
1 | m m IIP«i m. w. •».• T -i-v--. "i.'-"T'r->?'•.!••.'«j•»."i)IIJ'• j'ti"Fff»yffW'P':* i )''.•'•'-J;.-"-J".'*••i )^ Tf^^^PW^-^ry^^y^' ^:.^1,¾^^^^ Making sushi athorrie, IB LLi - r... ,,-. ,fe,.,.j.., ?;:^/^W.y^-;7V.v :,.-, ,v.--.-.v,rv r- -. Volume 25^tumber 57 Monday, January 1, 1990 Westland, Michigan \ TiMy Cents C IWSutxjrtun CoovnLMattoriCoqJomion, AD Rljbt* Rex.ry.4d. in money ii< »r^.l;^^'l)^ convicts D Promises not kept, renters say,2A , By Janice Brqnson staff writer " ^By Kevin Brown / staff writer Warris Farms, beset by financial problems, has become a dream gone '. Two Inmates who escaped Christ­ bad in Westland. mas Eve from a Plymouth.TownshJp The construction project, the city's • prison were arrested Friday In Vir­ ficst under new multimse land ordi­ ginia... nances, was forged amid high hopes ; After photos of Frank Schanault of and grand expectations In January •Westland and Bruce White of Ponti­ 1986. But by early 1987, the project KAI le were identified by Greyhound bus was in financial trouble. ; line officials, Wytheville, Va. police TodayT" Wards Farms — a^ pro­ ; were called In and circled a bus de- posed $38 million retail and residen­ 'pot the two men were waiting in, an tial development on Newburgh, .'FBI spokesman said. south of Joy —, is overseen by^ a ; . Just hours earlier, the two mer/re- court-appointed receiver who said WARRIS FARMS • : Jjeased unharmed a 21-year-ofd Dear­ some 20 lawsuits are pending born Heights woniau they abducted against the project. ; £?¥ftfiS-. APARTMENTS — Ghrlstmas,£ve after their" escape Two "recently completed apart-, '••"'•Mi frorrrthe Western "Wayne Correction­ ment buildings, three partially com­ al Facility, said Hal Helterhoff, FBI pleted buildings and-apseries of half- special agent. finished ponds are all that'stand on NOW LEASING : Schanault and White kidnapped the original 67-acre development. the woman from a State Fann office - ."Cosmetically, it's horrible. I'm on Telegraph Road in Dearborn ashamed. We wanted something Heights, "and forced her to drive beautiful foe Westland," said Eddie. v them out of the area," Helterhoff DeSantis of Clawson, pne.of seven fi­ said. nancial Investors in the project. ; "They released her unharmed," he DeSantis once owned 42 acres in the :<•>• said, in Bristol, Va. 2'The FBI had project. He has since lost the proper­ several leads In the area and went to ty. ' ~ QUYWARREN/staffphotOflraplw —the-bus-statlon and showed photo­ An eighth partner who contributed graphs," Helterhoff said. no funds, Pat Carnacchl of Troy, Warrls Farms, Westland's first multi-use development, is in and residential development on Newburgh south of Joy have receivership. Only two apartment buildings in the 67-acre retail been completed. - . .."'•. \ "We also located a relative who served as general contractor, ac-^ admitted he gave jh^ri'a change i)f cording to DeSantis. -~ -clothes,'and they had purchased (bus) 'itt';&uch..a visible community loca- any further /Construction," Simon, -units'being available for rent. Work partner who Invested in the project, ; "IT'S A CLASSIC example of how tf6n,"Wilh"emidsald, said. His duties Include maintaining , tickets to go from Bristol to Jack­ 1 continues on landscaping abutting 'predicts the property.will be sold sonville, Fla.," be continued. not to build something,' - siloTWest- Immediate solutions aren't likely, .the property and preventing further both buildings. and developed wKhln-slx months. land planning director George Wij- according to attorney John Simon, vBefore the two were captured, deterioration, securing the buildings While Simon refused comment on "We expect to get It resolved in helmi, adding that other, muld-uie. who has been appointed, by the . Schanault "went.for a,police offl- and considering of fere of purchase. the future of the remaining buildings the courts before too long, hopefully, .cer's gun," while White tried to flee, projects in the city hive beeni'suc- Wayne, <2ouhtyJ?ircjdt Court to act.-, ..;•; Slrrioir recently arranged.for th6: and acreage, he said,' "I don't cessfully completed. • within six months," he said. ,-. Helterhoff said, adding both were" as receiver. •:'''';,'-A '-^V -:-} -V> completion of two buildings at a cost perceive years to a resolution." • "It's unfortunate Warrls Farms Is caught and jailed in Wytheville. •, \^Risa project not presently under of $50,00(5, resulting in 4B apartment .George Willard of Westland, a Please4urn to Page 2 He said one Inmate had"a three- inch knlfe-and another had a small pistol when they were arrested. Before the two can be returned to Plymouth, the two will have to face for a hearing on, charges of resisting ar­ rest, Helterhoff sajd. Both men could also face charges of kidnapping, he -••' added; :, Both Inmates 'had vowed they ex would,'jiot be taken alive," the state police reported. The prisoners were discovered jnlsslng jit_10 a.m. Christmas/Eve, "within minutes" df the last check of / the prison yard the men were In, said / Western Wayne Correctional Facili­ By Janice Brunson ty Warden Luela Burke. ; ' staff writer ~ - Sehanaultj-Sa^as-sentenced in High-rise housing, to w- ' 'Isabella County to^2iko-50 years In '."