Unconfirmed Minutes – subject to approval / amendment at the next meeting of the Committee Joint Downland Area Committee 6th October 2008 – At a meeting of the Committee held at 7.00 p.m. at The White Swan Hotel, Arundel. Present: West Sussex County Council (WSCC): Councillor David Britton, Councillor Christina Freeman, Councillor Deborah Urquhart and Councillor Derek Whittington. Arun District Council (ADC): Councillor Don Ayling, Councillor Paul Bicknell and Councillor Norman Dingemans (Chairman). Town/Parish Council representatives: Councillor Mick Kennedy (Aldingbourne Parish Council), Councillor Michael Godfrey (Arundel Town Council), Councillor Mike Young (Barnham Parish Council), Councillor Philip White (Burpham Village Committee), Councillor Barbara Edge (Clymping Parish Council), Councillor Mick Hutton (Eastergate Parish Council), Councillor Len Prior (Findon Parish Council) (Vice-Chairman), Councillor Ronald Field (Ford Parish Council), Councillor Peter Looker (Houghton Parish Meeting), Councillor Jeremy Fox (Patching Parish Council), Councillor Barbara Brimblecombe (Slindon Parish Council), Councillor Peter Bryan (Walberton Parish Council) and Councillor Richard Taft (Yapton Parish Council). In attendance: West Sussex County Council (WSCC): Jeremy Beard (Fire & Rescue Service), Martin Downy (Highways and Transport), David Lambert (Highways and Transport), Phil Edwards (Democratic Services) and Matt Hall (Democratic Services) Arun District Council (ADC): Richard Bartram (Community Safety Officer), Colin Rogers (Services Director) and Daniel Vick (Team Leader – Compliance). Sussex Police: Sergeant Carolyn Kendall Chairman’s Welcome 55. The Chairman welcomed the Committee and members of the public to the meeting. Apologies for Absence 56. Apologies had been received from Councillor Mike Barnett (Arun District Council), Barbara Brindlecombe (Slindon Parish Council), and Councillor Stephen Haymes (Arun District Council). Declarations of Interest 57. In accordance with the Code of Conduct Councillor Norman Dingemans declared a personal interest as his wife was nominated for re-appointment as LA Governor at Barnham Primary School (Agenda Item No. 13). Urgent Matters 58. Councillor Christina Freeman raised the proposed merger of the Royal West Sussex Trust and the Worthing and Southlands NHS Trust. It was felt that the proposal was potentially good news for the residents of West Sussex. Unconfirmed Minutes – subject to approval / amendment at the next meeting of the Committee Minutes 59. Resolved – that the minutes of the Joint Downland Area Committee on 23rd June 2008 be confirmed as a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising 60. The Committee had before it a matters arising table (copy appended to confirmed minutes) that was to update members on progress since the last meeting. In reference to Item 11, it was noted that Arun District Council Licensing and Enforcement Committee had received the Joint Downland Area Committee’s response to its letter on parking bays outside of Barnham Station after it had made its decision. The Licensing and Enforcement Committee had decided on the provision of seven long-term spaces. 61. Resolved – That the Chairman writes to the Arun District Council Licensing and Enforcement Committee to request that the Barnham Station parking bay decisions is reconsidered in the light of the Joint Downland Area Committee’s response. Progress Statement Compass Bus Route No. 85 62. Councillor Derek Whittington had met with Mr Chatfield from Compass Bus about the provision of a lay-by for the No. 85 bus route at the Jarvis Road junction at Arundel. Mr Chatfield had indicated that he would be happy to attend a future meeting to discuss Compass Bus’ intentions for the route. HGV Movements 63. It was noted that the traffic survey report regarding HGV movements in the Ford area may not be ready in time to be considered at the January Joint Downland Area Committee meeting. Roadside Vehicle Sales 64. The arrangement of an inter-agency approach to roadside vehicle sales was being worked on by West Sussex County Council officers. Shellbridge Road 65. It was noted that assessments had been carried out on both the A29 and Shellbridge Road and that neither had met the criteria. Members felt that the conditions on Shellbridge Road met those in the criteria for 40 mph limit areas and asked that the road be looked at once more. Junction B2139 / South Lane, Houghton 66. The Committee welcomed the news that the measure proposed for the junction with South Lane was third in priority in the Traffic Regulation Order list Unconfirmed Minutes – subject to approval / amendment at the next meeting of the Committee for the JDAC area. It was noted that, if the priority order was approved by the Committee, the works could take place before the end of the current financial year. Talk with us – public question time 67. Members of the public reminded the Committee of the Ford Enterprise Hub presentation it had received in October 2004. It was commented that that presentation had been given was being used as evidence of local consultation, most notably in a letter of 30 June to the Housing Minister. It was commented that the science park, railway station and strategic link road all appeared to have been abandoned. It was suggested that the presentation in 2004 reflected a different situation to the current position and that the Joint Downland Committee should not accept it as public consultation. 