Closed Friday T H E C A T H O L IC STUDENT CENTER A T IU P U I Located at the we$t£fn edge of campus at 1309 W. Michigan 632-4378 The presence of the Catholic Church on campus where faith is shared and developed friendsships are nourished feelings are expressed serving others is encouraged HOOglER ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: TRAVEL Mass each Sunday at 5:30 Mass on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. SERVICE Midweek Menu on Tuesday, 5:15-6:00 p.m. A lu ll \ n t r .ivH v Various service projects 4< H . Nut i 11 1.4IIM ill; S I |«*r l Ih him l (hr H-'ii.iM M» I)« h i . i l d Retreat in Brown * !5..iisi Mnu<l.<\ H im frnl.is September 2&28 li .i in i« • f> p in Exporing 274-2863 THE RQAD LESS TRAVELLED: the Wednesdays of October ASTA Come by and check us out. Aug. 26, 1986 v Orientation Issue Page 5 A 1 ' • The Basics— a matter of survival The first tests of college come long before those empty spaces first is the question. •The Dental School cafeteria is open from 7 midterms. They start with registration, inten­ The third mqjor trial the textbook-laden stu­ a.m. to 1,30 p.m. sify when fees are due and finally peak in the dent may encounter is how to locate any class­ T^e Natatorium cafeteria serves from 9 a.m. lines at the bookstore during the first week of room outside of their usual location, whether it to 2 p.m. classes. be the Dental School, Cavanaugh Hall or the With more that 60 percent of IU P U I students But good study habits and a little prepara­ Nursing Building. A campus map in the back­ receiving some form of financial aid, the test is tion will takexstudents through the trials and pack is a m ust of where to find it and how to get it There is tribulations found inside and outside the class­ After all this youTl probably need some food. money available, w ell tell you where. room and everything inbetween. The following If you're looking for sdmeplace to eat on cam­ I f a student encounters trials of a moral sort, pages offer a crib sheet . well, primer, for pus, Modem Food Systems, Incrapggests the help is available right here on campus from the some of these obstacles. following: Metropolitan Indianapolis Campus Ministry, Getting here is half the fun, or in the subject •The IU Hospital cafeteria, located in the Catholic Student Center, Indianapolis of bridge repair the City of Indianapolis University Hospital, across the street from Lutheran Campus Ministiy and several other Cavanaugh Hall, offers students good food at receives a D-. Before tossing your books in the groups. back of the Pinto, a little personal preplanning reasonable prices. I f a student’s basic skills are being tested, is in order. Really. Don’t leave home without •The Student Union Building cafeteria opens tutoring help is available from both the Writing it-that if, a few extra minutes to dodge road for breakfast at 6:30 ajn^and serves until 10 Center and the Mathematics Department repairs. a.m., then reopens for lunch at 10:30. Lunch is Check in before your exams, though. The next test-at least of patience and served until/2 p.m. Okay, Dear Reader, you have passed the endurance-the incoming student will need to •The Student Union Building Minuteman tests and survived the trials. With spinning survive is locating a parking lot within site of Deli is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. head and aching feet you approach that pre­ their classroom. Fortunately some of the spaces •The University Libraiy Hide-a-Way cafe is cious *E* space-only to see the car’s keys locked nearest the Lecture Hall have been reassigned open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., and food is available in on the front seat Fear not, IU PD gets an A+ from the libraiy deli from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. ^ to student use this fall. But who will get to for helpfulness with their lockout service. Page 6 Orientation Issue Aug. 26, 1986 Purdue University at lnd»anapohs E n r i T i i E J Academic Buildings Athletics Buildings University Service Neighboring 38lh Si Administration Building t> IF National Center lor F.lness l Sport a F6 Buildings________ Institutions Business SPEA Buddmg A 06 PE Physical Education Natatonum A ES Cavanaugh Hal A $ (AFN8) OS TP Track and Field Stadium A ES AO Administration Building A 03 18 State Board ol Health A C: TN Indianapolis Sports Canter A F7 BO Bowers Buddmg A OS Kl Krannert Institute ol 1357E 36th St Cardiology A A. 4 BN Ball Residence 1 C3 Coleman Hall A C LC LaRue Cartel Hospital A B; BX Counsaling Center A 07 Community Services Buddmg 138th SI) Medical Buildings NO Regenstnet Health Center A $(INB) B- HO IUPUI Hotel A CB Education SooalWork VA Veterans Hospital A B Budding l E6 CO Cottages A C4 IP IUPUI Conle»ence Center A CS WO Wiahard Memorial Hospital A K |njmee<ing * technology Qe CL Ckncal Buddmg a, C4 MO Ronald McOonald House a D3 OS Dentistry Buddmg A 04 MW Graduate Townhouse Visitor Parklag Herron Fester Buddmg 03 - EM Emerson Had A C4 Apartments A Metered parking, attended lots and parking Herron Mam Budding FH Feeler Halt C4 PP Poet Office C4 garages are available for visitors near every t60SlM>O«St (Herron) IB Meikcai Research 6 LOrary Buddmg CS PK Parking Oarage—Wilson St A B4 hospital, dink and academic building For assistance contact the nearest university ISfSIUbotSt (Herron) U> Long Hospital A C4 PL Physical Plant otfke or a university polke officer Student 161BTUbotSt (Herron) MF Metfccal Research Facddy A CS and stall parking Is restricted to permit Krannert Science Buddmg (38th S t) MS Methcal Science Buddmg a B4 PX Purchasing Stores Building Lecture Hal 5 OS ON Oral Health Research Institute a 03 UN Union Budding A S (Merchants) law School A • E7 PH Psychiatric Research Buddmg B3 When directed for events, use lot numbers.
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