IS CULTURE A MASTER OR A MAID? 4 WHO wiLL ORDER THE MUSIC 14 INVESTMENT. POSSIBILITIES WHICH ARE OUTSIDE MOSCOW 21 PROFITABLE NOSTALGIA 25 FROWNING BUSINESS 31 Openjune 2012 RegionUlyanovsk economic magazine Open Region 3 CULTURE ENTERPRISES. ULYANOVSK REgiON Editor column MINISTRY OF ART AND CULTURAL POLICY OF ТЕАТР-СТУДИЯ «ПОДИУМ» SIMBIRSK PHOTO MUSEUM THE ULYANOVSK REGION 31a, Dimitrov avenue, Dimitrovgrad 1 б, Engels street FROM TIME TO TIME A MAN 10, SpasskaYA stReet, ULYanovsk, 432700 Art director Kazandzhan Vladimir Stepanovich Manager Soldatenkova Ekaterina Evgenyevna Contents Minister Murdasova Tatiana Gennadyevna Phone: (84235) 6–77–17 Phone: (8422) 42–03–31 MUST PULL HIMSELF BY THE Reception: phone: (8422) 44–30–05; fax: (8422) 44–26–80 ULYANOVSK CULTURE SCHOOL MUSEUM OF SIMBIRSK CHUVASH SCHOOL. From the first person HAIR UT OF A MARSH 4, Nazaryev stret, Ulyanovsk, 432071 YaKOVLEV`S FLAT ULYANOVSK REGION SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY Director Arinina Natalia Pavlovna, phone: 32–75–80 12, VORobYev stReet, ULYanovsk FOUNDATION WITHOUT FUNDS SERGEY TITOV NamED AFTER LENIN Deputy director Panko Xenya Alexandrovna, Manager Litvinova Nina Vladimirovna Ulyanovsk region Governor Sergey Morozov ntontsev 3, Karamzina lane, Ulyanovsk, 432063 phone: 32–11–06 Phone: (8422) 32–85–21 A Director Nagatkina Svetlana Valentinovna Phone: (8422) 32–75–80, fax: (8422) 32–74–97 about culture as a factor in overall development You are holding the fourth edition of the ennady Phone: (8422) 44–30–99, fax: (8422) 44–03–41 MUSEUM OF SIMBIRSK METEOROLOGY of the country .............................................................. p.4 G business magazine Open region, pub- DIMITROVGRAD MUSIC SCHOOL STATION. PLANETARIUM lished in the Ulyanovsk region. And the ULYANOVSK REGION LIBRARY FOR CHILDREN 39a, Dimitrov avenue, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk 67, Leo Tolstoy street, Ulyanovsk AND YOUTH NamED AFTER AKSAKOV region,433512 Growth point first of them which is dedicated to culture. It was always believed that Manager Mihailova Irina Mihailovna economy is in the first place, and the first task is to feed people, and 48, Minayeva street, Ulyanovsk, 432063 Director Kulikov Anatoly Vladimirovich Phone: (8422) 41–71–11 CLASSICAL RISE Director Kichina Tatiana Evgenyevna Phone: (84235) 3–40–76, fax: (84235) 3–59–54 only after that one can proceed to higher matters. Thus culture was How Ivan Goncharov has helped Ulyanovsk .............. р.8 Phone: (8422) 41–82–54, fax: (8422) 41–81–93 MANOR MUSEUM OF CITY LIFE OF SIMBIRSK always in the lowest lines of the budgets, being financed according to REGIONAL CHILDREN`S ART SCHOOL AT THE END OF 19TH — BEGINNING OF 20TH 51, Lenin street, Ulyanovsk, 432063 the residual principle. ULYANOVSK REGION SPECIAL LIBRARY FOR THE CENTURIES Impetus BLIND Director Gavrilova Yulia Yurievna And it suddenly became apparent that modern economy which is 90, Lenin street, Ulyanovsk 11, Verhnepolevaya street, Ulyanovsk, 432700 Phone: 8 (8422) 41–85–56, 32–58–98, CAPITAL PROCESS the economy of knowledge cannot develop without the development Manager Turkina Olga Anatolyevna Director Egorova Anastasia Vladimirovna fax: 8 (8422) 32–29–61 Phone: (8422) 32–63–19 The title became an investment appeal .....................