rim OCTOBER, 1925 25 CENTS www.americanradiohistory.com -1. CUNNINGHAM r)ETECTORTUBE TYPE G -300 PATENTED TYPE In the C- 301 -A'.- ORANGE and AMPLIFIEF BLUE CARTON FIL. VOLTS FIL AMP... Price PUTE Y. ' _ 20.12 $ 2.50 Each CT CUNNINGHAM DETECTORAMMPIEK Types C-301A, C-299, C-300. C-11. C-12 tNc. TYPE L 301 A SAN t NANCISCO,CAï I >AT" Your Radio Set Can Be No BetterThan Its Tubes YOU may build an aerial that will overtop the Eiffel Tower, you may construct a set of materials that are worth their weight in gold, but -if you put a single inferior tube in any socket of your receiver -you will never know what it means to hear clear, pure, resonant tone. RADIO / TUBES -dedicated to the task of intensifying the world's radio enjoyment -will//r bring a magic symphony of radio delight into your home. Home Office: 182 Second Street, San Francisco Chicago New York Patent .Notice: Cunningham rubes are rarered by patents dated 2- 18 -12, 12- 30.13, 10- 23 -17, 10 -23 -1; and other, and pending. www.americanradiohistory.com Jfle&tercinor i5f° r CABINET SPEAKER A matchless rei roducer harmonizing with the most refined surroundings. Mahogany sides and with top, of rich piano finish, it rivals in rare beauty the highest priced. Cabinet models. In tone qual- adjustable ity and volume it has no equal regardless of price. Wherever there are ears that hear there is a Toquer Quality Product to Fit yotr Taste and Pocketbook. SOLD BY GOOD :iEALERS FROM COAST TO COAST TOwEI2 PIFG. CORPORATION 98 I3ROOKLINIE AVE. BOSTON. MASS. owrie ,,,1 Sptlfirn 9 'f95 fltono3ivp. i Atrachmen ;ü:-_. WORLD'S GREATEST LOUDSPEAKER VALUES TcII thcul that y...0 saw it in RAM(' www.americanradiohistory.com Forecast of Contributions for November Issue Lieutenant Jennings B. Dow of the U. S. RADIO Navy, author of the "C. W. Manual," starts Established 1917 the first of a new series of articles on vacuum Published Monthly by the Pacific Radio Publishing Co. tube transmitters with an account of the vacuum its circuits. ARTHUR H. HALLORAN, tube and Editor GERALD M. BEST, H. W. DICKOW, H. de A. Donisthorpe gives some advance in- Technical Editor Advertising Manager formation on the radio beam as a revolution Branch Offices: Correct Addresses: in methods of radio communication. New York City -17 W. 42nd St. Instructions for change of ad- Chicago -157 E. Ontario St. dress should be sent to the Boston -52 Irving St. publisher two weeks before Kansas City, Mo. -1102 Repub- the date they are to go into Roy C. Hunter discusses short wave reflectors lic Bldg. effect. Both old and new ad- Rates: dresses mustalways be given. for amateur use. Issued Monthly, 25c a copy. Advertising: Subscription price $2.50 per year Advertising Forms Close on the in the U. S., $3.00 per year First of the Month Preceding elsewhere. Date of Issue. A. Binneweg, Jr., 6BX, has devised an ex- cellent antenna for transmitting on 80 meters Member -Radio Magazine Publishers Association is in detail. Entered as second -class matter at Post Office at San Francisco, Calif. and less, which described Copyright 1925, by the Pacific Radio Publishing Co. Address all communications to Formal announcement of the new calibration Pacific Radio Publishing Company laboratory established by RADIO for service to readers will be made by an article describ- Pacific Building, San Francisco, California ing the equipment used. VOLUME VII OCTOBER, 1925 NUMBER 10 A. J. Haynes tells how to make a good tuned radio frequency unit that may be used ahead of any standard receiving set to give a real gain in selectivity, distance and volume. CONTENTS Ernest W. Pfaff describes the construction PACE of an ideal audio frequency amplifier employ- RADIOTORIAL COMMENT 9 ing impedance coupling. PIERCING NEPTUNE'S SHROUD 10 By Volney G. Mathison An interesting character sketch of Marius La- THE L -C CIRCUIT 14 tour, the French radio inventor, has been drawn By G. M. Best by O. C. Roos. It throws some helpful side- HOW TO REDUCE INTERFERENCE 17 lights on the radio patent situation. By L. W. Harry LIMITATIONS OF HORN TYPE LOUDSPEAKERS 18 By Dr. John P. Minton James W. Harte in "After the License - What?" gives many valuable hints to the aspir- HOW ANTENNA CHARACTERISTICS AFFECT ant to the position of commercial operator on RECEPTION 20 ship or shore. By Kirk B. Morcross ELIMINATION OF OSCILLATIONS IN R. F. AMPLIFIERS 22 By Dr. Maurice Buchbinder J. E. Anderson gives some useful calculations THE GIRL WITH THE MADONNA VOICE 23 of the comparative efficiencies of various styles By H. Penrose Bridge, Jr. of coils, his conclusions being based upon the ratio of inductance to length. HOW RADIO CIRCUITS WORK 24 By G. F. Lampkin A UNIVERSAL METER FOR THE HOME LABORATORY 26 By M. K. Lock Henry W. Hall has a simple and unique idea for mitigating static effects. A