Page I) TI1E itEcottr, ROUNDUP Friday, April 18, 1919. News of Montana "ASPIRIN" WAS Brief Notes Concerning the Treasure State fix8fer aer6 i\PS (?Z) • TALCUM POWDER' The Silver Bow county law referee- merit league, composed of liutte Pro- testant teleisters, has wired a protest Heavy Sentence Imposed on Secretary of the Treasury Glass Manufacturer of Tablets. tgainst what they term the intended on iesecration of the Sebald!' by holding (ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCH, the loan Victory flying circus exhibi- NEW YO(1K, Decembet 31.—Ac- i t tions in Butte Sunday, April 27. cused of having manufactured and o sal) to influenza sufferers thousands Discovery by the county attorney of boxes of aspirin tablets, princi- , ',Zee that the "burglar proof" .fe in the PallY composed of talcum powder, 4 courthouse at Butte had been looted of over the ,Joseph M. Turkey, head of the I large quantity of whiskey held as world. !Verandah Chemical corupany, of world. though not by all the state's evidence In bootlegging eases About can-third of the people of 111(00klyn, was found guilty yester- led to the offering of a rewurd of $100 will bserve the civilized world /- by County Attorney .1. It. Jackson for day of violation of the sanitary code! the day ns 0 commetneration of 4 the arrest and conviction of the rob- • and tenten,ed to three years In Pri,1- 1' the resurreetien of Jesus of Naza- aers. , on welt a One of $500. The sentence reth—which is to say that about , ' was the moat oevere ever imposed O 0 I one-third of the eivil*ed world Is Is the country for wick an offense. Constructed of logs no the outside, Christie». Roughly speaking, there (ft- finished with native Montana woods are about 565,000,000 Christians In time inside, rustice in appearance, at- gent. and about 1,082.000,000 non-Christians. The I kreafter say, "Give me tractive, homelike and convenient— Christieaa are thus classified: Roman Catholics, that Is the general plan for the for- 272,860.000; Eastern churches, 120,000,000; Prot- A uine `Bayer Tablets of Aspirin.'" 2stry building that is to be built at estant churches, 171,650,000. The non-Christians the State fair grounds this yettr. Ten are thus classified: Jews, 12,205.0001 Mailman. thousand dollars for the building sins !AYER Insist you want only the Bayer dans, 221,825,000; Buddhists, 183,031,000; Hindus, appropriated by the recent legislature, 210,540,000; Confucinnists and Taoists, 300.830,000; which will be available when the Shintoists, 25,000.000; Animists, 158,270,000; un- packaze with the "Bayer Cross" lumber industries of the state halve classified. 15,280.000. ER, either contributed $5,000 additional or The Christians toy be geogrnithically classified on the package and on have furnished materials of construe- the tablets. thus: Sims worth $5,000. Europe—Ronuin catholic, 183.760,000; Eastern Don't buy Aspirin in a pill box! Get Bayer package! churches, 98,000,000; Protestant church., 03,000,. O 0 000. Because they had been In the Unit- Asia—Rennin Catholic, 5,500.1)00; Eastern ed States all the way from five to churches, 17,200,000; Protestant churches, 6,000,- e• fifteen years without even taking out 000. their first papers in the process of Bayerablets Africa—Roman Catholic, 2,500,000; Eastern naturalization, six Austrians who came churches, 3,800,000; Protestant churches, 2.750.000. to Kalispell with other laborers from North America—Roman Catholic, 36,700,000; Butte and Great Falls for jobs in the woods, were Eastern churches, 1,000,000; Protestant churches, year for the reason that It commemorates the res- refused etnployment by time Lutnber Mauufacturers' associa- of Aspirin 65.000.000. urreetion of Jesus. In the words of Patti, "If South America—Roman Catholic, 36,200,000; Christ be not risen, then Is our preaching vain and tion. The Protestant churches your faith is also vain." "But," he says, "now Is O 0 genuine American owned "Bayer Tablets of 400,000. Christ risen from the dead and become the first Announcement has been made at Aspirin" have :Been proved safe by millions for Pain Oceanica —Roman 4S,), fruits of them that sleep." Which is to say that Missoula that the Northern Pacific Catholic, 8,200,000: the Christian religion stands on the resurrection of will resume work this season at its Headache, Neuralgia, Toothache Earache Rheumatism Protestant churches, 4,- • Jesus. tie-treating plant near Paradise, which Lumbago, Colds Grippe, Influenzal Colds, Joint Pains 600,000. 