р.11 of society culture on the whole; anyway, the society itself is doomed to Phone: (8422) 44–53–36, fax: (8422) 44–55–76 degradation without culture. Neither politicians nor pure economists, PEOPLE'S CULTURE CENTER OF THE ULYANOVSK CITY BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURE OF but only cultural and highly educated people, real intellectuals with a ULYANOVSK REGION LOcaL HISTORY MUSEUM REGION Search SIMBIRSK — ULYANOVSK MUSEUM COmpLEX NamED AFTER GONCHAROV General director Safronova Elena Nikolayevna broad outlook can promote the development of the country. Those 24, 43, 43 а, Leo Tolstoy street, Ulyanovsk THE GREAT DEPENDANT 3/4, Novy Venets boulevard, Ulyanovsk, 432601 Reception phone: +7 (8422) 44–12–06 who can stand for their ideas, neglecting patterns, and despising lies Manager Zubkova Natalia Lvovna 14 Director Volodina Julia Konstantinovna What should come first, money or music? .................р. and servility for powers. Phone: (8422) 42–04–63 Phone: (8422) 44–30–64, phone/fax: (8422) STATE ARCHIVE OF THE ULYANOVSK REGION So it is not by chance that this magazine is being published in the 44–30–92 Reception phone: 45–49–31, fax: 45–49–32 BUSINESS AND CULTURAL LIFE OF SIMBIRSK Birthplace of talents Reading room № 1 days when educated mankind is celebrating the 200th anniversary of MUSEUM COmpLEX ULYANOVSK REGION ART MUSEUM 1a, Karaganov proyezd, Ulyanovsk, 432034 COLUMBUS OF THE RUSSIAN HISTORY the great Ulyanovsk countryman, writer Ivan Goncharov, who empha- 73, 75 а, Lenin street, Ulyanovsk 3/4, Novy Venets boulevard, Director Somova Ludmila Alexandrovna Why did Clio register in Simbirsk ..............................р.18 sized repeatedly his negative attitude towards serfdom, red tape, war, Director Zudilov Anatoly Nickolayevich Phone: (8422) 45–49–24 Manager Sadovnik Elena Viktorovna Phone: (8422) 41–26–77 lack of culture, lie, towards greed and the cult of profit. The one who e-mail: www.ulmus-art.ru considered that literature must make a man better, who put before us Phone: 44–30–80, fax: 44–30–70 STATE ARCHIVE OF CONTEmpORARY HISTORY Tourism EXHIBITION HALL IN POKROVSKAYA STREET the questions about the complicated relationship between culture and 16, Matrosov street, Ulyanovsk, 432063 CENTERS OF ATTRACTION LENIN MEMORIAL Director Mironov Vladimir Nikolayevich 63, Leo Tolstoy street, Ulyanovsk civilization. Today, when the times are changing, it is particularly im- 1, Lenin`s 100th anniversary square, Ulyanovsk, Phone/fax: (8422) 41–31–01, 41–27–03 Manager Turina Olga Alexandrovna To offer the joy of learning is profitable .................... р.21 portant. As it was stated by philosopher and publicist Mikhail Veller, 432011 Phone: (8422) 32–62–51 STATE HISTORY AND MEMORIAL RESERVE the crisis of culture has begun in the heads. And this crisis has touched Director Shabalin Eduard Sergeyevich Museum on the new Phone: (8422) 44–19–05, 44–24–29 MUSEUM LENIN`S BIRTHPLacE SIMBIRSK — ULYANOVSK FIRE PROTECTION everything. For the sake of the Golden Calf historical monuments were fax: (8422) 44–24–78 98, Lenin street, Ulyanovsk MUSEUM BACK IN USSR being destroyed, scientific projects were being