68. Members of the public reminded the Committee that it had resolved not to debate the Ford Eco-Town issue again until a decision had been made. It was commented that a second consultation was likely to be forthcoming and the Joint Downland Committee should reconsider that decision. 69. The Committee felt that the presentation in 2004 in no way represented a public consultation. The Committee also agreed that, if there was a second consultation on plans for a Ford Eco-Town, the matter should be discussed at the next meeting. 70. Members of the public raised the issue of A-board advertisements. It was suggested that A-boards were important for local businesses and that the decision to award licences should be delegated to Parish Councils. Mr Delara asked whether the standard pavement width for newly built footways had been changed. Derek Whittington agreed to find out and provide a response by email.The Chairman suggested that the matter was discussed under item 10 (ii) on the agenda. 71. Members of the public were concerned about HGVs using Ford Road. It was noted that agreements had been reached which restricted the weight of vehicles using Ford Road and the route that HGVs took. 72. Resolved: That - (i) Ford Eco-Town proposals will be discussed at the Joint Downland Area Committee on 12 January 2009. (ii) County Councillor Derek Whittington will provide a response to Mr Delara regarding standard pavement width for newly built footways by email. Community Police Issues 73. Sergeant Carolyn Kendall of the Arundel Neighbourhood Team provided an update to the Committee on a number of community policing issues, which included those set out below: • Over the last six months there had been 129 fewer recorded crimes than during the equivalent period last year. Unconfirmed Minutes – subject to approval / amendment at the next meeting of the Committee • Problems with quad bikes on Hoe Lane, Flansham had been investigated and were felt to arise on the site cleared for development, which had since been delayed. The developer had been informed about the problems and had erected a fence around the site. 74. The Committee asked whether there had been progress towards dealing with parties on Clymping beach. It was noted that there were plans to improve the information about public rights of way and the areas designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest. It was hoped those measures would be in place by Easter 2009. It was agreed that progress would be reported at the January meeting of the Joint Downland Area Committee. 75. Resolved – that an update report on progress towards improving awareness of public access to Clymping beach is brought to the Joint Downland Area Committee meeting on 12 January 2009. West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Fire Break Scheme 76. The Committee received a presentation from Jeremy Beard, Youth Project Coordinator, West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, copy appended to the signed minutes. The Fire Break scheme took referrals for young people at risk of making contact with the Criminal Justice system for a wide range of reasons. Members were invited to comment and ask questions and in the discussion that followed a number of points were raised, which included those set out below: • Members asked whether how many placements there were. It was noted that 288 placements were made across the year, with six courses run simultaneously, each with 16 young people. These courses were run three times a year. • Members asked whether any young people had gone on to join the Fire and Rescue Service. It was noted that a number of young people had expressed an interest in joining the Fire Cadets programme. However, the intention of the Fire Break scheme was not to recruit Fire Fighters, but to engage at risk young people in positive activities and empower them to make positive life-decisions. • Members asked whether funding to continue the scheme had been secured. It was noted that the evaluation of the project had been aimed at demonstrating the value of the scheme and driving down the costs, with the intention of incorporating it into the core business of the Fire and Rescue Service. Matters to be raised by members of the Committee 77. County Councillor Christina Freeman raised the issue of the need for a crossing in Yapton between the school and the entrance of the Croft. It was felt that cars travelled with excessive speed well above the 30 mph limit and making the crossing was dangerous. 78. Resolved – that the Area Highways Manager assesses the road against the criteria for crossings.
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