77411r Pagan Rites Survive. Itaa been closed since May of last Neuritis. Proper dosage on every "Bayer" package. The Jews are thus But the Easter season is observed by millions year. The plant is one of two on n•ho distributed: Europe, 9,- are not even notuinally Christians. They do the line of the company. Oases of 12 tablets—Bottles of 24—Bottles of 100—Also Capsules. 250,000; Asia, 500.000; not celebrate'the resurrection of Christ, but rather O 0 ALnirin is the trade :nark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaoeticacidester of Saticylicaefd Africa, 400,000; North the end of winter, the approach of spring, the be- ,I Both Christian and The passenger rates on the Flathead America, 2,000,000; • the Greek ginning of life in nature after the long sleep of churches hold lake steamers will be slightly higher YANKEE JOKER "MADE GOOD" BRAVE AS THEIR BROTHERS Routh America, 35,000; Latin Christian winter. CelearatIons 'of this kind antedate re- One of this year than In 1918, according to a Oceanica, 25,000. die elaborate celebrations. corded history. When Christianity done Into the the ceremonies is recent ruling of the state railway and But for Reasons of His Own He Didn't "Little Things" Couldn't Daunt Amer. Another geographical ' most striking world the Christian church adopted and modified celebrated the Greek churchl public utilities commission. Naviga- Stop to See the Effect He can Girls in Their Work of classification Is this: by such of these pagan rites of ceiebratkm as it could in the Church of the Holy Sepul- tion has opened on the lake for the Made on Polies. Mercy In France. Europe — Christiags, not abolish. This accounts for the many queer cher and is locally called "Stir- season. :174,760,000; other rites of the Christian observance of Easter ip acle of the Holy Fire." The en- O 0 One of the "double," units numbers One of the girls began to laugh. faiths, 14,050,000; total, various parts of the world. They are pagan rites thusiasm Is so great that at While repairing an automobile tire In its ranks a practical joker who gen- "Little things is right I" she exclaimed. 888,810,000. that had their origin in the remotest past, and several celebrations hundreds of in a Havre garage, G. A. Albertson etrolly a buire-eye because l.e "Cooties, and rats and mice! You have been modified by time and custom and a scores Asia—Christlans, 28,- worshipers have been crushed to was injured quite seriously in a pe- never "pulls" the same thing twice. know," she turned to me, "our billets 700,000; other changed meaning. faitlis, death. culiar manner. The tire which he was Despite his long sojourn In France lie are tumidly pretty old places, and they 1)63,500,000; total, Thus the parade of fashion to Easter morning 892,- The essential features of the at work on had been overfilled with Still Sacceeds Iti putting something were full of—about everything. I re- 200,000. church services in the large American cities had eeremony are the reception anti air, and it suddenly burst, throwing over on the pollus at regular intervals. member one night I waS sleeping with Africa — its origin ages ago in the superstition that failure Christians, dissemination of the "holy fire." one of time tools into Albertson's face, For some months he had spread the one of the girls and she said to me, 9.050,000; other to wear at least one new piece of clothing would faiths, The fire Is kindled In the holy knocking out two teeth aud cutting a report ilea inhabitants of certain por- ell of a sudden: 'Is that your foot 149,871,000; total, bring bad luck during the year. The use of the 153,- sepulcher, and passed out bad gash in his lip. tions of America's western plains 1nel that I feel?' I jumped. 'I was just 921,000. egg as a symbol of new life is far older than Chris- through no opening made for horns. going to ask you the same thing.' I an- North [lenity. The Easter rabbit is a survival of an old, O 0 America—Christians, 102,700,000; other the purpose In the side of the holy tomb. It is "Anti the first unit of horned sped- swered. 'We'd better get out the fleet, faiths, old superstition. The use of flowers as an expres- Bozeman will be numbered among 10,285.000; total, 112.933,000. then made use of to light candies with which every amens that come over. I will show light!' And when we did we found South sion of rejoicing Is probably almost as old as man the 100 odd cities in the United States America—Christians, 36,600,000; other worshiper is equipped. The intention is to sym- them to you," he promised. When that there was n big rat in bed with faiths, himself.
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