terminated, libraries and Acting director Kotova Irina Gennadyevna 43, Lenin street, Ulyanovsk Project authors plan to make nostalgia museums were being deprived of funding and facilities… ULYANOVSK DRama THEATER NamED AFTER Phone: (8422) 32–55–13 Manager Telegina Irina Anatolyevna And not at the festivals but again, in the heads the culture must GONCHAROV Phone: (8422) 32–89–36 work for economy ...................................................... р.25 HISTORY AND ETHNOGRapHY COmpLEX TRADE begin to revive. Folk traditions, history, education, arts. Simple notions: 12, Sovetskaya street, Ulyanovsk, 432063 AND HANDICRAFT OF SIMBIRSK Director Nikonorova Natalia Alexandrovna you shall not lie, you shall not steal, you shall not make for yourself 76, Lenin street, Ulyanovsk SIMBIRSK — ULYANOVSK maIL MUSEUM Heritage Phone: (8422) 41–79–67, fax: (8422) 41–79–70 50, Lenin street, Ulyanovsk an idol. This is our mental environment which is much more important Manager Prokofieva Svetlana Mihailovna SANCTUARY WITHOUT TERRITORY Phone: (8422) 32–18–79 Manager Prokofieva Svetlana Mihailovna than the material one. That is because the man in his short life, besides ULYANOVSK REGION PHILHARMONIC Phone: (8422) 30–09–60 Why is the old city afraid of the new ........................ р.29 earning primitive material benefits, must understand what he is living 6, Lenin street, Ulyanovsk,432601 MUSEUM OF PEOPLE`S EDUcaTION IN SIMBIRSK for. And believe in it. Director Larina Lidia Gennadyevna REGION IN 70TH — 80TH YEARS OF THE 19TH CHILDREN MUSEUM CENTER Reception phone: (8422) 41–37–42, CENTURY 49, Leo Tolstoy street, Ulyanovsk CULTURE ORIENTATION From the basement. From the beginning. All together. fax: (8422) 41–39–97, box office phone: (8422) 6, 8, Engels street Manager Chikisheva Lubov Nikolayevna Map of the culture events .......................................... р.32 But the thing is there is lack of money for it. Everything is intercon- 41–83–16 Manager Krasnova Elena Leonidovna Phone: (8422) 42–05–00 nected. Economy is based on culture, and culture is based on economy. Phone: (8422) 42–00–72 At a time, in 2001, I wrote an article for newspaper Kultura, which in ULYANOVSK YOUNG SPECTATOR THEATER THE HEAD SECTORAL MUSEUM OF CIVIL russian means Culture; it was named “Awakening like Munchausen”, 1/11, Pushkina street, Ulyanovsk, 432063 SIMBIRSK CLASSIcaL GYMNASIUM MUSEUM AVIATION Director and stage manager Terehov Eduard, 18, Sovetskaya street Director Valkin Yuri Markovich about Ulyanovsk, that was called cultural capital of the Volga region, honored actor of Russia Content and layout by the “Publishing No. of copies printed — 2500. but was cut off the hot water supply because of the debts. There was Manager Makyeeva Irina Fedorovna Karamzin airport Syndicate” Project and Phone/fax: (8422) 32–50–68; 44–30–22 Phone: (8422) 44–30–19 Phone: (8422) 39-84-81 Printed by the “Aeroprint” Printing something common with the thesis of baron Munchausen from the ZAO “Kommersant–Volga”, House, Zavodskoye Shosse, 18, Samara. Ul. Novo-Sadovaya, 44, Samara. ULYANOVSK PUppET THEATER NamED AFTER Tel.: +7 (846) 932 02 43. famous film by Mark Zakharov and Grigory Gorin, “From time
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