• After more than two year? of ne­ rise housing, the prlsoh for armed robbe^vWhlte, 28, gotiations between city officials and wellness and -._was sentenced in OaklandCountjTtO" •a Southfjeld development group, Alzheimer's centers -:--4-to^6yearS for armed robbery and construction of. the proposed senior m ; ,{-to-40 years-for-first-degree drjml- citizens "campus" at Marquette and j*and other buildings ' nal sexual conduct Yelated to homo* Carlson should begin by mld-1990. wouldbespread J _se,xual assaults, the_state_poll« Purchase of 43 acrcs^t city- owned land by developers Arnold - a(ouridlhli4$acre$^ — On Wednesday, the FBI joined the Shapero and Dr; Allen Waldman will with private roads :investigation...... I .-".v ; /. be completed this month, outgoing between itiem.^ After the prisoners left the yard Mayor Charles Griffin said last — Investigators' said (hey weren't; week. • Shapero jnl,WaJldr&an head -sure how — tracks In the snow sug­ the Senior Citizen Development As­ "V :•••'/- ': y gested the men headed a short dis­ sociation of Southfteld. \. • f... and housing and shoppingvfor.sen* tance'southwest to the Metro West The^Westland Planning- Conimls-' industrial park. slon will co'nsldertbe project during: • "It!s believed they had a vehicle aregular meeting Feb. 6. "THEY TOtD me they're ready td wafting for them," Burke said. ' " :jr (^nilsAlojjers are expected tere- go," said WJlhelmi of meetings he - Tire tracks at the scene were not ivlew a special site plan ay required held with the pair late last month. "Indicative of anything ln>particu- ;'by city ordinance that permits mul­ Wllhelml also said the project has lar," Sanderson said? ~~ . tiple use on some 4S acres of land received wetlands approval from the „.: While prison officials have report­ ' north of Majquette, between Carlson Michigan.^ Department of Natural: ed, occasional walkaways ofprison­ Resources end state certification of; Brent Mason, 3, gets assistance from his ties wbbjajrimed the Woatland Sports Arena i and Wayne Road, according to plan- .. *•* ers on minimum security work de-: fhlng director George Wllhelml. the need for the Alzheimer's clinic, godmother, Ahrtette Snider of Garden City. to ice skate on several afternoons last week. Certification of needfor-tne nurs-: tails, this was the first escape from The two Werejimong-dpiens of^ce skaters i /T^e 1100 million project will tea- the prison's secure perimeter in four See photpitory on Page 3Av tUrSe one of nine Atzh'enn^s.bUsesse Ingh^eis pending.---^ years, Burke said. from Westland antf-surrounding communi­ •—-—-i . .. , ,,i. _ centers nationwide, a wellness cllnld -, Please turn to Page 2; what's inside in -run •Building scehe -. 1F r ~U 8y Tedd fichnetdsr ; Calendar. •.(". ,4A "a /student In good standing," but Building scene staff writer th^it he didn't kqc^her personally. Classifieds ' . , C.E.F Anybody with information about the ;.'.: AUtO ., J .., . C,P • Funeral services for Mullens' were . The hit-and-fun drlver'who killed hit-and-run accident should call the Saturday at Uht Funeral Home, v-€rnploymqnt . E,F affiffl a Wayne teenager Tuesday may Westland. <*. Index. ,V.. have been headedyfcome to Westland Wayne police, 721*1414 anytime. Mullens Is survived by her par­ •_• Real estate . Bs^m or Ltvonla/police said. ::1 ...an Informative guide to ents/Violet and Michael ^Wheeler / Creative living . 1E new homo^ condominium and Police were still looking for the and Dwlght Montgomery; « brother, Crossword. 3E commercial developments In driver late last week. Victor Wheeler; and grandparents "He wfl9 headed northbound on . Randall said Wednesday police MULLENS DIED, at Annapolis . Entertainment, . ,6D your commun!ty.;.plu$ Mildred Wheeler and Monel Mont­ Yenoy and based on the time of day. were interviewing people In tho arcs Hospital from multiple injuries gomery. Obituaries. .4A advertising to help keep you. Sports. .-...-, on top of tWBulldlng Sceno. I'd say it's a good possibility/' U. buthad only one substantial lead in about four hours after tho Incident, Randall said there might have ..:.'1C Dan Randall of tho Wayne police thocjse. Randallsald. * ~i«^- -Streetscene. , Appearing- Itioyery WondflxJ_j:^V been witnesses to the Incident who . .1D and Thursday edition. ~*—i—»»"traffi c bureau said Wednesday. "The best piece of Information we Contacted «U borne Wednesday, haven't come forward, Taste . 1B Killed in the Tuesday night inci­ have U that the car apparently had Wayne,Memorial High School princi­ • %Hi -: • The section of Venoy where the In­ NEW8LINE . .591-2300 dent was Rachel Mullet*, 17. • ooe of thc«e pU«Uc, personal ixed 11 pal Ronald Stratton said the victim cident occurred U a corrtmercUl -~<Btotrixi&%tmttk —Mo1tera^ftXhOyTirg^tr«y"of orass • pUtes." JUwirtt^Sard'.i"Werr-ww'"" , a^^ Junior attending-Masses-irt v 6PORT8tlNB^T7691-23l2 v «r with ^everarf ast-ToSTfestau-" ..MEWJfAWfle, - white compact car at 5:60 p.m.
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