DETECTING, OSCILLATING AND MODULATING RADIOCAST WAVEMETER 29 By E. E. Griffin PLATE AND GRID MODULATION SYSTEMS 31 R. Lewis Rockett's story on constructing an By L. D. Grignon and F. C. Jones improved loop receiver, originally scheduled for publication in October, will definitely ap- A QUARTZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR 33 pear in the November issue. By D. B. McGown A SIMPLE MAST WITH LOW CENTER OF GRAVITY 34 By Carlos S. Mundt Harry A. Nickerson presents some good ideas HOW TO WIND A TOROIDAL COIL 35 about changing various types of receivers so By Geo. B. Hostetter as to receive the very short wavelength sta- QUERIES AND REPLIES 36 tions. FOR THE RADIO NOTEBOOK 37 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 39 The fiction feature is a weird and entertain- WITH THE AMATEUR OPERATORS 41 ing story, "The Beat Note," by H. A. High - FROM THE RADIO MANUFACTURERS 42 stone. 2 RADIO FOR OCTOBER, 1925 1 www.americanradiohistory.com OMY No ONE size or type of battery can be EVEREADY HOUR EVERY TUESDAY AT 9 P. M. economical on every type of receiving Eastern Standard Time For real radio enjoyment, tint n the set. That's why Eveready Radio Bat- "Eveready Group." Broadcast tarough stations- teries are made in different sizes and W EA F New York WSAI Ciciinti W1 A R Providence W WJ Dar* t types so that every radio user can W EEI Boston ( Minn. apolis W CCO W F I Philadelphia st. Paul. Wort Buffalo WO C Daverput enjoy the economy that is to be had by W CA E Pittsburgh W GTS Women vr fitting exactly the right Eveready Bat- tery to his receiver. For owners of sets with five, six, eight or more tubes, and power amplifiers, there is the extra- large, powerful and unusually long-last- ing Eveready "B" Battery No. 770. There is an Eveready dealer nearby. Manufactured and guaranteed by NATIONAL CARBON COMPANY, INC. New York San Francisco Canadian Natbnal Carbon Co., Limited, Toronto, Ontario EVEREADY EV-tbgtf Radio Batteries C()1,11 MBIA -they last longer IGNITOR 'DRY CELL FOR RADIO, IGNITIU" GENERÁL'tIRLPOSES Eveready Columbia Ignitor "A" Battery, the Sloven cell forry all radio dry cell tubes Ws volts No. 770 45-volt Extra- Large Vertical Price $4.75 Tell them that you saw it in RADIO 3 www.americanradiohistory.com Music Waster 'Resonant Il "ood Insures atnral `lone fZüality Model VI,$ 11" ;Food Bell 30 .Model VI1,$2 21" Wood Bell 35 adio,too,h now ,Standardized 6 IONEER owners of automobiles had to try J out larger magnetos, different carburetors, more accurate timers and what not else, to get some degree of motoring satisfaction! Pioneer owners of radio receiving sets likewise experimented with different tubes, more powerful batteries, condensers and all sorts of "loud speakers," trying to balance the power of the set with the quality of the amplifier. And they found that, no mat- ter how good their set might be, Music Master Reproducer made any good set better. Music Master Receivers provide efficiency of radio reception TYPE 60 equal to the quality of Music MASTER reproduction. Music Five Tubes. Two stages of radio frequency, detector MASTER makes no claim to have developed new and sensational and two stages audio frequency. Selective, good volume and distance. Brown mahogany art $O radio "hook ups." Standardization is the accepted principle of finish cabinet. Price New Era Radio, and Music Master Receivers embody the demonstrated principles of radio research and electrical science. An authorized Music MASTER dealer will demonstrate -in your home if you wish -Music MASTER'S power of distance, clarity and volume, ease of operation -and above all, its faithful re- production and superb musical tone quality. See MUSIC MASTER- hear -com- pare -before you buy ANY radio set. Slltusic Master Corporation Makers and Distributors of High -Grade Radio Apparatus 128.130 N. Tenth Street NEW YORK CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH MONTREAL Canadian factory: Kitchener, Ontario TYPE 175 Sia Tubes. Special Music Master Circuit. TYPE 100 Very selective, long distance and splendid Five Tubes. New Music Master tone quality. Built -in Music Master Re- Circuit, involving special adapta- producer. Solid mahogany cabinet in tion to radio frequency. Very brown mahogany art satin finish $ selective, good volume and dis- Price 175J tance. Solid mahogany cabinet in brown mahogany art satin finish. Price . $IOO Ten Models -$50 to ,U60 Guaranteed Unconditionally (Canadian /'ricer Slightly Nigher) US4 er RADIO PRODUCTS 4 Tell them that you saw it in RADIO www.americanradiohistory.com Mr/P 010..^.", The Rectigon re- charges BOTH "A" and "B" bat- teries easily and quickly. There's no muss or fuss; no acids or chemicals to bother with - No moving parts, and no noise.
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